Begin Again In Marvel

Chapter 178: Iron Man Before The Storm

POV Tony Stark

I took my seat at the Senate Hearing on my Iron Man suit. I was annoyed that they were trying to steal my tech but I knew this could happen so I was prepared. I had to stop and pay attention when the clown running this circus called for me.

Senator Stern: "Mr Stark, could we pick up now where we left off? Mr Stark. Please."

I act surprised and answer him.

Tony: "Yes dear?"

Senator Stern: "Can I have your attention?"

Tony: "Absolutely"

Senator Stern: "Do you or do you not possess a specialized weapon?"

Tony: "I do not."

Senator Stern: "You do not?"

Tony: "I do not. Well, it depends on how you define the word weapon."

Senator Stern: "The Iron Man weapon."

Tony: "My device does not fit that description."

Senator Stern: "Well… How would you describe it?"

I give a small smile and respond.

Tony: "I would describe it by defining it as what it is, Senator."

Senator Stern: "As?"

Tony: "It's a high-tech prosthesis. That is… That is… That's actually the most apt description I can make of it."

Senator Stern: "It's a weapon. It's a weapon, Mr Stark."

Tony: "Please, if your priority was actually the well-being of the American citizen…"

I am rudely interrupted.

Senator Stern: "My priority is to get the Iron Man weapon turned over to the people of the United States of America."

Tony: "Well, you can forget it. I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one. To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on what state you're in. You can't have it."

Senator Stern: "Look, I'm no expert…"

I interrupt him as well and make a joke while I am at it.

Tony: "In prostitution? Of course not. You're a senator. Come on."

Stern frowns a bit but then smiles after the laughter dies down.

Senator Stern: "I'm no expert in weapons. We have somebody here who is an expert on weapons. I'd now like to call Quest Aerospace CEO Jeremy Hancock."

Tony: "Let the record reflect that I observed Mr Hancock entering the chamber, and I am wondering if and when any actual expert will also be in attendance."

Jeremy: "Thank you, Senator Stern."

He gets up and I have to force myself to not roll my eyes.

Jeremy: "We all know why we are here. In the last 6 Months, Anthony Stark has created a sword with untold possibilities. And yet he insists it's a Shield. He asks us to trust him as we cower behind it. I wish I were comforted Anthony, I really do."

I try to keep a neutral face when he does his exaggerated movements.

Jeremy: "I'd love to keep my door unlocked when I leave the house. But this ain't Canada. You know, we live in a world of grave threats, threats that Mr Stark will not always be able to foresee. Thank you. God bless Iron Man. God bless America."

Senator Stern: "That is well said, Mr. Hancock. The committee would now like to invite Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to the chamber."

I was surprised that I didn't hear about this.

Tony: "Rhodey? What?"

I get up to greet him with an embrace and whisper to him.

Tony: "Hey, buddy. I didn't expect to see you here."

Rhodey: "Look, it's me, I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on."

Tony: "I just..."

Rhodey: "Drop it."

Tony: "All right, I'll drop it."

I went back to my seat and I couldn't help but worry if Rhodey is somehow in on this. I just dealt with more assassins so I was a bit wary of friends.

Senator Stern: "I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon, complied by Colonel Rhodes. And, Colonel, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph four?"

Rhodey: "You're requesting that I read specific selections from my report, Senator?"

Senator Stern: "Yes, sir."

Rhodey: "It was my understanding that I was going to be testifying in a much more comprehensive and detailed manner."

Senator Stern: "I understand. A lot of things have changed today. So if you could just read…"

Rhodey tries to interrupt but the Senator shoots him down.

Senator Stern: "Just read it, Colonel. Thank you."

Rhodey: "Very well. 'As he does not operate within any definable branch of government, Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation and to her interests.' I did, however, go on to summarise that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh these liabilities and that it would be in our interest…"

Before Rhodey can continue the Senator stops him.

Senator Stern: "That's enough Colonel!"

I was starting to wonder why the Senator was being so forceful.

Senator Stern: "I'd like to go on and show, if I may, the imagery that's connected to your report."

Rhodey: "I believe it is somewhat premature to reveal these images to the general public at this time."

Senator Stern: "With all due respect, Colonel, I understand. And if you could just narrate those for us, we'd be very grateful. Let's have the images."

The emphasis he made on Colonel was pretty clear he was putting his authority down.

Rhodey: "Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos are, in fact, attempts at making manned copies of Mr Stark's suit. This has been corroborated by our allies and local intelligence on the ground…"

As he started showing photos I started hacking into the TV to show what I had found on this as I had been keeping an eye on such developments.

Rhodey: "...indicating that these suits are quite possibly, at this moment, operational."

Tony: "Hold on a second buddy. Let me see something here."

I take over the TV and start playing the videos I collected.

Tony: "Boy, I'm good. I commandeered your screens. I need them. Time for a little transparency. Now, let's see what's really going on."

Senator Stern: "What is he doing?"

The Senator seems a bit nervous.

'Good, this should teach you a lesson.'

Tony: "If you will direct your attention to said screens, I believe that's China."

I show a video of a flailing robot that starts killing everyone when it falls over.

Senator Stern: "Can you turn that off? Take it off."

Jeremy Hancock gets up and tries to disable the TV.

Tony: "Iran."

Another video plays of a suit attempting to fly but just blows up as soon as they try.

Tony: "No grave threat here. Is that Jeremy Hancock? How did Hancock get in the game?"

It shows the suit of armor that was clearly based on the Exosuit made by OsCorp when it was still around.

Tony: "Jeremy, you're on TV. Focus up."

Video: "Okay, give me a left twist. Left's good. Turn to the right. Oh no!"

The suit goes ballistic and starts firing on everyone nearby. But before the video could go on the TV is unplugged.

Tony: "Wow. Yeah, I'd say most countries, five, ten years away. Quest Aerospace, twenty."

Jeremy looks a bit panicked and uses his microphone to respond.

Jeremy: "I'd like to point out that there were no fatalities in that test."

Senator Stern: "I think we're done is the point that he's making. I don't think there's any reason…"

Tony: "The point is, you're welcome, I guess."

Senator Stern: "For what?"

Tony: "Because I'm your nuclear deterrent. It's working. We're safe. America is secure. You want my property? You can't have it. But I did you a big favor."

I stand up and face the audience for my big statement.

Tony: "I've successfully privatized world peace."

I put my hands up and make peace signs.

Tony: "What more do you want? For now! I tried to play ball with these ass-clowns"

???: "Language!"

Senator Stern: "F#%@ you, Mr Stark. F#%@ you, buddy. We're adjourned. We're adjourned for today."

I get my stuff together and start walking out. I give Senator Stern a big smile and wave at him. He responds by flipping me the bird. I head home as soon as I can.

Tony: "JARVIS, call Rio."

JARVIS: "Yes sir, I shall contact him at once."


I was singing as I worked on projects.

Rio: "It's been a couple weeks, And I'm starting to shake. I can't believe I thought I was taking a break. No walls to hold me in. But I can't break out. Of all the stars around me, I'm losing count."

I moved on to another schematic and went into the chorus.

Rio: "So, this is what it's like, Stepping in..."

Codsworth: "Sir Rio you got a call coming from Tony Stark."

I paused the music.

Rio: "Thanks Codsworth. Put him through."

Tony: "Hey Rio, are you busy?"

Rio: "Not that much why?"

Tony: "I was wondering if we could meet tomorrow at my house. I need to have a chat."

Rio: "Sure I will arrive in the morning around 9 or 10."

Tony: "Thanks see you then."

The Next Day...

I arrive at Tony's Villa and do my usual trick of sneaking up on him.

Rio: "BOO!"

Tony: "AAHHHH! Stop sneaking up on me!"

Tony grabs a gun and turns to fire at me.

Rio: "It keeps you on your toes."

Tony: "One of these days I am going to shoot you."

Rio: "You can try~.

Tony: "Sigh. Let's just move on to what I called you here for. I hate beating around the bush so I will be straight with you. I need help."

Rio: "Really?"

Tony: "Yeah, just recently the Government came to take my tech. That in of itself isn't an issue. But it's clear that the government isn't going to give up. Combined with the recent assassination attempt on me and then the person I found poisoning me. I can't be everywhere at once. I am not enough."

Tony takes a glass of Scotch and downs it.

Tony: "The last attempt was close, too close. I have been trying to figure out who would take up the Iron Man mantle if I died. I was thinking Rhodey but recent events have forced him to pick a side and unfortunately, it wasn't mine. Even then Rhodey doesn't have the skills or knowledge to repair or upgrade the suit. Then I thought of who would manage Stark Industries. I chose Pepper for that but I am not sure how long she would survive without me. What I am getting at is I need your help protecting those I care about. I know you have magic and while I am a man of Science I don't know everything. I won't go find a mage because you warned me about them. So can you help me?"

Rio: "I'll be happy to help. You only had to ask."

Tony sags into a chair and he loudly sighs as if the world is better.

Tony: "Thanks; this means a lot to me. Is there any news I need to hear about?"

Rio: "A few things come to mind. The Alien Invasion will be happening in May the exact date is a bit questionable as the one leading the attack is known as the God of Lies and Mischief. The magic community is about to go to war."

Tony jumps up and goes wide-eyed.

Tony: "WHAT!?! May? That's less than a month away! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Rio: "Well I only learned about it a few days ago and I can't be certain that the info is true as the source my informant got it from is not the most trustworthy. You know the God of Lies and Mischief."

I emphasize Lies so he catches on quickly. It seems to calm him down a little bit.

Tony: "Still less than a month is very little time. I have so much to prepare. What powers does he have?"

Rio: "Loki has a few and do note that these are what I know of his powers but they could have changed since I last met him. I sent the full list to Jarvis but the biggest point is his use of Illusions. Oh, and the half of the mages are on his side. So hope you don't have to deal with that."

Tony: "Ugh. Any other bombshells you want to drop?"

Rio: "I will be sending some help to deal with the attack. They will deal with the invaders and prevent most from making landfall but those that make it past will be your responsibility. My friends will help as much as possible but they can't do it alone."

Tony: "Well that's good news. You Jedi can see the future right?"

Rio: "Je'daii and sometimes yes. Why?"

Tony: "Can you show me my future?"

I frown a bit.

Rio: "Time is a river, even the tiniest changes seen can lead to a cascade of effects downstream. If I show you the future it will likely be inaccurate by the time it happens."

Tony: "But you did it in Afghanistan."

Rio: "That was a unique situation. Following visions is very dangerous. There have been Force Wielders in the past that were so scared of visions that they committed atrocities or their actions led to the very thing they saw."

Tony: "I know it might be risky but please."

Rio: "Beware of Destinies, they are rarely what you expect. But I shall show you a possible future. If you become consumed by the vision I will remove the memories of the vision. Do you understand and accept the risks?"

Tony thinks for a second then gives me a serious face and nods. I shake my head and send him into a vision of a possible future. He falls into a chair and while he is dealing with the vision I get up and make some tea.

'Darn Iroh got me drinking this stuff so often. I wonder how he is doing these days?'

After I finish making tea I sit down across from Tony and read a book while I wait. After a few more minutes he wakes up in a start. He looks around in a panic and I send him calm emotions to settle him down.

Tony: "That was awful."

Rio: "I warned you. Now do you want to remember what you saw or forget it?"

Tony: "I will keep the memories."

Rio: "Just know what you saw was if I didn't get involved. Since I am getting involved it will be different in a few ways. It was just a possible outcome. It isn't set in stone."

Tony takes a few deep breaths and then seems to calm down.

Tony: "I know. I will keep it in mind. Now I have a lot of work to do if I want my suit to be ready by May. I don't suppose I could buy materials from you?"

Rio: "Sure. Just send me the needed materials, and I will have someone deliver them. Oh, and since you mentioned poisoning, I suggest you use Shadow Enterprises. I know the CEO, and her products are high-quality and safe."

Tony: "Thank you. I really appreciate all the help you have given me. I will repay you someday."

Rio: "No need. What are friends for if not to help each other out when we need it."

Tony gives me a genuine smile. We say our goodbyes and I head home.


Authors Note:

The next chapters will be the Chitauri Invasion and The Siege Of The Hong Kong Sanctum. I will likely do the Loki/Chitauri side first then show the Magic side of things separately. Until next time Ciao.

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