Being Vegito after defusion

Chapter 2: Existing

The warm glow of sunset bathes the Lookout in golden light as I materialize there, carrying the unconscious forms of Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, Trunks, and the good Majin Buu. Mr. Popo rushes forward, his normally impassive face showing rare alarm.

"Who-" he begins, then stops abruptly, studying my features with growing astonishment. "You Ki appears to be both Goku and Vegeta, yet neither. How is this possible?"

I carefully lay the unconscious fighters on the tiled floor of the Lookout. "A fusion using the Supreme Kai's earrings," I explain, gesturing to the Potara dangling from my ear.

"We had no choice when facing Majin Buu."

Mr. Popo's eyes widen further as he processes this information. "And Majin Buu?"

"Eliminated," I reply simply, keeping my explanation deliberately vague. "I managed to extract everyone he had absorbed before destroying him completely."

As Mr. Popo begins tending to the rescued fighters, I step away to the edge of the Lookout, gazing out at the Earth below.

The memories of three distinct lives swirl within my mind - Goku's innocence and battle instinct, Vegeta's pride and tactical brilliance, and my own knowledge from another world entirely.

It's a strange sensation, like viewing the same scene from three different angles simultaneously.

Behind me, I hear stirring as Gohan begins to regain consciousness. He sits up groggily, blinking in confusion before his eyes lock onto me.

His expression shifts from disorientation to utter shock.

"Dad?" he questions hesitantly, then shakes his head. "No... Vegeta? But that's not right either."

I turn and approach him, kneeling to meet his gaze. "Both, actually. Your father and Vegeta used the Supreme Kai's earrings to fuse and defeat Majin Buu."

Gohan stares at me, struggling to comprehend. "Fused? Permanently?"

"According to the Supreme Kai, yes," I answer, crossing my arms in a gesture that feels natural to this body. "The Potara fusion was meant to be our final option."

"This is... incredible," Gohan murmurs, studying my features more carefully. "You have aspects of both of them, but you're clearly someone new entirely."

One by one, the others begin to wake. Piccolo's eyes snap open, immediately narrowing as they focus on me. He sits up abruptly, his analytical mind quickly processing what he sees.

"A fusion," he states rather than asks. "I've never sensed power like this before."

Goten and Trunks awaken almost simultaneously, their young faces transforming from confusion to wide-eyed wonder as they take in my appearance.

"Whoa!" Trunks exclaims, jumping to his feet. "You're like... my dad and Goten's dad smooshed together!"

"Are you still my daddy?" Goten asks, his innocent question cutting straight to the heart of a complex existential matter.

Before I can formulate a response, Piccolo interjects. "We need to inform the others that Majin Buu has been defeated. Dende and Mr. Satan are still on Earth, and everyone else is at Capsule Corporation awaiting news."

"Agreed," I reply. "Once everyone is gathered, we can explain the situation and determine our next steps."

The journey to Capsule Corporation is brief, given my extraordinary speed. We arrive to find Bulma, Chi-Chi, Videl, and the others in the middle of an anxious discussion. Dende and Mr. Satan are there as well, having been transported to safety earlier.

It seems in this world Buu didn't kill them. Another difference. I need to keep this in mind for the future.

Our arrival causes an immediate sensation. Everyone falls silent, staring at me with expressions ranging from confusion to disbelief.

"Goku?" Chi-Chi steps forward uncertainly, then hesitates. "No... you're not Goku."

"What happened to my husband?" Bulma demands, her scientific mind already analyzing my appearance. "What happened to Vegeta?"

Piccolo steps forward. "This warrior before you is both Goku and Vegeta, fused together using the Supreme Kai's Potara earrings to defeat Majin Buu."

A collective gasp ripples through the group. Chi-Chi sways slightly, steadied by Videl, while Bulma approaches me with narrowed, analytical eyes.

"Both of them? In one body?" she asks, circling me with scientific curiosity. "Fascinating. The biological implications alone are staggering."

"Is my daddy gone?" Goten asks again, his small voice cutting through the commotion.

I kneel down to his level. "Your father and Vegeta are both here," I explain carefully. "Their bodies, minds, and powers have combined to create... someone new." I deliberately avoid claiming their identities as my own, aware of the complex nature of my transmigrated consciousness.

"Well, you need a name," Bulma declares decisively. "We can't just call you 'fusion' or 'the combination of our husbands.'"

Dende, who has been quietly observing, speaks up. "In the legends of the Kais, when two beings join with the Potara, they create a new entity entirely. Perhaps a name that honors both warriors would be appropriate."

"Vegeta and Kakarot," Bulma muses, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Ve-ka-rot? No, that sounds terrible."

"What about Gogeta?" Chi-Chi suggests.

I almost react to this, knowing that Gogeta is the name of the fusion dance result in the original timeline, but manage to keep my expression neutral.

"Vegito," Mr. Satan blurts out unexpectedly. Everyone turns to stare at him, and he shrugs uncomfortably. "What? It sounds cool. Like Vegeta and Kakarot combined."

"Vegito," I repeat, testing the name. It feels right, despite coming from an unexpected source. "That will suffice."

"So... Vegito," Bulma says, focusing on practical matters. "Is this fusion permanent? Will we ever see Goku and Vegeta individually again?"

All eyes turn to me expectantly. I cross my arms, considering my response carefully.

"According to the Supreme Kai, the Potara fusion is permanent," I answer truthfully. "But there may be a way to separate if necessary.

The Dragon Balls could potentially grant such a wish."

"Then we need to gather them immediately," Chi-Chi insists, her voice cracking slightly. "No offense to... Vegito... but I want my husband back."

"And I want mine," Bulma adds firmly.

I nod, understanding their perspective. "The Dragon Balls are our best option."

By the following afternoon, with the help of Bulma's radar and my incredible speed, we've gathered all seven Dragon Balls.

They now lie arranged on the lawn of Capsule Corporation, glowing with ancient power.

Everyone has gathered for this moment - the Z Fighters, their families, even Mr. Satan and the good Buu, who has finally awakened.

The anticipation is palpable as I step forward to summon the dragon.

"Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you forth: Shenron!"

The sky darkens instantly, clouds swirling ominously overhead. Lightning flashes as the Dragon Balls pulse with golden light.

A massive beam erupts skyward, twisting and coiling until it forms the immense serpentine body of Shenron, the Eternal Dragon.

"I AM THE ETERNAL DRAGON SHENRON," his voice booms across the landscape. "SPEAK YOUR WISH, AND I SHALL GRANT IT."

I step forward, my decision already made. This is my chance - not to undo the fusion, but to create something unprecedented.

The knowledge from my previous life gives me insight no one else here possesses.

I understand that I am neither Goku nor Vegeta, but something else entirely—a new being with a transmigrated soul.

"Shenron," I announce clearly, "I wish for the souls and consciousnesses of Goku and Vegeta to be separated from me and restored to their original bodies,

while allowing me to continue existing as Vegito with my own distinct body and consciousness."

A murmur of shock ripples through the gathered crowd. This was not the wish they had expected.

Shenron's eyes glow brighter as he processes this unusual request. "THIS IS A COMPLEX WISH THAT TESTS THE BOUNDARIES OF MY POWER," the dragon rumbles. "BUT IT IS WITHIN MY CAPABILITIES. YOUR WISH SHALL BE GRANTED."

A brilliant light engulfs my body. I feel a strange sensation - not of splitting apart, but of something being gently extracted from within me.

Two orbs of light emerge from my chest, hovering before me for a moment before expanding and taking shape.

The light intensifies, forcing everyone to shield their eyes. When it fades, three figures stand where there was once one:

myself, still in the form of Vegito, and beside me, Goku and Vegeta, restored to their individual forms.

Goku blinks in confusion, patting his body as if to confirm its reality. "Whoa! I'm... me again?"

Vegeta looks equally bewildered, examining his hands before turning his sharp gaze toward me. "What is the meaning of this? How can you still exist if we've been separated?"

Chi-Chi and Bulma rush forward, embracing their respective husbands with tears of joy, while the others stare at me with renewed confusion.


I consider carefully before speaking. "Restore the Earth and its people to the state they were in before Majin Buu's rampage, with the exception of the memories of those gathered here."

"THIS WISH IS GRANTED," Shenron declares. "FAREWELL."

The dragon dissolves into light, and the Dragon Balls rise into the air before scattering across the globe, turning to stone for the next year.

As the sky clears, all attention turns to me—the unexpected third party in what should have been a simple restoration of two individuals.

"How is this possible?" Piccolo demands, voicing the question on everyone's mind. "A fusion cannot exist independently of its components."

I meet his gaze steadily. "The Dragon's power has made the impossible possible. I am Vegito - not simply a combination of Goku and Vegeta, but my own being."

"But why?" Bulma asks, still holding onto Vegeta's arm. "Why would you wish to continue existing separately?"

I consider my response carefully. I cannot reveal my transmigrated nature or my knowledge of future events, but I need to provide a plausible explanation.

"When the fusion occurred, something unexpected happened," I explain. "A new consciousness emerged - one that is more than just the sum of its parts.

I have memories and perspectives that belong to neither Goku nor Vegeta alone. I am... something different."

Goku approaches me, his expression curious rather than hostile. "So you're like... a brand new person? With our powers?"

I nod. "Essentially, yes."

"Hmph," Vegeta scoffs, though his expression shows more confusion than anger. "And what do you intend to do with this stolen power?"

"Not stolen," I correct him firmly. "Created. And I intend to use it to protect this world and this universe, just as you both would."

The gathering dissolves into excited discussions and debates about this unprecedented development.

Families reunite with their restored loved ones, while curious glances continue to be cast in my direction.

Piccolo approaches me as the others celebrate. "You're hiding something," he states bluntly. "This wasn't a spontaneous decision."

"Of course it wasn't." I state bluntly. "I am my own being Piccolo, I have my own thoughts, emotions, memories, what did you all think? That I would simply accept the cessation of my existence?"

Piccolo's eyes narrow, but I detect a glimmer of understanding in them. "Most beings fight for their survival," he acknowledges. "I suppose a fusion consciousness would be no different."

"Exactly." I cross my arms, adopting a stance that feels natural to this body - neither purely Goku's relaxed posture nor Vegeta's rigid formality, but something uniquely mine.

"I may have their memories, but I am neither of them."

I don't speak of the horrible memories of the genocide of entire civilizations I saw from my own - from Vegeta's perspective.

I have no desire to judge him, especially since I understand being him - for he judges himself for it enough for the two of us.

Across the lawn, I observe Goku being smothered by Chi-Chi's embrace while Gohan and Goten crowd around him.

Bulma maintains a more composed demeanor with Vegeta, though her relief is evident in the way she keeps her hand firmly on his arm, as if afraid he might vanish again.

Trunks bounces excitedly around his father, peppering him with questions about the fusion experience.

"So what now?" Piccolo asks. "Where does Vegito fit in this world?"

It's a profound question - one I've been contemplating since I first realized my transmigrated nature. In this body, with this power, what is my purpose?

Besides of course living my life and trying to eventually find a way to my original family.

"I'll find my place," I reply. "The universe is vast, and threats to it are constant. Having another defender can only be beneficial."

Piccolo grunts noncommittally. "You possess power beyond anything this world has seen. That kind of strength comes with responsibility."

"I'm well aware," I assure him.

Our conversation is interrupted as Goku approaches, having temporarily extracted himself from his family's embraces.

His expression is open, curious - so quintessentially Goku that it's almost jarring to see it on a face other than the one I now wear.

"Hey," he says with characteristic simplicity. "This is pretty weird, huh? I've got all these memories of being you, but I'm also me."

I nod - though I note that he doesn't have any of being truly me - the transmigrator. I don't know how I know, but I just instinctively know that to be the case.

"The separation has created an unusual situation for all of us."

"So what are you gonna do now?" he asks, echoing Piccolo's question. "You're welcome to stay with us if you want. I mean, you're kinda family, right?"

The offer is genuine, so typically Goku in its guileless generosity that it momentarily catches me off guard. Before I can respond, Vegeta approaches, his arms crossed defensively.

"Don't be ridiculous, Kakarot," he scoffs. "He's not a lost puppy you can take home."

Despite his harsh tone, I detect something else in Vegeta's demeanor - not quite concern, but a wary curiosity. He studies me intently, perhaps searching for reflections of himself in my features.

"What do you remember?" Vegeta demands abruptly. "Of being... us?"

"Everything," I reply honestly. "Your childhood on Planet Vegeta. Your time under Frieza. Your arrival on Earth." I turn to Goku.

"Your life with Grandpa Gohan. Meeting Bulma. Every battle, every triumph, every loss."

"But you're not us," Vegeta states, more to himself than to me.

"No," I confirm. "I have your memories, but I process them differently. I am... a third perspective."

Bulma joins us, her scientific curiosity evidently overcoming any initial discomfort. "This is absolutely fascinating from a metaphysical standpoint," she says, studying me with analytical interest.

"You're essentially a new species of consciousness - not human and perhaps not even Saiyan either, but something unprecedented."

"Where will you live?" Chi-Chi interjects, having approached with Gohan.

Her tone is polite but reserved - understandably wary of this strange being who wears aspects of her husband's face.

It's a practical question I hadn't fully considered. I have no home, no established place in this world. I am, in every sense, a new entity.

"I haven't decided," I admit. "For now, I think it would be best if I spent some time alone, adjusting to this existence."

"You could stay at Capsule Corp," Bulma offers unexpectedly.

"We have plenty of space, and it would give me a chance to run some tests - purely non-invasive, of course," she adds hastily at Vegeta's sharp glance.

I consider the offer. Capsule Corporation would provide resources and technology that might be useful as I plan for the future.

Moreover, it would keep me connected to the Z Fighters while still allowing me space to establish my own identity.

"Thank you," I reply with a nod. "I accept, at least temporarily."

As night falls, the gathering gradually disperses. Families return to their homes, processing the day's extraordinary events.

The good Buu departs with Mr. Satan, an unlikely pair bonded by shared experiences.

Piccolo returns to the Lookout, though his parting glance suggests our conversations are far from over.

I find myself standing on one of Capsule Corp's many balconies, gazing at the star-filled sky. The world below has been restored, its people blissfully unaware of how close they came to annihilation.

Only those gathered here today remember the terror of Majin Buu - and only I know what other threats lurk on the horizon.

"Can't sleep?"

I turn to find Bulma standing in the doorway, a cup of tea in her hands having changed into casual clothes.

"I don't think I need as much sleep as a normal person," I reply. "Another benefit of this fused physiology, perhaps."

She joins me at the railing, following my gaze to the stars. "It must be strange," she muses, "having all those memories but being neither of them."

"It is... unique," I acknowledge.

"Vegeta is confused," she says after a moment. "He won't admit it, of course, but having part of himself walking around independently has shaken him more than he shows."

"And Goku?"

Bulma smiles slightly. "Goku adapts to the impossible as easily as breathing. He's already asking when you'll train with him."

That sounds like Goku - always seeking the next challenge, the next opportunity to test his limits.

It's a quality I've inherited to some degree, though tempered by Vegeta's strategic caution and my own transmigrated perspective.

"Tomorrow, perhaps," I say. "It would be interesting to test this body's capabilities against its components."

Bulma studies me thoughtfully. "You know, you speak differently than either of them. More... measured. Analytical."

I maintain a neutral expression, careful not to reveal too much. "I am my own person after all. Two different sets of memories of two different life times creates a new perspective."

She nods, though her eyes suggest she's filing this observation away for future consideration. "Well, get some rest if you can. Tomorrow will be a busy day - everyone will want to understand exactly what you are and what you can do."

After she leaves, I remain on the balcony, contemplating my unique position. With my knowledge of future events - Beerus's arrival, the resurrection of Frieza, the Tournament of Power - I have the opportunity to prepare this world far better than in the original timeline.

But the question is, how much is different? Currently from Goku and Vegeta's memories and from what I can remember of the show, everything is the same.

But I am now here, this world isn't the original. I can't take my knowledge from my past life as fact - but merely as knowledge that gives a cautionary perspective.

I shake my head, attempting to shake these thoughts away.

For now, I have time to plan, to train, to establish myself as my own person in this world.

And when Daima situation happens - if it does - or the God of Destruction eventually awakens from his slumber -

if he does, this can be GT - seeking the prophesied Super Saiyan God, he'll find not just Goku and Vegeta waiting for him - but Vegito as well.

The universe has no idea what's coming. But I do. And I'll be ready.

For I want to live.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the second chapter!

Do tell me how you found it.

I am interested in your thoughts and I hope to see you all later,


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