Being Vegito after defusion

Chapter 20: Meeting

The landing pad at Capsule Corporation hummed with activity as Vegito's ship made its final approach.

A small gathering had assembled to welcome the returning travelers - Bulma and Vegeta stood at the forefront, with Goku and Chi-Chi nearby.

Gohan and Videl waited a respectful distance behind them, all eager to reunite with Vegito and the boys after their month-long journey.

Deliberately positioned toward the back of the welcoming committee stood Chima, her posture composed yet alert.

She had chosen her outfit with careful consideration - a modernized qipao in deep sapphire blue with subtle gold accents, elegant yet practical.

Her black-blue hair was styled in soft waves that framed her face, neither too formal nor too casual.

"Do you think he'll recognize what I am immediately?" she asked Chi-Chi quietly, a rare moment of uncertainty in her otherwise confident demeanor.

"With his perception? Almost certainly," Chi-Chi replied. "Though we didn't tell him about you during our communications, he's remarkably observant."

Chima nodded, squaring her shoulders. "Well then, this should be an interesting first meeting. Nothing like a surprise fusion to liven up a homecoming!"

The ship's engines powered down as it settled onto the landing pad with precision. For a moment, nothing happened.

Then the main hatch opened with a hydraulic hiss, and a ramp extended to the ground.

Goten and Trunks burst out first, racing down the ramp with boundless energy.

"Mom! Dad! We found another Saiyan!" Goten shouted excitedly, rushing toward his parents.

"Two of them!" Trunks added, close behind his friend. "And one of them is super strong!"

Chi-Chi and Bulma moved forward to embrace their sons, momentarily distracted from the other emerging passengers.

Vegito appeared next in the hatchway, his imposing height and powerful build silhouetted against the ship's interior lighting.

He wore specialized armor that now bore signs of recent combat, his tail wrapped securely around his waist.

As he descended the ramp, his gaze swept across the assembled group in greeting - and then stopped abruptly when it reached Chima.

His eyes widened, recognition immediate and unmistakable.

Even without being told, the nature of her existence was clear to him - her ki signature carried echoes of both Bulma and Chi-Chi, yet was distinctly its own pattern.

Her features, too, displayed the unmistakable blend of both women.

Chima felt an unexpected flutter in her chest as their eyes met.

She had memories of Vegito from both Bulma and Chi-Chi's perspectives, but experiencing his presence firsthand was entirely different.

The sheer physical charisma he projected was undeniable - tall and powerfully built, with sharp, handsome features that combined Goku's warmth with Vegeta's regal bearing.

For a moment, time seemed to pause as they regarded each other - two beings of unique existence recognizing their shared nature as exceptions within the universe.

Behind Vegito emerged two unfamiliar figures - one massive and muscular with wild black hair, the other older and weathered with a gray beard.

The newcomers hesitated at the top of the ramp, clearly wary of the assembled Earthlings.

"Vegito!" Goku called out, breaking the momentary silence. "Welcome back!"

Vegito tore his gaze from Chima, composing his features into their usual confident expression. "Thank you. It's good to be back." He gestured to the two figures behind him.

"I've brought guests - Broly and Paragus, survivors from Planet Vegeta."

"Who are they?" Vegeta demanded immediately, his posture tensing at the sight of unknown Saiyans.

"Survivors from Planet Vegeta," Vegito repeated calmly. "Stranded on a desolate world called Vampa for over thirty years. I'll explain everything, but first-" His gaze returned to Chima with unmistakable interest.

Bulma stepped forward, still keeping one arm around Trunks. "Vegito, I see you've noticed our newest addition. This is Chima."

Chima approached with graceful confidence, extending her hand in greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vegito," she said, her unique voice blending warmth and confidence.

"A Potara fusion of Bulma and Chi-Chi," Vegito stated rather than asked, taking her offered hand. The contact sent an unexpected electric feeling through both of them.

"Created and separated through the same method as myself."

"Precisely!" Chima confirmed with a bright smile, impressed but not surprised by his immediate understanding. "We're quite the cosmic parallels, aren't we?"

Vegito held her gaze, a complex mixture of emotions flickering behind his eyes. "Indeed we are," he agreed, releasing her hand with what seemed like reluctance.

"Imagine being born with two lifetimes of memories already installed," Chima added with a light laugh. "It makes for an interesting first week of existence."

Despite himself, Vegito smiled at her humor. "I can relate to that particular experience."

Their exchange was interrupted by Goten tugging insistently at Vegito's arm. "Vegito! Aren't you going to introduce Broly? He's really strong, and he learned to play all our games on the ship!"

Vegito turned, his attention drawn back to the more pressing matter of the Saiyan newcomers. "Yes, of course."

He gestured for the two Saiyans to approach. "Everyone, this is Broly and his father, Paragus. They've been stranded on planet Vampa for decades."

The larger Saiyan, Broly, moved forward with surprising grace for his size, though his expression remained cautious as he surveyed the unfamiliar faces.

Paragus followed closely, his features set in a mask of careful neutrality that didn't quite hide the calculating assessment in his eyes.

"Another Saiyan?" Vegeta stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Broly with immediate suspicion. "How did you survive the destruction of Planet Vegeta?"

"They were already on Vampa when it happened," Vegito explained, positioning himself subtly between Vegeta and the newcomers.

"Exiled there years before Frieza's attack."

"Exiled?" Vegeta's eyes narrowed. "By whom?"

A tense silence fell as Paragus stared at Vegeta with sudden intensity. "By your father, Prince Vegeta," he said, his voice tight with barely controlled emotion.

"King Vegeta sentenced my infant son to die on that desolate rock because he feared Broly's potential would overshadow yours."

Vegeta's expression darkened. "My father is long dead, as is Planet Vegeta. Whatever grievance you hold-"

"Is in the past," Vegito interrupted firmly. "We've already discussed this, Paragus. Your quarrel was with the king, not his son. Vegeta bears no responsibility for your exile."

Paragus's jaw tightened, but he gave a curt nod. "As you say. Ancient history now."

The tension in the air remained palpable until Goten and Trunks, with their characteristic ability to defuse adult situations, rushed over to Broly.

"Show them how you can catch the energy ball!" Goten urged excitedly. "Broly learned to play with ki while we were on the ship," he explained to the others. "He's really good at it!"

Broly looked to Vegito for guidance, who nodded encouragingly. "Go ahead, Broly. Show them what you've learned."

With surprising gentleness for someone of his size, Broly created a small sphere of energy and began manipulating it between his hands, demonstrating the control he'd developed during the journey.

The simple display seemed to ease some of the tension, creating a momentary distraction from the underlying historical conflict.

As attention shifted to Broly's demonstration, Chima found herself once again standing near Vegito.

"Well," she said quietly, "this is certainly an eventful homecoming. New Saiyans with historical grudges and a surprise fusion all in one day."

Vegito glanced at her, something like appreciation flickering in his eyes. "It seems we both have stories to share."

"Indeed," Chima agreed. "Though perhaps after the more pressing matters of settling your guests are addressed. I imagine they'll need time to adjust to Earth."

"Broly will," Vegito confirmed. "He's never known anything but Vampa. Everything here is new to him." He watched as the large Saiyan continued his careful ki manipulation, the boys offering enthusiastic encouragement.

"He has remarkable potential, but his development has been severely stunted by isolation and his father's... methods."

Chima followed his gaze, her expression thoughtful. "Hence bringing them to Earth - to give him a chance at a more balanced existence."

"Exactly," Vegito nodded, impressed by her quick understanding.

As the initial introductions concluded, the group began moving toward the main compound.

Bulma took charge with her characteristic efficiency, organizing accommodations and explaining basic Earth customs to the bewildered newcomers.

"We've prepared rooms in the east wing," she told Paragus. "You'll each have your own quarters but near enough to maintain contact."

Chima noticed the subtle strategy in this arrangement - providing Broly with his own space while gradually reducing his father's controlling influence.

She glanced at Vegito, who was watching the proceedings with careful attention, and recognized the same awareness in his expression.

It seems Bulma was perceptive enough to understand Vegito's wordless intentions.

Throughout the practical arrangements that followed, Vegito found his attention repeatedly drawn to Chima.

There was something immediately compelling about her - not just her obvious physical beauty, which combined the best features of both Bulma and Chi-Chi, but the unique energy she projected.

She carried herself with a confident grace that seemed both familiar and entirely new.

Chima, for her part, was conducting her own assessment. Through Bulma and Chi-Chi's memories, she had expected Vegito to be impressive.

The reality, however, exceeded those expectations. It wasn't merely his physical presence, though that was certainly attractive.

There was a centered quality to him, one that resonated with her on a level she hadn't expected.

As the day progressed and the initial excitement of the arrivals settled into more practical matters, Vegito found himself drawn into a private conversation with Goku and Vegeta.

They retreated to a quiet corner of the compound's garden, away from the others.

"So," Goku began with his characteristic directness, "what do you think of Chima?"

Vegito crossed his arms, his expression carefully neutral. "She seems... intelligent. Self-possessed."

"That's all?" Goku pressed, his innocent tone belied by the knowing look in his eyes.

"What else would there be to say?" Vegito replied evenly. "I've barely met her."

Vegeta scoffed. "Don't play the fool. It doesn't suit you. We all saw how you looked at her."

Vegito's jaw tightened. "I was surprised by her existence. Nothing more."

"Sure, sure," Goku nodded, not believing him for a second. "Just surprised. That's why you couldn't stop glancing at her all through lunch."

"I was being polite," Vegito insisted. "She's a new acquaintance. It would be rude not to acknowledge her presence."

"If that's what you need to tell yourself," Vegeta remarked with a knowing smirk.

Vegito shot him a warning look. "Weren't we supposed to be discussing Broly's integration and training? That seems more relevant than your misguided attempts at... whatever this is."

Goku laughed good-naturedly. "Alright, alright. We'll drop it. For now."

The conversation shifted to Broly and the potential challenges of helping him adapt to life on Earth, but Vegito remained distracted.

He couldn't deny, at least to himself, that he found Chima compelling in a way that went beyond mere curiosity about another fusion.

There was an immediate, instinctive recognition - not just of their shared unusual origins, but of something more fundamental.

A resonance that he hadn't expected and wasn't entirely comfortable acknowledging.

Meanwhile, across the compound, Chima found herself engaged in a similar conversation with Bulma and Chi-Chi.

"Well?" Bulma asked eagerly once they were alone. "What do you think of him?"

Chima raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking as scientific researchers monitoring your experiment, or as curious matchmakers?"

Chi-Chi had the grace to look slightly embarrassed, but Bulma was undeterred. "Both, obviously. Initial observations are crucial data points."

"In that case," Chima replied with deliberate precision, "I find him physically attractive, intellectually intriguing, and situationally relatable.

His presence projects both power and control, and his handling of Broly and Paragus suggests both tactical intelligence and emotional awareness."

She smoothed an imaginary wrinkle from her qipao. "However, whether those qualities translate to personal compatibility remains to be determined through further interaction. Preliminary data is insufficient for meaningful conclusions."

Bulma and Chi-Chi exchanged glances.

"That sounded very scientific," Chi-Chi observed. "But what about your feelings?"

Chima's composed expression softened slightly. "I'm still discovering what my feelings are, independent of your memories and hopes.

I need time to distinguish my own reactions from what either of you might have felt or wanted."

She looked out the window, where she could see Vegito in conversation with Goku and Vegeta in the garden. Even at a distance, his commanding presence was unmistakable.

"There is... something," she admitted quietly. "A connection I didn't expect.

But whether that's genuine compatibility or simply the natural resonance between two beings of similar unusual origin remains to be seen."

"That's fair," Bulma acknowledged. "We didn't create you to rush into anything."

"Though we do hope you'll give him a chance to know you," Chi-Chi added. "He keeps himself so isolated from everyone."

"I have no intention of avoiding him," Chima assured them. "Quite the contrary. I find him fascinating from both scientific and personal perspectives.

But whatever develops between us will be authentic, not predetermined by your hopes or expectations."

As evening approached, Capsule Corporation settled into a new rhythm that accommodated its additional residents.

Broly had been given quarters near the boys, who had immediately appointed themselves his guides to Earth culture.

Paragus had been assigned a separate apartment, a diplomatic arrangement that acknowledged the need to gradually reduce his controlling influence over his son.

Vegito, having delivered his mission report to Bulma and briefed Vegeta on the potential concerns regarding Paragus, found himself drawn to the compound's rooftop garden.

The space offered both privacy and an expansive view of the sunset over West City - a moment of tranquility after the day's complexities.

He was surprised to find the garden already occupied. Chima stood near the edge, her silhouette elegant against the golden sky as she observed the sunset.

She turned at his approach, a smile warming her features.

"Great minds think alike, it seems," she remarked. "This is the best vantage point for watching the sunset over the city."

"I can leave if you prefer solitude," Vegito offered, though he found himself hoping she would decline.

"Not at all," Chima replied, gesturing to the space beside her. "I'd welcome the company. Besides, I imagine we both have questions for each other."

Vegito moved to stand beside her, maintaining a respectful distance while close enough for comfortable conversation.

For a moment, they simply watched the sun's descent in silence.

"It's strange," Chima said finally. "I have memories of countless sunsets seen through both Bulma and Chi-Chi's eyes, yet this is only the fifth one I've witnessed personally."

"I understand that paradox," Vegito nodded. "Having memories of experiences that aren't truly yours."

"It creates an unusual perspective," Chima agreed. "A kind of double vision - seeing the world both as a newcomer and as someone with decades of memories."

Vegito studied her profile, illuminated by the golden light of sunset. "May I ask you something directly?"

"Of course," Chima turned to face him fully. "I prefer directness to polite evasion."

"How do you feel about the circumstances of your creation?" Vegito asked, his tone thoughtful. "Knowing you were created with a specific hope in mind."

Chima considered the question carefully. "I understand why they did it. Their intentions were well-meaning, if perhaps a bit presumptuous." She smiled slightly.

"Through the Potara fusion, I immediately knew their reasoning - their hope that we might connect due to our similar experiences."

She leaned against the garden railing, her posture relaxed yet dignified. "But they also gave me complete freedom to determine my own path.

The wish they made with Porunga ensured I would exist independently, with my own choices to make."

"And that doesn't bother you?" Vegito pressed. "The implicit expectations?"

"Does it bother you?" Chima countered gently. "Goku and Vegeta fused to defeat Majin Buu, after all. You were created with a very specific purpose."

Vegito fell silent, struck by the parallel he hadn't fully considered.

"Besides," Chima continued, "having a purpose suggested for you isn't the same as being bound to it.

I value the gift of existence far more than I resent any implied expectations that came with it."

She turned back to the sunset, now painting the sky in deepening shades of crimson and purple. "We're both unprecedented beings, Vegito. Neither of us has a template to follow. We get to define ourselves beyond our origins."

Something in her words resonated deeply with him. Since his coming into this world, he had been struggling to establish an identity independent of his component parts - remaining his own person despite their parts fused within his being..

Chima seemed to understand that feeling and challenge.

"You're very self-assured for someone who's existed for less than a week," he observed.

Chima laughed - a melodious sound that combined Bulma's confident charm with Chi-Chi's warmth.

"I was born with the combined wisdom and life experience of two remarkable women. Besides, excessive self-doubt would be inefficient."

Despite himself, Vegito smiled. There was something refreshing about her balanced confidence.

"What about you?" Chima asked, turning the conversation. "How was your journey to Vampa? The boys seemed quite excited about finding these Saiyan survivors."

Vegito nodded, accepting the change of subject. "Broly's power is extraordinary - perhaps the most naturally gifted Saiyan I've ever encountered.

But his development has been severely stunted by isolation and his father's controlling methods."

"Hence the separate accommodations," Chima observed perceptively. "You're creating space for Broly to develop his own identity apart from his father's influence."

"Exactly," Vegito confirmed, impressed by her quick understanding. "Paragus sees - no, I suppose the correct term is saw - him as a weapon, a tool for vengeance.

Broly deserves the chance to discover who he is beyond that limited role."

"Much like we're both discovering who we are beyond the purposes of our creation," Chima noted with a small smile.

The parallel wasn't lost on Vegito. There was a natural ease to their conversation, a mutual understanding that required no lengthy explanations.

It was... comfortable, in a way he hadn't experienced before.

As darkness fell completely, the city below transformed into a tapestry of lights. They stood in companionable silence, neither feeling the need to fill the quiet with unnecessary words.

"I should check on Broly," Vegito said finally, though he felt strangely reluctant to end their conversation. "His first night on Earth might be overwhelming."

"Of course," Chima nodded understanding. "Perhaps we could continue our conversation another time? I'd be interested to hear more about your empire-building efforts.

I have Bulma's memories of various governance systems and Chi-Chi's practical experience with community organization - perspectives that might prove useful."

"I'd like that," Vegito replied, surprised by how much he meant it.

As they moved toward the rooftop exit, Chima paused. "One more thing, Vegito."

He turned, questioning.

"I want to be clear that while I find you interesting - and yes, attractive - I have no predetermined expectations for our relationship," she stated directly.

"Whatever develops between us, if anything, should be natural and mutual. I value authenticity too much to accept anything less."

Vegito found himself appreciating her straightforwardness. "I feel the same way," he replied, then added with a smile that softened his usually composed features,

"And for what it's worth, I find you quite attractive as well. But I agree completely - authenticity matters more than any external expectations."

"Good," Chima smiled, a hint of color rising to her cheeks despite her confident demeanor.

"Then we understand each other. Honesty from the beginning seems the most efficient approach."

As they parted ways in the corridor below, Vegito found himself looking forward to their next conversation with an anticipation he hadn't expected.

Chima was unlike anyone he had ever met - a unique combination of intelligence, strength, and grace that intrigued him on multiple levels.

He had told Bulma and Chi-Chi the truth when he said he didn't harbor romantic feelings toward either of them. Those memories belonged to Goku and Vegeta, not him.

But his reaction to Chima was something entirely different - something uniquely his own.

A connection that had nothing to do with inherited memories and everything to do with who they both were as independent beings.

It was too soon to define what that connection might become.

But for the first time since his creation, Vegito found himself genuinely curious to discover the possibilities of a relationship that belonged solely to him, not to the components of his fusion.

The future suddenly became much more exciting - in a good way, thankfully. 


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter!

Do tell me how you found it, especially the scene between Chima and Bulma and Chi-Chi,

alongside Vegito and Goku and Vegeta, since essentially the girls are siblings, Chima is blood related to both - fully not half, since she is literally made from their parts,

Same with Vegito, since he is fused with parts of Goku and Vegeta.

I wanted to get a bit of that sibling like relationship in.

So yeah, I hope to see you all later,


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