Chapter 23: Through the Eyes of A Survivor
I watch Vegito train with the small ones, Goten and Trunks. He moves different than Father ever did when teaching me. Smooth. Patient. Strong but not angry.
"Keep your center of gravity lower, Goten," he says, adjusting the small one's stance with a gentle touch. "That way you won't be knocked off balance so easily."
The boy nods, his face serious as he tries again. This time his movement is better. Vegito smiles. Not like Father's smile that always had sharp edges. This smile is... warm.
I sit cross-legged at the edge of the training area. They asked if I wanted to join, but I like watching first. Learning. Understanding before doing. Father never let me watch. Only do.
"Broly! Look at this!" Trunks calls out, performing a spinning kick that creates a small wind current. "I've been practicing!"
I nod, showing I saw. Words still don't come easy to me. Not like they do for others. Years on Vampa with only Father to talk to made words feel strange in my mouth.
"Good form, Trunks," Vegito tells him. "But remember to maintain your guard even during the spin."
I study Vegito carefully. He is stronger than me. Much stronger. I felt it that day on Vampa when he knocked me unconscious with one strike.
I had never met anyone stronger than me before. It was... not scary. It was good. Right. Someone who could stop me if my power got out of control.
Father always feared my power. Tried to control it with the collar, with harsh words, with punishment. But Vegito is different.
He doesn't fear power. He masters it. Controls it perfectly. Like it's a part of him, not something fighting to get out.
That's what I want. To be like him. To control the storm inside me instead of letting it control me.
"Broly, would you like to demonstrate the blocking sequence we practiced yesterday?" Vegito asks, looking at me.
I stand up, my body moving before my mind can worry about doing it wrong. "Yes."
I move to the center of the training area. The stone feels cool under my bare feet. I begin the sequence Vegito taught me.
Block high. Block low. Sidestep. Counter. Each movement precise. Controlled. Not like the wild fighting Father taught me.
"Excellent," Vegito says when I finish. "Your control is improving rapidly."
Pride fills my chest. Not the hot, angry pride that comes when Father praised me for destroying something. This is different. Calmer. Better.
"Can Broly show us that move where he makes the ground shake?" Goten asks, bouncing on his toes with excitement.
"Perhaps another time," Vegito answers, placing a hand on Goten's head. "That technique requires a large open space away from buildings."
I am glad Vegito said no. That technique comes from the angry place inside me. I don't like using it, even though it makes Father proud when I do.
After training, we walk back to the big building where we live now. Capsule Corporation. The name still feels strange on my tongue. Everything here has names. So many names to remember.
"You did well today, Broly," Vegito tells me as we walk. "Your control over your power grows stronger each day."
"I want to be like you," I say simply. The words come out before I can stop them.
Vegito looks at me, surprise in his eyes. Then understanding. "You will find your own way to master your power, Broly. It may not be exactly like mine, but it will be right for you."
I think about his words as we continue walking. My own way. Not Father's way. Not even Vegito's way exactly. My way. The idea feels strange but good.
Inside the big building, delicious smells fill the air. The blue-haired woman - Bulma - and the other woman - Chima - are preparing food.
So much food, all the time. Not like Vampa where each meal was a fight to find something to eat.
"Just in time!" Bulma calls out. "Dinner's almost ready. Go wash up, boys."
Goten and Trunks race toward the washing room, shouting and laughing. I follow more slowly, still not used to the idea of washing before every meal.
On Vampa, water was too precious to waste on cleaning.
After washing, I sit at the big table with the others. Father sits across from me, his eyes constantly moving, watching everyone. He doesn't trust them yet. Not like I do.
Vegito sits at one end of the table, Chima at the other. They talk about things I don't understand - empire building, educational systems, infrastructure development.
Big words that wash over me like waves. But I like listening to their voices. They fit together somehow, like they're two parts of the same song.
"Broly, would you like more rice?" Chima asks, holding out a large bowl.
I nod, taking the bowl carefully. My hands are big, and things here break easily if I'm not gentle. I've learned that the hard way.
"Thank you," I say, remembering the polite words they've taught me.
Chima smiles. Her smile is like Vegito's - warm, but in a different way. "You're welcome, Broly."
As I eat, I watch the others. They talk and laugh together like a pack. No, not a pack. Family. That's the word they use.
Family means people who care about each other. Who protect each other. Who help each other grow stronger.
I never had family before. Just Father. And Baa, for a little while, before Father hurt him and made him hate me.
I miss Baa sometimes. His green fur. The way he would play chase with me through the canyons. The happy sounds he made when I brought him food. He was my only friend on Vampa.
"Broly, you're looking sad," Goten says suddenly, his small face concerned. "Are you okay?"
I blink, surprised he noticed. "Thinking of Baa. Friend from Vampa."
"Who's Baa?" Trunks asks, curious.
"Green creature. Big ears." I make a gesture with my hands to show how big. "We played together when I was small. Then Father hurt him. Made Baa hate me."
The table goes quiet. I see anger flash in Vegito's eyes, though his face stays calm. He doesn't like when Father hurts things. I've noticed that.
"Perhaps someday we could return to Vampa briefly," Vegito suggests. "You could see if Baa is still there."
Hope rises in my chest. "Could we?"
"I don't see why not," Vegito replies. "Though it would be a short visit. Just to check on your old friend."
Father frowns. "That beast was a distraction from proper training. A waste of time."
"Friends are never a waste of time," Vegito says firmly. His voice is still calm, but there's something underneath it. Something that makes Father look away first.
"This meal is excellent," Father says, to Bulma, changing the topic, his voice polite but stiff. "Your world has many luxuries we never had on Vampa."
"I can imagine," Bulma replies. "Thirty-four years on that desolate planet... it's a wonder you survived at all."
"Survival was necessary," Father says, his voice turning hard as his gaze turns towards Vegeta. "To ensure justice would someday be served for what was done to us."
The table gets quiet once more. I feel the tension rise like before a storm on Vampa.
"Again, your grievance was with my father," Prince Vegeta says, "Not with me."
"The sins of the father pass to the son," Father replies, his eyes cold.
"King Vegeta condemned my infant son to die because he feared Broly's potential. Your bastard father should have been seen for the coward he was. Died in a pool of his own blood!" Father yelled as he rose and put his hands on the table.
He is getting angry.
I don't like it when father gets angry. It makes me angry too...
"Since he can not, then the royal bloodline must answer for that crime." Father states through gritted teeth.
He is wrong. He shouldn't say this. Vegito and we talked about this.
Prince Vegeta's face darkens. "I understand your right to hatred, Paragus. But remember you speak of the father of both myself and your Emperor."
Father's fork clatters against his plate in shock. "What? What is the meaning of this? Since when is Vegito the son of King Vegeta? He looks nothing like the royal line!"
Confusion fills me too. I look at Vegito, then at Prince Vegeta. They do look a little alike, but not like having same father and son.
But maybe I don't know. I only know from looking at father and me. And at Baa and his father.
Prince Vegeta's mouth twists in what might be amusement. "You haven't told them about fusion yet, have you?"
Vegito shakes his head. "It hasn't come up naturally in conversation."
"Fusion?" Father asks, his eyes narrowing. "What are you talking about?"
Vegito sets down his utensils, his expression becoming serious. "Paragus, Broly - there's something about me you should understand. I am not a natural-born Saiyan like yourselves."
I lean forward, curious. This is something new.
"I was created through a process called fusion," Vegito continues. "Specifically, I am the fusion of Prince Vegeta and Kakarot."
Father's face shows total disbelief. "Fusion? What nonsense is this?"
"It's no nonsense," Prince Vegeta says sharply. "Fusion is a technique that combines two warriors into a single being of extraordinary power. Vegito is the result of my fusion with Kakarot."
"That's... impossible," Father stammers.
"Not at all," Chima speaks up from her end of the table. Her voice is calm, like still water. "I too am a fusion - of Bulma and Chi-Chi, Goku's wife."
Father looks back and forth between them all, his face showing he doesn't believe. "You expect me to accept this absurdity? That two people can somehow... combine into one?"
"It's true, Father," I say quietly. Everyone looks at me, surprised that I spoke. "I can sense it. Vegito's energy... it's like two powers mixed together. Same with Chima."
I've felt it since we first met them, but didn't know what it meant. Their energy feels different. Layered. Complex.
"Broly is correct," Vegito confirms. "I possess the combined power, abilities, and memories of both Vegeta and Goku. I am neither of them, yet in some ways both."
"This is why Vegito chose the path of an Emperor, while I did not," Prince Vegeta explains. "We are separate beings now, with separate paths, despite once being part of the same fusion."
Father still looks skeptical, but I can tell he's considering it. "If what you say is true... how was this fusion accomplished?"
"Through these," Vegito reaches to his earings, gesturing to them, "Potara earrings, created by beings who fashion themselves the gods. When two individuals each wear one on opposite ears, fusion occurs instantly."
"And this fusion... it's permanent?" Father asks, his tactical mind already working.
"Normally, yes," Vegito replies. "But in our case, we used the Dragon Balls - magical artifacts of immense power - to separate Goku and Vegeta while allowing me to continue existing independently."
"Same with me," Chima adds. "Bulma and Chi-Chi fused, then were immediately separated while I remained."
Father sits back in his chair, absorbing this information. I can see him reassessing everything, recalculating.
"So you," he points at Vegito, "are both the son of King Vegeta and... not."
"In a manner of speaking," Vegito acknowledges. "I have Vegeta's memories of his father, but I am not Vegeta himself. I am a new being entirely."
I understand this better than Father, I think. Being the same but different. Having the storm inside but learning to be separate from it.
"This explains much," Father says slowly. "Your power level... it's beyond anything I've ever encountered in a Saiyan.
Beyond even what I believed Broly capable of. If this manner of existence is one fashioned by the gods..."
"Fusion multiplies power rather than merely adding it," Prince Vegeta explains. "Vegito's strength exceeds even what Kakarot and I could achieve individually at our absolute maximum."
I look at Vegito with new understanding. This is why he's so strong. Why he could stop me so easily. He's not just one powerful Saiyan, but two combined into something greater.
"Could Broly and I fuse? Could he gain my knowledge, control and experience, while he remains at the lead?" Father asks suddenly, his eyes gleaming with calculation.
The temperature of the room seems to drop. Vegito and Prince Vegeta exchange a quick glance.
"The Potara are not toys," Vegito says firmly. "Fusion is not something to be undertaken lightly.
It creates an entirely new being with its own consciousness, its own will. So Broly will not be himself, neither will you. It works not as you think it does."
"Besides," Prince Vegeta adds with a sharp look, "there are no spare Potara earrings available for such experiments."
Father looks disappointed but not surprised. I am relieved. I don't want to fuse with Father. I want to be me. Just me. Learning to control my own power.
"So," Krillin speaks up, breaking the tension, "who wants dessert? Eighteen made her famous chocolate cake!"
The conversation shifts to lighter topics.
But I'm thinking, silently. About Vegito being a fusion. About how that explains so much - why he seems to understand being between two things.
Maybe that's why I feel drawn to him. Why I want to be like him. He knows what it's like to have different forces inside fighting to get out.
But he's mastered them. Made them work together instead of against each other.
After dinner, I go to my room and stand by the window, looking at the stars. I think about being two things at once. About balance.
I have always been two things - the calm Broly who liked to play with Baa, and the angry Broly who destroys when the power takes over.
Maybe I don't need fusion to be whole. Maybe I just need to find the balance between those parts of myself.
Tomorrow, I will train harder. Learn more about control. About balance.
And someday, I will be at peace with all the parts of myself.
That is my path.
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapter!
Do tell me how you found it.
I've tried to back down on my more complex word use - since Broly isn't like that.
It was a bit challenging - I'm too used to writing eloquent, because of my Lucifer fanfic, having had to get into that mindset till it became natural - but I hope I made it work.
So yeah, I hope to see you all later,