Chapter 8: Tails
The morning sun has barely crested the horizon as I observe Goku and Vegeta making their final preparations for departure to New Namek.
We stand in Capsule Corporation's spacious courtyard, where a small gathering has assembled to see them off.
Chi-Chi fusses over Goku, reminding him of various responsibilities, while Bulma reviews a digital checklist with Vegeta, who endures her thoroughness with thinly veiled impatience.
"Remember, the Namekians are peaceful people," Bulma cautions, handing Vegeta a small capsule case. "Try not to intimidate them with your... Vegeta-ness."
"My what?" Vegeta scowls, pocketing the capsules.
"You know exactly what I mean," she replies with a knowing look. "That whole 'Prince of all Saiyans' routine doesn't impress people who've already seen you at your worst."
Vegeta grunts noncommittally, though I detect a hint of acknowledgment in his expression.
His relationship with the Namekians is complicated, to put it mildly, given his history of violence against their people during Frieza's reign.
Goku, meanwhile, is making promises to Goten that he'll "definitely be back before dinner" for their planned training session.
The casual way he approaches interstellar travel never ceases to amaze me - as if popping to another planet is equivalent to running to the store for groceries.
"So," Gohan asks, approaching me as we watch the scene unfold, "this theory about combining Oozaru and Super Saiyan powers - do you really think it could work?"
I cross my arms, adopting a confident stance. "The potential is definitely there. The Saiyan body is designed to transform - it's in our genetic makeup. We've only scratched the surface of what's possible."
"It's an interesting concept," Gohan acknowledges. "Merging primal and focused energy sources. Almost like creating a fusion of transformations rather than individuals."
He glances at me with a small smile. "You seem to have a knack for fusion-based solutions."
"What can I say?" I shrug with a smirk. "When you're the product of the most powerful fusion in existence, you tend to see the potential in combining different power sources."
Our conversation is interrupted as Goku approaches, adjusting the small bag slung over his shoulder. "We're about ready to go. We'll pick up Dende on the way - he's agreed to help explain things to the Namekians."
"Smart move," I reply. "The Namekians might be a bit wary of two Saiyans showing up unannounced."
"Good point," Goku nods. "Though I think they'll remember me. I did help save their people from Frieza, after all."
"Yes, I'm sure your humility will win them over immediately," I comment dryly.
Goku laughs, missing the irony entirely. "Well, we should get going. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can test your theory!"
Vegeta joins us, having extracted himself from Bulma's final instructions. "Let's proceed. I've had enough delays."
"Right!" Goku agrees cheerfully. He places a hand on Vegeta's shoulder and raises two fingers to his forehead, concentrating on Dende's ki signature at the Lookout. "We'll be back before you know it!"
With that, they vanish - the Instant Transmission technique whisking them away in the blink of an eye.
As the gathered friends and family begin to disperse, returning to their daily routines, Bulma approaches me with a speculative look.
"So, what exactly are you hoping they'll discover with these restored tails? You seemed pretty confident in this theory of yours."
I choose my words carefully. "The Saiyan transformation system has always fascinated me.
We know there are multiple pathways - Oozaru, Super Saiyan. But they've always been treated as separate evolutionary branches."
"And you think they could be combined?" she asks, her interest clearly piqued.
"It's more than that," I explain. "I believe they were meant to be combined. The Oozaru represents our primal nature - raw power without finesse.
The Super Saiyan represents focused emotional energy - control and intensity.
Bringing them together could create something beyond what either transformation could achieve alone."
Bulma considers this, her analytical mind visibly processing the implications. "Like completing a circuit that was always meant to be connected. Interesting theory."
She gives me a sidelong glance. "Though I suspect there's more to it than simple intuition."
I maintain a neutral expression. "Just following a hunch based on what I sense during my own transformations."
"Mmhmm," she hums skeptically. "Well, I hope it works out. Though I have to say, seeing Vegeta with a tail will be... interesting." A mischievous smile crosses her face.
"You know, he once told me Saiyan tails are incredibly sensitive in certain situations. I wonder if that applies to all Saiyans, or just him?"
The comment catches me off guard, triggering Vegeta's memories of particularly intimate moments I had no desire to access. I quickly suppress the mental image, grateful that I don't blush easily.
"I... wouldn't know about that," I reply, clearing my throat. "That's something you'll have to discuss with Vegeta."
Bulma laughs at my obvious discomfort. "Sorry, I forget sometimes that you have his memories. That must make for some awkward moments."
"You have no idea," I mutter under my breath.
With Goku and Vegeta gone, I find myself with an unexpected period of freedom.
Their journey to New Namek, even with Instant Transmission, will likely take several hours at minimum when accounting for the diplomatic discussions with the Namekians and the gathering of the Dragon Balls.
"Any plans while they're away?" Bulma asks as we walk back toward the main Capsule Corp building.
"I thought I might continue my training," I reply. "The gravity chamber is useful, but I'm starting to reach its limitations."
"Well, if you're interested in something more challenging," she offers, "I've been working on some new training equipment that could use a field test.
Even your power level has to have some upper limit, and I'm curious to find it."
The offer is tempting - Bulma's technological genius is unmatched on Earth - perhaps even the entire universe, and her understanding of Saiyan physiology has grown considerably through years of observation.
If anyone could create training equipment that might actually challenge me, it would be her.
"What did you have in mind?" I ask.
Her eyes light up with that particular gleam that appears whenever she's excited about a new invention. "Come to the lab and I'll show you."
Thirty minutes later, I'm examining what appears to be a simple wristband, though I know better than to judge Bulma's inventions by their appearance.
The sleek metallic device contains technology far more advanced than its modest size would suggest.
"I call it the Gravity Amplifier," she explains, pulling up technical schematics on a holographic display. "Unlike the gravity chamber, which affects an entire room, this creates a localized gravitational field around the wearer's body.
Theoretically, it could simulate up to 10,000 times Earth's gravity, focused entirely on you."
"Impressive," I acknowledge, turning the device over in my hands. "But wouldn't that create problems for anything nearby?
If I'm experiencing 10,000G, wouldn't objects around me be pulled toward me?"
"That's the clever part," she grins. "The field has a precise cutoff at the surface of your skin. It affects only your body mass, nothing else.
You could stand in the middle of a china shop at maximum setting without disturbing a single teacup."
"Convenient," I observe. "And how do you know it won't simply crush me into a singularity?"
"Because I'm a genius," she replies matter-of-factly. "And because I've studied your cellular structure.
Saiyan physiology is remarkably adaptable to gravitational stress - it's one of your species' evolutionary advantages. This device simply pushes that adaptation to its theoretical limit."
I slip the wristband on, feeling its weight adjust automatically to my wrist size. "What's the activation protocol?"
"Voice command or thought pattern, once it's calibrated to you," she explains. "I've programmed it with safety limiters, of course.
It won't jump straight to maximum - you'll need to acclimate gradually."
"Naturally," I agree. "Shall we begin the calibration?"
The next few hours are spent syncing the device to my unique energy signature and testing its lower settings.
Even at 1,000 times Earth's gravity - twice what the chamber can produce - I feel only a moderate resistance, though Bulma's instruments confirm that the gravitational field is functioning as designed.
"Your power is truly extraordinary," she comments, reviewing the data. "Even accounting for the fusion multiplication factor, you're exceeding theoretical limits for Saiyan physiology."
"Perhaps those limits were always artificial," I suggest. "Self-imposed boundaries based on what was believed possible rather than what actually is."
"Maybe," she acknowledges. "Or maybe you're just a statistical outlier - a perfect fusion that maximized every potential advantage."
By late afternoon, we've calibrated the device up to 5,000G, which finally presents enough resistance to make my movements deliberate rather than effortless.
The sensation is strange - my body feels immensely heavy, yet I can still move with reasonable coordination.
It's as if I'm wearing armor made of what I'd reckon a good metaphor would be that of neutron star material.
"This should provide adequate training resistance," I observe, performing a series of controlled punches and kicks at 5,000G. "Though I suspect I'll adapt to it quickly."
"That's why it goes to 10,000," Bulma reminds me. "And I can always modify it for higher settings if necessary."
As we conclude the testing session, I deactivate the Gravity Amplifier and remove it from my wrist. "Thank you for this. It's exactly what I needed."
"Just don't break it," she warns. "And I want detailed feedback on its performance. This is still a prototype."
"Of course," I promise, securing the device carefully. "I'll document everything thoroughly."
With the new training tool in hand, I decide to seek a remote location for proper testing - somewhere I can push its limits without concern for collateral damage.
After bidding farewell to Bulma, I take to the sky, heading toward a desolate mountain range I recall from Goku's memories - a place where he often trained in isolation during his younger years.
I arrive at my destination - a remote plateau surrounded by jagged peaks, far from any human settlements. The air is thin at this altitude, the landscape barren and wind-swept.
Perfect for unrestrained training.
I secure the Gravity Amplifier on my wrist once more and activate it at 5,000G. The immediate pressure is substantial, forcing me to adjust my stance to maintain balance.
With deliberate focus, I begin a series of training exercises designed to test my limits under the increased gravitational stress.
Hours pass as I push myself through increasingly complex combat forms, gradually adapting to the extreme conditions.
By sunset, I've progressed to 7,500G - a setting that would instantly flatten any normal being into a thin paste, yet merely presents a significant challenge to my fused physiology.
As darkness falls, I take a brief respite, deactivating the device temporarily to observe the night sky.
The stars shine with remarkable clarity at this altitude, countless points of light stretching across the velvet blackness.
Somewhere out there, Goku and Vegeta are on New Namek, perhaps already beginning their quest for the Dragon Balls.
I reactivate the Gravity Amplifier and resume my training, now incorporating energy manipulation exercises.
Forming and maintaining ki blasts under extreme gravitational pressure requires more precise control - a skill that will prove valuable in future battles.
Each successful technique mastered under these conditions represents an exponential improvement in my combat capabilities.
As I'm deep in concentration, I sense multiple familiar energy signatures approaching Capsule Corporation in the distance -
Goku and Vegeta have returned, and there's something different about all three of our ki signatures.
The mission to New Namek has been successful, exactly as planned.
I pause my training, aware of the new sensation at the base of my spine - a feeling I had anticipated since formulating this plan.
Reaching behind me, my fingers brush against the soft fur of my newly restored tail.
The Namekian Dragon's power has worked perfectly, extending across the vast distance of space to fulfill the wish as I had instructed.
I deactivate the Gravity Amplifier and prepare to return, pleased that this crucial part of my strategy has been executed flawlessly.
Their journey has been quick and efficient - precisely what I had hoped for when suggesting Instant Transmission as the method of travel.
Now all three of us have the physical prerequisites needed for the transformation I've theorized.
As I fly back toward West City, I find myself naturally adjusting to the restored appendage. The tail moves with fluid grace, responding to my balance needs and emotional state.
Though this is the first time this fused body has possessed a tail, the muscle memory from both Goku and Vegeta makes the adaptation nearly seamless.
By the time I arrive at Capsule Corporation, night has fully fallen.
I land in the courtyard to find Bulma, Chi-Chi, and the others gathered around Goku and Vegeta, examining their newly restored tails with varying degrees of curiosity and concern.
"Vegito!" Goku calls out upon noticing my arrival. "Check it out! It worked perfectly!" He turns in a circle, proudly displaying the brown-furred tail now extending from the base of his spine.
"We made sure to include you in the wish just like you asked!"
Vegeta, meanwhile, maintains a more dignified posture, his own tail wrapped securely around his waist in the traditional Saiyan manner.
"The Namekians were surprisingly accommodating," he notes.
"Once Dende explained the situation, they gathered their Dragon Balls without delay. The dragon's power reached all three of us as intended."
"Excellent," I reply, unwrapping my own tail from around my waist - I had instinctively secured it in the same manner as Vegeta during flight.
The appendage unfurls behind me, longer and slightly thicker than either Goku's or Vegeta's, matching my larger frame. "Everything has proceeded exactly as planned."
"Your theory had better be worth all this trouble," Vegeta remarks, though his tone lacks its usual edge. It's clear he's intrigued by the possibilities despite his skepticism.
"How does it feel?" Bulma asks, her scientific curiosity evident as she observes all three tails with analytical interest.
"It's like it was never gone," Goku says, his tail swishing behind him with evident enthusiasm. "Though I keep knocking things over when I turn around. Forgot how much space it takes up!"
"Speak for yourself," Vegeta scoffs. "Some of us maintain proper Saiyan discipline with our appendages."
My own tail flicks in response to their banter, an unconscious reaction that feels remarkably natural. "It feels right," I observe. "As if completing something that was missing from this fusion."
"Well, that makes sense," Bulma notes. "Your body is a fusion of theirs, and both originally had tails. The dragon simply restored what should have been there from the beginning."
I can't help but smile at their contrasting reactions to the restoration - Goku's childlike excitement and Vegeta's stoic pride, both so typical of their respective personalities.
"The first phase of our experiment is complete. Now comes the more challenging part - controlling the Oozaru transformation and attempting to channel it into something new."
"About that," Bulma interjects, her expression concerned.
"I hope you've considered the practical implications of three giant apes rampaging around. The last time didn't exactly go well for the surrounding landscape."
"We'll need a controlled environment," I acknowledge, my tail unconsciously wrapping back around my waist in a gesture of thoughtfulness.
"I believe the Hyperbolic Time Chamber would be our best option."
"The Time Chamber?" Goku questions, tilting his head. "But wouldn't we risk destroying it if the transformation gets out of control?"
"It's designed to withstand extreme conditions," I explain. "And more importantly, if something does go wrong, the damage would be contained to that dimension, not Earth."
Vegeta nods in agreement. "A sound strategy. The chamber's infinite space provides ample room for the transformation without risk to outsiders."
"But there's no moon in the Time Chamber," Bulma points out. "How will you trigger the transformation?"
I allow a confident smile to cross my face. "I'll create a Power Ball - an artificial moon with the same Blutz Wave properties as the real thing. It's a technique Vegeta mastered years ago."
"I see," Vegeta says, understanding dawning in his eyes. "And you propose that we transform first, while you remain in your base form to monitor and control the situation if necessary."
"Precisely," I confirm. "If either of you loses control in the Oozaru state, I'll need to intervene.
Once we've established that you can maintain consciousness and control during the transformation, then I'll attempt it myself."
"Smart thinking," Goku acknowledges. "I've never really had much practice controlling the Oozaru form. The few times I transformed as a kid, I was completely unaware of what happened."
Goku thankfully over the years has gotten over his guilt of killing his grandfather - I primarily remember from his memories him having had a conversation with Grandpa Gohan about it in the seven years when he was in the after life.
"That's why we'll proceed cautiously," I explain. "First, you'll transform one at a time, with both Vegeta and myself ready to subdue you if necessary, Goku.
Then, if that goes well, Vegeta will transform while I remain in base form as a safeguard."
"And only after we've both demonstrated control, you'll attempt the transformation," Vegeta concludes. "When do we begin?"
"Tomorrow," I decide. "The sooner we start, the more time we'll have to master the Oozaru state before attempting to combine it with Super Saiyan energy.
Remember, this is merely the first step toward what I believe will be a new level of transformation."
"This is so exciting!" Goku exclaims, his tail swishing enthusiastically behind him. "I've never had the chance to properly experience the Oozaru form with full awareness. This is going to be amazing!"
"Don't get too excited, Kakarot," Vegeta warns.
"Controlling the Oozaru is no simple task. The primal instincts are powerful - they can overwhelm even a disciplined mind if you're not prepared."
"That's why we'll proceed methodically," I reiterate. "First mastering control of the Oozaru state, then attempting to channel Super Saiyan energy through it.
If my theory is correct, the result should be something extraordinary."
As the group continues discussing the technical aspects of our plan, I observe them with quiet satisfaction, my tail occasionally twitching in response to my thoughts.
Everything is proceeding according to plan, the pieces falling into place with remarkable efficiency.
Soon, we'll discover whether my theory about combining the Oozaru and Super Saiyan transformations holds merit.
It should - so long as this world is like the one I know - this will be a test of that.
Though I need to be careful. The Golden Oozaru may not be Super Saiyan Four, but it is still the prelude of the transformtion - a transformation I read in data files in my previous life to rival a fusion level multiplier.
Goku as he currently is - if he were to become a Super Saiyan Four would become equal to my base form.
Which makes one wonder, how powerful will I - the Ultimate Warrior - be as a Super Saiyan Four?
(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all liked the chapters.
Do tell me how you found it.
Yeah, I've gone into the rabbit hole of transformation multipliers of the 'god' form and SSJ4 and have read the SSJ4 form in some data files is said to be a vegito level multiplier, so Goku when he transforms should be equal to base Vegito.
So yeah, I hope to see you all later,