Bella Swan: True God of Cosmologies

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 - Test

Bella POV

I got a hotel to stay at but nothing to fancy just good bed.

I hacked into the security cameras of the

Li Household to see that everything was just for the people to see, Li Yao and Venina were not good at all, he was abusive to her when he doesn't get his way, they only were United in there child's death did bridges mend.

I'm sitting on my bed planning this as I had to buy a phone and watch for myself.

Bella: So keeping Li Wei alive is the goal but I saw the future of that to see Li Wei siding with his father in the divorce which will break Venina heart as he's spoiled to the promises his father has made, you make it easy to take her for myself plus the dreams she has of me only fuels it when she finally sees me.

I'll keep the son from dying as then everything will fall into place when you hunt for me and Luo Feng that ending you won't bring problems to her plus helping her from Outgunned God of War to Planetary Level will seal the deal when I give my wives the life fruits.

Yesterday Instructor Jiang came to tell me to go with him to the test to become a Warrior-to-be which I accepted as he knocked on my door to lead me to the car as we drove to the test now with Luo Feng and Yang Wu.

Instructor Jiang: Here we are, Yangzhou Headquarters of martial clubs, Extreme Martial Club.

We pulled up to a giant building as this is where the test will be held.

We walked in to two people as I saw a man wearing armor with a hooded cloak, a

God of War.

Man: I'm the chief instructor of Yangzhou Extreme Martial Club, Wu Tong. I'll host today's test. Come on in. The exam's about to start.

We walked in to head through a sliding door as I am surprised at the technology of this universe really.

We chose a chair pod to go in as I lied back with the machine visor came down as I closed my eyes to open them to see everyone else taking a weapon as I took two swords as two monsters appeared a giant boar and cat.

Bella: Let's get this over with.

I started slashing every monster I saw with fast speed as I twirled my sword to kick it to impale one in the head killing it.

Yang Wu: There are more monsters over there!

As went to that direction into the building we then encountered a Level E Gold Vulture.

Yang Wu: Level E Gold Vulture!

Luo Feng: What to do Yang?

Yang: Run!

We started running to jump out the window with the vulture chasing after us as we landed it started destroying everyone as it was just me and Luo Feng.

Bella: You ready?

Luo Feng: Yeah!

We charged at as it shot razor feathers at us as we dodged and deflected them as we made it to the top of the vulture but it took off but we struck it with our swords to make it crash land but faking is hard as then it attacked us to which we're back as the pods opened up.

I got up to walk out to see Chief Instructor

Wu Tong.

Wu Tong: Luo Feng, Bella Swan.

We stood at attention.

Luo Feng & Bella: Yes!

Wu Tong: I'm here to tell you that you passed this test.

Luo Feng: What?

Wu Tong: It doesn't require you to kill all the monsters. We are testing your fighting ability. You get points by injuring the monsters and avoiding there attacks. From statistical analysis, we found that Luo Feng's power reached 1,101 kilograms when killing the Tiger the tiger mastiff with a speed of 28.6 meters per second, Bella's reached 2,301 kilograms and speed of 35.8 per second when you both avoided attacks from the gold vulture. You both did better than our base requirement. With both your extraordinary ability to survive and kill, Bella scored the highest with Luo Feng second.

We walked to the score.

Wu Tong: Look.

We saw as then we were led somewhere else.

Wu Tong: First of all, congratulations. The field test will be held on the first day of the next month. Prepare yourselves.

Everyone: Yes.

Wu Tong: I have to warn you that you might get injured or killed in the field test.

Everyone: Got it.

Wu Tong: Now, follow me to get your rewards of being the warrior-to-be.

Luo Feng: Oh, there's a reward for those who have passed the test?

Jiang: Of course. Otherwise, you won't be able to attend the field test with your current strength.

We walked to get our reward.

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