Chapter 26: Chapter 24
After shopping Hoon instructed the body guards, Mrs Kim and the some of the staff leaving only 4 at the penthouse to escort Masika and their grandmother at the mansion.
As the day drew to a close, the mansion's staff gathered in the kitchen, whispering among themselves about the mysterious new occupant.
"I've never seen her," said one of the maids. "But I've heard she's going to leave at the fourth floor."
"I know," replied another staff member. "Mrs. Kim is the only one allowed up there. It's like Hoon is hiding her or something."
The staff exchanged curious glances, wondering who this mysterious woman was and why Hoon was being so secretive.
"I've been working here for years," said the head chef, "and I've never seen Hoon like this. He's always been private, but this is different."
The staff nodded in agreement, their minds racing with possibilities. Who was this woman, and what was her connection to Hoon?
As they continued to speculate, Mrs. Kim descended from the fourth floor, a warm smile on her face.
"Everything is fine, everyone," she said reassuringly. "Just remember, the fourth floor is off-limits to everyone except me."
The staff nodded, but their curiosity remained piqued. They couldn't help but wonder what was going on behind the closed doors of the Fourth floor.
As the days passed, Hoon continued to teach Masika during his free time, and assigned one of the bodyguards to train her in self-defense at the gym on the second floor.
The staff were instructed to avoid the second floor during her training sessions, and this became a routine.
After a month, Masika had grown accustomed to her new life with her grandmother. Hoon had bought them the most expensive phones and taught them how to use them.
Masika had discovered that there were people with similar skin tones and hair textures, but none had the same glittering skin and striking green eyes that she possessed.
She had learned a great deal during this period, and Hoon was proud of her progress. However, he was preparing to embark on a three-week business trip to Japan, and he wanted to speak with Masika before his departure.
After informing the grandmother about his trip, Hoon requested a private audience with Masika. Once they were alone in his study, Hoon sat beside Masika, holding her hand.
A strong, unspoken connection had been developing between them, and Masika felt an inexplicable jolt of electricity whenever Hoon was near.
Hoon's eyes locked onto Masika's, and without thinking, he leaned in and kissed her. But he quickly pulled away, shocked by his own actions.
Masika sat in stunned silence, her heart racing from the unexpected kiss. She couldn't process what had just happened, and her eyes remained fixed on Hoon's, searching for answers.