Between Empires and Our Echoes: Her Majesty's Revenge

Chapter 12: Brewing Emotions Pt.2

The once plain open fields were now decorated magnificently in order to fit the magnitude of the deceased's title. Rows of neatly arranged chairs overlooked the middle of the garden underneath the lavish canopy that had been set up for the guests' comfort.

Despite being an hour early, several people had already arrived, their solemn expressions matching their equally gloomy outfits.

Wordlessly, Zeya took out a veil from her inner pockets, recalling one of the many instructions Arius had insisted that she followed once she arrived.

"As much as it is absurd, you must observe this funeral anonymously, Your Majesty." He ordered before having to leave to tend to his responsibilities. "For your safety, no one must know how you look like, yet."

While Zeya was preoccupied with her own royal duties, Arius had also been busy tracking the murderous beast by travelling to multiple villages each day, hoping find any potential traces of the monster.

He even have suspicions that one, or many High Roses may be working together with this entity by letting in pass through the state borders as it pleases.

"Many of them still despise the human kind." He explained during one of their weekly meetings. "They probably did it in hopes of scaring them back to their homelands but really, only a fool would think it'd be as easy as that. If anything, they're actually hurting our kind the most."

Although there wasn't much evidence to support his accusations, Zeya couldn't blame the minister for thinking that way. She of all people knew the best at just how two-sided her own kind could be, especially when materialistic gains were involved.

However, she wasn't complaining one bit about having to hide her identity; she actually preferred it. She can already imagine the crowds of sweet-talking nobles following her wherever she went, hoping that they would get on her good side once that dreadful day arrives one day.

"So your identity is still a secret to them." He commented, watching Zeya closely as she adjusted the straps of the veil to fit her face. "I see that Arius' paranoia is still as severe as I remembered."

"For good reason, of course." She countered, glancing up at Varen with cold eyes. "How could he not be that way when there are so many traitors around us."

"I'm glad to see you haven't changed one bit, dear." Varen replied lovingly to the hostile remark, clearly amused. "After all, it is always much more fun that way."

Zeya remained silent, much to Varen's surprise, who expected her to lash out immediately. Her muscles began to tense up as the seconds passed, feeling a sense of dread even though there was no immediate danger around her. Just when she was about to say something, she heard something that made her stomach turned.

'Obliviscor.' An almost demonic voice whispered from behind the pair, making the hairs on Zeya's neck stand.

His fiery red hair was the first thing that caught Zeya's eyes when she look behind her. The coppery smell of fresh blood was second.

His eyes were as red as his hair, as they were fixated on Varen who remained motionless under Rowen's gaze. Raising his bloodied arm in front of the entranced Emperor, the blood that flowed out of his hands magically floated towards Varen's eyes which ingested it.

'Ambulare.' He spoke for a second time before his eyes eventually stopped glowing once Varen slowly walked away.

"... That should do the trick. And all it took was a few drops this time." He nodded his head contently, taking a deep breathe before he finally looked over to Zeya with a big smile. "Well, now that we've dodged the obstacle, let us be on our way shall we, Your Grace?"


The walk was quiet while Zeya watched Rowen patch up his self-inflicted wound from before, his hands moved with expertise as he bandaged the cut.

"I must say I am getting good at this!" He exclaimed brightly, proud of his own abilities to treat an injury. "Just look at how splendid that even layering is!"

However, his moment of success was quickly overshadowed by a heavy nosebleed, one of his many symptoms whenever his body was overworked due to his abilities.

"You're still as reckless as a child, Rowen." Zeya sighed, handing him her handkerchief. "Why waste your powers on such a trivial matter? We could've just hid under the shadows and be on our way."

"Oh, don't worry about me, Your Majesty." He waved off her concerns, accepting the piece of cloth with a grateful nod. "A few 'meals' and I'll be as good as new."

"And besides that, it was specific orders from Arius to cast the spell on His Majesty." Rowen explained while he dabbed his nostrils with the handkerchief. "Although it isn't likely he'd go around telling people about you, it was just an extra step to ensure your safety, that's all."

"That man and his safety measures." Zeya shook her head, already mentally exhausted even though the funeral hadn't even started yet. "You all act as if I am unable to take care of myself at all."

"With all due respect Your Grace, but the last thing I wish to do today during such an event is to break up a fight between two of the most powerful individuals alive." He squirmed uncomfortably as he imagined the scenario. "It also wouldn't be great either if Amrit were to catch the two of you together... that is, if he's even coming of course."

"I hope he doesn't." Zeya scowled at the thought of dealing with the infamous temper Amrit Slora was known for. "I don't have the energy nor the patience to deal with that bastard at the moment."

"That would be rather disrespectful in my opinion. To both his title and the late Emperor." Rowen carried on, showing his distaste through his knitted brows. "Even if Amrit doesn't care, he got to where he is now thanks to His Majesty's grace, just like the rest of us."

"... I can't really argue with that, now can I?" She stated, understanding where Rowen was coming from. "Father was, in some cases, a good person to many."


The ceremony immediately took place once the full moon was in view high above the clear, night sky. The guests solemnly got up from their seats as the casket appeared, most of their faces still red from sobbing.

She watched as her father's body got carried towards the burial grounds, where he was to be buried next to mother, her face devoid of any expressions that could show how she felt. She remained unseen as she hid herself amongst the shadows, watching over the funeral alongside her friends.

The crowd grew quiet as the time for the prayers arrived, amplifying the endless whispers of the shadows that hid her. Before the prayers began, the royal priest spoke in multiple tongues first, including the ancient language that the shadows spoke in.

The countless sorts of beings that lived amongst nature meant that many spoke in different languages, numerous of those being the old tongues.

'Oh, ancient creatures of this earth, allow us today to conduct the burial of Emperor Baron, whom was loved dearly by the people of this land.'

Slowly, the shadows eased their murmurs, finally understanding why they were summoned here. As the prayers began, the entities revealed themselves from the darkness of the woods in order to show respect for the dead.

The shadows that hid Zeya also reacted to this sight, lowering their heads as to convey their condolences. The crowd was slightly baffled by the surprise guests, but largely remained calm before they went back to praying according to the priest's words.

Just the everyone else, Zeya also clasped her hands together in prayer despite being secular, a final tribute to her father who was as always, the total contrast of her. For once, she felt an ease she hadn't felt in weeks since she arrived at Stygia, finally relieved that part of her duties as Baron's daughter being over with.

Zeya continued to pray as the coffin slowly got lifted down the cavity, only realizing it was happening when she heard an eruption of sobs coming from the guests. Those cries continued until the coffin was completely buried, the reality finally hitting after seeing the sight of the grave.

When Zeya finally opened her eyes, the grave was already covered with flowers placed by the creatures as a way to pay their respects. Suddenly, a shadow appeared before her, holding in its hand a small, white carnation. Quickly, it passed the flower to Zeya before guiding her to the grave as if it was urging her to do the same.

"... Thank you." Zeya thanked with a small smile, touched by the action of the creature. Slowly, she made her way to the grave and with the help of the shadows, remained unseen as she knelt before her father's grave, placing the flower at the very edge.

"... I guess this is really farewell." She whispered softly, a stray tear running down her cheek. "Rest in peace, father."

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