Between Empires and Our Echoes: Her Majesty's Revenge

Chapter 14: Bittersweet Nectar

A harsh, bright light cut her slumber short, blinding her immediately after she had opened her eyes. Looking around, only the sense of unfamiliarity welcomed her as she could not recognize where she was. Nothing but a white haze surrounded her, blinding Zeya from the soft yet apparent wails that played in the distance.

'Zeya.' It began to whisper repeatedly as she listened to it, the voices becoming louder and more guttural until it sounded nothing like her name.

One after another, the whispers turned into screams, slowly blending into one, monstrous voice, piercing through Zeya's ears like a needle. Powerless against the unknown entity, she knelt down in pain, her hands covering her ears as a desperate attempt to block off the sound.

Droplets of blood from her nostrils turned into a small steady flow as it fell to the concrete floor, staining it crimson red. Her tears too turned a similar color, her horrified reflection staring right back at her in the liquid that began to pool around her.

Slowly, the liquid coagulated into hundreds if not thousands of arms that desperately tried to grab onto Zeya. Unable to utter a single word, all she could do was to claw herself away from the ghastly hands, doing whatever it took to keep herself alive.

Despite her attempts however, her efforts were no use against the sheer quantity of the mindless limbs, which mended itself whenever Zeya had cut it in half with her wings. Eventually, her strength began depleting until she could no longer defend herself against the nightmarish monster, allowing it to pull her into the abyss.

'Why are you lying to yourself?'


In a panic, Zeya sprung upwards from her lying state, gasping for air as if she had just been submerged underwater. Zeya struggled to steady her breathing as she convinced herself that it was all just a dream, just like any other night.

With her hands still trembling violently she quickly turned to her nightstand, where she panickily searched for the bottle of pills that Margaret had prescribed to her. With her anxiety failing to go down, she took several more capsules than recommended, hoping that maybe it would quicken the effects that it was supposed to give.

Large beads of sweat trinkled down her forehead she tried to focus on her breathing, counting the seconds to distracted herself from the temptations of letting out whatever she had in her stomach.

Minutes passed and once she felt better, Zeya quickly made her way out of her bed and out into the corridors, where she walked whilst holding the wall to support her almost drunken state.

Without a word, she finished the whole jug of water that was placed in the royal dinner table, heaving heavily once she was finished.

"Goddamnit Claire." Zeya exclaimed in quiet surprise when the maid had unintentionally sneaked up behind her. "You scared the living daylights out of me."

"Forgive me." She apologized, stifling a laugh directed towards Zeya's reaction. "I was just going to eat some breakfast to start the day."

"All by yourself?" Zeya asked when she realized there were nobody awake except for the two of them.

"It is currently six in the morning, and the other maids won't be up until the sun fully sets." She stated with a light-heartedly giggle, placing her bowl of food on top the massive table. "So, I suppose the both of us are the oddballs for being awake at this hour."

"That statement was meant more for me than it was for you, wasn't it?" Zeya smiled at Claire's witty response. "Why don't I give you some company while you eat? I don't plan on going to bed anyway, and I'm sick of the study."

"If you could be so kind Your Majesty, I would be honored." Claire smiled warmly.

As the conversation naturally died out, the maid couldn't help but feel something to be astray as she watched Zeya's gaze wandered off into the distance. Zeya's pale skin was a shade darker under her eyes, confirming Claire's suspicions that Zeya had woken up from yet another nightmare.

Though even to someone who had served Zeya for almost a century now, Claire sometimes could never tell what her mistress had in her mind. And this was one of those many moments where she would come to realize that.

"Is everything all right, Lady Zeya?" Claire asked worriedly, sensing something to be astray. "You don't look too well."

"... Just the usual." Zeya replied shortly with a small, tired smile. "Though it seems like these dreams have turned more graphic since I moved back home."

"As bad as that seems to sound, I feel as if there is something else bothering you." Claire admitted, her attention now on the aloof Empress.

"... You always seem to know much more than you let on, Claire." Zeya commented, tilting her head curiously. "It's like you can read my mind sometimes."

"I've had that sense since I was a child, My Lady." Claire revealed proudly, crossing her hands in front of her chest. "So don't even think about lying because I will see right through it."

"... Seems fair enough to me." Zeya nodded her head, secretly amused. "Now, where do I even begin?"


Three loud knocks interrupted the peaceful Slora residence despite being broad daylight, a time in which most High Roseabelles spend sleeping.

"... Hey." A voice said groggily before the familiar grim face greeted Zeya. "What brings you here at this hour?"

"Well, I thought maybe we could have some few drinks together." She replied with a wary smile, unsure of how Amrit would react.

"... With all due respect Your Majesty. It is twelve in the afternoon, with the Sun at its highest peak. And you visit me wishing to have a drink, is that what you're trying to say?"

He tried to appear offended, but his interest was quite evidently turned towards the expensive bottles of alcohol.

"You act as if you aren't a raging alcoholic." Zeya stated, raising her eyebrow confusedly. "Well, if you wish to spend the rest of the afternoon alone, awake and sober I guess I shall be taking my leave-"

"I suppose a few glasses wouldn't hurt." He cut her off, sighing in defeat as he opened the door to let Zeya inside. "Come on in."


Decoration was never Amrit's forte, but Zeya would be lying if she said that his place looked horrible. He had incorporated his Eastern culture throughout his home, just like how Arius added his western roots into his own residence.

"Make yourself at home while I go change." Amrit said walking upstairs, leaving Zeya alone. "I'll be right back."

The wooden furniture was the center of attention throughout his home, occupying majority of the spacious house making it feel homely and warm. Zeya was already laying down on the sofa next to the fire when Amrit came down the stairs in a hurry.

Half-naked from his torso way up.

"I thought you said you were going to change, not strip away the already very little clothing you had on." She frowned at the sight of her friend's chiseled figure, clearly disturbed by the sight that many others would swoon over.

"Don't tell me you're going to stay like this for the rest of the evening while I'm here?"

"In such cold weather? Do you think I am a barbarian like you?" He bit back, walking around the couch and into another room on the far left of the house.

"And also, why are you acting as if this was the first time you've seen me naked?" He questioned with a sly smile, putting on a dark blue turtleneck that hugged his slim yet toned figure. "Don't tell me you've forgotten the times you had the blessing to see this fine piece of art when we were younger?"

"Like the time I caught you having sex in the dorm we shared?" She deadpanned, looking straight at Amrit. "And to make things worse, it was a man you met a few hours before at the local bar."

"Or maybe it was that other time when you were attempting to make out with someone but I happened to walk in? Not to mention the fact that it was in the middle of the corridors back in the-"

Her words were abruptly cut off when Amrit threw a shirt at her face.

"I think I've been far too nice with you, haven't I?" He asked, truly irked by Zeya's playful attitude. "Bringing up the past I've tried so hard to bury while you were gone. You must have a death wish."

"Oh please." Zeya rolled her eyes under the shirt in amusement. "None of the High Roses except me would make fun of you like this."

"And sometimes I wonder why I tolerate you." He replied with a dejected sigh, getting two glasses of alcohol for himself and Zeya. "This fucking wine better be good, or I'm kicking you out."

"... Hey." She called out, her voice muffled due to the shirt that was still sitting on top her face. "I'm sorry I said all those mean things to you. I shouldn't have talked to you like that, no matter how I was feeling at that time."

"So that's why you decided to come see me all of a sudden." He stated, finally removing the shirt with his feet, so he could see her properly. "Why? Did the guilt finally get into that cold heart of yours after what I had said?"

Zeya said nothing as she looked away, not knowing what to say. It was true that she felt guilty but she was never the kind that expressed her emotions, and today was no different. As inexpressive as she was however, Amrit knew at heart that his friend came here reconcile even though he was in the wrong, not her.

'At least she took the first step and approached me.' He thought, slightly pleased by the improvement.

"Why don't we focus on drinking for now?" He suggested, shoving Zeya's drink into her hands before leaning against the couch, his legs crossed elegantly. "Then we can talk about whatever's on our mind."

Zeya stared at the golden liquid inside the glass, swirling it.

"I'd like that very much actually."

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