Chapter 27: Blood that's Thicker than Shadows
"Welcome to our humble residence, Lady Reyes." Its gravelly voice scratched Zeya's ears in an unpleasant way. "It has been a while since our last encounter."
"The pleasure should be mine." Zeya said with a strained smile, bowing her head courteously at the majestic being. This entire segment was a brand-new sight for Varen, who never had the chance in seeing her be this respectful to anyone. "I hope everyone has been faring well."
Just as it was about to lead the way, its head froze midway its turn, finally being aware of Varen's presence.
"...And who is this standing beside you?" The lanky shadow asked, watching him with a displeased look on its face. "You should've known that we don't necessarily welcome strangers here, especially Kaxarenes."
"This is the emperor of the Kaxarenes and, a close peer of Zeya." Lex intervened before the atmosphere could get more unpleasant. "Due to some... unexpected circumstances, they are currently bonded... by a blood contract."
"I see..." The elder stepped away although it clearly still remained suspicious of Varen. "Very well then. Let us get going, shall we? The others are already waiting for your arrival."
The door magically opened up to reveal a spacious and dimly lit chamber where the highly ranked creatures watched the group menacingly from the very end of the room.
Just like the elder that guided us, they were much taller than the average shadow creature, with additional horns protruding from the top of their heads.
On them, they adorned metal rings as decoration, as well as a sign of their authority in this realm.
Their gazes felt uncomfortable against Zeya's skin, like small needles pricking her entire body.
Without a word, the shadow that escorted the group left to join the rest of the council, leaving the three all alone in the middle of the court.
It stopped and took its place right next to the slightly larger shadow seated at the dead center amongst everyone else before bending it's tall, lanky body to whisper something in its ear.
The elders looked at Zeya with distaste once they had heard whatever that they were told, silently criticizing the outcasted Roseabelle.
"Let the prosecution of Zeya Reyes begin." The elders announced simultaneously, creating an ominous sound almost similar to a monster's snarl. "Seize her."
"Wait, a prosecution?" Lex protested, clearly unaware of such thing but he was already getting dragged away. "You've said nothing of such thing!"
He tried to get closer to his sister, but she was already taken. "How dare you deceive me, you insolent-"
He couldn't even finish his sentence before he vanished into thin air, leaving Zeya and Varen behind.
"Well, things certainly are escalating." Varen commented, still relaxed despite the predicament he was in. "I wasn't aware that you were outcasted from here as well. Just what crimes did you commit while you were gone, dear?"
"None." She replied, unimpressed by Varen's mockery. "I just simply agreed to leave because they wanted me to after Mother's death."
Her eyes glimmered against the candle lights, deep in thought.
"Do not say a word to anyone here." Zeya ordered firmly. "Unless you wish to be imprisoned here for eternity with me."
"Well, that doesn't sound like such a horrid time to me-" Varen stopped midway his sentence when he noticed the glint in Zeya's eyes as she stared straight at him.
Again, he couldn't tell what was running around in her mind and yet, it told him everything he needed to know. She was no longer going to tolerate his jokes this time around.
"I admire the dedication you have in making every single conversation I have with you inappropriate Varen, I truly do." She replied sarcastically, no sign of amusement in her expression.
"However, this isn't a situation where we can get out off easily by using the authority we have under our names. Must I remind you that we are in an entirely different realm?"
"Only Lex has the authority to order them around, I don't." She looked around the premises, noticing the hundreds of suspicious gazes getting closer and closer. "We just have to defend ourselves until he can make it back to us and until then, shut it."
Before Varen could say another word, the same voice from before boomed into life again, catching both of their attention.
"Lady Reyes, are you aware of the reason why you're standing here today?" The eyes of the leader narrowed in suspicion as its stare hovered over Zeya.
"Please, amuse me." She replied without a bat of her eye. "Though I' sure it has something to do with my mother's death."
"You know more than anyone that we wish for nothing but to give Her Highness peace." Its eyes glowed demonically as it spoke. The mention of Zeya's mother was emotionally distressing for the creatures and despite their icy expressions, their eyes showed everything. "We are well aware that you have fully repented for Her Majesty's death. You were brought here for something else... a more recent incident, in fact."
"... You must mean what happened at Mother's hideout."
"More precisely, the encounter you had with the monster." They answered in unison in that eerie chant-like intonation as they nodded their bony heads.
"And what does that have to do with me being interrogated by the council?" Zeya urged, her curiosity rising.
"That, is something we cannot reveal yet." An elder next to the leader spoke up, interrupting the conversation. "Please understand that we are doing this for the sake of your mother's legacy."
"And you do that by prosecuting her own child of potentially working alongside this creature?" Varen's voice was heard from behind Zeya, visibly surprising her. "I must say, the Queen would've been so joyous to have witnessed this."
"You should not be the one speaking, son of Raziel." The air in the room suddenly turned deathly cold after Varen's intervention, once again solidifying the fact that he was incredibly unwelcomed here. "Do not think that we are unaware of your contribution to Her Majesty's death."
"Enough." Zeya stopped him from speaking any further, very clearly upset by Varen's disobedience. "Not another word."
"The claims we are making are not without evidence, Lady Reyes. We've seen your interactions with this monster through the eyes of our soldiers." The elder next to the leader use chimed in. "He has not once ever tried to hurt you... why is that?"
"Your guess would be as good as mine." She replied truthfully, looking back on all the times she faced this creature. "The only relation I have with that thing is the curse it casted on me when I first encountered it."
"You're not telling us the entire story, Lady Reyes." The lower ranked elder remarked, seemingly unimpressed.
"I'm merely playing this game of yours." She replied with equal indifference. "I would be on the losing end if I shared all I knew without getting anything back."
"And from the looks of it, you seem to know more of this monster than I do."
"We aren't going to get anywhere if you continue to be childish, Lady Reyes." They said with impatience, their eyes narrowing to indicate their dissatisfaction.
"Whether you like it or not, we currently share the same enemy." She tried to reason with the elders. "Why else do you think I'm working alongside him?"
She paused to point at the emperor before continuing with her sentence.
"I need all the help I can acquire, even the help of the ones I despise."
"Are you suggesting the same between you and this council?" The elder questioned, its gaze intense under the dim candle lights.
"I need you to believe me because I can only capture this killer with your resources." She switched to the ancient language so that Varen wouldn't understand, her accent rather unnatural after centuries of not using it but, it was still comprehensible to them. "Trust me when I say that I am as desperate as you are."
"She speaks the truth." The low ranked elder confessed, looking up at the leader. "It would only be fair if we hear what she has to say."
The leader took a moment to think about the options placed before it for what felt like hours until it appeared like it had made a decision.
"We accept however, the Kaxarene must go before any deal can be made." It concluded. "And until then, no one is allowed to leave this realm."