Chapter 43: A Prey's Instinct
The day after Zeya's departure was particularly busy for Amrit. He had just gotten back from his rotations around Stygia, an extra measure implemented by Arius to ensure that they were prepared for any incidents if any were to occur. His workload only ever seemed to increase when he was now required to extend his rotations all the way to Imnolyn's borders, much to his dismay.
'They can all go to hell for all I care.' He thought hatefully, despising the idea of him being here to protect these measly mortals. He remembered the times when humans weren't even considered to be equal to them and yet here he was, working his ass off to protect these selfish and greedy creatures.
He dreaded that part of his job the most out of everyone else in the Circle and did his best to try and make up any excuses that could exempt himself from the duty.
However, Arius was starting to get tired of Amrit's tantrums and after a few warning glares and threats, the Kaxarene was out in the middle of Imnolyn, trying his best to find any signs of Tvar... if there were any left. Fortunately, he wasn't alone and had Nevra as his partner throughout it all.
Just when they were heading home to rest, they received an order from Arius to head to Exousia while the minister gathered the rest of the Circle to hold their usual meetings. He was the first to know where Zeya headed off to thanks to his persistent nosiness, and according to Arius, his reaction was 'priceless'.
"Have you gone insane, Arius?" He recalled asking the minister, who could only sit in silence. "That bastard can't be trusted with her, not after their history."
Amrit looked over at Arius, hoping for some kind of good news to come out of his mouth but alas, there was nothing.
"I just couldn't say no. It would only hurt Zeya if I did." Arius replied solemnly, understanding where Amrit was coming from. "He knew that I wouldn't argue because of Zeya's condition. And besides he is wrong either. Her wounds will never heal if the contract is constantly activated."
For now, Arius planned to keep it a secret from everyone else in order to keep the peace that they had now, but Amrit felt uneasy about it, considering how upset everyone would be if the secret comes out.
There's been rumors floating around of the Exousian council committing some grave offenses under Varen's already strict control. He could only imagine how he would handle the situation given how unhinged he could be when angered. Amrit only hoped that he wouldn't have to be anywhere near Exousia once Varen got back knowing how he was going to conduct his investigation.
'He rules like a tyrant when it comes to those spoiled royals.' He thought, recalling a familiar incident that had happened decades before. 'The entire nation will be flipped backwards if it means capturing his opposers.'
"Ugh, I'm exhausted." Nevra's desperate complaints brought Amrit back from his thoughts. "I can't wait to have a hot bath once I'm home."
"Is Rowen still in the village?" Amrit asked, naturally starting up a conversation. "I don't think I've seen him the entire week."
"It was Lex's orders." Nevra said sulkily, her shoulders drooped down to express her sadness. "I think he's taking a liking to Rowen's abilities... My dearest is starting to look feebler every time I see him..."
'...Lovebirds...' Amrit frowned, regretting his decision to ask that question.
Just as the door of the room came into view, two familiar figures caught their attention. It was the Kaxarene siblings again, Kango and Sukha.
"... Nevra." Amrit extended his hand in front of the fixated Roseabelle, who couldn't take her eyes off of Sukha.
The Valor too was visibly overwhelmed, but she seemed more afraid of Nevra than angry. She wouldn't even dare to hold Nevra's glare as she anxiously looked at her feet.
"I know." She replied vaguely, stepping backwards which visibly made the two Valors ease up. Her fists were balled tightly into fists, her only way of preventing her entire body from pouncing at the Valor. "I'm trying my best."
"... Lovely to see you again, Sukha." Nevra greeted half-heartedly, somewhat knowing where this conversation was going to go.
"... I wish I could say the same." Sukha replied warily, fully aware of the fact that she was being closely watched by the Roseabelle.
Amrit could clearly see the fear in Sukha's eyes when she noticed Nevra; it appeared like what had happened between them in the past was still haunting to the Valor, not that he could blame her. The younger Nevra was a true monster, a being that was made more frightful thanks to her lack of emotional intelligence. However, Nevra had changed immensely once the war was over but once in a while, it wasn't uncommon for her to completely lose it.
'Having Nevra around should be enough to scare her away for the time being.' He thought, hoping that the Valors would not meddle with their business as it would only complicate things. After all, they were here because of Zeya's orders, nothing else mattered other than that.
Nevra was one of the few Roseabelles that were feared by the Valors here, particularly due to how her hunger controlled her actions. She was notorious for being a full-on huntress, it didn't really matter to her what species you were, as long as you did what you were supposed to do. She only ever saw them as fuel sources, nothing more.
'And the Valor almost became part of her long list of victims.' He thought, recalling how Sukha almost died by Nevra's hands during the war.
The siblings were still fairly young when they fought in the war with the older and more experienced Roseabelles so he wouldn't be surprised if they were somewhat traumatized by what they had to go through during those times.
They were one of the very few that barely survived the war due to their talents in combat but even they knew that they were alive due to the Roseabelles' mercy and unfortunate circumstances that they were left to deal with in the middle of the ordeal.
"I'll be waiting inside then." She announced as she walked towards the door where Sukha stood. Nevra paused briefly by her side before she eventually went in, leaving the three to talk without her.
"Where did His Majesty go with that empress of yours?" Sukha demanded as soon as Nevra left.
"Answer my question." She urged impatiently but Amrit remained unmoving. "It's obvious that you know what's happening."
'The mission is meant to be secretive. No one but the Circle is allowed to know, Empress orders.' He recalled the warning Arius had given him. 'Everyone is a potential suspect, even his most trusted Valors.'
"Why should a mighty Valor like you ever choose to take the word of a lowly Roseabelle like myself?" He replied sarcastically, only causing Sukha to be more impatient. "You would find better answers asking someone else so leave, I'm quite busy today if you couldn't already tell."
"Varen left without a word." Kango spoke up on behalf of his sister, his face lacking any sort of emotion just like the expression he wore. "Ezra, our royal counselor refuses to say anything to us, so we've come here to you Roseabelles."
"The reason should be as clear as day, don't you think?" He smirked at the Valor's condescending attitude. "He must not trust you as much as you thought he did."
"Why else would he make such a massive effort to travel this discreetly?" His smirk grew as he saw Sukha's demeanor waver at his words. "Not to mention that he even took a Roseabelle with him and not a Kaxarene. Truly tragic if you asked me."
"I know you're not stupid, Sukha." Amrit stated, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Unless you're deaf, you would've already heard of all the rumors that's been going around so I suggest you start your investigation there."
"I'm warning you for the sake of keeping the peace between us, Sukha." He leaned towards the female Kaxarene, causing her to flinch. "I suggest you stay far from this part of the palace, both you and your brother."
"If that's all you're here to ask then please, leave." Amrit said with a fed-up sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose to calm the numbing migraine. "Before Nevra changes her mind and decides to come out here to finish what she started with you during the war."
With that he shut the door at their faces, but Sukha couldn't bring herself to go after him and face Nevra again, not after she had tried to devour her alive in the past. The mere recollection of it never failed to give her goosebumps.