Between Empires and Our Echoes: Her Majesty's Revenge

Chapter 46: Damage Control

 Centuries ago, when the late emperor was still alive and ruling, he had ordered the palace to be reconstructed in order to create a holding chamber just underneath the palace's structures.

 This space was used to hold the many prisoners from Stygia and rumors has it that the captured Roseabelles were treated horrendously there, often dying painful deaths. 

 Except, it wasn't just rumors, and Sukha was one of the few to have witnessed the horrors that occurred within these walls firsthand. 

 The maze-like chamber was quickly forgotten after the war came to an end but occasionally, Varen still made use of it as somewhat of a torture space since the heavy concrete walls did well in drowning out the cries of his prisoners.

 She never thought that she would be walking through these harrowing halls again in her lifetime and yet here she was, when Varen decided to reopen the chamber for his investigations.

 Kango had confirmed what Varen needed to know and that gave him the green light to do what he loved most.

 Apparently, the key keeper of the cemetery, an older Kaxarene that had been serving the royal family since Raziel's reign had been bribed by the humans to get him to agree to the operation.

 It was easy to get the warrant to capture the key keeper and the rest of the Kaxarenes but the same couldn't be said for the humans however, that was always something Varen could handle later on.

 For now, the emperor urgently needed to let out his frustrations and this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

 She stood behind the emperor as he did his part by torturing the prisoners until they lost consciousness or died from the blood loss. 

 She had already lost count of how many Kaxarenes he had already dealt with despite it only being a few hours, and he still showed no signs of stopping anytime soon and the piles of bodies was starting to accumulate rapidly.

 'He's just been going on a killing spree.' She thought as another fell to the ground with a wet thud, blood splattered all over the floor and walls. 

 "Weak bastards." Varen cursed as he flicked the blood of his hands while Sukha brought in another chained-up Kaxarene. "None of them can handle a little bit of a beating and yet they dared to go against me when I've been treating them so nicely."

 "I decided to show you all some mercy and this is how you decide to treat my kindness?" He looked down at the now trembling man. "Come on, at least have the decency to answer me, will you?"

 "P-Please, Your Majesty!" The older Kaxarene begged with his hoarse voice, hoping that he would receive some mercy. The chained Kaxarene cried and thrashed around, but it was no use. "I'll do anything for you, anything! I-I was made a scapegoat by that imbecile key keeper, I'm innocent!"

 "So, you did nothing wrong?" Varen asked with a calm voice.

 "I..." The man trailed off his sentence, unable to defend himself. That in itself was enough to tell Varen what he needed to know.

 "... You can't even lie to save yourself." Varen uttered in disdain before he slit the Kaxarene's throat, killing him in a slow and tormenting way. Sukha watched in horror as the man drowned in his own blood before his body laid still and unmoving, indicating his death.

'... This is starting to go too far.' She thought when Varen motioned for her to fetch yet another unfortunate imprisoner.

 "Your Majesty, please I think-" She stopped mid-sentence, far too scared of Varen's wrathful glare to continue.

 "Am I being too harsh on him, Sukha?" He asked in a mocking tone, scoffing at her fearful expression. "Here, why don't you do it then?"

 He reached out his blood-stained hands to give Sukha a weird looking contraption that was also covered in fresh blood, but the Valor could only shake her head in denial.

 "You refuse?" He tilted his head under the dim light that hanged from the concrete ceiling, making him appear threatening. "Then leave. You're only being a burden with that god awful empathy you have for these fuckers."

 "F-Forgive me, Your Majesty." She stammered with a lowered gaze before she rushed out of the room and back up to the surface. Her legs gave out once she reached the deserted corridors safely, allowing her some time to recollect herself. 

 'I need to get help.' She thought, getting back on her feet urgently. 'But... who do I even call?'

 For a moment she just stood there panting, unsure of how to answer her own question. She tried and tried to think of other names but only one in particular kept appearing in her mind against her will.

 "Fuck..." She muttered under her breathe once the realization hit her.


 "What am I even doing here?" She muttered to herself, as she stood in front of Zeya's chamber. She was unsure as to why she decided to seek help from an enemy but part of her knew that she was the only person that Varen would listen to.

 "Let's just knock on the door and see what happens, Sukha." She told herself as she reached to knock but her body just refused to listen. Finally, after some more hesitation, she managed to knock on the door and waited for Zeya to open the door.

 "... You again." Zeya greeted the Valor warmly. "What do you want now?"


 Suhka's desperate pleas were the only things that she could think of as she made her way to Varen's throne room. It was pitch dark out in the corridors without any of the maids present to do their usual tasks, one of which was keeping the palace well-lit once the sun had set.

 "As much as I hate to admit it, you're the only one who he'll listen to... and I need you to stop him before he kills everyone."

"I have no business with what goes on in his kingdom." Zeya recalled telling the distraught Valor, wanting nothing to do with anymore of Varen's affairs. "If that is what he wishes to do to the criminals, then so be it. Besides, you of all people know how he is with traitors so why are you do you seem so surprised?"

 "Please, Your Majesty." Sukha's persistence took Zeya by surprise when the Valor proceeded to kneel down, giving Zeya no choice but to oblige. "I'm begging you."

 "I can't believe I'm doing this right now." She sighed as she walked towards the central palace all alone. She could've just denied Sukha's request and get on with the rest of her day, but her curiosity was something she could never suppress no matter how hard she tried. 

 'It's going to be the reason I die one day.' She cursed herself out of spite, knowing that it was true.

 "Look who's come to pay me a visit." His deep voice echoed eerily throughout the chamber as Zeya pushed opened the massive doors, revealing herself to him.

The chamber was as menacing as the corridors, adorning the same gold walls. The only difference was the addition of the enticing artwork bought from foreign nations with the many riches he had access to.

The air chilled her to the bones despite the thick clothes she wore, feeling the familiar sensation of goosebumps forming on the surface of her pale skin. All source of artificial light were completely extinguished, with the exception being the sky's greyish hue illuminating from the only large window present in the room, which was just behind the mighty throne.

 "... I doubt that you came here on just your own will." He suspected correctly, getting up from his throne to go greet the empress. "Tell me, did someone ask you to come check on me?"

 "Your main concern should be the fact that I'm here, don't you think?" She evaded the question smoothly and thankfully, he didn't seem to notice.

 "I was thinking about coming to see you anyway." He smiled lazily. "I've been needing something to put me back into a good mood, especially after that knight of yours snatched you away from me."

 A metallic scent of fresh blood mixed with the intense smell of booze oozed off of him as he got closer to Zeya, making her frown. His eyes were unfocused, yet she could feel the intensity of his gaze as it focused on her and only her.

 "So, that killing spree you went on was because of me then?" She questioned, watching his expression falter slightly. 

 "I had my own reasons." He smiled absent-mindedly, looking over her shoulders for no apparent reason. "But sure, you could say that was part of my outburst."

"... I simply had some personal issues to deal with." He explained casually, taking a step back. "Just because I'm the Emperor doesn't excuse me from doing what's necessary."

"And why would an Emperor have the need to get his hands dirty?" She muttered, still fixated on the blood that stained Varen's scarred hands.

"Fear is a powerful motivator, am I wrong?" He smiled devilishly as his eyes gleamed with pure malice. "I was merely inspiring the rest of the royal council to do better. For the sake of the country... and themselves."

 "Did that tactic of yours work then?" She asked with her hands crossed across her chest.

 He was half naked with only his topcoat to cover his chiseled chest from the cold. His shirt was discarded next to throne, and it was obvious that he took it off because it was practically drenched in blood.

 "Is this telling enough, dear?" He couldn't help but smile when he noticed Zeya's gaze lingering on him for a moment too long.

 "... I'm simply here to stop you from doing something you'll regret." She finally stopped staring and turned around, intending to leave. "You seem calm enough now, so I'll take my leave-"

 "I don't have any intentions to see you leave though." He argued, as he grabbed a hold of her waist, pulling her closer. "After all, you did claim that you were here to handle me, am I wrong?"

 "So, stay with me until I'm satisfied." His eyes glimmered with mischief as he stared at Zeya seductively. "Or I don't know what I'll do to the rest of those bastards... and that's a threat I'm willing to act on." 

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