Between Empires and Our Echoes: Her Majesty's Revenge

Chapter 64: The Walls Have Ears... And So Do Shadows

 "... Did you know that she was trying to escape?" Varen asked, trying to figure out if Arius was aware of Zeya's plan. 

 "... What?" Arius exclaimed, his usually calm expression nowhere to be seen. "What do you mean she's trying to flee?"

 Knowing the minister was bad at lying, Varen was convinced that he was unaware after all but still decided not to share too much, just in case. 

 'So, this was entirely her decision after all.' He thought, his eyebrows furrowed in disapproval. 'This must've been a part of her plan ever since she made her return.'

"That... that can't happen." Arius determined, and for the first time in a while, Varen agreed with the minister's words.

 "Of course, it can't Arius." Varen agreed harshly. "Because you'll have no chance but to witness our nations merge back together."

 "Do you think I'm oblivious to what your royal council has been planning to do once Zeya is out of the picture?" Varen brought up, hoping to get Arius on his side for once. "Even though we've gone our separate ways after the war, I am still liable to rule Stygia if you fail to secure a legitimate heir."

 "Unless Baron somehow managed to conceal a secret child that possesses the sacred eyes from all of us, Zeya is the only rightful heir." Varen struggled to contain his satisfaction when he noticed Arius' defeated expression. "If I were you, having Zeya imprisoned should come to me as a relief, not distress."

 'He's rather die than have me take over.' He thought, watching the gears in Arius' head turn, confident that he successfully managed to convince the minister to align with him rather than oppose. 'For now, I need to shut him up and make him listen so I can deal with the rest of the group.'

 "At least tell me where you're keeping her." Arius continued to push for an answer and surprisingly, Varen finally obliged. "She is still frail from the injuries she received from the contract! You can't possibly make me believe-"

"She is perfectly fine. I have her confined inside my private chambers with a barrier spell, but I can assure you that she is unharmed and well." He revealed now that he was confident that Arius was on his side now. "I plan to keep her there until I can bring her home."

 "But what about the plans to capture Tvar?" Arius reasoned, finding Varen's plan absolutely baseless. "Your entirely contract with Zeya was made for this exact moment, and you're willing to give this chance up?!"

 "And risk the possibility of Zeya getting killed?! Have you forgotten that this thing is out for blood?" Varen confronted, having enough of Arius' reasonings.

"You must be out of your mind if you think I'll let that happen."

 "Varen, the entire palace has been engulfed by that monster." Arius revealed, hoping to convince him but the emperor appeared unfazed by the news.

 "I could tell from a thousand miles away." Varen humored drily; he was one of the few immortals that found out about the entire situation as it was unfolding. "That monster has grown bolder by the day. It didn't even bother to mask its presence from me."

 "I will handle Tvar myself." Varen concluded with an absolute resolve in his expression, seemingly determined to put an end to this chase they've been entertaining for too long now. "It seems that involving Zeya has only made matters worse for all of us."

 "... Do you remember what you said to me before?" Varen suddenly recalled their last conversation back at Exousia, his voice low and desolate. "How I only ever cause harm to Zeya?"

 "For the first time in a while, I had no words to defend myself. I just couldn't stop thinking about it even if it killed me." He spat out a small chuckle, devoid of any humor. "Because what you said was nothing but the truth.

"Ever since I chose to side with my father, I've done nothing but hurt her again and again and now, her love for me has ceased to exist." He smiled as he held the minister's gaze, one that was still full of mistrust and hate. "I'm sure you've seen how she looks at me. In her eyes, I have become nothing more than a soulless monster."

 "But for once, I wish to protect her. She's already been through enough because of me, I know that much than anyone else in this world. Letting her deal with this monster will only harm her more, considering how frail she's become because of the contract we share."

"Is that so much to ask?" 

"Even if you refuse to believe my words, I still love her, Arius." Varen noted how Arius flinched at his words, his hands gripped tightly into fists. "If this is what I must do to get her back, then so be it. I am, after all, known to do far worse if it means getting what I desire."

"So, don't try to jeopardize my plans, Arius. Unless you want Zeya to never look your way again."

Varen did not hesitate to threaten minister to achieve his desired outcome, and unfortunately for Arius, it was proving quite effective.


 'So that's where she's been all along.' Lex thought as he hid himself under the shadows to prevent being seen by the two men. 'I knew that psycho bastard was nothing but bad news.'

 By the time Lex emerged from the shadows, the pair was already headed back to the ballroom, apparently unaware of the mess inside.

The Roseabelle couldn't believe his luck while he busied himself by summoning Nox by his side, hoping to use his ability to find Varen's private chambers where Zeya was imprisoned.

He knew that doing this would put him in danger, but Lex had an advantage over the others due to his high-ranking status as the ruler of the shadow realm.

Varen would have a hard time punishing Lex, and that in itself was more than enough for Lex to act without hesitation.

 "She's somewhere around here, Nox." Lex confirmed, feeling somewhat hopeful that he was close.

The creature did not hesitate to investigate the entire premises, but things already appeared bleak within mere seconds of Nox searching through the hallways and back.

 "We still can't see anything..." It whispered to Lex, its ears drooping in disappointment and worry. 

 'Fuck, this isn't looking too good.' He thought, beginning to feel restless. 'If Nox can't find her, no one can, even if we flipped this entire place upside down.'

 "L-Lex?" A faint, yet familiar voice suddenly erupted from the dark corridor ahead of them, immediately perking Lex's interest. "Is that you?"

 "Kaari?" He almost yelled out, not expecting her to be out with him.

 "I thought I told you to stay in your room, princess." Lex spoke sternly, walking over to where the timid human stood, fidgeting her hands nervously. "Go back right now, it's still too dangerous-"

 "I-I tried to listen to you, Lex, I really did." She defended herself nervously, looking around before continuing. "But the voice I told you about back at the ballroom, it only grew louder after you had left. I-I started to make sense of what it was trying to say to me." 

"I... I think the empress is in danger, and she might need our help, Lex." She explained, failing to see Lex's eyes light up at her words. "They've been telling me that she's been trapped somewhere in the palace, asking me to find her."

 "I-I don't know what's happening, but I need this madness to stop. I sound ridiculous telling you all this!"

Kaari was clearly distressed with everything that was happening to her and Lex seemed to be the only person capable of helping her.

 Perhaps this was her first time experiencing a magically induced phenomenon and her stuttering words and watery eyes were clear signs that she was not experienced at all.

 'She's clearly not a normal human, that's for certain.' Lex was glad to have had his suspicions be true but that was content he'd meddle with for another day.

"I'll explain everything to you in due time but one thing I can tell you right now is that the voice in your head is telling you the truth."

 "I know you're scared, dear." Lex held her by the shoulders, holding onto her firmly.

"However, Zeya needs your help to escape and right now, you're the only one that's capable of finding her whereabouts." Lex crouched down to meet Kaari's entrancing silver eyes that glimmered even in the dark.

"So, will you help me?"

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