Chapter 9: An Ominous Situation
Several hours had already passed with Varen stealthily watching Zeya from the outside of Arius' residence. He had followed Nox back when he caught it surveilling the area where he had left Zeya and her brother, Lex.
It wasn't completely a lie when people say that the most unexpected things happen when you least expect it. Looking back now, he thought he was going to have to fight off Zeya after he had struck Lex in the head but instead, he was hit with the most passive yet rudest display of gratitude he had ever received in a long time.
"You should probably leave now." Her voice soft and strained as she rested her head against a tree nearby, glancing at the unconscious Lex. "Arius would not be pleased to see the two of us here together."
"... Is this a new way of saying thank you?" He raised his eyebrows in curiosity, which earned a deadly glare from Zeya. "Because I was expecting much more than that when I had just saved your life."
"... As much as I do appreciate your 'help' Your Majesty, I don't recall asking for it to begin with." She countered brazenly, not bothering to look at Varen as she said that. "If anything, this would be considered assault in Stygia, and you would be imprisoned for a decade for it, and I'm sure you wouldn't like that, would you?"
'After all she went through, the only thing worrying her was Arius.' He scoffed, still dumbfounded by her bizarre priorities.
Varen was hoping that she would at least feel grateful for finding her lost brother for her, but it seemed to have backfired, much to his dismay. He could see Zeya clearly from where he had hidden himself, the wilderness around the residence being the perfect concealment from the Empress' sharp eyes.
The sun was still asleep despite being dawn, the nation truly taking after its name as the land of the shadows. Quietly from the darkness, he eyed her every move to find the right time to approach the estate, hoping to change Zeya's mind once and for all.
He had seen Arius leave the premise just a moment ago and now all that he had left to look out for was the shadow creature Nox and her brother.
'I'm surprised that thing hasn't sniffed me out yet.' He turned to the wilderness behind him, the massive trees swaying calmly in the opposite direction of the residence. 'Though I'd best be getting on my way, I doubt that the winds will blow north forever.'
With one swift movement, he skillfully jumped out of his hiding spot on top a giant tree branch, landing gracefully on the ground.
"I thought this would end quickly." He muttered, slightly confused by his decision to come into such a hostile place alone. "However, it seems like changing your mind is proving harder than I had predicted it to be."
"Where are the two of you heading off to now?" Zeya questioned from the living room when she saw Lex wearing a thick leather coat, getting ready to head out with Nox.
"I forgot I had some business left unattended back home." Lex summarized, with no intentions to elaborate his sentence any further. "And I need dear little Nox over here to help me so, it'll be following me for a bit."
"And I can trust that you're not going to be doing anything worrying?" She asked, eyeing Nox for some reassurance.
"I-I'll try my best, My Lady." The beast stammered as it stood beside its creator, avoiding eye contact with the charismatic man like a scared little pup. "Though I can't really promise you anything."
"You read the letter Kaiden sent before we switched, didn't you?" Lex asked, his expression devoid of his usual playful demeanor. "He was planning to finish it up before I surfaced but it seems like there's still a few things left to do."
Before she could even answer, Lex was already on his way out, opening the door as he called for the timid creature.
"Come on Nox, before I send you to do watch duty in the shadow world instead."
The echo of the door closing almost seemed to go on forever after Lex left the room without another word. Leaning comfortably against the plush sofa, the massive space made Zeya feel extremely small, who was now the only living being in the deserted house. As the seconds passed by, Zeya finally gave in to the unreasonable anxiety, going back upstairs to the room she had woken up in.
'It must be the blood loss.' She thought, blaming her condition for her throbbing headache and shortness of breath. 'Or maybe I had a little bit too much to drink.'
Abruptly, she swung the door open, slightly calmer now that she was in a smaller, much cozier room. She walked past the bed and sat right down in the couch, placed in the middle of the room to be used as a place for isolated leisure.
'Is there something serious going on in their world?' She wondered as her mind calmed down, recalling the concerning letter she had read weeks ago.
The shadow world was a place just like its name suggested; a separate world just for the shadows to flourish in. It was a murky realm just like the creatures that lived there, the only thing that connected them to this world being her mother's family, the Hades.
They were the only living beings allowed to enter the mysterious dimension, who were exceptionally loved by the shadow people for reasons that were unknown.
The Hades also had the luxury to command these creatures at will, earning them the rightful title of being one of the most influential families in Stygia due to the sheer development they provided to the nation's military forces.
Her mother especially was the most loved among her kin when she was still alive, never once did you see her without the typically bashful creatures following close behind her, speaking in a tongue that was known only to them.
Once every month, when Zeya was allowed to visit her mother, she always saw her surrounded by the magnificent creatures, speaking in a tongue that only they knew of. They were the only things that keep her mother sane from her father's cruel treatment towards her; a big reason why Zeya highly respected the tranquil creatures, for cherishing her mother when she couldn't.
'This place will never give me closure for Mother's death.' She thought, realizing that she's been thinking about her a lot more ever since she came back. 'It's been centuries since she died and here I am, not letting the deceased rest in peace.'
"I wonder what you're thinking of so intensely that you didn't even notice an intruder coming in." A deep, husky voice interrupted the tranquility, jolting her awake from her thoughts.
'... I guess I don't deserve a break after all.' She thought as she met the gaze of the grinning Emperor once she opened her eyes. 'Not when this bastard keeps interfering.'
"You got hurt pretty badly, didn't you?" He commented suddenly, noticing the bloodstained shirt she had on. Without a second thought, he reached out as an attempt to touch it, which he would come to regret later on.
"I'd think twice if I were you, Varen." Her voice cold and angry as the cold metal edge of her sai came in contact with his throat. "I don't think I've been violent enough for you to get the hint, have I?"
'Damn you and your habits, Varen.' He cursed himself internally, balling his hands into fists. 'You just had to do it to her of all people, didn't you?'
"... I was just worried, that's all." He reasoned, backing off from the sharp weapon with his hands up in surrender. "Forgive me if I had crossed the line."
"How the hell did you get in here?" She asked, not even surprised by the sudden visit. "Actually, let me rephase my question — why the hell are you even here?"
"The door was left unlocked." He replied innocently, casually finding himself a seat right across Zeya. "So, I merely just let myself in, hoping maybe I'd see you here."
'Lies.' She thought, seeing right through his acts. 'I'm sure you've been spying on me from the forest like a creep.'
"And why exactly are you searching for me?" She questioned, not convinced by Varen's explanation. "I clearly thought I bided you farewell back at the Dweller's lair."
"Well, I'm here to make you yet another offer since it seemed like my first one helped you greatly." He smirked, gesturing back to the forests surrounding them. "As suspicious as it may look, I just genuinely feeling a bit nice, and I'm sure you'd quite like what I'm about to give you."
"Do you have nothing to do with your life, Your Majesty? Surely, your people need you desperately amidst the murder frenzy you told me about."
"That's exactly what I have been thinking about the whole day as well." He admitted cheerfully, not at all ashamed. "Imagine living under an Emperor that spends his days chasing after his ex just so he could ask them for a favor."
An awkward ambience began to engulf the room after he uttered those words, unintentionally revealing the 'shameful' past that the pair once shared. Avoiding his gaze felt like the only right thing to do for Zeya, feeling uncomfortable now that he was openly taking about their relationship which she still had difficulty mentioning.
"However, I believe my decision will bear fruit. You have something important that can help find the culprit and, I don't intend to give up until I convince you."
He stared at Zeya as he said that, the emotions hidden behind his gaze hard to decipher. "I'm willing to put everything on the line if it's for my people, even my pride."
"Is that why you're pestering me like this?" She asked, provoking him slightly. "To defend those humans?"
"This is to defend everyone in Exousia." He replied defensively. "And Stygia, potentially even the world. That's how dangerous that thing is."
Just as Zeya opened her mouth to speak, she heard faint footsteps coming up the stairs towards the room she was in — she also wasn't the only one that heard it.
"... I guess that is my cue to leave. I suppose we can talk about my little offer some other time." He heaved a heavy sigh, looking slightly weary. "I hope my desperation reached you even just a little bit... I'll be needing your help in order to solve this issue."
And with that, he made his way to the outer balcony, swiftly climbing up the rails before jumping down, leaving Zeya behind to deal with whoever was on their way to her room, all alone.