Between Empires and Our Echoes: Her Majesty's Revenge

Chapter : About The Characters Part I (Roseabelle Edition)

Roseabelles are not human, they are supernatural creatures. The powers that they have are specifically common only in their family bloodlines because it was passed down from their ancestors centuries ago. They are also incredibly skilled in fighting since they were all taught from a very young age.

Using their powers do have effects on them physically and mentally, but the severity of it is different for everyone.

Two Types:

Spell Casters [requires energy from a rare protein that in only available in humans, Roseabelles, and certain animals in order to use and replenish their powers]

Bonded Casters [powers are passed down from one generation to another and does not require any external energy source]

Spell Casters (Nevra Rossingol, Rowen Valencia, Amrit Slora)

These characters are connected to their ancestors through magic. The powers that they use heavily involves magic and spell casting. This requires the spiritual energy from their souls therefore they need to replenish it either through cannibalism or eating humans. They cannot physically consume normal foods as their taste buds are fairly different from most creatures. If they overuse their abilities and do not replenish it, their souls will wither and die, resulting in the death of the physical body as well.

Bonded Casters (Zeya Reyes, Kaiden/Lex Hades)

The powers gifted to them are literal bonds between them and their ancestors; a part of their primal ancestors still lives within them since birth. It is much easier for them to use their powers compared to the Spell Casters. If they use too much or too little however, the power will literally consume them whole, resulting in insanity before leading them to inevitable death. They can choose to cannibalize or eat normal foods, but it doesn't really affect them in a positive or negative way. Bonded Casters are considered more powerful because the strength of their abilities stay the same as their ancestors because of their connection in both blood and mind.


[] The Circle: Stygia's Wealthiest and Strongest []

The Circle is a unit of the most powerful High Roseabelles in Stygia, [It's similar to the Elites but smaller and just like how only Sloths with powers can join the Elite, only High Roses can compete to join the Circle]. It was created by the Emperor of Stygia [Zeya's dad] and within it there is also a rank that is followed strictly, the higher you are in terms of ranking, the more power you have. There are a total of five members:

Zeya Reyes [Ranked 1st within the Circle]

Age: "A few hundred years old. That's all you have to know." -Zeya

Height: 178 cm [5'8 ft]

Family: The Reyes family; Descendant Of The Winged Demons [Current family ruling over Stygia]

Type: Bonded Caster

Likes: honest people, rainy days, reading books

Dislikes: Her father (Baron Reyes), extremely bright light, humans (except Claire, her maid since she's a half-breed)

Habits: Unintentionally picking fights, bouncing her legs when she's thinking, disappearing when she need time alone

Extra Information:

Zeya is fully a Roseabelle but she is a half breed of a Winged Demon descendent (her father) and a Shadow Whisperer descendent (her mother). She's half related to Kaiden as they share the same mother, but this is not known to others except families and peers. Cross breeding is a very risky procedure but if it succeeds, the offspring is superior to other normal ones. Most of the time, the offspring are born either 100% one type only (like Kaiden), or deformed and abnormal, (like Nevra).

In this case however, Zeya is a very special case and has many advantages when it comes to dominating her enemies with her powers. She can summon wings that are identical to her ancestors, (imagine gigantic wings similar to that of a bird's, one black and the other white), has an insane amount of strength and intelligence. Her eyes transform into the color red (most Roses do as well, but the color red is very uncommon).

Since she is the highest ranking Roseabelle, she is feared by many as a cold-blooded killer even in her own hometown. Since she's half Shadow Whisperer, she can also summon demonic beings from the shadows and befriend them. She rarely uses these powers because not only does it makes her tired, but she starts to lose herself to her powers, similarly to Kaiden with Lex.


Kaiden/Lex(ian) Hades [Ranked 2th within the Circle]

Age: Kaiden is 490 years old (35 years old) whereas Lex claims that he is ageless

Height: 192 cm [6'3 ft]

Family: The Hades family; Descendants of the Shadow Whisperers

Type: Bonded Caster

Likes: Alcohol

Dislikes: Inconveniences

Habits: sleeps butt naked at night, clicking his tongue when he's annoyed

{Please note that the things stated above for Kaiden and Lex is mainly focused on Lex because I haven't really talked about Kaiden, and he's not really involved in the story.}

Extra Information:

Kaiden the only son but is half related Zeya as they share the same mother. Kaiden has parents that are both Shadow Whisperers but sharing powerful spouses are not uncommon. I attempted to portray Kaiden to have DID [dissociative identity disorder] and in this case, his alter ego is Lex, who you will see the most in this story.

The cause of this is because Kaiden had a traumatic experience when he first started using his powers. (Basically, he killed a lot of innocent people when he was younger and feels like it was his fault). Lex was created by Kaiden to protect himself however, it is difficult for them to switch back. Lexian (Lex) is the polar opposite of Kaiden. He is very blunt and says everything that's on his mind. He can be very aggressive towards people he doesn't like but is incredibly protective of his family which makes him a person you'd either hate or love.

Just like Zeya, he can summon beings from the shadows, but he can do that more frequently and effortlessly than her. Shadow Creepers are an example of creatures they can befriend. Another ability he has is that he can turn himself into a shadow being to hide or to sneak in somewhere.

You will usually find him talking to no one in particular but he actually having a rather interesting conversation with an entity others can't see, even Zeya. He's not close to his relatives at all and prefers to hang out with Zeya and the rest of the 'kids'. He was forced to join the Circle (like the others) because his biological father (who is unknown for now) threatened to disown him if he refused.


Nevra Rossingol [Ranked 3th within the Circle]

Age: 420 years old (30 years old in human age)

Height: 172 cm [5'6 ft]

Family: The Rossingol family; Descendants of the Songstresses of Death

Type: Spell Caster

Likes: Rowen, eating fresh, raw human meat, shopping, hunting, the color red

Dislikes: Bossy people, being hungry, cute things (tries to strangle them to death), emotions (it's confusing to her)

Habits: Likes to eat a lot when bored, picks at her stitches when anxious, impulsive spending (like her hubby Rowen)

Extra Information:

Nevra is the only one besides Zeya that is a half breed among the Circle members, but she is one of the more common results whenever interbreeding occurs. All Roseabelles in general are attractive but Nevra was considered a 'failed' result because of all her stiches [she's still fuckin' pretty though]. She was born with some parts of her brain underdeveloped so she has problems dealing with things that normal people can do easily. This includes emotional relationships (Like her and Rowen relationship always being unstable), understanding feelings and judging right from wrong.

Her family doesn't care for her in the slightest, therefore she grew up with no one to teach or care for her like her other friends. There are spells that she can cast to her enemies with her honey-like voice to kill them. (It's similar to Sirens where they attract men towards them to kill them). She is very close to her younger siblings and always tries to take care of them.

All of her sisters and brothers are deformed like her, but Nevra is the most 'useful' of the bunch. Out of all the characters, Nevra had the hardest time growing up since her parents didn't care for her. She received the most brutal type of training, and she is currently the best combat fighter among the six.

When she turned sixteen, she proposed a deal with her family stating that she will do whatever they want, as long as they promise to take care of her siblings. That is why Nevra is dating Rowen but despite it being an arranged relationship, she is very much in love with Rowen. After that, she was asked to join the competition to join the Circle, so she did. Now, because of her efforts, and her siblings and herself are finally being treated like actual High Roses.

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