Chapter 6: CUPID'S ARROW

The roar of the crowd faded into a gentle hum as Sunmi's eyes meet him ... he was captivating, a blend of effortless charm and raw magnetism that had her heart racing . She felt his gaze linger in her, a subtle heat spread through her cheeks , she hadn't notice him before, but suddenly , he was all she could see.

As if sensing her awareness, he smiled . A warm inviting gesture that eased her nervousness.he gracefully maneuvered his way towards her , his presence filling the space with a comfortable warmth .

" hey, mind if I sit here?" He asked with a voice that sent shivers down her spine.sunmi flustered could only manage to say " no" even though she wanted to say more. He chuckled " good,it's a bit crowded over there. And I really wanted to talk to you". Sunmi's heart pounded in her chest " Talk to me?".

"Yeah",he replied his eyes twinkling " I think you're pretty , I saw you earlier, I just had to introduce my self."

" well it's nice to meet you, my name is sunmi and you?" She said as she extended her hands for a shake ."Eamon, my name is Eamon " he said as he shook her hand.

" Eamon , I like that . So Eamon what are you into " Sunmi said looking at Eamon with a big smile .

" Good question,I'm a big fan of music , anything classic , I love exploring new places ,parties , and I'm also a foodie. What about you?" Eamon replied.

" music, movies and a good party ".she answered finally gaining a little confidence." I like exploring new places too especially when it involves food".

"You're a foodie too?" Eamon grinned " " Good because I know a good place that makes the best meals in town we should go there sometimes". Sunmi heart soared . He was funny , cute , engaging and seemed genuinely interested in her . This was going better than she hoped.

As the match continued, they talked about anything and everything. She found her self drawn to his quick and easy laughter , and before they knew it, the match was over.

" hey,I had a great time talking to you" Eamon said , his gaze on her " do you mind if I get your number?"

Sunmi felt so pleased as they exchanged contacts , but a little sad as they said their goodbyes.

Sunmi woke up with Eamon on her mind and she went to school carrying those thoughts . That she didn't notice when mirabel waved at her.

" Earth to sunmi, Earth to sunmi" Mirabel said trying to get her attention.

" geez , you're still thinking about him, y'all haven't even made it official " Mirabel words stung sunmi like a bee."wait , what do you mean official? But we clearly like each other isn't that enough already?".

Mirabel couldn't help but laugh " oh my God , for someone as pretty as you I can't believe this is your first time ".

"Mirabel stop, so you mean If he doesn't ask me , as in ask me to be his girlfriend it's not official?"sunmi said with a sad expression.

"Yes , but don't worry he likes you ,I mean I saw the way he looked at you yesterday " mirabel paused then continued " but don't you think is too rushed?, I mean it's not been up to twenty four hours since y'all met "

Sunmi thought carefully the spoke " No , I mean it was clearly love at first sight for the both of us and if two people clearly love each other, there's no way it could be rushed "sunmi stopped and took a deep breath " and for him asking me out , I can't wait I'll do it my self " she said as she stood up" well ,wish me luck"she tapped on Mirabel shoulder playfully and left.

As sunmi walked the corridors searching for Eamon , the words of mirabel crossed her mind repeatedly. Making her to doubt her self . " what if it is too rushed , what if he doesn't like me as much as I like him" she thought to her self . But her thoughts were interrupted when she numbed into someone.

She looked up and saw it was Eamon . Her heart began to race as a flustered expression spread across both their faces .Eamon dragged her to a secluded corner" ok sunmi, I know this may sound weird but I just have to tell you". But before Eamon could utter any other word she blurted out" Eamon ,will you be my boyfriend I want us to make it official ". Eamon was stunned , he stood silent for her second , the chuckled "guess great minds think alike" he said as he slowly pulled her into a kiss.

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