Chapter 10: Chapter 10
Yuugi rushed down the streets past numerous of buildings and people. Huffing and puffing sounds as he was running for his life. He didn't realize this but he was almost extremely late for work.
It was only his second official day of working, and he was already running behind. This in itself wasn't a good impression. He quickly rushed down the busy streets and almost bumped into someone.
" pardon me! " he shouted back at the stranger, as the stranger grumbled and shouted back.
" watch it kid! "
Yuugi continued to race towards the building when he had finally reached the entrance of the place once more. He almost collapsed from exhaustion as he was breathing heavily.
In his mind he continued to thank his exercising schedule and the fact that he runs a mile every other week. He didn't comprehend the importance sometimes of being able to multitask.
However, he was lucky this time that he only was just arriving at the corporation which the time was now 7:03am. Indeed he was considered late, but he could've been later.
After catching some of his breath back he reached the entrance and went up to the appropriate floor. It stopped at several other floors as people came in and out.
Checking his watch every now and then, before he would reach the floor he needed to reach. Stepping out of the elevator and walking towards the entrance of the door.
As he opened it he was immediately greeted by numerous of workers, walking around with papers in their hands. The sounds of phones ringing off the hooks.
His eyelids widen at the busyness of the place, before locking into the reception area as he approached her. " hi. I uh. Yuugi mutou. " he said towards her.
The phone in her hand, along with her putting up a finger to tell him to wait a moment. " yes. Of course. We can book that for you tomorrow. Thank you for calling MCC. Mhm. Goodbye. "
" Ah. You're late. " she said towards mutou.
" y—yes I know.. and I'm really sorry but I- "
" follow the door. down the hallway. to the right, take another right and your office is there. " she said swiftly before she grabbed the phone again.
Yuugi blinked as he didn't get out any more words before shuffling along and walking in the security door. As he went inside people flooded the hallways, and offices.
' huh? What is going on? This place is super busy... ' he pondered in thought, as the male continued to walk where she told him too.
Yuugi however, before reaching the office he still needed to change. He looked completely out of place and couldn't very well work in his condition.
While he was trying to find the bathrooms, Grim and Melissa walked down the hallways with a group of colleagues. Talking and discussing profits and other corporate matters.
Grim eventually spotted Yuugi and his orbs widen from astonishment before breaking away from the group and approaching the shorter male.
" there you are! Where have you been? Ew. And why do you.. look.. so .. sweaty? " Grim asked.
Yuugi cheeks warmed up but not in a good way, as he felt embarrassed to even reply. " I — uh.. I'm .. I'm sorry. " Yuugi stated as he choked on his words, as Grim pushed Yuugi along and into the men's bathrooms.
Closing the door behind them, Grim flipped his arms up wanting an explanation. " look. We cannot afford late people. You need to be here on time. We are running a busy corporation. Mr. Sennen would fire you on the spot if he found out. "
" I know! I know! I'm sorry, I had to run to the department store and grab some clothes. The last time I came here Mr. Sennen told me to wear something more formal. " Yuugi explained swiftly.
Grim pushed Yuugi into a stall before he closed the door behind him and held the stall door closed as he talked through it. " okay okay. Just— hurry up and change! I'll run to my locker and grab you some cologne and deodorant so you don't look like you just came from a damn gym. "
Yuugi quickly took off his clothes as he was changing when he heard what grim told him. He was happy that someone was willing to assist him on his second day like this.
Truthfully, Yuugi was prepared for a busy morning and workload. However, he had absolutely no idea it would be this overwhelming and difficult. " thank you! Thank you! " Yuugi remarked.
Grim quickly left the bathroom as Yuugi continued to change. After some time Grim came back and handed him some cologne and the deodorant. To which Yuugi put it on and gave it back to Grim.
Eventually, Yuugi had finished and came out of the stall and looked much more better and presentable. He was wearing some nice solid black dress shoes.
Along with a white long sleeve collar shirt, with a dark purple vest over the top, along with some long dark purple slacks to match. He went to the mirror to fix his hair a bit more as well.
Grim nodded and gave him a thumbs up. " you look much — much ! Better. " Grim told him. Yuugi smiled and tugged against his vest a bit as he tucked in his white collar button shirt some more.
" now let's go! Before we get into more trouble. " Grim stated. Yuugi swiftly agreed before the two of them left the bathroom together and walked to where they needed to go.
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It was now 12pm as Yuugi was in the office typing up some paperwork for Mr. Sennen. His fingers felt like they were about to fall off.
Although he continued to work, to make up for the amount of time he had lost. He didn't want to be let go, so he stayed to work while everyone else had stopped and headed to their hour and a half lunch breaks.
Yuugi slowly sighed and stopped briefly to take a sip of some water before noticing from his glances people walking off. His hands stopped momentarily before his eyes shifted towards Yami's office.
Since the office's were all glass and see through, everyone could see what everyone was doing. The offices were also big, but since Yuugi was the secretary and personal assistant of Mr. Sennen his office was much larger.
Yuugi eyes every now and then darted towards his office and saw that Mr. Sennen was glued towards his paperwork. He saw him writing time and time again, and then typing.
It would seem not even Yaami knew when to take a break or perhaps he didn't take his break until later? Maybe he didn't take breaks at all?
These thoughts crossed the male's mind time and time again. Although the main thing that crossed his mind was remembering seeing the male at the gym.
His gleaming muscular toned body, with his bubbly firm ass and his full soft full lips that looked kissable and warm. Yuugi didn't realize he was at this point staring at Yaami as he worked.
To which Yaami slowly felt the presence of someone staring at him and slowly his purple hues lifted up from his work. His orbs locked into Yuugi as Yuugi quickly looked back at his monitor.
Yaami narrowed his orbs down before sighing a bit and stopping his work. He slowly pushed back in his seat and rose up from his chair and walked towards his door.
Yuugi felt sweat dropping down his cheek, and then felt his heart racing. If he wasn't already in trouble he indeed was now. It was already as well bad that Mr. Sennen didn't seem to like him.
This was going to make the situation ten times worse. Yaami left his office and walked across the hall and went into Yuugi's office without knocking.
Swinging the door opened as Yuugi didn't want to make eye contact but knew he had too. The shorter male slowly lifted his blue eyes up at the male and didn't speak.
Yaami on the other hand met the male with a dark and intimating stare. The kind of stare that made you question your existence. He didn't know what he wanted to say, or do, or how to feel.
Yuugi was trying to mentality prepare himself however to be fired or to be chewed out. It seemed to be their dynamic for now, and their relationship.
" Is there something the matter? " Yaami would finally say his French sexual tone could be heard soothing towards Yuugi's ears.
" I .. no uh- "
" because it would seem to me, that you have been staring at me, as if you wish to ask me something.. " Yaami would say fast cutting the male off.
" ... w— well.. I — " Yuugi started to fumble to speak as he looked down and organized his paperwork a little even though it wasn't really messy.
Yaami noticed this and rolled his eyes a bit at the shyness of this male. He didn't understand why he was acting this way, but he felt that it could be simply he was new.
" look little one. If you wish to have any type of dominance in this corporation. Shyness. Cannot be a weakness. " Yaami remarked.
Yuugi looked up as he heard what Yaami stated towards him, but didn't say anything yet as he didn't know if Yaami was done talking.
" ... this business. my. business. you need to have poise, power, and integrity. Factors you do not possess it seems. "
Yuugi continued to listen intensely.
" do you wish to possess these things? "
" y—yes? "
Yaami squinted his eyes down.
" that doesn't sound convincing. "
Yuugi swallowed a bit as Yaami's presence intimated the hell out of him. He felt weak and fragile compared towards him. True Yuugi was always a soft person.
However, with someone like Yaami it made him feel like a small inspect in a big pond. Though, he was determined to run his own business one day, so he wanted to show Yaami he could do this.
" yes. I do. " Yuugi said a bit more confidently.
Yaami continued to keep his same expression before he finally broke his silence. " good. then you shall come to our yacht party tonight. "
" yacht .. party? " Yuugi remarked.
" ... yes... .... You do. Know what a .. yacht is.. do you not? " Yaami stated. Yuugi blinked and felt himself getting embarrassed again.
" I — yes. I mean. Of course I do. I just.. I'm surprise you want me there. It sounds ... fancy.. and well.. I ... idk.. after — nvm.. "
" what? Because you have no fashion sense? " Yaami added.
Yuugi looked down again.
" ... come come now darling... you seem to have ... some. type of fashion sense considering you came into work today with this on. " Yaami remarked.
Yuugi looked back up and blushed a bit but it was tiny, almost like a flustered. He was in a way content and almost felt good that Yaami even complimented him.
" ... well.. thank you... Mr. Sennen. "
" besides. The yacht party is for business men to meet other business men and mingle with the employees and make stock trades. We do it annually every four months. " Yaami continued to explain.
" this would be a good opportunity for you to try and make a name for yourself in my organization. Not to mention when you meet with these businessmen you can sometimes get approved to attend our business worldwide conferences. " Yaami would go on to say as he slowly sat down in a chair.
" these conferences are known around the world. my corporation attends them time and time again. It is to showcase our new products and services towards possible new corporations, which then tries to make a deal with us. "
" oh. Wow. It sounds great. " Yuugi chimed in.
" indeed. Nevertheless, you are now apart of the team like it or not. So attendance is technically mandatory to appear. It will start at 8pm. Do Not. Be late. Again.... " Yaami stated piercing his eyes at Yuugi.
Yuugi gulped gently before nodding without a word.
Yaami slowly rose up from the chair as he silk elegant attire draped behind him. He slowly rotated a bit to look at Yuugi once more.
" go to lunch. no need to work your fingers off to prevent me from firing you for being late today. You have done your punishment. I think the lesson has been learnt. " Yaami remarked before he opened the door and left Yuugi's office.
Yuugi watched as Yaami walked away and down the hallway before disappearing from view, as Yuugi finally was able to let out a sigh of relief.
He didn't realize that Yaami knew about him being late today, but then again he should've fingered it'll reach him sooner or later.
Ironically, he was trying to work so hard that to Yaami it was obvious he was working so that he wouldn't get fired. Yuugi couldn't help but chuckle and smile a bit at the comment.
Slowly the male rose from his chair and saved his documents before grabbing the finished papers and placing them in his bag. Walking towards his office door before opening it up and heading to lunch.