Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Yugi had eventually arrived back home, and closed his front door and plopped his face directly into his couch.

Groaning a bit from the exhausting day he'd had been through. Slowly his head rotated to look at the clock and notice that it was 7:30pm.

He sighed before slowly getting up, and remembering something important. He still needed to attend the yacht party.

He truly wanted to call Grim and tell him that he didn't want to attend. Although, considering Yami had invited him directly, it would be in poor taste to decline.

For the first time in awhile, Yugi felt he had no other options and decided to suck it up. He only hoped that the party didn't last long.

Grim had texted him the address two hours ago, and told him to take a cab as it would be faster to get there. Yugi didn't like taking cabs, but for him to possibly not be too—too late, he didn't have much other options.

Yugi however, also didn't have anything fancy to wear either. Since he was at work for most of the day, it wasn't exactly like he could go shopping now. It practically took him an hour and a half to get home.

Though when he did get home, he'd be extremely late to the yacht party anyways. After Yugi rose towards his feet, he felt a vibrate from his phone. To his surprise Grim was calling him.

This could be really bad, or worse and possibly fired. Yugi hesitant to answer at first, before hearing grim on the other end speak.

" Hello? Yugi? "

" ... uh— mm Hey Grim. Look I- "

" where are you? " Grim said quickly cutting Yugi off mid- sentence.

" I — I just got home. "

" what you mean you Just got home? " grim asked.

" I mean... that I literally only have been in my apartment for 5 minutes. It takes me an hour and a half to even get to and from work. " Yugi remarked, trying to keep calm.

" So? "

" so.. I'm going to be late. Most likely extremely late. The Yacht party is on the other side of New York. It's gonna at least take me what? Two hours! To even get there. That's by bus and trains. " Yugi said, as he sighed and sat down on the couch.

" look... grim.. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can come.... Do you mind telling Mr. Sennen th—"

" now you stop right there ! " Grim shouted through the phone at Yugi. Whose eyes widened hearing Grim.

" If I have to listen to your sappy voice, whining about this and that, imma come through this phone and body slam you child. " Grim argued.

" now you listen, and hear me when I say this. You wanted this job. This is a top, once in a lifetime opportunity for an intern like you. The fact that Mr. Sennen even gave you this offer means that he Sees something in you. " Grim pointed out.

" If you back out now, or ruin this shit, you are fired for sure this time. Do you hear me? Mr. Sennen will not tolerate employees from his company not attending mandatory meetings. "

" I know it's tough. Everyone has been where you have been. Me, Melissa, Sandra, Clark, Marcus, Ron, Stacy, Cameron, London, Brad, Ricky, Daz, and so many others. I mean seriously, if you wanna be apart of our organization, and family you gotta take hits and punches. "

" ... look. Send me your address and I'll come pick you up. The executives right now are having shot glass shit talking rounds right now. I can sneak out and come and swoop you. We aren't leaving the docks until 9:30 anyways. "

" you better be ready when I come, got it? " Grim finished saying before Yugi listening to him being speechless simply nodded and said only but a brief word or two.

" ... y.. yeah... I hear you. "

" good. Us colleagues have to look out for one another. I'm am going to see if I can find you a spare suit as well. So send me your suit size if you know it, if not just your size in general. See you soon. " Grim stated before hanging up the phone.

Yugi hearing the sound of the click, immediately looked at his phone before staring off in space for a second. He wouldn't ever imagine that he'd hear Grim snap on him like that.

Truer words had never been spoken though, as Grim in the end was right. After all, he did want this position, and this job. After being decline applications time and time again, and finally getting approved it felt like a dream.

Now that he was living his dream he wanted to sleep? Long hours, and working these time on the first day? Yugi couldn't believe his mindset.

It had seemed that this entire day had been flipped upside down. Although Yugi eventually collected his thoughts, and texted Grim his address along with his suit size.

If he was going to do this, he needed to put in more effort than that. His concentration couldn't be broken so easily like it has been time and time again.

The short male rubbed his hair, and started to look at the time. Hearing a ding from his phone, as Grim texted him that he'd be at his place by no later than 8:20pm.

Checking the time now, it was going on 7:45pm, as Yugi quickly rushed towards his bedroom and started to take off his clothes. He wanted to still make a good impression.

If he could meet with potentially other bosses, and business who knows where his career could possibly take him. The way his boss had explained it to him, it sounded like a wonderful opportunity.

Yugi was eagerly awaiting the possibilities of all of what he could discuss with the others. His grin started to appear softly against his mouth. As he had finished cleaning himself up and re-doing his hair.

Brushing it out and combing it through throughly. Time continued to pass by and eventually, Yugi heard three knocks against his front door.

" Coming! Coming! " Yugi exclaimed.

The young male rushed towards his door, while he was placing the finishing touches on his outfit. Hooking his wrist watch against his arm, as he looked out his blinds first to see who it was.

A smile appeared on his face, as he gradually opened the door. Yugi looked up as it was Grim, just as he stated he would be there.

" quickly ! Quickly ! " Grim remarked.

As Yugi's orbs widened a bit and nodded quickly in the same paste. " right. " he replied as he grabbed his house keys and a jacket. " We need to quickly get there. I don't want us getting stuck in traffic. " Grim stated.

The two of them had walked down the porch and eventually arrived at Grim's car. Yugi staring at his nice BMW he had. As Grim could see Yugi's amazed gaze.

" Impressive, right? " Grim asked.

" H— Hm? Oh! - y—yes your car is.... Wow. " Yugi replied.

" Thank you. The props for working with the company for so long. "

" Wow. You get a BMW?! " Yugi said excitingly as a Grim blinked and chuckled a bit as he begun to drive off and towards the party.

" Uhhh- no. "

" oh. "

" However, with hard-work and dedication you will be able to afford a BMW one day. So don't lose that excitement. " Grim explained.

Yugi simply nodded and proceed to look out the window. His mind wondered for a moment, as silent was between the two of them for a minute.

The young male soon found himself opening his mouth again to thank Grim for his help. Grim chuckled and shook his head towards him.

" Hey. What I tell you earlier... We gotta stick together, have one another's back remember. Besides, couldn't leave you home alone in your sad apartment. " Grim remarked.

Yugi listened to Grim's words and turned his head to glance back out his window, as Grim glanced towards him briefly.

The rest of the car ride was eventually quiet and left with silence but the radio playing softly. Both the male's had eventually, arrived at the Yacht.

Yugi's orbs gleamed with a sparkle, as he acknowledged how huge and magnificent the Yacht truly was. He also was astonished to see how all the males and women were wearing very exquisite and stylish attires.

It made what he had on a complete joke, as he sighed a bit at his appeal. Grim had parked once more, and glanced over at Yugi and smiled a bit.

" Hey. Don't worry. I said I got you, remember. Now put this on— " Grim stated while shuffling through his back seat grabbing a bag full of items.

Yugi picked up the bag and glanced in it briefly before looking back up at Grim. " Now... you'll have to change inside my car. " Grim stated as he looked around.

" W— wait.. what? " Yugi said as his cheeks warmed a bit.

" Well.. you can't change on the yacht. None of the co-owners and especially not our boss can see you wearing what you have on right now. " Grim explained.

" Besides. If you ran into other potential CEO's they'd be appalled by your attire that it would be an embarrassment and reflection on the company. That and well— you're not walking besides me dressed like last years bartender night club. "

" okay— okay. "

" I mean— where would I— ? "

" In my backseats. Just— maneuver yourself around and take your clothes off and change into those. And quickly! We will be leaving the docks in like 10 minutes! " Grim stated.

Yugi nodded once more and unhooked his seatbelt and started to climb in the backseats. In the uncomfortable positions, he opened the bag and begun pulling items out.

Yugi started to take off his shoes, along with starting to unbutton his shirt to which he stopped, and looked at Grim down on his phone in the front.

" .... Uh.. "

" what's wrong? " Grim asked looking through the rear view mirror briefly before beginning to text again.

" ... You plan on staying in the front while I change? " Yugi asked as his face was starting to warm up from an awkward and uncomfortable situation.

Grim quickly looked up and shook his head. " What?! Oh— no no. Sorry, I got lost in texting a few people back. " Grim remarked.

The male slowly got out of his car and closed the door as he leaned on his back window while standing outside. He was trying to give Yugi a bit of privacy without making it seem so obvious.

Yugi once the male had left the car had begun to fully unclothed himself as the movement in the car begin to rock a bit. Grim chuckled a bit as he felt the movements on his back.

To which towards himself he had mumbled softly in a remark. " pfff— if I didn't know any better I'd think you were having sex in my car. "

Nevertheless, Yugi had eventually finished with getting dressed even though it wasn't the best dressing room he managed to get everything on.

The young male soon stepped out the vehicle and Grim turned around to see Yugi. Yugi was now wearing a solid black slacks with solid black dress shocks and long black socks.

His shirt was dark red velvet color with a black vest over the button up collar shirt, with a gold wrist watch and a gold chain around his neck. Grim nodded and smirk a bit, seeing Yugi look clean and cut.

" Damn... " Grim stated as he looked over Yugi. Yugi smiled a bit and blushed as Grim's remark. " .. yeah.. I know right. This.. this outfit is .. insane.. " Yugi stated.

" Yeah, well. This party isn't cheap, so going cheap wasn't an option for me. " Grim replied, as the horns from the Yacht went off and someone on the intercom stepped in.

" Good evening ladies and gentlemen, the Red Dragon will now be leaving the docks. Please board the yacht on the side door as we make our way out of the harbor for a lovingly evening. Please have all tickets ready. "

Both Yugi and Grim looked at one another as Grim looked at Yugi and smiled. " You ready? " Grim asked Yugi. To which Yugi inhaled deeply and exhaled and nodded. " ... Ready. " as the two of them walked in the direction of the Yacht.

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