Chapter 14: Chapter 14
" Mmm indeed. The rate of the percentage is exceptionally high. In each section the branch will forever grow with the increase 8%. " a man remarked in a Dutch tone.
" Indeed. " the entire group remarked in unison.
" We can increase the expectations of our companies and make them work overseas. Branch out into other industries that would benefit from the US? " another said.
" What good would that do Benjamin. When we have our entire franchise sitting on a gold mine? Mm-hm- "
" Agreed. We should start in the direction of smaller business and then excel from the inside out. " another male proclaimed
" I disagree with it all. " one male stated in a French tone. The rest of the male's glanced at the other one on the deck as the wind blew softly through their hair.
" I say the overseas is where the company should start its grow. Using that 2% of our monthly wages to structure a foundation and base for the company. "
" ... 8%. " one male stated.
A sharp glance in the male's direction he chimed back in quickly once he heard them speak. " 4.5% ——- with interest.. "
The other male whom said 8% squinted his orbs down hearing the 4.5% and smoked his pipe listening intensely.
" we take those shares to our stock holders, allow them to analyze the data and reconstruct the information into a detailed database to which we profit off of. " the French one stated as he sipped his wine softly.
All the others looked at each other and held their glasses up and said in unison. " agreed. " as they took a sip of their wine's together.
The French one smirked a bit before sipping again as Yugi came outside and into the deck passing a few other people that walked the opposite direction.
The board along with Yaami was sitting around a nice table with an amazing breathtaking view of the night sky and ocean. Once Yugi had made visible eye contact with the board and Mr. Sennen he swallowed hard again and cleared his throat.
" Uh- good evening! " Yuugi exclaimed.
The board along with Yaami turned their heads a bit before they blinked at him. No words was exchanged, for a few seconds which felt like to Yuugi eons.
However, Yami's eyes seem to wander up and down at Yugi's attire before slowly unfolding his legs and standing up as his heels clicked on the floorboard.
" Ah. Young Mutou. " Sennen would finally say before placing his drink down on the coaster. " gentlemen. Allow me to introduce to you my newest employee, Mr. Yugi Mutou. — Mr. Mutou— the board. "
The board all looked over Yugi, as Yugi approached a bit closer and waved to them all " hello. "
As everyone from the board replied back to Yugi.
" greetings. "
" good evening. "
" how, do you do. "
" Bonjour. "
" greetings, young one. "
" Yugi. Allow me to formally introduce to you the members of the most powerful and wealthiest companies this country offers. "
" This is founder and president Mr. Benjamin O'Brian, Of the international communications network. "
" Mr. William Mason, The CEO and president of Oil Exploration and Gas Company. "
" Mr. Griffin Smith founder, CEO and chairman of business development enterprises. "
" Monsieur Alejandro Jour, founder and chief executive of fashion design business corporation. "
" and last but certainly not least Mr. Evan Duba CEO and president of intelligence services technology enterprises. " Yaami finished saying.
Yugi hearing all of their titles and names was in shock to hear such big multimillionaire male's. Sitting around the table discussing who knows what, and he was in their presence.
He almost felt like he was surrounded by royalty, but at last he smiled and shook the hands of each of the male's individually.
" ah, but we cannot forget you— Monsieur Yaami Sennen. — "
' Yaami.. ? ' Yugi whispered to himself in his own thoughts.
" CEO, president— founder and chief executive of MCC Multibillionare Communications technology Business corporation. " Alejandro said towards Yaami.
" oh- you flatter me, dear. " Yaami replied back however it was in French towards Al so no one else understood as Al replied back in French.
" always my love. " to which Yaami stare briefly with a soft look and inhaled a bit before glancing back at Yugi.
" so what brings you to me? " Yaami asked Yugi. To which Yugi once again became frozen and almost instantly embarrassed. He wasn't aware that his boss didn't want to see him? or was clueless as to why he was there?
However Yaami eventually formed a small chuckle as he hid it between his hand before grasping his hands together. " I tease you— darling- I just tease. "
" o— oh! Ha.. haha.. oh I was scared for a second— " Yugi said exhaling some air.
" I know... " Yaami replied.
" Your boss here is one of the youngest male's here to ever close 80 deals in just three months. " Mr. Mason told Yugi.
" really? Wow that's— amazing. " Yugi stated.
" indeed. " Mr. Smith chimed in to say.
" so? Do you have questions for us young man? " one of the board members asked Yugi.
Yugi blinked a few times, before glancing slightly at Yaami, as Yaami rose his eyebrows a bit in response. Yugi was stunned to speak. He didn't prepare any questions for the board at all !
He felt so stupid and also once again embarrassed with the thought of not being prepared. His face begin to warm up, as Yaami stepped in to speak.
" a—ha— he— is bit overwhelmed no? " Yaami laughed a bit to ease the tension as the other male's chuckled in agreement.
" y—yeah.. something.. like that.. " Yugi said in agreement as well.
" Perhaps, this young male would like to know how we became in our successions? " Alejandro stated.
Yaami looked at Yugi to which Yugi having his drink took a sip, to try and remain relaxed and nodded.
" hard-work, strong willing ethic structure. " Mr. Mason replied.
" wealthy— my father's reputation already in the business and my actions against stock brokers who trifle in business affairs... " Mr. O'Brian stated.
" integrity and professionalism. " Mr. Smith said.
" yes yes, — for me— my intellect and keen knowledge of politics. " Alejandro stated.
" mmm it been so long I've been board— hahaha. " Mr. Duba proclaimed as everyone else laughed as well.
" I say— my tenacity to never take no as a rejection but as a learning experience to improve in my craft and field. " Mr. Duba stated.
" what about you Mr. Sennen? " Mr. smith asked.
Yaami walked back to his chair and grabbed his glass as he looked at the board and spoke. " I believe we all know me, yes? — it my inability to never take no for an answer, and to feed my hungry for ... intense.... Satisfaction... " Yaami replied with a wiggle of his brows towards Yugi.
The board all chuckled and cheers their drinks with Yami as they all took a sip. To which Yugi hearing Yaami's response made the male gulp down hard and his cheeks warm with a blush.
Yugi then inhaled and exhaled deeply once more before clearing his throat. " I'm really — moved by you all's succession. I would love to be in you all's positions one day. "
The board nodded and all said in unison " agreed. " as they took another sip. As one of the board members asked Yuugi.
" did you attend school? "
" Uh- yes- yes sir I did. " Yugi replied.
" which? " another asked Yugi.
" uh- Cal Tech. University Out in Miami Florida. "
" when did you go? " another questioned.
" when I was 18. " Yugi replied.
" mm— " Alejandro said softly.
Yaami smirked a tad bit hearing the board ask questions about Yuugi. It was almost like praises and a small competition to hire the best employees in the business for Yaami's social groups.
" a smart and good looking young man. " Mr. Smith stated as he rose from the chair. Yugi blushed a bit hearing the words ' good looking ' but immediately watched them carefully.
" you have seemed to hire yet another future succession, Mr. Sennen. "
" .. indeed I have.. " Yaami replied.
" do you know how old we are boy? " One asked.
Yugi shaking his head no.
" we are ancient! " one shouted in a laugh, as the rest followed suit.
" no— no but we are indeed much older than you. You are what twenty three? "
" uh- no sir— I'm twenty five. " Yugi corrected.
" mmm— that's only a few ages apart from your handsome boss here. " Mr. Duba remarked. Yaami grinned a bit and took another sip of his drink.
" you both are young. — I am almost sixty nine years old. I will be that come September. " Mr. Duba stated towards Yugi.
Yugi nodded.
" do you have degrees? " Alejandro asked.
" uh yes! I have a bachelors degree in stocks and business. " Yugi replied.
" why not a masters? " Mr. smith chimed in to ask, to which Yaami pierced his orbs towards Yugi.
" I uh— "
" too lazy to finish strong huh? " Mr. Mason chimed in.
" I— n- no sir. It's just— I didn't— well I just didn't go for it— I suppose. " Yugi said softly as he looked down a bit in his eyes.
Yaami noticed this as his orbs looked down in a zone out moment before his eyes glanced over towards Yugi.
" mm— lack of confidence then. Something you'll need to improve on yeah!? " Mr. Duba said as he walked down the steps from the deck.
" of course sir. I plan too. " Yugi replied.
" thata boy! " Mr. Mason stated.
" yes— the last thing we want is a half nitwit to try and join the board— when he cannot comprehend the complexity of the diagram to which stocks and share holder bonds aren't the same thing. " Mr. O'Brian proclaimed.
The silence was loud after that, as Mr. O'Brian rose from his chair and looked over at Yaami. " continue to improve this one— let's hope he isn't a lost cause, otherwise you just lost income. Haha. " patting Yami on the shoulder briefly.
" mm— " Yaami said in reply.
The rest of the board eventually got up and eventually walked off from the table leaving Alejandro, Yaami and Yugi behind. Yugi in a way felt broken and shattered by O'Brian's words.
It was as if he was calling Yugi incompetent without saying the appropriate meaning for it. Yaami could see the pupils dilate in his eyes, as Yaami was going to say something.
" ..... y— "
Yugi walked off quickly from the area as he went distant into the crowd. Yami sighed a bit as Alejandro got closer towards Yaami.
" Shall he be fine? "
" I do not know. " Yaami replied.
" Well — you and I— will need to catch up— we have much to discuss. " Alejandro stated.
Yaami stared off in space before his eyes changed back towards Alejandro. His mind wandered for a moment slightly to collect his thoughts first.
" U- indeed. We should. I promise we shall one day. For now- I feel the need to speak to my employee as his distaste seems to be distraught. " Yaami thought aloud.
" Indeed. " Alejandro replied.
" Then I shall take my leave. I shall see you another time. " Yaami said with gaze before turning heel and walking in the direction Yugi went.