Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

" Attention ! Attention ! Everyone can I have your attention please! " a older gentleman would say hitting his glass with a knife with small taps.

Everyone turned in the grand ballroom and looked up at the male on stage whom was speaking aloud.

" We are all here at midnight to gather these wonderful companies together in honor of success, leadership, sales, and most importantly marketing. " the male would continued to say.

" We all know that working for a success business sometimes has its long and tiring journey. However, with the succession that continues to thrive— we need to honor those that have reached far — far beyond and have achieved high ranks like the board. "

" With that being said— we would like to honor a man here— who has pushed the boundaries at such a young age— and has achieved high succession where many— many have tried to accomplish. "

" Ladies and Gentlemen— and of course the board and I would like to introduce to you Mr. Yaami Sennen the founder, chief executive, and CEO of MCC's Sennen business & technology corporation to the stage! " one of the board members said as everyone in the ballroom clapped.

Yaami was sitting off stage briefly before he heard the clapping sounds welcoming him up on stage as he slowly placed his glass down on the coaster and got up.

Yugi was sitting with Grim and Melissa along with Mandy and other co-workers as they cheered their boss on as he walked upon stage. Yugi watched as Yaami went up the steps with the help of someone as his heels stepped up onto the grand stage.

" Whoooo! Yeaaaa Mr. Sennen! "

" Wooo Yeah! Let's go boss! "

A bunch of workers and colleagues said cheering Yaami as one of the board members handed him a global business award along with another one. While some photographers shot the shots of Yaami holding them and accepting them.

Finally the clapping started to slow down as Yaami was on stage with the entire board group. Shaking each of their hands as he walked to the mic and looked out at the crowd.

Immediately Yaami spoke in French, with his nervous a bit on edge due to it being a crowded place, as people whom were able to understand and speak French laughed at his remark.

" Forgive me— " Yaami would finally say in English.

" I am not good— with English— and I am not good with crowds. " Yaami said briefly as the crowd chuckle a bit in understanding. As someone in the crowd shouted back in a joking way.

" Finally something he isn't as good at! "

Yaami looked up and giggled briefly as the crowd chuckled at the joke as well, along with Yugi hinting a small smile looking around to see who said it but couldn't.

" I agree. " Yaami said to the joke as everyone laughed again and clapped.

" no— no but I — thank you, to board for this... immeasurable honor. I wish to thank my wonderful team of marketers for a wonderful job well done to my company. " Yaami begin to say, as he stood talking.

Everyone clapping at what he was saying while he spoke and stopped when he was talking again.

" I would also love to thank well myself— " Yami said laughing a bit as everyone else joined in to laugh and clap again.

" without me, there would be no MCC Sennen business corporation. I would not have had a extrovert business to branch out— I also have an extraordinary ability to detect talent when I see them as I have recruited and hired many — many wonderful colleagues that work for me company so thank you darlings. " Yaami speech would continued to say, as people clapped.

Grim and people from Yaami's corporation clapping as Yugi didn't clap, however Grim nudged Yugi and whispered towards him.

" He's talking about us— you can clap. I may have done your interview but remember Yaami is the one who gave you — your chance. " Grim stated.

Yugi hearing what Grim said started to clap with the rest of the group.

" I would also love to thank the board for this — decision and vision to make me apart of their new found organization Worldwide Web Development Network, which we have finally been able to successfully launch this evening, so thank you— I cannot express more gratitude.

" Yaami said looking over at the board.

The board and everyone else clapped again.

Alejandro one of the board members walked up towards Yami and kissed him on both cheeks as Yami did the same back as Alejandro took the mic as Yaami stood beside him.

Yuugi watching in the distance along with the rest couldn't help but feel a small pinch of jealousy for Alejandro.

" Isn't he a saint? " Alejandro stated as he clapped with everyone else.

" We are so honored and in awe inspired by this hard working, talented young man. Which is why the board and I would love to officially ask Mr. Yaami Sennen to be the newest member to the board of business and technology. " Alejandro said loudly as everyone clapped and cheered.

" Here we go. " Mandy whispered towards Grim as Yuugi glanced over to hear her.

" mhm. " Grim said softly.

Yaami smiled a bit as he looked at Alejandro and shook his hand again as another photographer took a picture.

After that, Alejandro gave him the mic again, as Yaami looked over at the crowd and the board once more. " I would be honored. Thank you. I accept. " Yaami said briefly and forward.

The crowd stood up this time, cheered and clapped as loud as they could with screams and picture taking. Yugi was too short to really see anything as he clapped and could see only but Yaami's spiky hair.

The board stood up and clapped as well, for Yaami finally accepting their invitation to become a board member as someone walked onto the stage with a glass case.

There were metals and pendants inside that they showed the crowd and the camera as each board member stood in line and approached Yaami. Each one had a pendant of different recognition that they clipped towards Yaami's suit.

Shaking his hand once again and taking a photo with Yaami whom was smaller in height with each and every single one of them. After the last board member one of the photographers shouted aloud.

" Get the colleagues up on stage come on! " as some people was shuffling through the crowd as Yugi was feeling his heart racing again, although it wasn't because of the awkwardness.

He knew what being on the board would mean, it was already bad enough that Yugi had felt he made a miss opportunity with the board when they spoke. Nevertheless, Yugi would now — not be able to see Yaami as often as he would be overseas mainly.

It was bittersweet in the end, but overall Yugi couldn't shake this hard pain in his chest. The crowd was now a blur for him, and for a second it felt he was the only one standing there.

Yugi suddenly felt a nudge from someone as he snapped back into reality as he blinked. " come on! " Grim shouted at Yugi. " They're calling us on stage to take pictures with Mr. Sennen! "

Yugi blinked again before feeling Grim pull him along and through the thick and loud crowd of cheers and people taking pictures. Yugi as he got closer and closer towards the stage and seeing Yaami taking selfies and professional pictures with a bunch of people.

Finally Yugi had reached the stage as everyone individually from the company started to take pictures with Yaami one at a time. Grim was in front of Yugi as he turned around and smiled.

" Well— this is exciting huh? " Grim asked Yugi as Yugi zoned out and continued to stare at Yaami again.

" Yugi? " Grim asked.

" ... w—what? " Yugi said aloud confused and clearly not paying attention.

" Are you alright? " Grim asked as he looked down to see Yugi being distracted in thoughts.

" ... y- yeah I'm — I'm fine. Just... tired.. " Yugi said trying to change the subject into something else. Grim was about to say something back but then was called up by the photographer to take a selfie with Yami.

Grim had turned around and smiled and walked up to Yaami and shook his hand as the two of them had a small conversation and laughed at whatever they said towards each other.

Yugi watching silently as he was next seeing the two of them take a funny picture with Grim doing bunny ears behind Yami's head. Grim was much taller than Yami as he towered over his boss.

Grim took another one this time more professional as the two of them stood side by side with one another as Yaami was holding his rewards for the board.

They shook hands once again before the photographer shouted next as Yugi blinked and realized that was him. This was the second time he was feeling that same rush again like he was outside.

His heart beating a thousand minutes a second, as Yaami turned his glaze to meet Yugi's. It felt like a slow motion trans— the feeling of tension between them again.

All Yugi could wonder was what Yaami had said on the dock earlier in the night. How that time seemed to fly by whenever they were alone together.

It would seem now that it was like center-stage would have them meet. Yaami would eye Yugi as Yugi would finally find the courage to speak.

" .. Congratulations. "

" Thank you, Mr. Mutou. " Yaami would reply.

In that small notion of words Yugi turned to stand beside Yaami but not close as the photographer motioned his hand to tell Yugi to get closer.

Yuugi moved a small inch, leaning his head into the picture more, as Yaami watched with an arch of a brow. His impatience was coming into play, as he rolled his eyes and moved closer to Yugi instead.

So close in fact that he put his hand against Yugi's back and pushed Yugi into him, as Yugi felt a warmth blush go over his face in the blink of an eye.

" simply smile and look pretty. " Yaami said quickly to Yugi as he made eye contact with the male as he did so. Yugi turned his head to stare deeply into Yaami's eyes, as Yaami turned back around to look at the camera again.

Yugi thinking in the moment again, quickly turned his head back and smiled as he slowly rose his hand up and touched Yami on his lower back.

Yugi being so close to Yaami now could smell on the refine cologne Yaami was wearing just like he did on the back of the deck. His scent filled the young male's nostrils again, and it felt like he was in heaven.

He smelled wonderful— with the mix of fragrances that dwelled in his clothing and on his skin. He was never this close towards Yaami before— let alone taking a picture with the male either.

The picture was snapped as the two of them posed with the same height only Yami being a bit taller in height thanks to the heels he was wearing. Another shot was taken a few brief seconds later as it was finally over.

Yami removed his hand and turned to look at Yugi once more. " Enjoy the rest of the party, Mr. Mutou. You look like you could use a drink... " Yaami stated.

Yugi watched as Yaami slightly walked off and greeted the next worker of his onto the stage as Yugi hearing Yami's words said nothing but moved left of the stage to step off and walk away.

He decided to take Yaami's words this time and simply say nothing in reply. In a weird way, he couldn't truly tell if Yaami was ever really genuine or if he was simply teasing him with small talk.

Nevertheless, Grim had finally greeted Yugi again waving him down towards the bar, as Yugi would smile in his direction and head towards him to enjoy the rest of the time.

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