Billionaire Playboy

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

" Yes yes. of course darling. I have everything I ever wanted, why would I want to switch stockholders when I have plenty of people signing up to be my partners? "

" Mmm... well— I don't work with shitty companies.. if you are not making at least 80,570 within the stock marketing per day... with your brands than you are wasting my time... " the ceo continued to talk as he was on the phone.

Grim and yugi both continued to walk towards his office as they eventually spotted Yami on the phone. Grim saw through the glass door as he seemed preoccupied at the moment.

Grim looked back at yugi and spoke.

" Give him a minute it seems he's in an important phone call. " Grim pointed out.

Yami having his back towards his office door staring out his gigantic glass window as he was looking over the city. His small smirk in his lips as he was listening towards the other proposal on the phone.

" ... Listen.. don't continue to waste my time if you cannot provide results. Do you understand? " Yami ordered.

Slowly turning his chair around as he noticed Grim with the new employee. His narrow seductive dark hues shifting up to look at them both as he rose his right hand and waved them in.

" Oh? It seems he wants us to enter. Just be quiet for a moment and I'll do the talking. " Grim explained towards Yugi.

Yugi nodded and watched as Grim opened the door as the two of them walked inside Yaami's seemly spacious office.

An office that seemed well decorated and organized, and spotless. The theme however is what caught yugi the most. It seemed to be foreign things inside the office.

Which indicated towards Yugi that Yami must've been foreign. He could also tell by Yami's tone and heavy accent that he must've also been French.

French to Yugi was a very beautiful language and something he actually wanted to learn as well. Although, continuing to observe Sennen, Yugi noticed his appearance.

He clearly had the income to run a business this successful and he didn't seem to hide what he earned either. He wore dangling earrings and a nice stylish and elegant suit.

His eyes however is what sealed him, as they looked like a purple crimson color that sparkled is the sunlight. His lips looked soft and tender, along with his complexion went well with his skin.

He was completely overtaken by him and zoned out that he hadn't even noticed that Yami had finished his conversation with the person on the phone and Grim started speaking to him.

In the inside yugi's stomach started to knot again, but it wasn't from nerves per say, but rather a more flustered feeling. His boss was indeed a handsome male, and very much intimating.

" right yugi? " Grim asked.

" ... yugi? ... hello? You okay? " he repeated.

Yugi eventually snapped out of his trans as Yami looked at him with a rose of an eyebrow like he was a weirdo. He was staring so hard Yugi didn't even realize he had been staring to begin with.

" oh! I — uh. .. umm.. yes? " he said confusingly.

" ... is that so? " Yami chimed in, slowly rolling his chair back and started to stand up. As his height increased only by a little thanks to his clicking heels.

" ... you like drinking on the clock while running butt naked through lobbies. " Yami questioned.

Yugi's face immediately turned red as he was embarrassed that — that was the question he had said ' yes ' towards. Stunned and speechless— Yugi at that point wanted to run away.

" I— n— no I - " yugi said fumbling a bit.

" ... we didn't actually say that. " Yami remarked with a more cold tone.

" ... oh.. " yugi replied.

" but it goes to show you. Rather than staring which is unpleasant. You should perhaps listen to the conversations at hand so you aren't daydreaming, yes? " Yami proclaimed.

" uh! Yes— yes— please uh forgive me I— I'm just uh- "

" he's just nervous, sir. " Grim chimed in to assist Yugi.

" he's really excited to be working with us though, and I'm sure Yugi won't be staring in a daydream anymore while at work. " Grim said looking over at the smaller male.

All yugi could do in that moment was nod a bit as he put his head down a little before looking back up at Yaami. Yaami however folded his arms over his chest and walked in front of his desk.

" .... I hope not. " is all Yami could reply with staring at Yugi with a distasteful intent. Yami gradually stood up confidently and shifted his sleeve back to check his watch.

" I'm headed for a meeting... " Yami told Grim while starting to walk past them both. Yugi being able to catch a scent of Yami's fragrance and his aura which smell divine.

" Grim. Announce. Now. " Yami ordered as he opened his office door and walked out as Grim replied.

" yes sir. Right away. " Grim then turned to look over at Yugi.

" wait here. The rest of us have a meeting to go to and then you and Yami will have that meeting. "

" but I— "

" don't worry! You'll do fine. He will just discuss some things with you of what he expects from you while working here. He has done that with all the employees and then I'll come back and get you. " Grim said reassuring Yugi.

Yugi nodded and inhaled deeply as he took a deep relaxing breathe. Grim soon turned and walked out the door following Yaami down the hallway and to the right heading into the meeting room.

Yugi on the other hand after the two left turned and looked around Yami's office and then placed his eyes on a chair and sat down in it.

A few minutes went by, which soon turned into 40 minutes and then another hour had gone. Yugi continued to sit bored and a little tired, but overall he wasn't complaining.

People continued to walk past the office and heading into their destinations, all the while yugi sat there quietly and patted his legs a bit.

Looking around Yami's office to discover a fish tank inside his office with some clown fish inside them. He then looked at his paintings hanging on the wall, as Yami looked sophisticated in each of them.

Yugi eventually rose from the table and walked towards one, noticing him shaking hands with the president of the United States, and then another picture of him with Oprah.

" .. well.. he certainly gets around doesn't he.. " Yugi thought aloud whispering towards himself, as he continued to admire them all.

However one sparked his interest the most, it was a portrait of Yami however he looked rather more pharaoh like than anything else. He had valuable jewelry on, along with a pharaoh attire.

His head tilted a bit still gazing at the image, and his eyes lingered towards Yami's eyes. He was so serious and looked firmed in the image itself. Staring deeply into his narrrow soft hues, he couldn't help but smile a bit.

After some time had passed again, Yami headed back towards his office and walked past a few people who turned their heads. Hearing his loud clicking heels as they tried to keep themselves busy when he walked through.

Eventually, he had made his way back towards his office and opened the door, but yugi hadn't noticed it. Yami standing by his door and slowly closing it behind him, noticing Yugi admiring his portrait.

Though the male said nothing towards the other one, whom continued to gaze upon his appeal, as yugi slowly lifted his hand and started to want to touch it. Yami watched closely and quietly, his eyes squinting down a bit.

Yugi soft hand slowly rising a bit more and then hesitating to touch the image. After a little thinking he decided not to, and placed his hand down again.

In that moment, Yami cleared his throat as Yugi turned around quickly and then almost fell over. " oh-oh! Omgosh! " yugi exclaimed.

" f—forgive me. I — I was just . " he said fumbling once more before pointing towards Yami's painting.

" admiring me? " Yami asked.

" I — ha.. " Yugi said chuckling a bit nervously.

" .... It's fine.. " Yami stated having a few stacks of paper in his arms, as he proceeded to walk closer and more into his office.

" .... I like that one too... " Yami remarked.

" it's one of my favorites actually.... Since I was born from a descendant royal blood line. " He added.

Yugi being fascinated and also into mythology and ancient history was quite intrigued. " really? You were? " he asked him.

" ... yes. I was. " Yami told him.

The male slowly walked around and headed back to his high chair and his office desk as Yugi walked back to the sit across from him.

" ... however, I don't like to brag about it much.. considering I mean— well. I have this company to run, I can't afford to keep my mind on past history... " Yami explained as he picked up a pen and begin writing.

" ... uh.. yes.. o—of course.. " Yugi replied.

Yami stopped writing for a moment, and looked back up at yugi, his shimmering gleams glancing at the other male.

Leading back in his chair a bit before he parted his lips to speak to him. " .... So.. Grim believes you are capable of doing this position. In which case I am decline to disagree. "

" however. I like a challenge, and thus I am willing to allow you to have the position. But I do hope you know I only except success. Nothing less. " Yami proclaimed.

Yugi nodded at him as a sign of understanding, as Yami continued. " ... Grim has also informed me that you are aware of your position. It is indeed a starting rate of only 18/hr. But it will increase over time if you move up in promotions. "

" yes. I'm aware. " yugi stated.

" .. good. " Yami said quickly.

Crossing his legs over the other as his hand resting in his leg along with the pen, as he started to lightly tap his leg with it.

" you will work as my personal secretary. " Yami told him before leaning back up and placing the pen down. His eyes turned towards his monitor as he begin to click and type things.

Yugi eyes widened a bit at the position as Grim had failed to tell him who precisely he'd be working for as far as a secretary. He didn't realized he would be working with the ceo so closely.

Yami's orbs shifted over to see yugi's reaction as he arched a brow. " is there a problem? " Yugi blinked and shook his head quickly.

" no. no. No problem. I just— surprised. I didn't realized I would have the honor of working with you so closely. " Yugi said smiling.

" well... considering I don't typically trust new hirer's consider this more like a ' trial run.. ' " Yami said correctly him.

" and also considering I had to fire my last personal secretary for doing such a horrendous job darling, I doubt this will be easy for you either. "

Yugi gulped a bit feeling the pressure of the conversation between them. His hands getting a little sweaty as he sat there taking Yami's words to heart.

Yami then folded his hands together and looked at Yugi directly. His face keeping the same cold stone appeal it had from day one.

" I like my coffee to have three creams and two sugars. not to sweet and not to bland either. I like my papers in my office before I even arrive at the office. I want all my emails printed and faxed out. I need meetings scheduled every other Wednesday no exceptions. " Yami demanded.

" filing, faxing, and organizing every single client information from A to Z in order, and I want documentation of all the phone calls you receive, and tell them to leave me voicemails instead because typically I am already in meetings. " Yami finished explaining.

" did you get all of that, Mr. Mutou? " Yami asked arching yet another brow.

Yugi's orbs the entire time was big while he went down the list of duties and responsibilities he was in charge with, however they slowly dimmed down when he was asked the question.

He blinked and even though he was extremely overwhelmed and a bit intimated he nodded and smiled. " I — ye—yes sir. I — completely got it. " he said happily.

" .. good. there will be more work later, but for now we shall start small. your first actually shift starts in two days come Monday. " Yami told him as he slowly rose from his chair.

Yugi following him with his eyes, as Yugi got up himself as Yami continued to speak to him.

" since today is Saturday we had you come inside to do a simple orientation. But you'll start freshly Monday morning at 7am. You know the days you're working correct? "

" I do. "

" the hours? "

" I do. "

" excellent.. then there's less for me to explain. " Yaami commented as he opened his office door and Yugi followed suit. They started to head to the entrance of the entire office, as Yami before leaving his office entirely pointed to another small room.

" there. That's where you'll be. " he told him walking down the hallway as yugi continued to follow him and head to the lobby.

" there's nothing in there now, but when you start Monday you'll have a computer and monitors in there, along with a filing cabinet and everything else you'll need on your first day. "

" you're in charge of your own lunch. So bring your own, or on your break you'll be able to go into the main downstairs lobby of my building. There is a bistro area that you can buy lunch there. "

" if you're to cheap, then you can come up to our floor and we have obviously a kitchen right here, where you can get a snack out of our many vending machines. " Yami pointed out while passing by the kitchen area.

" the kitchen also has a microwave and refrigerator. And yes. I advise you to put your name on your items, people will eat your food. " he stated rolling his eyes.

Eventually, the two made it to the front door of the lobby as Yami turned around and looked back at Yugi. " .... Is that what you'll be wearing to work? " Yami pointed out looking at his attire.

Yugi looked down at himself and then back up at Yami. " ... uh.. yeah. I umm I never worked at a corporate building before so I didn't ever buy a su— "

" buy a suit. " Yami said cutting him off.

" if you can't afford one. there's a store I believe called uh.. what is the cheap store called? Uh.. eh— goodwill ? yes.. they have cheap ties and button ups along with slacks for like $40. " Yami remarked.

" I like all my employees to look professional and that includes you, now. Understand? "

" ... I — uh.. y.. yes I got it. " Yugi said blinking abruptly and nodding.

" ... excellent.. Monday. 7am sharp. If you come late... don't bother coming back to my building. " Yami stated opening the lobby door for Yugi to walk out.

Yugi blinked and walked out towards the lobby and watched as Yami turned heel and walked off as the door closed behind him. Yugi looked down for a moment and sighed.

Everything seemed to be coming so fast, and he could feel the pressure of this business even before he started. In his mind, he didn't know if this was the job for him, but considering he wanted to run his own business he assumed he had to take the good with the bad.

He could tell that Yami would be hard to impress judging by all the things he told yugi already. He seemed prideful and also so business like, that it was hard to see him as anything other than a boss.

Yugi slowly looked up and started to head out of the lobby and hoped that come Monday things would be better for him. If not, he perhaps would have to reconsider his decision.

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