We are heading out Domenico! Alexander majestically walks downstairs in a three quarter short and T shirt
Out? I ask taking in his attire as he never goes out in such
Let's pick Edmond up from school! He walks past me as I hurry to catch up to him
We settle in his customized black van as his personal driver drives us out in a smooth pace
Playing the perfect big brother role, huh? I tease with a grin
I never replied to his messages since the past two months due to my tight schedule so this is the least I can do; he shrugs
Says the one without a beating heart! You act all tough but you are the most caring one
Am I? He takes his attention off his surroundings going back to working with his tablet
Arriving at the front of Elite reminds me of old times. When my parents were still alive....
Did you inform the driver who brought him in the morning of the change in plans? I ask watching cars troope out the gates
Yes! He answered without sparing a glance my way
Ooo isn't that Eddy? I mutter audibly
Where? He asks breaking away from his work
Over there! I make gesture towards the boy backing us at the opposite side. He seems to be interacting with someone
My heavens! I gulp on seeing the interaction buddy of his. A gorgeous young lady collects the bag he was holding with a trillion dollar smile
Steph will hear of your open admiration for another woman Domenico! Alex smirks
Don't be mean! The girl is a goddess, man; I grin
She must have come to pick up the younger miniature of her; he mutters audibly as I notice a younger girl standing beside her.
Hell do they have perfect genes though our family is no less
I notice the younger girl pointing at the car. At the same time, Eddy turns around so I quickly lower the tinted window to ease the confused look on his face
The King's plate number must have caught the little girl's attention
On recognition, he grins widely as he turns back to them probably saying good bye before racing into the school
Almost immediately, a bus stops in front of my view hiding them away. And when the bus leaves, they were no longer standing there.
Are there students who use the bus at Elite? I ask subconsciously
Scholarship students does, though most of them leaves the school due to discrimination from wealthy peers; Alex lectures with a distant look
What is the look about? I turn towards him
The car door slides open before I could get an answer out of him. Eddy immediately bow in respect towards his greatest role model.
Come sit beside me Ed! Alex pats the seat besides him
Good day Bro Dom! He smiles making his way to his lovely big bro
Good day Eddy! How have you been?
I have been good Bro Domenico! I am super excited on your return
Of course! But simply because I returned with your idol, huh? I raise a brow teasingly
Yeah! He flicks his hair; something he does when ever he is embarrassed or shy
Hope you've been a good boy? Alexander asks the usual question he asks him everytime he returns from a trip
Yes sir! He smiles
You seemed busy earlier? Alex drops his tablet turning towards the young boy who can't stop grinning on his return
Yeahhhh! I hmm I ..... He flicks his hair almost a third time
Being mischievous now, were we? I tease as he blushes furiously
No...N.. not at all Bro Dom! He stammers
I .. she is my friends elder sister so I was just saying hi! He blurts out on meeting Alex's gaze
Friend's elder sister, huh? I stress
And my.. hmm my... My crush! He stammers turning red
Crush? Alex mutters exchanging eye contact with me
The little girl is your crush, Eddy? I ask to confirm my doubt
No! Miss beautiful, her older Sisi is; he smiles
You should be focusing on your studies young man; Alex frowns while I struggle to keep my laughter at bay
Seems like even the 14 years old Eddy couldn't withstand the charmer
I promise, I don't neglect my studies Bro! He turns all serious losing his smile
What have we missed Little champ? I try to lighten up the atmosphere
Nothing much Bro Dom! I won the best student in my class last session; he grins
Perfect! I am sure you also bagged the most handsome student at Elite huh....
I have been unable to stop thinking of the blue eyed damsel I set my eyes on today.
It's not the first time I am meeting a gorgeous woman but she is different. Her smile, the dimples, the blood red lips she kept biting while looking around, her curvaceous body which is still visible in the big skirt and shirt she was putting on.
Gosh, Alex! It's Eddy's crush we are talking about here... I chuckle picking up my tablet to get back to work
Too bad she is mine!!!!!!!
We walk into Tricia's bite 20 mins pass my lunch break all thanks to the bus which came late
I sight Aunt Patricia looking me up furiously
Oh no! seems I have run out of luck now
You dare return late from your lunch break that too with that brat; she points at Rey who was staring daggers at her
Rey! I breathe out
I am so sorry Aunt Patricia, the bus was late a...
Spare me the excuses Brielle, you are fired! She cuts me off
Please Aunt...
I am not your Aunt! I do not want to see you here ever again. Here is your pay for the week! She slams some cash notes on the counter before walking away
I stand still too numb to move a limp. Was that really enough reason to snatch my source of income away from me? I ask myself with my mind racing a mile on what to do next
Sisi! Sisi! Rey shakes me back to life and that is when the water works started
What did I just hear the chef saying? Mark rushes towards me from the kitchen
She took my Job away after stopping me from working else where; I was so foolish Mark! I cry my misery away with Rey hugging me tight as much as her height could
Hey, it's not the end of the world. Please stop crying, I will try talking to her later; Mark tries to ease the situation
But we both knew that Aunt Patricia was just looking for the slightest reason to have me gone since the last incidence with her fiance
A couple of months ago, he came visiting her at Tricia's bite and I happen to serve their table.
Since then, he kept barging into my life with love proposals which I refused. Until I decided to tell her about it hoping she will help me out. Instead she got mad calling me a slut and even blamed me for seducing her man.
She started to make things hard for me especially after their breakup as she caught him cheating with another. Though, I never thought she will take my job away being my mother's bestfriend and knowing I needed it to take care of Rey.
Although She has never liked Rey due to her truth tongue...
We picked my things from the locker room with the change she left on the slab before heading back home.
My love! The last voice I want to hear today calls out to me just a few steps away from our house
Stay away Mathie! Sisi isn't in a good mood; Rey warns him with a glare
Oh my! Who the fuck made my love cry? He yells as his boys start to come around
Not today lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!