
Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Three days had passed since the meeting in Willow's underground hideout. Thousands of Dustlands' citizens were crowding near the North Gate, which acted as a shield of some sort, separating a vast courtyard from the desolate land beyond the gates.

The courtyard thrived with people of all ages, their clothing worn and patched from years of wear. Screams and applause howled throughout the streetside, lifting the spirits of even the gloomiest of folk. Those that cheered had been longing for this day as if it were one from the gods, as they riled atop one another, awaiting the start of the Horkos. 

Most of the white-uniformed guards lined themselves against the walls, while the rest pushed the citizens away from the courtyard's embrace. 

On the first of every month, a representative from the empire would come down to the Dustlands in a massive, fortified vehicle, lined with thick walls of copper and aluminum. This vehicle operated solely from cores, and ran the only safe passage from the empire's base to the Dustlands. Between the two sat a desolate plateau of dry land known as Elpis, where travel was forbidden, for dangers beyond death lay buried within the hollow earth.

The empire's representative, once arrived, would then choose a set of specific individuals from the Dustlands to travel with them, granting them a life of peace, prosperity, and plenty of food. How they were chosen remained unknown. Regardless, the first of the month was the only bit of hope the citizens clinged onto, for that hope was all they had left. 

Vaan had luckily found an open spot within the crowd next to a thin building, able to make out the inner ends of the courtyard far ahead. Kage, as predicted, appeared out of nowhere, his hood steep over his glare. "Watch carefully. Observe. Don't make eye contact. And don't make a sound."

"W-what do you mean?" Vaan yelped, startled.

Before Kage could answer, a triumphant blast had rung through the air, the origin appearing from the gates. The noise stung at the ears, pounding an irreversible screech through everyone's head.

As the gates swung open, a massive vehicle standing nearly 30 feet high towered over the citizens. It had a thick, wide body, carried by rows of weathered wheels. The top of the vehicle resembled that of a glass coffin, with blocky windows reflecting the ever changing sunlight. 

"The Goliath," Kage whispered, the ringing still vibrating through his skull

A lever-activated door flopped against the ground, creating a smooth ramp for anyone inside to traverse with ease. Moments later, a tall, slender man with a white suit descended down the shaft, two bodyguards by his side, each outfitted with white caps and smug looks. The slender man wore a coat of long, golden hair, and an unpleasant smirk as his eyes scanned the civilians. Walking up a small platform, a podium had been prepared for him, and as he took stance, a silence fell over the crowds.

"Greetings, citizens." He said, his voice seasoned with disgust. "I gracefully thank each and every one of you for your services and contribution to our growing empire. As some of you know, we are not able to grant access to all of you for a life inside our walls. However, as per recent traditions, we nominate a randomized amount of you, based on our needs, to escort outside of these creped walls. Remember, these walls are for your protection from the dangers of the outside world, and the unlivable terrain that we have been cursed with for generations. Please, allow us to continue protecting this sacred land."

The majority of the crowd burst into a ripple of shouts and applause, although silenced rather quickly by the man as he continued his speech. 

"Colonel Briar, whom I am sure you all know very well, was not able to be here today, at this precious moment in history. So, I, Lukas Aleman, was given the opportunity to announce the individuals of today's Horkos for a safe passage to life inside the empire. Please, I would like silence as I announce the names."

As he finished speaking, any remaining chatter and claps had fallen short, like a string ripped apart from a musical instrument. All the noise had vanished, and only the hungered guts of those around grumbled with anticipation. 

One of the guards brought over a small sheet of paper to Lukas, and he continued. "Now then, on behalf of the empire, I would like to congratulate Kalexa Bronlee and Cale Hondriff, for you have been given the opportunity for another life. One filled with joy and laughter, all inside our beloved empire."

Kage and Vaan watched as the sea of civilians dropped their innocent smiles, breaking into yells of boiling rage. The two that were chosen raced to the front of the crowd, being pulled back by others in contorted delusion. Guards were forced to step in on behalf of the chosen, escorting them up the ramp and into the massive vehicle. 

"Please!" Lukas began again, "As disheartening as it sounds, and as much as I would love to invite you all to join me, these are the rules that make this opportunity possible. I would also like to say that I will be hosting a special announcement tomorrow. Please join me here, at the northern gates, exactly 24 hours from now!"

Some of the angered citizens seemed to have settled, some by their own intuition, and some by force. Others idled by, chatting in 

"That's strange," said Kage. 

"What is?" Vaan asked, keeping low against the building. 

"When the empire comes down for the Horkos, they always leave immediately. I've never heard of them staying for the night. I need to ask my father, see if he has any idea what this could be." Kage motioned for Vaan to follow him, "Come, maybe he might have some news for you as well.."

Vaan gulped, shuffling behind Kage's footsteps. His gut screamed at him, as if warning him about something. The hairs on his neck curled at the mindless thoughts running through his head, and when he tried to brush the feeling off, it only grew worse.

After walking for what seemed like ages, Kage dropped his hood, stopping in front of the same alley where his father's home was. However, both lights that hung from the buildings were busted, and all the bionic arms were scattered around like broken glass. The door to the underground home creaked open, barely hanging off its hinges. The slab hiding the cellar had been stripped from its sturdy surface, broken into parts and thrown to the rear corner of the shed.

Vaan felt the air thicken even stronger than before, and as he turned to Kage, an eerie darkness had shrouded over the hooded man. The shed suddenly fell into a few moments of an arching silence, as loud thuds from Kage's chest quickly broke through the barrier of sound.

Walking forth, Kage slowly descended down the spiral steps. His pace hastened the further he traveled, his gut tightening with despair. 

As Kage reached the final step, his stomach dropped into his shoes. All the rage that kept his sanity dormant, had released from his pores into the cellar air, encompassing the cellar in a thick, unfathomable bloodlust. Everything in his head yelled at him to massacre each and every single guard roaming the streets, but something kept holding him together. Something in his soul, like the last piece of string to keep his mind from breaking 

The living room where Kage once shared delicious meals and cradles of laughter now lay scattered as if a pack of wild boars had ransacked the place from top to bottom. Broken kitchen appliances such as wooden spoons and ladles were burned into a crisp, blackened state. Nearly half of the lights were littered across the floor, and those that kept their dim glows had been stripped from the ceiling. The walls had collapsed into cement rocks and broken timber, and all the crafting tools from the forgery were gone, leaving no trace of their origins. 

The only pieces of remembrance remaining were his father's precious rugs, and as Kage glanced down below him, he could make out a small white sheet sticking out from beneath. He grabbed it—careful as not to tear the scorched paper—unraveling it beneath the wavering light.

Dear son, 

Seems like yur old man here don't got much time. Them bastards must've caught on somehow. I'd be dammed if 'I knew. Tis was only a matter of time anyhow. I' reckon yur angered right 'bout now, but please boy, stay calm. Nothing is of your fault. 'I only wish I could've stayed here just a bit longer. Although perhaps 'I've lived freely too long. 

Now, don't be a blasted fool, 'I know yur a damn smart kid. 'I think it's finally time 'I show thee what I've been wurkin' on for the past 8 years. Yu will need to get to the minin' ground, that's where yu'll will find the answers to all yur questions. 

In them deepparts of the shaft, look for an area restricted frmo tha rest, there yu will find a cliff. Below the cliff is where 'I keep all me treasured secrets. 

Thank you son, for yu are the only damned reason my old ass was able to do tha things 'I love. Thank you, for bringin' me the final happiness a father could ask for.

Kage felt the paper loosen from his grip as he stared at the wall. "Vaan," he said, his tone soft, unnatural. "Wait outside."

Without questioning why, Vaan started up the stairs. 

As the coursing rage left his body, Kage dropped to his knees, and slowly, his strength twisted into an agony he couldn't explain. His heart fought ferociously, edging towards a black void he refused to succumb to. Why now, he thought. Why now of all times… Please let this nightmare end. He shut his eyes, repelling the tears that were soon to come.

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