Chapter 6: King Julian
"*Gasp* Baby daughter of mine!" The old man exclaims as his body ages suddenly, in a hoarse voice he continues, "You are but a baby as compared to your sisters and you've already found a husband???" He gestures for all servants present to leave. Suddenly shadow figures move, some from where the maids and butlers stood, others from the ceiling, some from behind the throne, some from behind the pillars and even beneath the tiles. The scene leaves Myles in awe. IT seemed everyone had left but one remained. "Of course you may stay" The old man says to a slender green haired night that Myles didn't notice appear beside him until the old man looked at them.
The night swiftly moves to the left hand side of the old man, without a sound even from their amour. Myles just admired the Knight and then the old man continues, "Is that a ring I see!" The old man is on his knees at this point and suddenly a beautiful lady who Myles swears is his age appears beside him on his right. Myles found it strange the knight did not help or even flinch when the old man fell but then, "Darling stop being dramatic, our daughter is 17, and how many times will I tell you nobody will fall for the 'poor old man' act." The lady says in a rather mature voice subsequently smacking the old man in the head. "Ow, ow darling do not forget how strong you are so casually like you can't break magnum steal with your pinky." The old man complains. Suddenly his hair while still soft and silky turns black, his wrinkled skin smooth and full of youth, his tired and thinned muscles beefed and stacked but only for a second before thinning down and finally his old coarse voice now still mature but full f energy and commanding power.
His stare shakes Myles' core, "Tell me boy are you worthy of my daughter?" Myles, while still frightened says the first thing he thinks about. "How are you not dead?" Just as suddenly as he ended his question, there is a light breeze and before Myles is the green haired masked knight before him with their sword right on his neck. The now young man laughs hysterically and says, "I understand why you ask boy, but it will remain a mystery until my daughters say otherwise for it is not my story to tell. You will learn about the great King Julian." Lia who was tensed up when the Knight approached Myles is now calm smiling in the direction of her father. The other girls are also doing the the same, however the lady by his side rolls her eyes and chuckles.
"Darlings and Knight, please leave me alone with him." Myles finally realizes how beautiful the lady by Julian is, her hair blue and silky, her eyes sharp and green like emeralds, her skin dark just like Lia, her body not as fit as Lia's; more curvy but slender and she is just as tall if not taller. |She is dressed in a collection of blue and white silk cloth being held up by rope and green jewels, the outfit complement her curves well but not in a lewd manner. An elegant sight to behold. She bows to her husband and is suddenly covered in a dim white light, the girls as well as the Knight soon follow and then they all disappear.
"Oh my darling wife didn't get to introduce herself to the man who has stolen our dear daughter's heart." King Julian says smug. A hand appears behind him and slaps him in the head. "Darling as long as you speak of me I will hear what you say." A warning soft familiar voice says seemingly coming from every corner of the room, Myles is intimidated by King Julian's wife's power. "Dear bo... future son in law, I hope~ I am Allyser Luminé II. "Myles is flushed by her statement, and it seems she noticed because she giggles as her voice dwindles.
"Ow, ow I love her so much," Julian says while rubbing his head, " and I am King Julian Devi Luminé" as he stares at Myles straight in the eye. Myles feels that the man sitting before him could snap him in half, although he doesn't understand why, he believes it. So he steps back unconsciously making Julian let out a great chortle.
"You amuse me boy, even with such great power you fear my gaze?" Julian says in an amused tone, he leans forward staring at Myles dead in his eyes. "Forget my story let us talk about criole."He grins with intent and then continues, "More specifically yours." His dark soulful eyes seemingly peered into Myles, it seemed to terrify and mesmerize him. Myles could do nothing but stand there speechless. He gulps and takes a heavy breath of air, Julian sits upright on his throne and begins to speak again. "I would also like to know what my daughter... daughters see in you."
Myles is struck dumb by the kings statement, as far as he knew Terrene did not do anything before the King to make him clue in on her feelings for him. Myles looks at the king in awe and fear. His presence gives of a warm and calm air to it. It is like a camp fire, but Myles can't help but feel threatened by the man before him. "There's one!" King Julian exclaims laughing in his throne. His face suddenly goes stoic then he opens his mouth, "Back to business, I suggest you answer the questions ask honestly." He says in a dark tone which makes Myles' blood run cold.
Myles takes another step back unconsciously. King Julian opens his mouth, "What are you?" He says in a dusky tone. His aura usually bright and warm, goes cold and dark to the point it can almost be seen. It also changes the air of the room. Myles gulps, "I... am human." he responds, the pressure from the King's aura makes Myles feel as though he can't breath. He also has an unshaking urge to Kneel. "Human? You want me to believe you are human?" The King's eyes narrow and Myles falls to his knees. "I warned you not to lie to me boy." Myles is barley conscious at this point. "I am not telling you any lies... why..." Julian lets off a small eerie grin, "You really believe you're human don't you?" The pressure suddenly disappears. Myles coughs and takes heavy breaths. "I have to say though, you young lad," he pauses giving a dramatic air, then he stands from his throne and continues as he walks towards Myles, "You're strong." He puts a hand on Myles' head and stand him up using his hair. Myles is completely drained from the earlier experience so much so that he can't even grunt in pain. "Although I still do not believe you I am willing to trust you." We walks toward the door and opens his mouth again before walking through the thick metal door that opens up in pieces; each piece disappearing into the wall, "I am still willing to put my faith in you because my daughters brought you here knowing what you are." The door shuts before Myles could turn around and open his mouth.
Myles looks at his open palm, "I do not care what anyone says or thinks. I am human." He clenches his open palm into a fist.