Chapter 9: Forging the Killers
As i left our room where we slept, i immediately entered the bar looking over seeing the guy from Room No.1 sitting alone at the table as the two guys from Room No.9 came to sit with him, i finally found Ravien and Silas down in the corner, as i walked over passing the guy that was supposed to be the number one, he had this aura. It was freezing the moment I passed by his table. However I made my way to the table where my teammates were. As I sat down, Silas turned his gaze towards me. "You seem like you caught your eye on Kaelen finally" He said with a chuckle as he turned to his food and took a bite of his sandwich. "Yeah he's the supposed strongest right? If you want to show off you need to take out the Strongest." I said, confidently but also cold, already suppressing all the emotion I ever had inside of me.
"That's true, but not in Kaelen's case, if he wants to win this, he will win it. No one here could ever stop him even if they wanted to." Silas talked just staring into the blank point, like there was something he wasn't saying and it bothered him. "So who is he and why are you so in love with him weirdo?" Ravien said with an annoyed tone, now looking into Silas at this point just staring at him. "I'm not in love with him idiot, he was my arch nemesis in Academy we go way back, but however he is a Hybrid now, don't even fight him alone it's not fair, fight against Kaelen is never fair, even if you have numbers advantage that's gonna be unfair, but not for him, especially not for him. You are in danger then, he doesn't care who he kills, he would let his own mom die if it meant winning" Silas talked looking towards both of us now as he sat up "Kaelen's father taught him that losing is the only thing he never in his life should do, so when i once beat him in Academy.. His father made a wound on his mouth, he took a knife and went over Kaelens mouth and whole face, that's the reason for his mask.." Silas said as he was finishing sandwich, both Ravien and me were silent..
[12 Hours left until the first challange]
The recruiter made the announcement echoing the whole bar. "Well we should go to the training chamber, simulate few 3v3 fights we will need it" I said as i stood up only drinking the juice i got nothinf else as Ravien was playing with his dagger, opposite of him Silas summoning a little void wolf that walked beside him. "Is that really necessary void weirdo?" Ravien said while holding his dagger as if getting ready to slaughter that wolf and open it up from top to bottom. "What? Isnt he cute, coolest thing about this wolf is, hes immortal and quite dangerous so i wouldnt try to fight him" Silas chuckled as he followed towards the Training chamber "Yeah yeah we'll see about that" Ravien said as he looked towards the wolf then at the trainings chamber as we arrived.
Kaelen's team left the Chamber, Kaelen unbothered, not likr it was visible, his facial expressions but that was just how Silas described him. Behind him his two teammates, two guys from Room No.9 both of them sweaty and talking about hiw amazed they were when they saw Kaelen move. "Why those weaklings? I mean he's supposed to be Number 1.. He could've picked anyone and he picks the weakest guys here?" Ravien said staring Kaelen down the Bar "Whatever, we dont have time for that. Let him be, we will kill anyone in our way anyways." I said, trying to take the Leader role in our team as i turned around putting the difficulty to Master which was the maximum difficulty.
Then, darkness.. I could only see Silas and Ravien beside me as the lights turned on two assasin guys were already flying towards us, just as i thought it was too late.. A void spawned Silas's wolf flying out catching the guys pushinf them down as both succesfully were on the floor, but they haven't lost yet.
"Ravien take the little shadow assasin guy, Silas take the tall mage and ill go towards the Brute, dont disappoint and finish this" I said as we all three launched ourselves towards them, Ravien flying through Shadows, i could use the same approach but i used my steps silencer so i finally gout behind the Brute to find his opening as i pulled out my dagger to stab his neck he turned around, catching my leg slamming me into the ground. I felt every bone crushing in my body as i fell down to the ground "That's.. it from me?" I asked myself quietly but then i glanced over and saw Silas toying with his enemy, Void creatures just being a too powerful tool. Ravien aswell, was reappering and appearing from Shadows and then the deadly blow came as he started to cut the throat the hologram just turned off as he rushed towards the Brute.
"This is supposed to be our leader? Cant even beat the big fat giant hologram but wants to lead us towards God level Threats" Ravien said as jumped in the hair in that one little spot where there was a shadow and he just vanished as he entered it, last enemy confused still didnt get bothered by it as Silas tried attacking with his wolfs, but the Brute just kept pushing them away not letting them hit but it wasnt too long when he realised one thing that cost him the victory.
Ravien was still not here, he was lurking through the shadows, his whispers echoing through the room. "I warned you once. Guess you weren't listening." First a chuckle and then,a sharp movement came from behind the brute, it was Ravien obviously he was the guy you would expect to do these things but Silas wasnt giving up either, his voids just went after the Brute and he was moving around him, sliding amd jumping hitting the critical points and now it was too late for the Brute anyways.
Ravien stuck a hand on the Brute's shoulder then launched himself in the air a little as he pulled out his dagger, as Ravien was falling down the Brute turned around hoping to catch Ravien like he did to me. Silas's wolf bit his leg, letting the poison flow through. Brute was a hologram but if that was a real person they would be screaming in pain right now. Ravien fell directly through Brutes hands, cutting a line directly across his eyes then stabbing the Brute in the chest and going all the way down, as Silas threw a void bomb inside. The hologram exploded and then.. pitch black.
I woke up in our room, alone now there was no Ravien and Silas and it was day i could see through the little hole. I rushed out to the bar looking for Ravien and Silas, i saw them in the same spot they were before, i was in a rush and then just as i was about to get there i felt something hard hit my shoulder, i turned around and i bumped with no one else but Kaelen. He was standing there just barely acknowledging me, then went on where he was going. Everyone else was silent they though i was going to just vanish now. "Great leader, first almost dies to a Hologram and now makes a enemy with the strongest guy here" Ravien said mockingly, chuckling as he looked at me. "And yet, I'm still here. Maybe you should be asking yourself why." I answered, i flipped the doubt back onto him, confidently and calm not giving into his dumb games.
[All contestants, please make your way to the Arena.]
Recruiter echoed the bar once more, everyone was in the rush but not us, we took our time and left last. Now there was a big screen with a tournament like Bracket, it was 3 versus 3, but we were ready nonetheless.
I will win for our team, but i want to shine the most as the leader so ill make the most out of it. The teams started appearing on the screen, Kaelens team went against contestants from Room No.7 and No.6 was the first match up. Then it continued, and it was our turn Room No.8 and 3. Against Room 4 and 5. Another match up popped up on the screen but we didnt care, we were ready to prove ourselfs fo the whole world.
"Lets go guys" I said as i made my way to the stands as Kaelen's team was first to fight. "This should be a interesting fight" Ravien said chuckling as he looked at the arena now only 2 teams inside. "No, it wont be fun for whoever is versing Kaelen, it will never be interesting." Silas said as he looked towards the fight, he was scanning and taking information everything we needed to know about each team, he was our Genius. Then the bell came and the Arena erupted people cheering and a battle erupted.