Book. Librarian. Star and City

Chapter 4: Ending the Loop

"Hey Gerald! Nice seeing you up so early in the morning"

With a smile, the man in question nods before turning the coffee machine on

"And it's great seeing you aswell Lisa."


Keep it cool.

Don't make any more mistakes.

"I heard you were on your way to work on F-02-44, why don't I come over to check it out with you?"

She looks a bit confused at his words

"How did you know I was going to work on that abnormality?"

Slightly freezing in place, before quickly recovering Gerald waves it off

"It was just a guess, haha."

"... I see"

"Well I guess you could tag along, although I'm not sure how the manager would respond, he probably needs you to work on something."

"Oh don't worry about that, I have it under control"

Gerald glances upwards at the cameras with a serious expression before turning back to Lisa with a sincere smile

Lisa tilts her head before shrugging

"Alright, well I guess follow me"

Walking out of the breakroom, they make their way over to the containment chambers of the control team


They both walk infront of the same door they did in the previous loop, an ominous feeling was growing in Gerald's heart

Calm down.

I can prevent it this time.

"Hey Lisa, let's look over the document together"

"Pshh, I've already read it over time and time again in my personal dorm"

"Well wouldn't it be nice to have a quick refresher? Just incase, y'know?"

With an exasperated sigh, Lisa rolls her eyes

"Fine I guess, there probably isn't anything new to note anyways"

Picking the file up and skimming through it, there was some new information added to the document

"If Repression is performed on the abnormality twice, the agent will take its place instead."

Gerald stares at Lisa calmly

"What work were you assigned?"

"U-uhm Insight"

She spat out, quickly shaken by the fact she could've turned into the very creature she worked on yesterday

Gerald collected his thoughts before giving his own thoughts on the matter

"Lisa, this should be expected since the corperation we work at doesn't care about the individuals working here"

"Both of us need to expect the worst case scenario and prepare for it, we can't be caught off guard like this again"

"Y-Yeah, it just took me by surprise. I mean it doesn't even make any sense, how would you even prepare for that kind of thing?"

"I don't exactly know myself, just do your research and make an educated guess"

Lisa nods before she remembered something important

"Oh yeah, Gerald there's a new employee today. I think you should meet Them after work is done today."

"Oh uhh, alright I guess."

Afterwards she smiled and turned towards the door before walking in

Alright, hopefully I've given enough insight for Lisa to survive the rest of today

*Beep Beep*

(Please work with T-09-78)

Fuck you manager.

Seriously, Fuck off.


Working his way into the containment chamber, Gerald wastes no time and grabs the cursed object

I wonder if I coul-

Born Ag-

Goddamnit do you have to cut my train of thought off every single time?

I don't have the patience for this.

Lifting Penitence up he doesn't slam it onto his head, instead he holds it out and closes his eyes

I remember the weapon working on its own to refresh my mind time and time again in the previous loop

Maybe I can find a way to manually trigger that effect


Time passes and no progress is made, although there is a faint voice chanting in his head whenever he tries to force its effect

So the ability can't be triggered through bruteforce, should've expected this

His head begins to throb more and more

Shit... maybe if I concentrate on the voice...?

His brain gradually gets filled with what he could only describe as regret, indifference and a faint light growing larger with each passing second

Do you seek absolution, or do you fear judgment?


Your hands are heavy. What will you do with their weight?

I... I'm trying to do the right thing here...

Why does everything have to be so difficult


The past chains you, but the next step you take is your own

I will help in that regard

Replacing the dark emotions filling his mind, a warm comforting feeling washes over his entire body

He feels as if he is on a cloud, sailing through the sky gently

Focusing on this light, it begins to spread down to Penitence as the weapon expands and shrinks at random intervals

It then settles down back into it's previous shape, the interesting looking mace with the cross like bludgeoning end and handle

This time, it feels like an extention of his body

Something he can depend on, like his own arms or legs

Nodding to himself, he raises it high into the air and gives it a swing

The air made an audible swishing sound as if the attack had some serious weight behind it

But the weapon was still as light as a feather

A smile began to creep up on his face as he tries to trigger the white damage to refresh his mind

But instead, the white aura discharges out of the weapon quickly, leaving behind a faint trail

That's not what I was expecting... it has a ranged variety now?

Closing his eyes he holds the weapon forward to try the same ability...

Instead the weapon begins to morph into a staff with the bludgeoning end transforming into a single spherical point with the skull below it

The white energy shot out in a cone like shape, decimating the surrounding air creating a crackling sound

Holy shit

That was awesome.

Focusing on his thoughts, he willed it to become similar to a sword

In his hands it obeyed and transformed the spherical point into a long sleek blade with the skull as the pummel

As he swung, pressurized air shot out of the blade and shredded the metal around the containment chamber

Shit... I should probably stop

Sheathing Penitence, it detransformed into it's basic shape as it began to lay dormant

(Attention, damaging any company property will be taken out of employee pay after the Month and three week period is over)

Oh no.

Anyways this is a sizable power increase I can work with, and now I'm even more unsure about E.G.O

It's so weird, I just can't wrap my head around it

Like last loop when I lost control of my mind and I went on a rampage

A finger caresses the red feather on his ear

Do these gifts influence me in that sort of way?

(Gerald, begin work on... Punishing Bird)

Lifting a brow at the nickname used by employees instead of its usual serial code he ignored it and went over to do his job

As the door opened, the same small bird sat on its perch and continued sharpening it's beak after glancing at Gerald

Walking over to it, he rubbed it's small head and took his notepad out to begin documenting it again

After some time passed, he got the broom out and swept up it's loose feathers scattered on the ground before giving the small creature a granola bar he usually bought in the breakroom

Of course the bird HAD to be handled, it refused anything less

It continued pecking at the individual granola as Gerald looked around it's room curiously

After finishing the treat, the bird hopped off of his arm before sitting on its perch once again

"I'll see you later little bird"

In response the damn thing nodded

What the hell, why can you just... chirp or something....

Exiting the room, Gerald made his way over to T-09-78 in order to put those notes from a crazy researcher away

Yeah, I'm not even sure on what to make of that thing

On basically every single page, it was just scribbles on scribbles about experiments on people using some sort of substance called "Cogito" not sure what to make of that.

As the notepad realigned with the containment device, Gerald tensed up and wrapped his arms around himself in preparation for the worst outcome

An itchy feeling began to surface on his body


...then immediately afterwards a mosquito flew away from his arm



Clearing his throat and getting up from his fetal position, he walked out of the room with embarrassment etched onto his face

Hanging his head down in shame, another message chimed on his LC-230

(Good work Gerald, please come see me after the day ends)

Immediately after this message is sent to him, his silly expression is wiped clean and immmediatly gets serious

"...Whatever, I guess I should talk to him sooner rather then later."

(Break is in effect, return to work in XX:15)


Making his way over to the breakroom, a new face strolls on over to his table

"I'm guessing you're gerald?"

"Yeah that's me, who are you?"

The woman with green hair smiles before closing her eyes confidently

"Just the smartest employee in this branch, heh..."


Wow, what a great introduction

"Whatever you say."

"Good, atleast you know your place. I just wanted to make sure every employee in this branch knew"


Am I really in the wrong if I strangle her?

I mean come on, she's asking for it.

"You seem to be talking alot of shit for someone who just started working here today."

A lump is caught in her throat as he bites her fingers with an enraged expression

"Haah? But I'm definitely smarter then you though?"

Losing patience Gerald raised a brow

"Yeah? You really think so newbie?"

Her voice escalates into a confident shout

"Yeah I do!"

It was then another employee walked over to them and placed a hand on the both of their shoulders

"Come on guys, let's not fight alright?"

"This is the first time the both of you are meeting"

The snobby greenhaired woman jabs her finger into Gerald's chest

"He started it"


before Gerald could retort, Lisa's expression suddenly got darker

"It doesn't matter who started what, for now let's make up alright!?"


Thr green haired woman looks down while biting her lip in dissatisfaction before introducing herself

"My name is Yuri... and I'm the smarte-"


Glancing over to Lisa, a plastic fork snapped as soon as the introduction was trailing off

"U-Uhh and I like... sweets?"

The last part was more of a question then anything

"Good! Both of you are now well acquainted."

With a smile, she then took off looking for the snack bar in haste

"Whatever... just remember who I am, or something..."

Yuri then sheepishly walked away with a solemn expression

This is too damm funny

All of these unique characters working here, honestly it's nice

I feel like this whole loop thing might not be that bad afterall.

(Break is over, return to work)

Alright, let's get moving

(Please work on.. One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds)

His voice sounds pretty uncomfortable saying all that, wonder why he's trying so hard.

Ignoring those thoughts, Gerald made his way over to the containment chamber before entering it

The same floating skull floats in place while seemingly starting at Gerald intensely

Or whatever it's version of staring is

"Hey, I'm back buddy"

It's teeth clack together as if its confirmation for his statement

"I guess let's not waste any time huh?"

Sitting down on his knees, Gerald closes his eyes before clasping his hands together

"I.. I still hear their screams, from the previous loop."

"I know that redemption isn't on the table after what I've done, but I'm going to try my best to be better as a person."

"If I have to, I'll endure every single loop needed in order to preserve the employee's lives here"

"I don't care if nobody will remember how much I'll struggle trying this."

"I will perservere."

The thorns sitting on his head begin to throb as he feels it writhing around on his skull

Of course it's pretty painful but since the previous loop, his tolerance has grown

Putting his hand on the crown of thorns, it feels like it has thickened substantially, the thorns have increased in size aswell

"Well, that's all I have for today"

The skull shifts in place as the familiar chanting resounds in the air

Gerald exits the room and doesn't bother to check his score

(Work finished for the day, report to living quarters before XX:30)

Alright good, I'm actually making steady progress today

Although these previous days have felt so long as of recently

Gerald makes his way over to the manager's room slowly

I have a few things I want to say to him.


(Pov: Manager)

*Knock Knock*

"Angela, open it"

"As you wish Manager."

The door slowly opens as Gerald casually walks in before pulling out a seat for himself to sit in


"Haha... Gerald, how've you been?"

"Dunno, hard to tell as of recently."

"Well that's not... great."

The manager fixes his position as he forces a smile

"I have some champagne here, do you want to try some?"

"No, I don't drink."

Goddamnit, why is he making this so difficult

Ah... well besides That

"Anyways, I just wanted to clear some things up on what we talked about yesterday..."

Gerald scoffs while giving a fake surprised expression

"Oh really?"

Feeling the migraine coming on he reaffirms

"Yes, now do you have any complaints about it?"

Gerald gets a bit agitated

"Yes I have complaints, why can't anyone else know about the loops?"

"Everything would get easier"

Pinching his sinuses the manager calmly reminded Gerald

"And then everyone would go into panic, work wouldn't be as efficient, and every single time we would have to re-explain it to them, repeating steps 1 and 2 over and over again."

"Well it's just not fair that-"

"Take a look around you Gerald, is anything fair here?"

"I'm not even exempt from this, my control over the situations here is laughable, information is restricted until certain criteria is met and a whole lot of other reasons"

"I'm in the same situation as you Gerald, not even I can do anything about this"

The manager glances at Angela from his peripheral vision

"And apparently at the same time the manager has to take care of everything around here"

Pausing to collect his thoughts he continues

"Look, if we want to end this shit. Me and you both have to cooperate together, there is no easy way out."

Gerald sighs before Nodding

"I'm still mad about you failing to tell me Lisa died last loop"

The manager's face paled a bit

"I understand that, and I'm sorry. It was a very delicate matter and I failed as a manager when my incompetence shown there"

"Believe me when I say that I'll try my best to prevent anything like that from happening again"

"Alright, I believe you."

The manager began to smile as he extended his hand outwards

"Then do we have a solid agreement Gerald?"

The man in question grinned as he extended his own arm forward to meet the manager's own

"I guess we do."

As they shook hands gerald sighed as he questioned

"But do I really have to be the guinea pig testing every abnormality that comes in?"

The manager shook his head

"You don't need to, but it would make things easier if you could remember what it like and what it dislikes etc."

"It would also prevent something like... that from happening again."

"... Alright, I'll do it"

"Alright you can go back to your room now, unless you have something else to say to me of course."

"Nothing comes to mind, I'll see myself out then."

The manager nods as Gerald exits the room, Angela closes the door and hands him a yellow document

"Apologies Manager, ive prepared the according research file that was finished today."

She places it on the table before slowly backing up

"Joint Command, will this be of any use tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid not manager, new departments only open up on day 6 since they are still in preperation"

"I see, is that all?"

"I hear Malkuth needs to speak to you soon, it's urgent apparently."

"Alright send her here."

"As you wish."

As Angela exits the room, the manager eyeballs the champaign before shaking his head

Instead he walks over to the coffee machine and grabs his favorite mug


"Hey kid, C'mere a sec won't ya?"

Mao calls gerald over to the bench posted outside of his dorm toom

A tinge of guilt floods over Gerald as he looks at Mao's haggard face

"Haha.. sure."

Sitting down, Mao offers Gerald a cigar which he declines this time around

"Suit yourself."

Mao blows out a plume of smoke as he flicks something out of his hands

"Y'know, I didn't take you to all that competent at first in this line of work"

Gerald was caught by surprise at that

"How so?"

"Well about three days ago, when you were a clerk. You didn't talk much to anyone, kept to yourself really."

Mao then shutters

"Your gaze pierced the soul of anyone who tried to even talk to ya"

"Gave me the chills I'm in bein honest"


Was I like that before?

"It doesn't matter now, you've definitely changed. I can see it in you're eyes, you've got the spirit kid."

Gerald smiles while fiddling with his LC-230

"Kid this Kid that, how old are you anyways?"

The man smirks cockily

"I'm thirty five an countin, what about you?"


Wow I don't even remember how old I am

"Thats not important."

"What? You don't have to be so obvious about it, I'm older then you heh..."

His finger began to rub under his nose as he tries his best to appear like an all knowing senior

"Maybe you should call me uncle or somethin, Heh heh.."

"You wish old man."

(Warning, Qliphoth Deterrence activating. Be sure to stay in your rooms for the duration of tonight.)

"Well junior, looks like our little conversation is gonna be cut short here."

"Fuck off."

"Hahaha well get some good sleep, you seemed real tired ever since this morning."

With a sigh Gerald nodded

"Yeah, well anyways it was nice talking to you Mao."

"It's 'Uncle' to you kid."

"... You're really dragging this..."

"Heh, it comes with the charm of being an adult."

Gerald doesn't bother correcting him, allowing Mao to let out a few more laughs before he dissappear into his respective room

Entering his own, Gerald sits down on his desk as he looks around the room sluggishly

Today was nice I guess, better then the previous loops for sure


E.G.O is really weird, moving forward I need to see what it really is, maybe even how to fully utilize it to its maximum potential

Gerald then picks the Lobotomy Corporation handbook up before flipping through a few pages

Looks like I'm gonna have to read up on all this so I can plan ahead in the future

I need to always stay prepared, making mistakes just don't sit right with me. Especially when it involves lives being taken due to my incompetence

Flipping through the pages even further until it lands on the "Safety Procedures"

What the hell is this rubbish...

Looks like it's gonna be a long night.




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