Born in Flames

Chapter 3: A promise made is a promise kept

Azaliah Krimson

After getting dressed in a little black summer dress and leaving my hair opened. I swiftly ran down the stairs and greeted my parents as I took a seat opposite my father.

"Morning sweetie" My mother replies with her back turned. My father mumbled a morning in his cup of coffee. A smile appeared on his features as he glanced at my mother. It had been 12 years since they were divorced. And four years ago, they had a wedding, to rekindle the fire that had been lost. They have been together ever since.

I never knew my father that well but he was still my dad and I still loved him. When I heard that they wanted to be a family again. I was angry because he had caused so much pain to our family but my mother still loved him. After my dad left, she never found anyone else.

Up till now I still wondered what would have happened if he never left all those years ago. My family had been through a lot after he left but we still managed to get by. And my mother never stopped smiling, never showed any weakness, for her two children were her strength. My mum then handed me a plate of steaming hot pancakes. Yum! I quickly ate it, savoring the taste.

"Whoa, slow down, you might choke." My father said. At that moment, I did choke. My mother quickly rushed to my side, hitting my back as the choking stopped. My father shook his head at me as my mother gave me a glass of water. I smiled sheepishly at them.

"So Azi, What are you and your friends going to do today?" My mother asked me as she sat next to my dad.

"We are having our last concert today. Maybe after class, we might hang out at the usual spot.-"

"What about that boy?" My face heated up at what my dad said. It was only last week that I told them everything about my relationships that I ever had. My dad was so upset, he never speak to me for 3 days. But then he started getting used to the idea that I'm finally growing up and that I won't be his little girl anymore. My mother wasn't even surprised when I told them. I think she knew that I had a boyfriend but she was happy for me.

"Honey, leave her alone, we already talked about this." My mother glared at my father and he kept quiet.

"Azaliah, go check on your brother, while I talk to your father." She said as she folded her arms, still glaring at him. I quietly excused myself, leaving the dishes in the sink. Dad was going to get scolded again. I softly chuckled and stepped away, going straight to my brother's room.

I quietly knocked opening the door slowly. Felix was the spitting image of my dad and he had similar features to mom. I remember the first time he had fallen sick. We were sword-fighting outside under the moonlight. I had defended myself by thrusting his sword away from his hand. With a final strike, he was on the ground. We weren't so little back then. He was eleven and I was fourteen. But age never stopped us from playing like little children.

I blame myself that he had gotten sick. After he fell to the ground, his nose started to bleed and he vomited blood. He was immediately rushed to the hospital. I was never told what had happened or what was wrong with him. All I knew was that it was my fault.

I took the cloth that was on his forehead. It was already dried up, so I soaked it up with water and put it back on his forehead. I silently prayed for him to get better as I held his hand. I didn't want him to suffer. I never wanted to see him in pain. He was only sixteen years old. He was always sleeping and every time he slept, I was afraid of him never waking up.

"Azi?" Felix opened his eyes.

"You're awake" I smiled down at him. He slowly nodded and slowly sat upright.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. He smiled softly.

"A little better," He replied with a yawn.

"So today is the big day for you." He said with an amused smile.

"It's not my wedding." I ruffled up his hair as he laughed. A strained laugh. I could see the pain in his face.

"You never know, Deolan might propose." I laughed at that. Marriage... that would never happen. Felix yawned once more and rubbed his eyes. His medication was taking effect again.

"Get some sleep, you need your rest." I kissed his cheek and gave him a long hug and tucked him into bed.

"I love sleeping; sometimes I wish I didn't wake up." I froze at his words. He caught my gaze and my hands begin to tremble.

"Don't ever say something like that again. You're going to get better. I won't let you die." I whimpered I didn't want to cry in front of him; I didn't want him to feel sorry for me. I didn't want him to see me weak.

"Crying doesn't suit you. It's your last day for the band, so smile." The frown was stitched on my face. I wasn't happy. I hated that I couldn't do anything. I should have gotten sick instead of him.



"Promise me, that whatever happens, you must look after yourself. No matter what, even if anything happens to me, mummy or daddy. Promise me you'll move on and stop worrying about the past."

He held my hands in his, his eyes almost clouded with tears. He knew what I would do if I had lost anyone... It's not the first time, that we had a conversation like this. But I always keep my promises. But this promise was clutching at my heart.

And so I said the words I always said to him, I whispered, "A promise made is a promise kept."

It was a promise that I wanted to keep and yet I had a gut feeling that it would be the last...

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