Chapter 7: Kitten
Adrian Knight
Two hours...
Two bloody long hours later... And they were testing my patience...
"Where the hell is that seer!?"
"Would you calm down and wait! It's not going to hinder our mission and we don't know even know where Defaeron is going to appear, so just shut up and wait!" Daniel burst out and it surprised me.
"I'm sorry but we need to find that demon. We have to put a stop to him. I'm tired of him harming all of the realms. This will be the last time he hurts anyone." I yelled and walked away and without realizing it, I crashed into someone. And the sound of instruments moved and crashed underneath that person.
It was none other than that human girl. Why do I have to always bump into her? The scent of blood then hit me and my eyes quickly went to her arms. It was bleeding. Great... just great... now I harmed a human. She jumped up suddenly and pointed her finger at me ignoring her wounds.
"You! What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see where you're walking?" I was surprised by her outburst. But she wasn't done talking. She reminded me of a little kitten.
"Stop taking your anger out on everyone else." She was a furious little kitten. I never expected her to be here and I didn't expect her outburst.
"Adrian!" I heard Isaac yell out my name. She glared at me with so much anger and I glared at her back.
"I can already feel the tension," Isaac whispered to Daniel. I sighed and walked away. I was never going to see that girl again. So there was no use trying to make small talk with her. And we already get on each other's nerves.
Before leaving the stage, I turned back to look at her. Daniel had gotten a first aid kit and was bandaging her wounds. The three of them had suddenly bonded and had been laughing. Those two know that bonding with humans is useless. We live longer than them. Humans have such a short life span.
What I wanted right now was to find Defearon and end his life. That kind of despicable creature behaved as if he was the incarnation of the demon god. My beast rumbled in frustration. He wanted to get out and spread his wings. His scales piercing my mind.
"Adrian, meet us at the carnival. I'll send you the directions."
And just like that Isaac quickly mind linked me. He must be up to something. It took me a while to find that place even with those stupid directions. Now I know why he gave such vague details to meet them there.
As soon as that human girl saw me, she huffed and turned the other way. I turned to Isaac and punched his hand. He sheepishly grinned and introduced me to them. They were the band that played earlier. And now I finally got to know who that human girl was. Her name was Azaliah.
"Liah, please don't murder anyone tonight." Her friend squeaked out as she saw her expression. And she looked like a kitten that was ready to fight. Azaliah looked as if she was in pain when her friend grabbed her arm. I was the reason she was hurt.
"Why would I murder anyone?" She questioned.
"Because you have that expression on your face only when you get pissed off at someone. So who was it this time that brought your monster side out?" She asked amusingly. Azaliah then smiled and it was as if the world had stopped. It was a smile that held both happiness and sadness.
"I feel sorry for whoever made you angry."
Daniel and Isaac shared a glance at each other and then turned to me. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I couldn't help but smile and I knew that I had to apologize to her. Hours had passed by and I had a bit of fun here. The guys went with that girl Jade to find some seats to eat. And Azaliah had wandered off somewhere.
I walked to the edge of the carnival and I spotted her sitting alone on the bench. Her red hair glowing under the moonlight made me question if this beautiful human girl was human.
"The food is ready, they are waiting for you," I said sitting next to her.
"I'll go in a while." She whispered
"I'm sorry about your arm." I quietly said staring at the sky.
"So the stone face has a heart."
"Stoneface?" I turned to look at her. Was that the name she picked for me? She had this amusing look on her face and then she giggled.
"You've had this angry look on your face ever since we met in the forest." She replied laughing.
"Whatever you say, Kitten." And then her laughter stopped.
"Kitten?" And now the kitten has shown her claws. I moved closer to her.
"You have a fiery personality that reminds me of a little kitten."
"It's Azaliah, not kitten." She seethed.
"And it's Adrian, not stone face." The glare that we both had on our faces made us laugh. But I still liked my pet name for her
"I'm still calling you stone face-"
"I'm still calling you kitten-"
We both answered at the same time which made us laugh even more. At least here on Terrae, she could have such peaceful moments. I was just like the fleeting wind, always moving. And she was like the sun.
Her phone rang and immediately she picked it up. Her voice was filled with worry and she appeared anxious. She clutched her phone and turned to me. She was panicking. I could feel her fear radiating off of her body. She was so scared and I just wanted to reach out and comfort her but there were more pressing matters at hand.
"I have to go, I'm sorry; tell the others there was an emergency at home, please." She dashed into the forests. My hands unconsciously reached out for her, I called out for her but then suddenly all of my detection spells were going off. A roar could be heard deep in the forest. The essence was spreading as if a magic battle was taking place.
Defaeron had finally made his appearance