Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Dover’s Fatal Weakness
"Diamante, did they manage to take down those guys?"
Duke picked up the phone, greeted by Doflamingo's iconic smile.
"Mr. Dover, they couldn't take me down that easily!" Duke replied confidently.
Doflamingo's face darkened, veins bulging on his forehead.
"After this failure, are Diamante and the others still alive?"
"But even if they failed, they're still family," Doflamingo muttered.
Doflamingo had always been lenient with his family, as long as they stayed loyal.
"I dislike pointless violence," Doflamingo continued. "A small misunderstanding shouldn't lead to hostility."
Duke nodded, understanding the situation.
"So, to clear up this misunderstanding, can you release my family?" Doflamingo asked, trying to negotiate.
"I've never restricted Diamante's freedom," Duke assured him. "They can return to you anytime."
"But Mr. Dover, would you consider a partnership?" Duke proposed, highlighting the benefits.
"With your control over sea routes and West Blue's specialties, we could amass great wealth," Duke explained.
In the pirate world, unique products from different regions fetched high prices elsewhere.
Duke saw the potential for prosperity beyond just running a lottery shop.
He envisioned a partnership that benefited both the Valoran family and the people of West Blue.
After all, enriching the region meant better opportunities for everyone.
Doflamingo, a powerful figure as both a Warlord and an underworld emperor, controlled vital trade routes.
Duke needed access to these routes for his plans.
"Why should I cooperate when I can access West Blue's specialties without you?" Doflamingo challenged.
Despite Duke's offer, Doflamingo boasted of his own connections in West Blue.
But Duke had a grander vision—to dominate the region's underworld.
"I'll offer superior West Blue goods," Duke countered, emphasizing control over all exports.
He warned, "No goods leave West Blue without my approval."
"You wouldn't want more misunderstandings, would you?" Duke added, implying consequences for defiance.
Doflamingo's expression shifted from surprise to amusement.
He found Duke's ambition both bold and amusing, a challenge to his own dominance in the region.
"Quite the audacious plan," Doflamingo chuckled. "Is this your grand ambition?"
When Doflamingo spoke, his grin turned into a cold, serious expression.
"Mr. Duke, I agree to cooperate with you," he said sharply. "I await the day you control the entire West Blue. But if you fail, I'll personally handle any misunderstandings."
After Dover hung up, the Valoran and Donquixote families' cooperation began without detailed discussions between Duke and Dover.
"You think I'm scared?" Duke muttered, unfazed by Doflamingo's lack of courtesy.
Even without Doflamingo's awakened abilities, Duke believed he could hold his own against the Seven warlord's strength.
And even if Doflamingo did awaken his powers, Duke had a strategy to counter him.
Doflamingo had a significant vulnerability—his reliance on Sugar's abilities.
Sugar's power could erase memories, a dangerous tool that kept many secrets hidden.
However, the more toys she created in Dressrosa, the more potential problems arose.
If the truth about these manipulated memories reached the powerful forces of the pirate world, it could lead to chaos for Doflamingo.
Duke understood this weakness well, and he planned to use it if necessary.
The fear of losing cherished memories was a potent motivator for action in the pirate world.
Doflamingo's desperate actions to protect this secret, including the massacre in Dressrosa, showed its importance.
Now, Duke held the key to this secret, a leverage that could reshape the balance of power.
He contemplated future dealings with Doflamingo, knowing the value of such information.
As Diamante, Lao.G, and others returned to the New World, Duke reflected on their failed mission.
Their initial arrogance had led to disgrace, a reminder of the New World's unforgiving nature compared to the other seas.
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