Chapter 22: Worst Nightmare
Just as Buio had suspected, Enchantress was extremely dangerous. What made her an especially worrying individual, was the fact that her ability could somehow bring a persons worst fear to life without her needing to know anything about them. The mechanism by which this was achieved was totally unknown.
Buio had always harboured this deep seeded fear that he would somehow be the cause of his families demise.
Hive's underling had somehow brought his worst nightmare to life. He shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if any of his loved ones had been in range.
Would the illusionist's ability still use those fake replicas of them? Or would it have incorporated their real bodies into the illusion, actually killing them?
Luckily none of them had been around to potentially prove that theory to be correct. Once Buio realized people were disappearing at an alarming rate, he had made preparations and swiftly created a breathable space inside the dark dimension for his family to remain in safety.
Abyss and Triplet were now there taking care of their needs and keeping them company.
Triplet was one Permaclone but he possessed three permanent body's. This particular Permaclone unlike the others, shared identical features among all three bodies. It's false affinity was poison manipulation and he was meant to pass as a paternal triplet.
Triplet was the only one among the sentient beings who had replicated the Permaclone creation process to create another.
The others could do so as well. Since whatever knowledge Buio had was shared among all bodies. They just simply had not chosen to do so. However, that was going to change from now on. Buio sent out a mental prompt to all of his Permaclones, requesting that they all start creating more when they get the chance.
He made sure to scan is surroundings for any potential spies, then stepped back towards the darkest section of the wall, opened a portal and went back to his dark dimension.
There were things he needed to get done.
Seishin had sent her right hand Chiru for him afterall... and she hadn't sent her alone either, instead there had been four individuals. One of which was Enchantress, the illusionist. She obviously had an high opinion of him. How had Hive known that he would be alone tho? She did say she had subbordinates everywhere afterall.
Was there a spy among his guild members of the Gold Badgers? If so, who was it? Was the person a willing accomplice or had they done so unwittingly? One thing was for sure he couldn't trust anyone outside of a very small circle.
Upon arriving inside his dark dimension, Buio immediately went to visit his family. "Buio, you're already back, how did it turn out?" Monae asked without a moments delay.
His face soured instantly at the memory of the illusion. "Well, let's just say, it was a very good idea to hide you guys here." He replied having no desire to go into certain details. "Hive sent four of her subbordinates to confront me, however after witnessing one of my attacks they decided to retreat. It was either that or they got whatever information they initially wanted or maybe both." He finished.
"Even if Hive and her subbordinates weren't searching for you before, they will definitely want to find you now. As a precautionary measure to protect them against me. You're not safe out there."
To his Permaclones he sent telepathically: "Protect them at all cost, use everything. The enemy has a spacial manipulation user on their side... or something very similar. They might be able to enter here, they may even be able to travel swiftly enough to avoid dying in the none oxygenated zone. So you should remain on high alert. I'm gonna go sharpen up something, i think i'm going to need it."
He then walked towards his sister, who immediately embraced him with a tight hug. Releasing her Buio went to his mom. Moriah paused, then she huffed, Buio momentarily began to wonder what the issue was. Then remembered that he was still wearing the mask.
At which point he chuckled behind his mask, then dismissed it. Moriah immediately grabbed his cheek and began pinching it, much in the way that a grandma might.
"You might have grown into some notorious, young badass but you'll always be a cuddly little teddy bear to me and don't you forget it." She said then kissed him on the cheek.
"Mom!" Monae said in mock reproach. "Language please." Then they all laughed, Bukiko included. Turning to face his father, Buio said. "I know you would prefer to be out there helping to protect the kingdom against this. But as things are Hive will be gunning for the people i'm close with. If they were to get their hands on you..." he let the rest hang in the air. His father already knew the implications.
"Yeah, i know...." he replied shortly. "I'm gonna go get started on mastering an ability of mine which has been gathering dust. Afterwards i might not be back for a while. My permaclones will get you anything you need."
After leaving the cubic silk structure, Buio went to visit the new Permaclones. Mahi's training was coming along quite well and Tempo was in a sitting pose, eating a chocolate. There were several empty packs floating around in her immediate vicinity. 'Hmm, I might have a bit of a sweet tooth on my hands.' he thought wistfully.
Buio's heightened sense of smell had notified him of this fact, even before one of his beast bonds had the chance to describe it.
"I just wanted to come check up on you girls in person, talking inside one's head all the time is not a good thing." Both permaclones turned to face him, then replied in unison. "We're fine."
After initiating the Permaclone creation process once more, Buio went off to another area within the dark void to begin training. '1 earth hour, I'll use one earth hour to improve my mastery of the immortal jellyfish beast bonds abilities some more. Then I will go find Tanoshi.'
Meanwhile.... inside a tier two segment of the demon dimension. "Ah... this is so much fun, if only Sensei was here. He would love this!" Tanoshi said her voice sounding as if she was experiencing pure ecstasy.
As far as the eye could see the ground was littered with demon corpses, ice with parcels of flesh trapped inside which was slowly melting. Body's which seemed to be in perfectly pristine condition... but upon closer inspection would be discovered to be truly and utterly dead.
Tanoshi was sitting on a seat fashioned from two dead bodies placed atop each other and facing towards a small fire. On it there were two pieces of some wild creature being roasted. She then removed the more well roasted of the two pieces of meat, brought the meat to her mouth blew on it and bit a chunk out of it.
Her dark brown eyes watered a bit as she blew the steam out of her mouth, desperately attempting to cool the hot food instead of spitting it out. "Hot, hot, hot!" She exclaimed around the food which was still in her mouth.
Just then she sensed the presence of another humanoid being approaching her at an alarming speed. "Shit, demon hunting is fun and all but this particular bit is annoying, can't a girl eat in peace?" She exclaimed loudly absolutely irritated.
"Hello there, Float." Came a cheerful feminine voice, as a male wearing a mask somewhat similar to her own shimmered into existence. Tanoshi raised an eyebrow at the young man now standing before her.
"You again, come to seek revenge for recent events i assume?" She asked nonchalantly. "That new voice tho, i didn't know you were into imitation. Oh yeah, i almost forgot." She said scratching her chin like she was caressing a beard.
"Sensei told me to expect you, although i didn't expect you to show up wearing that particular body... you do know i've beaten him up before right, Seishin!"