Bully Lord In the Chunin Exam (NarutoVerse)

Chapter 87: Chapter-87: Xero's Taunts Begin

Kuro's internal danger sensors pinged Kankuro's hands – practically twitching, barely perceptible, but there, right near where he definitely had all his chakra strings and creepy puppet paraphernalia stashed. Underestimating puppetry in this universe? Rookie mistake, big time, Kuro's inner voice muttered. Kankuro himself looked… maybe a notch less intense than his siblings, even a little bit 'meh, another day, another Chunin Exam'. But Kuro was betting that was all part of the act. Play it cool, lure 'em in, and then unleash the creepy puppets. Classic Kankuro.

Kuro internally scoffed, though no hint of it flickered across his face. "Seriously? 'Beads of sweat rolling down my temple'?" he mentally mocked, channeling the slightly overwrought dramatic tone of… well, of certain narratives he remembered. "Over dramatic much, original text?" Nope. Beads of sweat were strictly optional and currently not invited to this particular party on Kuro's forehead.

He was observing. Analyzing. Mentally taking notes, filing away little factoids about the Suna siblings for future reference. Apprehension? Not on today's specials menu, thanks. Mild interest? Oh, definitely a side dish of that. Potential for mild irritation if this whole showdown dragged on into a tedious waste of perfectly good scroll-hunting time? Possibly simmering on the back burner. Actual fear? Please. As if.

He subtly adjusted his own stance, easing up, consciously trying to mirror a 'no big deal' kind of vibe. Hands loose at his sides, shoulders relaxed. Let the Suna trio think they were projecting some super-intimidating aura and getting under his skin. It would probably at least amuse Xero, if Xero was currently operating on planet earth and not still floating somewhere in the outer reaches of 'Kuro-power' shock.

Xero, predictably, was completely unfazed. Intimidation wasn't really in Xero's vocabulary. Unless maybe you were talking about those really big, really fast cockroaches, and even then it was probably more startled fascination than actual fear. True to his brand, a wide grin split across Xero's face – that grin, you knew the one, that could mean either 'brilliant plan incoming!' or 'we are all about to be spontaneously combusted.' He bounced forward just a step, hands still shoved casually in his pockets, looking for all the world like he was just popping down to the corner store for some milk and not facing down Gaara freakin' of the Sand Waterfall and his equally formidable siblings. 

"Hey there, Sand Siblings!" Xero called out, voice cheerful and loud enough to echo in the clearing, cracking right through that heavy, charged silence. "Heard you three are, like, the headliners for these Chunin Exams, right? You know? Top billing? Like… must-see TV or something?" He paused for dramatic effect. "Or maybe it's 'must-avoid-at-all-costs'? Still kinda working out the best marketing strategy for your brand, to be honest!" He punctuated his little speech with a wink that was so completely out of place and yet so utterly Xero that it almost dared the tense situation to spontaneously combust with pure awkwardness.

Then, in classic Xero style – because one target just isn't enough fun, apparently – his gaze swivelled over to Kankuro. Laser-locking onto him like he'd just spotted the last slice of pizza. And bang, right on target, the playful taunting commenced. "Hey, Puppet Master Dude!" Xero hollered out, complete with this overly enthusiastic wave, like they were long-lost pals bumping into each other at the ninja grocery store. "Love the… totally chill look, man. Really selling the whole 'not even remotely thinking about unleashing a swarm of creepy dolls to shred you to ribbons' vibe. Though," and here Xero's grin went full-on mischievous imp mode, "between you and me? Kinda blows the element of surprise just a tiny bit when it's, you know… this obvious, right?"

He even tilted his head to the side, pretending to be all innocent curiosity, like he was genuinely confused about proper ninja etiquette. "Seriously though," Xero continued, pressing on with his faux-concerned act. "Is that, like, officially a standard ninja 'relaxed posture'? Is there a ninja manual that covers this? Or is it more of a… personal stylistic flair thing? Some kinda secret Hidden Sand Village technique, maybe? Like, the legendary… 'Leaning Lazily Technique'? Please tell me there's, like, a secret hand sign that goes with it? I am dying to learn that."

Alright, so Gaara finally decides to actually look at Xero. And when I say "look," I mean really lock those seafoam-colored eyes onto him. And the stillness that was already radiating off Gaara? Yeah, it just cranked up about ten notches. Seriously, you could almost hear the internal temperature in the clearing dropping a few degrees.

If humanly possible, Gaara's expression somehow managed to become even less expressive. Like all the tiny, micro-emotions that even stoic people unconsciously flicker had just decided to take a vacation. It was bordering on unnerving, even for Kuro, who's seen his fair share of, let's say, intense anime stares and should theoretically be immune to that sort of thing. But yeah, Gaara was nailing the whole 'uncanny valley' stare down thing.

Then he finally speaks. And his voice? Imagine ice cubes having a philosophical debate with granite gravel. Yeah, it was that kind of voice. Each word felt like it was carefully carved out of ice, perfectly shaped, perfectly cold, and utterly lacking in anything resembling human warmth. 


Gaara says, just that one word, laser-targeted right at Xero. And even just that one word carries this heavy, unspoken threat.

"You seem to operate under the… misguided assumption," 

Gaara continues, and there's this tiny, barely-there pause before "misguided," just enough to underline it and make it extra condescending. 

"That petty… antics… and insignificant squabbles against… insects," 

 – oh, and there's the contempt. Subtle, but unmistakable. Lacing that word, "insects," like poison dripped into tea. "Somehow translate into… actual strength." Another pause. Letting the sheer cold weight of those words just sink into the air. 

"Let me disabuse you of that… childish notion." And then, just silence. Leaving that final, chilling sentence hanging there like a threat you could almost reach out and touch. Yeah, Gaara just dropped the mic. Metaphorically speaking, of course, because actual mic-dropping would be way too energetic for brand Gaara.

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