Chapter 248: Chapter 245
"ARGH!" he cried out.
"How's this bitch?!" I pulled out my left hand and reached around his neck, squeezing hard.
May shot out a web line pinning his feet to the ground. She did it over and over again, immobilizing his feet, forcing him to wobble about.
"Nothing can harm me-" I moved my right arm into his mouth and pierced his tongue, slicing it off on one sweep. "SKREE! NOOOO!"
"Spider-girl! Web his nostrils and throat! Cut him off!" I cried out.
"Right!" May cried as she leaped forward, landing on his chest. I held his mouth open, one arm wrapped around his throat with the other pulling his head back.
May quickly fired off several shots of webs into his nasal cavity and throat, closing it off. He quickly caught on, growling more and more violent. We were forced to leap off the struggling giant, but by then, May's job was done.
I landed behind him and landed on the road. I dashed forward, swiping my claws across his shin, forcing him onto his knees.
"Stay down!" May cried out as she leaped upwards, socking him across the jaw, sending him flying back onto the road.
"GR!" he cried out in pain as he struggled to get back on his feet, his arms going for his throat and nose.
"We need to stop him!" Spider-girl cried out.
"It's fine," I replied, "he can't do a thing."
"What do you mean?"
"You webbed up his throat and nostrils remember? His fingers are sharp, but they aren't long enough to reach inside and free himself. He'll suffocate in a few moments, once he's unconscious we can bag him."
Spider-girl stared at the Dragon Emperor as he wobbled around, looking distraught as he clawed at his throat, making no effort to break free. She gulped, "that's cruel."
I sighed, "I know, but if we actually engage him in combat a lot of innocent people will get hurt," I motioned around to the large crowd of people out little fight had gathered, "it's better one crazy man suffers for a while, rather than all these innocent people."
"But still," May said squeezing her hand into fists, "this….this is cruel."
"Sometime you need to be cruel," I saw the golden Dragon look at me in rage, "oh shit!" He roared as he pulled his legs up, breaking May's webbing around his feet. He then looked around desperately like a caged animal and grabbed a car, lifting it over his head and throwing it at us.
"I got this!" May cried out as she shot out two web lines to catch the car like a sling shot, only for a large bulky form to get in her way, landing on the airborne car and crushing it into the ground.
"No! We got this!" the figure called out as I stood up straight. He wore a silver metallic dome shaped helmet on his head, a black muscle shirt with his sleeves cut off and a flannel shirt tied around his hips.
"J2?!" May cried out in surprise.
"Hey Spider-girl, don't worry, I brought the cavalry!" the man smiled.
"Avengers! Assemble!" I heard a familiar cry as I turned around seeing a black and gold version of Tony's suit fly down with a female captain America with a familiar shield in toe.
"What the fuck?" I exclaimed as the woman dropped down and landed besides J2. Suddenly there was a silver blur that came around us stopping next to the new team. She wore a silver spandex costume and had dyed blue and silver hair with black sunglasses.
"J2, we need to contain him, tackle him down!" the gender swapped Captain America called out.
"On it!" J2 yelled out.
"No! Wait!" I cried out leaping in front of the big man, "I have the situation contained! He's going to go down any moment now!"
"Get out of the way kid, let the professionals handle this," the female speedster said with a smirk as suddenly I found myself pushed to the side, she had carried me aside in seconds!
J2 roared as he charged forward, pummeling into the Dragon Emperor. They ran backwards into a car, J2 smashed him downwards over and over.
"Get back J2, I got this," said the black and Gold wamm be, firing off rockets into the nearly unconscious Dragon Emperor.
J2 stepped away just as the missiles hit, causing a big fiery explosion that rocked the streets. I watched in horror as slowly the silhouette of the monster rose, it threw it's head back and roared, taking a deep breath, sucking in all the smoke around him.
"I'm free!" he cried out.
"Not good!" the female Cap cried out, "everyone, get him!"
"No!" I yelled, but they didn't even bother.
They charged him like a bunch of rookies. The black Iron man fired off repulsor beams randomly, trying to tire down the Dragon Emperor. J2 tackled him into buildings and cars while the speedster, to her credit, got people out of the way.
"Those idiots!" May cried out, "Spider, we need to help the civilians out!"
I made myself look away, "r-right." I followed May's lead as we went into the crowd. May created a giant web around the civilians, protecting the people from falling debris.
When these so called Avengers were done that entier street looked like a war zone. Building destroyed, people hurt. May and I did our best, she used our webs to bangae people's wounds. Luckily no one was too badly hurt.
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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