Chapter 1: Chapter 1
July 2nd, 1996
A cool, summer breeze swept gently through the grounds of Little Whinging like a soft, loving mother's embrace. The rustling of foliage paired with the quiet squeaks of a pair of swings elevated the feeling of serenity that one would associate with a calm and peaceful summertime evening.
A young man laid across the small bump of a small hill, overlooking an equally small park he would sometimes go to avoid the hell he would reluctantly call home.
Black, long locks swayed gently with the air. A curious red, angry scar could be seen just briefly as his hair parted in time with the wind. The last visage of the setting sun glared against old, round glasses which held brilliant, emerald eyes. Eyes which held so much pain, so much suffering, that no young man and certainly no young child should ever endure.
Fury. Total and absolute, unhinged fury.
He continued replaying the same event over and over and over.
Sirius Black; ¼ of the famous Marauders, best friend to the beloved James Potter, black sheep to one of the most infamous families in Magical Britain and most importantly, his very own Godfather, falling through the gateway of Death at the hand of his cousin. Her grating voice seemingly ringing in his ears like an annoying tune one is unable to purge from their mind.
"I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black!"
His eyes snapped open. Glassy eyes that held that look of indifference quickly turned into rage as Harry Potter's magic began to slowly seep from his body from the lack of restraint, he was slowly losing due to his attempt at keeping his emotions in check. His eyes glowed eerily with devastating passion and power as he bawled his fists, his hands grasping the blades of grass tightly causing his knuckles to turn white.
The pressure of his magic infused the air. The crackling of sound, the flares of his aura and the tremble of the ground did nothing to gain his attention as he had not realized he was losing control of his magic. It was only a panicked hoot from his right that managed to snap Harry out of his ire as he slowly took deep breaths and began reigning back his magic to compose himself once more. His glowing eyes slowly reverted to the emerald sheen that he was so well known for.
However, no longer were they full of amazement and awe, but rather dull due to pain and loss.
Things felt different for the young man ever since he was possessed by Voldemort in the atrium of the Ministry of Magic all those days ago. He had no clue what was going on within himself and the constant bouts of dizziness and sudden migraines did nothing to alleviate his concerns of him experiencing a slow and painful death even though it sounded a bit farfetched.
Then again, he mused, anything involving his bane involved certain death.
He looked pale, had dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep that was caused by his depressing nightmares, and he felt weak. So unbelievably weak.
He snorted at his situation. Ever since he was practically forced back to his relatives, he felt empty.
He couldn't give two shits for his walrus of an uncle's constant admonishments and belittlement nor his whale of a cousin's constant moaning on why he had returned to the godforsaken hovel they call home. His aunt, on the other hand, seemed to take Moody, Shacklebolt and Nym's warnings on leaving him alone out of fear, not empathy.
The woman couldn't care or would care about him even if she was offered all the money in the world. She had made that perfectly clear, ever since the age of 3 that he was nothing more than dirt on her elegant shoes and made sure that he explicitly remembered that.
He loathed the lot of them. With each passing year, his hate never wavered but this year he just couldn't care to even acknowledge their existence.
He honestly did not even have the energy to react and had just locked himself in his room, only leaving at night when the walrus, horse and whale went to bed. He just felt so unbelievably pathetic regardless of the food he managed to mysteriously find always waiting for him at the edge of the countertop every night which should be just enough but still couldn't satisfy the feebleness that his body constantly reminded him that it felt.
Another reminder which jerked into his head was the lack of mail. Again.
This was another thing he just lost hope for after the first week of returning to the Dursley's and quickly disregarded. He would've originally thought that ever since he exploded at Hermione and Ron last summer about not contacting him or replying to the many letters he had sent, they would actually try and send him some sort of sign that they were at least doing well. Even some sort of information on the status of Magical Britain would be enough but alas, that was not to be. Dumbledore once again had probably had a hand in it, he thought bitterly.
Thinking of his bushy-haired friend gave way to his already festered guilt at getting Sirius killed, which began to grow at the thought of Hermione getting hit by that sickening purple curse that was thrown by Dolohov yet, Harry quickly dispelled that train of thought.
He had warned them - gave them ample opportunities to turn away and not get involved after he explained his plan to 'rescue' his Godfather. They chose to follow him and at that moment, they understood the risks and consequences that could entail his rash idea. He was done shouldering even more pain and guilt for people who wouldn't even contact or reply to his concerns about their wellbeing as much as it pained him to put Hermione into that category.
Hedwig hooted again, snapping him out of his trance. She sat on one of the branches of a large tree next to where he lay. Concerned for her owner as she slowly but quietly gave three soft hoots in an attempt to let him know that he wasn't alone.
Harry sat up with a sigh. Hedwig had been with him from the very beginning. Ever since he was reintroduced to the magical world, she had never left his side even when he had been forced to return to his personal hell. Even when he felt so abandoned over the course of his years at Hogwarts. She had never betrayed him, never hurt him, reprimanded him multiple times for his foolishness yes, but had always been there for him when he needed her.
"Sorry, Hed." He softly murmured as he gazed up at her. He held out his arm and watched as she glided down gracefully onto his limb. He shuffled backwards until his back was against the tree, Hedwig on his right forearm as he pulled his knees up and began gently petting her.
Amber orange met emerald green, as the wizard and his beloved familiar stared at one another.
"It's always been me and you, eh? Harry Potter and his beautiful snowy owl." Hedwig extended her wings and puffed her chest in pride at his words as Harry quietly chuckled at her actions.
"You're all I have left now Hedwig." He said with a sad smile that didn't reach his eyes. Yes, he had Hermione and Ron though, had they always been there for him?
His mind returned to the events of his fourth year, thinking of Ron and his very public declarations, calling him a cheat and every colourful word under the sun after he had been entered into the TriWizard Tournament against his will.
The constant glares of anger and envy he had sent him up until the end of the first task had deeply wounded him. Not that he would ever really care if it was anyone else, as he had gotten used to looks of anger, hate and since starting Hogwarts, envy and jealousy but, it had deeply cut him when the first friend he made of his age had displayed such detestation towards him.
Hermione, to a much lesser extent than Ron, had been somewhat civil throughout the first week despite him noticing, much to his annoyance, glances of apprehension and uncertainty in her eyes whenever he would speak about anything tournament related to her.
He had thought that someone as smart as Hermione would obviously be able to figure out that he had not entered willingly, especially after all they had been through, knowing how much he hated being in the spotlight even more than he already was. The seeds of doubt are unfortunately an unwelcome feeling once they take root, something she couldn't uproot until the end of the first week.
It had annoyed him and hurt him tremendously. Hermione was supposed to be different. She was the one who was there for him throughout everything he had gone through during his time at Hogwarts. So, for him to see doubt forming in her pretty brown eyes, cut him like no other. If there was one person he truly cared for the most, it was her.
Unlike Ron however, she had apologised profusely early on, precisely the week after his name was pulled out from that accursed goblet and she had come to the obvious conclusion that he never wanted to be part of the tournament so that at least had meant something to Harry.
They had spoken about it in length, both expressing their feelings; Harry on how hurt he was that she hadn't believed him and Hermione on how peer pressure had gotten to her. It was one of the most profound conversations he had, and it certainly made their relationship stronger once they moved on.
He wouldn't admit it to Ron, but he knew things had changed between them. He began to bottle up his feelings even more now. Would hardly ever reveal anything of what he felt him. Though, it was much harder to hide his feelings from Hermione compared to Ron.
She was much more perceptive than his male friend and could sometimes tell when he was lying but never pushed him. Likely not wanting to cause an argument but it's not like there was ever a chance to talk about his feelings especially due to the crazy year he just had. It's one of the things he truly valued in his female friend and hopefully something more if he had anything to say about it this year.
He was alone his entire life and sometimes enjoyed his own company however, he had never felt as alone as he felt during his fifth year despite all the events that had transpired whether that be Dumbledore, the DA or Umbridge.
"Fucking pink toad." He growled.
A certain disgusting woman being transfigured into a toad and being mercilessly crushed under his foot gave him a certain type of joy but that feeling was instantly squashed with resentment when he found out that the bitch had survived when she was taken away by the Centaurs.
He shook his head from those thoughts and instead, thought about his attractive best friend. Hermione was his rock during the last year. If it truly wasn't for her, he was positive he would've slaughtered a few certain people.
She grounded him, always distracting him so that his thoughts didn't go the darker side of his mind, the mind that was always on constant edge and full of unbridled anger, and he cherished those moments with the witch. Although he felt more alone than ever before, his muggleborn friend was the light at the end of his tunnel and her constant companionship had caused him to truly fall for her.
The friendship with Ron on the other hand, was eventually going to just fizzle out. The one thing people should understand is that Harry Potter may be willing to forgive; that doesn't mean he will never forget.
Hedwig, from where she had moved from his arm and had sat comfortably nestled in his lap, at that moment realised Harry's mood was beginning to darken and took the opportunity to peck and nip her companion affectionately on his chin sensing his pain and turmoil, attempting her hardest not to cause even more trouble for her Harry than he already felt. Harry smiled affectionately at his owl as he rubbed his chin softly on her head.
Each time during these constant tirades of wallowing in his self-guilt regarding Cedric and most importantly Sirius, one constant denominator has been mentioned too many times and all for the wrong reasons. Time and time again, Albus Dumbledore had let him down. Whether that is regarding the Dursleys, Sirius, the Prophecy, and his constant ideology that he has the right to hide information that pertains to his wellbeing because he wanted him to have a decent childhood.
Sure, his intentions may be kind but, his execution in achieving these goals were beyond shit. It felt like as if Harry's whole life has been part of one massive and elaborate plot. Arrogant old goat. Hope he chokes on those lemon drops he loves popping in his mouth.
Harry shook his head as he perched Hedwig on his shoulder and stood up. He began walking down the small hill and slowly joined the pavement of the road towards his home.
Contrary to a certain greasy haired bat's belief, the young Potter was not stupid.
Harry had realised that there were too many things that did not make sense and he needed answers, and he needed them now. Throughout his life at Hogwarts, he left most of the thinking part of their adventures to Hermione, never questioning her on her decisions and would just go with whatever works. But not this time. He was undoubtedly on his own and he needed a plan.
Harry grimaced as he thought of returning to the Dursleys and his pathetic excuse of a room. It really was a shithole. Not one item in that room was his. Anything he owned from his time at Hogwarts was tucked away in the secret loose floorboard he managed to pry open back in the summer before his second year.
Second year.
Harry stilled. A smile came upon his face for the first time in a while as the first part of his plan fell in to place.
He looked around and noticed the dark alleyway that connected to Magnolia Crescent off to the side of the road and after making sure there wasn't anyone around, he strode towards it. He wasn't sure if his plan would work but realized there was no harm in finding out. He looked both ways one last time before speaking confidently.
As soon as the eccentric elf's name left his lips, Harry was tackled, the sound of a grunt could be heard if any passerby had happened to walk past the entrance of the alleyway as his back hit the wall behind him.
"The great Harry Potter Sir called Dobby! What can Dobby do for the great Harry Potter Sir?"
Harry straightened up, grinning as he took the hyper elf's appearance in. A creature no bigger than the height of his knee, wearing his trademark striped, multi-coloured socks and his many colorful hats, looked up adoringly at him. Dobby looked just like he remembered him last, back in his DA days bouncing on his small feet from side to side.
"Uh, hey Dobby it's been a while." He replied as he gently pulled the overeager elf off him.
Dobby bobbed his head up and down a few times, his bat-like ears flapping around as if he was about to take off.
"Dobby has never left the great Harry Potter Sir, Dobby has always stayed."
His response caused Harry to raise a single eyebrow toward the peculiar elf. From what little he knew about Elves; this was certainly not common. He thought about what Dobby meant when the realisation suddenly hit him.
"You've bonded with me?!" He exclaimed with a shocked look on his worn-out face.
Dobby sheepishly smiled as he nodded.
"Only partially Harry Potter Sir. Ever since evil old master presented poor Dobby with clothes, Dobby did a partial bond that moment to survive. We Elvsies cannot live without being bonded to a wizard or witch, so Dobby bonded to his saviour, the great Harry Potter Sir. Dobby was already very weak at that moment, so he had to do it, Sir. That was before Headmaster Dumbly gave Dobby work at Hoggywarts but Dobby refused to bond to Hoggywarts as Dobby is bonded to you, Sir."
Harry stood there taking all this new information. It made him feel silly that he agreed to wear that ridiculous badge for Hermione not knowing how bad this could've been for the elves at Hogwarts. Just then another realisation hit him. It all made sense!
"Wait so you're the one who has always left food for me downstairs and made sure I kept receiving laundered clothes?"
Dobby bobbed his head up and down, a strained smile on his face.
"I was wondering how my clothes were kept clean." Harry mumbled to himself.
It was at this moment; that Harry made his decision. "Say Dobby, how would you like being my elf full time? Of course, if you'd like to get paid, I'll be more than happy to give you gold. Not only that I'll treat you impeccably and-"
Harry was cut off as the elf tackled him once more back into the wall.
Hedwig watched on, sat on top of a streetlamp as the first tussle with the hyper elf had displaced her from her owner's shoulder. The fact that the elf was all over her Harry was something she didn't appreciate whatsoever and so with an irritated bark, she ignored the two and instead flew down in pursuit of a mouse she saw scurrying around the dark alley.
Harry chuckled at Dobby's antics, "I'm guessing that's a yes?" he said thoroughly amused.
"YES, YES!" the elf joyfully exclaimed. At that moment, a soft glow surrounded them both in a blue, warm light, signifying that the bond had taken place, this time with the permission of the wizard in question.
"Wow, okay so, you're now my elf Dobby so it should only be right that I give you a contract which gives you your own allowance and makes sure you don't overwork yourself, agree?" Harry said a moment after the light dissipated.
"Wes is bound great Master Harry Potter Sir, there is no need for contract nor gold." Dobby explained frowning.
"Okay fine, so no contract, but you will tell me when you feel too tired to carry out your tasks, okay? I don't want you to strain yourself Dobby is that clear?"
Dobby reluctantly agreed, gaining an approved "good" from Harry.
"So, the next order of business is discussing what tasks you'll do for me. Am I correct in assuming you'll continue with providing me with food and clean clothes?"
Dobby looked down, eyes brimming with unshed tears as he refused to make eye contact with Harry.
Harry frowned, "Dobby, you can speak freely, you are part of my family now so you must be open with me as I'll be open with you."
The elf looked up, his bulbous eyes full of wonder and awe, met the emerald eyes of the greatest wizard ever in his opinion and his unshed tears released like a dam.
"Dobby is so very sorry great Master Harry Potter Sir. Dobby has never been good at jobs such as cooking and cleaning. Old evil master always punished poor Dobby by ordering Dobby to iron his hands whenever he wouldn't do his job well." He wept.
Harry felt anger rising as he heard Dobby speak about the Malfoy's, remembering the brief encounter and treatment his elf received at the hands of Lucius Malfoy towards the end of his second year.
He took a few deep breaths, knelt and put his hands on the elf's small shoulders and spoke softly to the now timid and shaking elf.
"You will never be punished for your shortcomings ever again Dobby mark my words. Any mistakes you make in future will be amended civilly I promise. We are family now, and from what I know of normal families; families don't hurt one another." Harry stated and then pulled the elf for a hug; it clearly looked like the small creature needed it.
After singing Harry's praises for a good 5 minutes, Harry once again tried to ascertain Dobby's role.
"So, you're telling me that Barty Crouch's old elf, Winky was it, was the one who had laundered, cleaned, and provided me with food since last Summer?" He asked, quite surprised at this revelation.
Dobby bobbed his head up and down. "Since the bad bad tournament, Dobby tried providing food for the great Master Harry Potter Sir, but Dobby would never be able to cook the food properly without it being burnt. Winky offered to help and Winky has done so ever since. Winky would cook and clean and Dobby would bring them to the great Master Harry Potter Sir." He replied.
Harry stood there mulling over the words Dobby spoke, "Is it possible for you to contact Winky and bring her here Dobby?"
"At once Sir." The elf replied before he popped away and a second later brought a smaller elf in Hogwarts attire with him.
Winky, Harry guessed, looked around in confusion until her eyes met his and they instantly grew as large as saucers before she started stuttering about, trying to hide her panic at being brought before the person whom she had taken care of since his fourth year.
Harry knelt before the panic-struck elf and held her hands until she made eye contact again and spoke to her not a moment later. "Winky, would you become part of my family?"
If Harry knew that someone could become even more flustered than they already were, he did not show it as Winky responded in a very small, soft voice.
"Harry Potter Sir wants Winky?" She questioned shocked.
"Yes." He replied simply.
"But Winky was given clothes by old master. No elf gets welcomed in another home when their master rejects them. Winky is a disgrace. No… no, Harry Potter Sir must be befuddled." She cried in sheer disbelief.
"No Winky, I most definitely need you. I, like you, no longer have any family left and when I heard that you had been taking care of me since my fourth year, I found I need you just as much as you need me: a family, just like your previous one. If only I had realised earlier, I would have offered you and Dobby to bond with me much sooner."
Winky wept at his words and only managed to nod her head in acceptance of the offer, sincerely touched at the fact another wizard would accept her and Harry just held her close. At that moment, the same blue, warm light that had engulfed Dobby and him earlier, made its reappearance, embracing both Harry and Winky. Harry spent another few minutes calming down his new family member, eventually extricating himself from her as he leaned back against the wall exhausted.
The whole ordeal had been very tiring.
"So, Winky, would you carry on taking care of me?"
"Yes, Master Harry Potter Sir." She replied more confidently than before. She started to instantly look healthier as well.
Harry smiled.
"Excellent. So, like Dobby, I have a few requests that I hope you'll agree on. You must speak freely. Hold nothing back. If you have an opinion, I will want to hear it, so don't be afraid to voice it. You will not be punished for any mistakes you do. Any mistakes you commit in future will be spoken between the two of us and we'll see if we can fix them together. You will tell me if you're being overworked as I do not want you to exert yourself which can damage your health. Oh, and I changed my mind, you'll accept a galleon every two weeks as an allowance. If you want more just let me know. That goes for you too Dobby. A galleon every two weeks." Harry concluded.
They both nodded and begrudgingly agreed to Harry's demands on their allowances albeit, it did take a good 5 minutes of going back and forth regarding their allowance until Harry blackmailed them, promising twenty galleons instead of one if they didn't agree.
Dobby explained that his role back at the Malfoys was more secretarial. He would run errands for Lucius regarding his business relationships. Harry agreed with Dobby that he should continue with this role as he found out by reading between the lines, that most of Lucius' success was due to the highly efficient elf running about for him.
Not that the peacock would ever agree but, Dobby nevertheless agreed with Harry's reasonings.
"Right, so next order of business: names."
"Dobby's name's Dobby great Master Harry Potter Sir."
"Winky's name is Winky Master Harry Potter Sir."
Harry let out an exasperated sigh.
"No, my name. What's with 'great Master Harry Potter Sir' and 'Master Harry Potter Sir'? No, Harry is enough, just call me Harry."
Both elves just looked at him like they had been cursed at from behind their backs. Harry quickly appeased their shock by relenting with another heavy sigh.
"Fine, Master Harry will do, is that okay with you two?"
Both just bobbed their heads up and down and accepted. They had a few more conversations regarding their attire which they settled on wearing the traditional Potter house elves' uniforms with the Potter House displayed beautifully on the right breast pocket. An emblem of a Griffin on its hind legs, its right claw held onto a gold sword adjourned with dazzling gems and jewels.
Harry at that moment felt very proud of his heritage and was irritated at himself at the fact that he knew so little of his family and vowed that he'd make his ancestors proud. He had to begin somewhere and figured he'd have to go to Gringotts at some point: The question was how.
July 3rd, 1996
It was a beautiful summer's day. A gentle breeze coaxed the cool, early morning air as the young Potter woke with a groan as he felt something prodding his right cheek.
"Five more minute's Hedwig." Harry mumbled.
He twisted and turned as the poking began to gain fervor, hoping this annoyance would go away but it only caused the poking to increase in speed. He tried going under the safety of his sheets, but this only caused a second finger to materialise and started jabbing just under his ribs on his left.
"Alright, OKAY, I'm up, just stop, STOP, STOOOOP!" He finally screamed as he sat up.
He turned his head at the perpetrator who couldn't hold in their obnoxious but addicting laugh, and he instantly knew who the cretin was.
"Merlin's saggy balls Nym! I've told you numerous times not to wake me up like that, it bloody hurts." Harry complained as he rubbed his side, his hand fumbling around his bedside table for his glasses.
"Mornin' Wonder Boy. Fancy catching you here." Came the reply from the grinning woman who sat on the side of his bed as she perched Harry's round glasses on his nose.
The Metamorphmagus, Nymphadora 'call-me-Tonks' Tonks was a beautiful twenty-two-year-old woman. With a heart-shaped face, she stood at a height of 5'8 with an athletic body and from the outside, she seemed rather tame with more than a hint of mischievousness behind her natural brown eyes. However, she was an extremely fierce and skilled witch, trained personally by Master Auror Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody since entering the Auror Academy as he had taken an interest in her magical prowess and had made her his protégé.
As a woman in a mostly predominated male workforce, she was subjected to belittlement and sexism from her colleagues with more than a couple sexual related innuendos from her male coworkers nevertheless, she did not let this deter her as she easily dominated the workforce after proving her competency with her Metamorphmagus abilities and her magic.
Her fellow Aurors were once again reminded of the fact that although she was a woman, she was still a Black by blood as she became one of the youngest, fully-fledged Aurors since the DMLE had been founded. Much to the pleasure of Moody and Amelia Bones, the Director of the DMLE but to the chagrin of the more traditional families who were vexed at the fact that a woman was not at home, being a typical housewife.
"If you don't remember, I, unfortunately, live in this zoo." Harry bit back as he scowled at the pink-haired woman.
Tonks snorted as she pulled his nose, "Zoo. Now that's a new one. Anyway, come on, get up, it's a new day and I'm hungry, haven't had the chance to eat this morning after I started my shift so let's go downstairs and get some breakfast."
"They're out again, are they?" He asked as he swatted her hand away.
"Yep, drove off, all three of them, not sure where though but I did remember hearing something about a beach, so they'll probably be out the whole day."
"Joy." Was his sarcastic retort as he went to stand but suddenly his legs gave out from under him. He groaned as he was helped to stand by the nimble woman who was quick to his side.
"You okay there, squirt?" She frowned, worry evident in her voice. This was not the first time that something like this happened.
"Fine. Still tired I guess, nothing to worry."
Grimacing, Tonks replied, "You still look pale, maybe even paler since… Perhaps I should tell Dumbled-"
"No! Look I'm fine, don't worry about it."
"Harry, you said the exact same thing the last time I came round."
"Yeah, and when was that Nym?" Harry asked harshly, "It's been a week since I saw you last, at King's Cross and even then, you barely even spoken a word to me!" He said as he roughly pulled out of her grip.
He staggered a few steps before pressing his hand against the door of his old, worn-out wardrobe, running a hand across his face, Harry took a few deep breaths to alleviate the nausea that had come over him.
Tonks looked as if she got slapped, her face full of guilt and shame. Her shoulders dropped and it looked as if she was about to cry.
"I-I'm s-sorry Harry, I just…"
His words clearly affected her more than he realized.
Harry gave a worn-out sigh.
"No, I should be apologising, I didn't mean to shout. The past couple of days have been… you know. Ever since Siri…" He paused as he choked up, his mind wandering back to the grief he felt as he saw Sirius die.
He reached out a shaky hand for her and Tonks accepted the proffered limb as if it was a lifeline and pulled him into a hug. He stiffened for the briefest second but relented as he realised it was Tonks who was hugging him. He didn't know why, but he felt her hugs were always strangely nostalgic to him. Something that Tonks also felt but, they both never brought it up, so they both never spoke on it.
"Sorry again." Harry mumbled into her chest.
"S'okay. I should be saying sorry. I thought you wanted some space after the whole thing at the ministry. Definitely regretting that now." She chuckled humorlessly.
A moment passed between the two as they fell into their embrace. Tonks kept on threading her hand through his hair and strangely enough, whatever nausea Harry had felt earlier, all but disappeared.
"Better?" She asked and felt him nod into her buxom chest. Satisfied, she pulled away and held him at arm's length, searching his green eyes to see if she could see any pain etched on his pale face. Happy that he looked relieved, she quickly banished him to the bathroom so he could fulfil his morning obligations and get ready for the day.
Harry returned feeling fresh and fell onto the sight of Tonks rubbing her small toe, figuring out that she probably stubbed her toe on something he began to snigger as he went to look for a pair of socks.
Tonks was bustling about the room before she walked into Harry's bedframe. She groaned loudly, uttering a mirage of expletives under her breath adamantly blaming the bedframe for her misfortune. She was rubbing her small toe at the latest encounter with the stationary object when she pointed her wand across her shoulder, sending a stinging hex at Harry for laughing at her clumsiness.
He yelped at the pain. "What was that for?" He scowled.
"For being a prat" She retorted.
"Clumsy, old, hormon-" He began muttering under his breath before receiving another but stronger stinging hex causing another yelp to escape his lips.
"Call me old one more time and I'll show you just how young I am." She replied slowly, the threat very evident in her words.
He rubbed the pain from his arm before he begrudgingly apologised.
"Good, now, stop pouting and let's get some food. Merlin can you be moody in the mornings." Tonks said as she left his room and began walking down the stairs with Harry on her heels, a towel across his shoulders.
Opening Hedwig's cage, Harry rubbed her head affectionately and watched as she cooed in bliss before opening his bedroom window so she could fly outside for a bit.
Harry wouldn't admit it easily, but ever since his first year at Hogwarts, where they had first met, he enjoyed spending time with the bubbly girl.
Him being a clueless first year whilst she, the mischievous seventh, they instantly hit it off.
After she graduated however, they hardly saw one another.
They would exchange letters occasionally, but with her training with Moody taking priority and with his crazy years at school, they unfortunately didn't get to spend as much time together as they wanted to.
Last year was when things had changed.
Due to the Order being reactivated by Dumbledore, sometimes she would be tasked to watch him when he was staying at the Dursleys. Though things were a little awkward at first, it wasn't until he was moved to Grimmauld Place before his fifth year that their sibling-type relationship blossomed and since then, they've been inseparable.
He truly enjoyed her company. It was different compared to his friends. More like a like an annoying but lovable older sister.
"So, whatcha making?" Asked Tonks in a singsong type of voice as she sat down on a chair in the dining room. She always enjoyed Harry's cooking.
"Hm? Oh, I'm not making anything today. To be honest, I don't think I'd be allowed anywhere near the kitchen from now on. Even if I tried, I'd probably get kicked out." Harry replied nonchalantly as he sat opposite Tonks.
She was about to question whether he lost his marbles before a pop made its way into the dining room.
Before he realised what happened, Harry was out of his chair and with reflexes which surprised even him, he quickly grabbed Tonks' outstretched hand which held her wand and pointed it to the ceiling just as a stunner left its tip. The light red spell zoomed into the ceiling causing a slapping sound to reverberate around the kitchen.
To say Tonks was stunned at Harry's speed was an understatement, but she didn't show it on her face, and instead, arched an eyebrow in his direction when she noticed the cowering elf behind his leg.
"Ah, I should've said something before we headed downstairs." He sheepishly said as he let go of her hand and sat back on his seat rubbing his neck.
Harry cleared his throat as he held onto the little elf's hand to calm her, "Winky meet Nymphadora Tonks. Nym this is Winky. She's, well, my elf."
"Winky is pleased to meet you, Miss Nymphiedora." Winky said as she curtsied.
Harry snorted but quickly held his hands up after the glare that Tonks was giving him.
"Just call me Tonks, Winky." Tonks smiled.
"Or you can just call her Nymphie. She really doesn't mi-" He was cut off with a cry but he continued grinning.
"Just because I've reluctantly given you permission to call me Nym, doesn't extend that offer to anyone you idiot." She said with a strong glower. "Tonks is fine Winky."
Winky bowed again before leaving the witch and wizard and headed into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her Harry and his friend.
"So, when did you bond with an elf?" She asked a little amused but curious.
"Well, yesterday." He replied.
She scowled, "I meant how, why even."
"Oh, well it's a pretty long story." He began as he explained everything that happened last night. Meeting Dobby, forming the bond with him and then Winky, them becoming part of his family and the roles that they would take. She was amused at the fact that he offered contracts to them and began giggling when she found out they began to argue over their allowance. During the story, Harry was scolded multiple times by Winky at the fact that he was too thin and that he ate too little, much to Tonks's entertainment and by then, a good half hour went by.
The duo sat on their chairs in comfortable silence, their legs crossed, sipping their tea as they just finished a hearty British breakfast when Harry sat his cup on the coaster and took a deep breath, wondering how he was going to explain the next part to Tonks.
"Nym." He started.
"I need you to take me to Gringotts."