Cavorting with Death

Chapter 13: Chapter 11 Part 1

Chapter 11


Bellatrix shivered when the air changed. Her twisted, lust filled eyes watched Harry's magical aura detonate like a ferocious storm and she couldn't help grin wickedly.

It seemed her plan worked like a charm.

Rage unlike anything Harry ever felt before took over his senses. It was burning, blood-boiling, manic-inducing rage. His heart thundered in his chest, blood rushing in his ears, drowning all thought except for one: vengeance. When he would think back to this moment, he realised he never even remembered raising his wand.

His magical aura flared as ice gripped his veins. The ground beneath him cracked, splintering under the pressure of his magic. Dust and debris flew about as his overwhelming power came down on the damaged house, infusing the air with overcharged magic.

Focusing entirely on the Death Eater who had his grip on Andromeda's hair, Harry's vision tunnelled.

"Glacies Mortis!"

A dark blue curse shot from his wand like a bullet, traversing the ground leaving sharp icicles that had dark blue tips on the ground behind it. The spell had such speed, such overpowered magic behind it that Yaxley didn't stand a chance.

With wide eyes full of impeding dread, Yaxley's shield spell died on his tongue as the ice spell shot through his raised wand arm and then through his torso but not before icicle tendrils instantly wrapped around his upper body, pulling him along with the ongoing spell. It was with a large crash that he impacted against the wall behind him, a permanent scream frozen on his face as the crater that was left in his torso had even crystalized the dripping blood and falling bones as if in permanent animation.

Harry, however, had enough clarity still left, despite his overwhelming rage to focus on the situation at hand. He had to act.

He needed to get the two women out of here.

With his wand high, he spoke with a snarl, using the dark emotions that filtered through his mind to his advantage.

"Umbra Imperium!"

Dark shadows like ink swam the surface of the ground, walls and ceiling and instantly, the entire room was submerged in pitch-black darkness, darkness in which Harry could see as clear as day.

With urgency, he scrambled over to Andromeda who had once again lost conscious. Pushing his intent on the two spikes that held her by the palms of her hand, he vanished them with a flick of his wand, deftly moving to catch the injured witch carefully.

The teen felt her whimper in his arms which caused him to cradle her closer to him. Fear unlike anything he'd ever felt flooded his brain and one thought ran rampant:

I can't lose her.

That thought alone kept his hands steady as Harry looked around to see if the darkness he'd summoned was doing its job until he was momentarily startled when he saw Bellatrix standing eerily still.

He would've thought she would've begun hurling curses to either dispel his charm or attempt to strike him but instead, she stood in exactly the same spot, her arms behind her back without a care in the world. The witch had her eyes closed, an alluring smile danced on her lips whilst she rocked back and forth on her heels.

The madness in her stillness sent a chill down Harry's spine.

She was toying with him.

Using her inaction to press on, Harry quickly summoned Tonks by the scruff of her jacket, wincing when his eyes caught her arm grotesquely twisted.


The Metamorph groggily opened her eyes, but began to panic when she couldn't see anything.


"-It's me now shut up and listen. I've destroyed the anti-apparation ward. Take mum and get the fuck out of here. Get her to Madam Pomfrey. St Mungo's can't be trusted right now and she's fading fast."

"Harry-" Tonks protested weakly, trying to sit up.

"-This is not a debate, Nym!" Harry hissed angrily. His voice was cold, harsher than he meant it to be.

Bellatrix's voice slithered through the air, interrupting their conversation. "-Light huh? Aren't you a clever little thing my sweet prince…" She cooed with her wand out in front of her, the tip of the stick glowing brighter and brighter causing the shadows to disappear.

Harry's stomach dropped. Looks like she's figured it out…

"Time's up. Grab her and go!" Harry ordered. The teen harshly pulled Tonks's working arm and ensured that she had a strong grip on Andromeda.

"What about you? You can't handle her by yourself!" Tonks whispered back worryingly.

"Forget about me! I'll be fine! Now hurry!" Harry urged vaguely before sighing in relief when the two women apparated away.

The teen didn't have a moment of respite because as soon as Tonks and Andromeda left, the blackness Harry had conjured, vanished beneath a blinding, bright light and at its epicentre, stood Bellatrix, twirling her wand lazily, her eyes gleaming with manic excitement.

"Now that the distractions are gone, I believe it's time you and I get ourselves re-acquainted because my oh my, haven't you grown so much more delicious since I last saw you."

Before Harry could even react, she appeared in front of him.

Eyes widening at the unbelievable speed, Harry attempted to raise his wand but found that he couldn't.

It felt to him as though every muscle in his body froze completely.

Alarm took over Harry's senses when her sapphire eyes sparkled with crazed mirth. Her predatory smile widened as she got on the tip of her toes and leaned her chest provocatively onto his, snaking her hands up the sides of his neck and into his hair.

"Oh, my sweet prince…" Bellatrix fussed, roughly grabbing the teen by his hair and making him look down at her, "You've gotten so very strong… all for little ol' me… mmmm…"

Harry's skin crawled.

"Like 'em? Big aren't they?" She breathed deeply as she pushed her breasts hard against his chest, making sure he felt every curve, every wrongness. "Soon they'll be full of hot milk… food for our children to slurp up…"

"Get the fuck away from me, you demented bitch!" Harry gritted out, his eyes burning with anger and revulsion as he fought helplessly at the invisible force whilst Bellatrix's smile widened.

"Such a harsh mouth," She tutted condescendingly, "Perfect match to mine… actually… I think I deserve a little taste! Just to make sure."

Before he could protest, Bellatrix claimed Harry's lips roughly, shoving her tongue against his. The kiss was brutal, invasive, and filled with obscene moans. The witch sensually rubbing the teen's paralysed body whilst she mapped out his mouth.

Harry's mind screamed, every fibre of his being recoiling at the contact.

Everything felt wrong.

"I dream everyday of you seeding me with this." She whispered after pulling back slightly, grabbing Harry's lower half whilst he shivered in disgust. "Fucking and fucking until you've stuffed my poor little womb full of your little babies who will one day grow up to worship and rule with the Dark Lord."

"You're fucking insane." Harry growled out with absolute loathing whilst Bellatrix licked the drool from his bruised lips.

"It was you who made me like this, darling. You ripped the haze from my eyes and I have never seen anything so much clearer-"

Harry sneered. Her face may have regained its youthful appearance and looked normal enough but it was her eyes that told another story. The real story. They were wild, crazed and filled with a madness that was terrifying in its intensity.

Windows to the soul indeed, Harry thought with a grimace.

The young Lord's mind frantically went into overdrive as he ignored Bellatrix's insane ramblings. A plan formulated in his brain of a way to get out of this predicament and though he had wished he had thought of something else; he didn't have anything else. There was no other way, not with her so close.

He had to play his part.

"-No… perhaps the Dark Lord wouldn't like our first born to have his name-"


Bellatrix's eyes widened. A shiver unlike anything she's ever felt before was sent from her head all the way down to the soles of her feet. Her flesh erupted in goosebumps, her stomach and womb filled with a hot, fuzzy feeling as she felt his powerful eyes gazing down at her.

The voice was so deep, so thick and not to mention powerful. So extraordinarily powerful.

She slowly looked up at her husband-to-be and couldn't help the moan that had escaped from her throat. His enchanting, emerald orbs was bursting with lust and brimming with unbelievable hunger, and all of it was directed at her.

Only her.

"Yes…" Bellatrix answer with a whisper, gazing adoringly at the hunk in front of her through her half-lidded eyes.

"Come closer… I want to taste you again…"

She felt her wetness growing, her pulse quickening and her breaths accelerating. There was a presence about him that wasn't there before. A commanding presence, a dominating one and it brokered no refusal.

As if she'd refuse him.

"Just say the word, darling, and you can breed me right now." Bellatrix whimpered; unaware of Harry's discomfort when she palmed his member. "I want it. Your seed. Your children. Breed me over and over. Please!" She finished breathlessly. Her eyes were fanatic as her pale face reddened with an almost uncontrollable yearning.

"Ssssoon," Harry began, slipping into Parseltongue with a sultry hiss, watching with grim satisfaction how Bellatrix's sapphire eyes darkened further, "But right now… I want to tasssste you again, Bella. Now come…"

Bellatrix nodded as if she was in a trance. Pressing her heaving chest against him, she leaned up on her toes and without a second to waste, glued her lips onto his but this time, Harry commanded the duel of tongues. She let out a guttural moan as he mapped her mouth, her panties practically soaking with her essence.

Her darling hadn't even touched her with his hands and she could already feel her release coming, quicker and quicker until finally, just when she felt her orgasm at its peak, a sharp pain exploded from her mouth. With a scream she hastily scrambled back and before she knew what had happened, she felt herself being blasted away and thrown roughly onto the ground.

With another scream, she holstered herself up, her sapphire eyes blazing with outrageous fury.

The teen was panting, his bruised lips were dripping with blood as a cold, unnerving smirk appeared on his face as he used his once frozen hand, to wipe his bloody chin.

An ugly scowl appeared on the witch's face before it was suddenly replaced with a genial expression, though this time, she stayed rooted on the spot.

"Wandless magic? You continue to surprise me but did you have to hurt me, darling?" She simpered, healing the cut on her tongue with a wave of her wand.

Harry sneered, spitting out saliva and blood from his mouth. "Did I mention? I like to bite."

Bellatrix's eyes sparkled with glee. "Ain't that something… I'm a bit of a biter myself."

As if it were a common fly, she smacked away the bone-breaker that Harry had sent.

"That wasn't very nice." The witch pouted. With a flick, she sent of her own bone-breaker, the spell blasting through Harry's hastily conjured shield effortlessly. Seeing this, the teen just about pivoted his body, making the spell hit his elbow instead of his ribs and with a loud crack, the bone broke cleanly at the joint.

Harry bit back a cry of pain as he rolled behind an overthrown sofa. Gingerly placing his forearm on top of his kneecap, he used his wand to numb the joint. The excruciating pain was thankfully gone but he had completely lost mobility in the arm. With hateful eyes, he turned to look at a mirthful looking Bellatrix who raised an eyebrow at him.

He was good. Brilliant in fact when it came to duelling and he would only progressively get better and yet, even he knew he was outclassed. Pretending to accept her infatuation may have worked the first time, but judging by the stiffness in his foe's shoulders, she was on her guard now.

"Enough with this. This ends now." Harry said, stepping around the sofa.

Bellatrix mock sighed, taking a step forward but scowled when Harry took a step back.

"Why can't you see we belong with one another? We have a connection, a true connection. Every day, every night, my thoughts are about you, about us! About our future!" She explained passionately.

Harry's eyes hardened, a touch of disgusted pity entered his voice. "Andi was right… they really did fuck your head up."

Bellatrix's eyes flashed with rage.


Harry's hand tightened on his wand.

"-Sinking her traitorous claws in to you… it's as I thought… I need to remove her taint. She's corrupted you… turned you against me…" She muttered, her sapphire eyes beginning to glow with power, "Not to worry my sweet, Bella will make you all better."

With a snap of her wand, she sent of a stunner which Harry easily parried. His eyes narrowing.

"NO! Let me help you, Harry! Only I can help you!" The mad witch sent of another stunner and this time; he sent it careening back to her which she avoided by side stepping out the way.

"I'm not the one who needs help…"The teen snarled. His thoughts went back to Sirius' death, to the way Bellatrix had laughed as he fell through the veil.

Harry's magical aura exploded again from its confines, the action causing the air to charge up.

Even just thinking about the way she had violated him earlier… it was enough to push him over the edge.

A whisper.

That was all he needed.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The Killing Curse rushed from his wand without a sound. The area around the two lit up in green; Harry's eyes the only thing brighter.

Bellatrix's gasped before she hastily moved out of the way death, watching morbidly how the curse struck pugnaciously at what remained of the house and with an ear-shattering bang, the entire structure was blown away leaving the duo outside, the wind smacking harshly around them.

"Now I want you even more…" The mad witch began breathlessly, eyeing a cold looking Harry lustfully, "I see… yes… it's all tough love, I suppose. No matter, no matter, you'll thank me in the end…"

Bellatrix twirled her wand with a giggle and spell after spell left her curved stick in rapid succession, half of which Harry didn't recognise as he blocked the ones he knew and dodged ones he didn't.

Instantly, he was on his back foot as the duel between the two commenced.

The woman cast with reckless abandon; spells bursting from her wand like never ending fireworks.

Harry however, had quickly realised that Bellatrix wasn't trying to kill him. Rather, incapacitate him instead and that, he smiled, was to be her downfall. Though it did nothing to diminish her skill with her wand, it was something Harry easily capitalised on.

Unlike Bellatrix though, the young Lord had no such restriction.

He wanted the bitch to die.

With renewed determination, Harry began to fight back, sending off his own curses in between deflecting and dodging hers whilst Bellatrix did the same, with a growing glare.

On and on their duel went, as neither side gave an inch.

Harry dug deep into his newly learned Battle Magic, utilising spells that would leave even the strongest of duellers shocked and yet, none of it seemed to faze Bellatrix.

The crazed woman was clearly Voldemort's strongest fighter for a reason. She efficiently avoided the spells she didn't know, scrambling out their way or utilising a golden shield that seemed to block everything to Harry's increasing ire.

Despite that, she didn't use that shield often. Judging from the way Bellatrix was perspiring; the shield was taking a toll on her each time she used it and that was when he struck.

"Incendious Maximus!" Harry thought silently, thrusting his wand sharply at her.

His magic answered his call as a large inferno blew out of his wand like a modified flamethrower. The grass under his feet burnt instantly to ash and the wooden floorboards of his once new home turned black as the wide wave of fire rushed towards a snarling Bellatrix who quickly realised she couldn't dodge the incoming spell.

"Scutum Arcana!" She screamed; the first words she said since the beginning of the duel.

The same shimmering golden shield appeared around her and not even a second later, Harry's battle spell struck it, encompassing her completely in an ocean of fire.

The flames roared around her, devouring everything in their path, but despite this, Bellatrix's shield held strong after the spell finally dissipated.

Predicting this, Harry flicked his wand towards his side. Transfiguring a large beam of wood into a makeshift silver spear, he quickly banished it straight towards her, before sending off a spell chain that was one of Professor Flitwick's favourites.

Harry however, rather cleverly, had modified it a tad.

After all, he wanted her dead, not bound, gagged and wandless.

Bellatrix's face twisted in glee as she turned the spear into ash, swirling her wand to push out a shield charm afterwards but watched in shock when Harry's following spell tore through it. Parrying away the blood boiler that came straight after what she realised was a shield breaker, her sight was blinded by a light so strong, it felt as though her eyeballs were being burnt and as such, she didn't see the killing curse flying at her until it was almost too late.

Diving out the way, she swiped her wand immediately, sending of a piercing spell at Harry who's eyes widened at the violet streak of magic heading towards him.

Unable to react in time, he grunted hoarsely when the spell pierced right through his abdomen with a sickening slice. Blood poured from his wound in excess, staining the darkened floorboards. His eyes grew heavy as he fell painfully to his knees and heard the sounds of footsteps approaching him balefully.

His vision swam as he looked up, expecting to see Bellatrix's smug, sadistic grin.

Instead, he saw shock.

"No… NO!" Harry heard her panicked whisper, her voice sounding faint in his ears as he felt himself being pulled up. He felt her take his head cradle it against her bosom whilst her hand was pressed hard on his open wound, attempting to superficially stem the bleeding.

"Forgive Bella, my sweet. I lost control for a second there…" She mumbled with a giggle. "You're dangerous, darling, and powerful mmmm, so powerful… any longer and… never mind. Let Bella get you all better and then we'll be together forever."

Her hot breath brushed against his face, and the sheer wrongness sent a jolt of revulsion through him. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as he lifted his hand which somehow still held his wand, and whilst Bellatrix's attention was on him, he managed to discreetly aim the wand at her side.

"Stupefy." And like a sack of potatoes, the mad witch crumbled to the ground, a shocked expression plastered on her face as Harry pushed himself to his hands and knees.

With grim satisfaction at besting his foe regardless of how he did it, he summoned every dark memory and emotion he felt towards the woman and aimed his wand at her. The tip of the stick grew green as his eyes blazed but just when he could utter the cursed words, a strained voice shouted out behind him.


Harry turned sharply at the voice and what he saw was victory on a face.

The Death Eater that he had banished earlier had somehow regained conscious and had his sleeve rolled up. His wand in his hand, pressing hard against the Dark Mark on his forearm.


Pin-drop silence for the first time enveloped the space.

Harry's breaths were laboured and sharp; the wound on his abdomen bleeding as he looked around wildly. Looking for any sign, any subtle shift in the air that he was coming.

Finally, the penny dropped.

The young Lord felt the accursed magic and couldn't help the shiver that ran down his back.

The sick, familiar and twisted magic of the one he hated the most above all. The one that took everything.

Voldemort was here.

New found energy burst from his body. Anger and rage beyond anything he's ever experienced this entire night pushed through every ache, every protest of pain as Harry swivelled on the spot, jabbing his wand towards the direction he felt his magic the heaviest and roared out the strongest spell he had in his arsenal pouring everything he had towards it.


Purple lightning pulsed from his wand with a thunder crack, the resulting power bucked the stick in his hand violently. The air itself seemed to tremble as it streaked towards the pin-drop silence, tearing towards the target like a wrathful storm whilst Harry fell back down on his knees.

The target appeared with an equally violent crack, his crimson, glowing eyes projected an intensity none could compare but those same eyes widened at what was coming towards him.

With a snarl, Voldemort snapped his pale wand up to intercept the threat. There was no time to analyse what spell it was and so with inhuman reflexes, he surrounded himself in a blinding, golden shield hoping it would be enough.

His non-existent eyebrows rose when the spell struck it with a boom, the resulting force shattering every remaining window in the neighbourhood and putting out every lingering flame from the earlier battle as the ground shook violently.

The shockwave pushed Voldemort back whilst the indestructible shield that had once blocked even Dumbledore's ancient spells, cracked in several places; the purple lightning pulsing around continuously as if it was searching to find a way inside.

Voldemort looked across at his arm, the arm that held his wand and he couldn't describe the emotions that ran through him. He watched fascinatingly as it trembled at the power of the spell.

He had scoured the world, fought and killed hundreds who had thought they could stand on par with him, his power never once wavering until now.

Of course, he knew who cast it.

The boy that he had failed to kill over and over. His magic was as familiar to him as the back of his hand.

As the smoke cleared and the final remnants of the lightning finally dispersed with a screaming crack around his shield, the Dark Lord lowered his surprisingly numb arm though it wasn't long till he began feeling it coming back to life.

"So… you came…" Harry rasped, struggling to get to his feet as his vision blurred. The loss of blood and his earlier injuries finally taking its toll on his body as he stared unflinchingly at his nemesis.

They got away… that's all that matters… they got away…

Voldemort frowned as his eyes swept over the scene.

His right hand, his most powerful wand, Bellatrix, was flat on the ground.

She wasn't dead it seemed, merely stunned… the how, he would make sure to painfully withdraw from her mind.

The chance of the boy besting Bellatrix cleanly was the same as him losing this war.


How she was on the floor bereft her wand was indeed curious.

A tick of his eyebrow was the only inclination he gave when he saw the state of Corban, one of his Inner Circle, killed in most brutal fashion. Despite the annoyance of the situation, he mentally grinned when he felt the remnants of Harry's magic on the corpse.

It seemed the darkness Voldemort had once seen in the boy when he was in his First Year had never left and had predictably, grown.

He turned his gaze towards the only remaining Death Eater and he sneered at the way the fool looked relieved at his arrival until the man flinched, hastily dropping to his knee and looking down.

Bested by a boy… how utterly pathetic…

"Consider me bemused… I did not foresee seeing you today, Harry Potter…" Voldemort drawled with a deadly whisper, his early fury for being called into a situation like this, a situation of which he was not informed, returning in full force.

Pyrites whimpered, rapidly shifting his eyes from his stunned madam and his enraged master.

"Such vitriol in your magic, Harry." Voldemort purred. Even though this evening was unplanned, he was anything but adaptable as he stalked slowly towards his adversary. "Poor Corban didn't stand a chance it seemed…"

Harry's eyes blazed but he smiled eerily during which Voldemort's mouth twitched with amusement.

So that fucker was Yaxley… good riddance.

"He deserved it."

"And I am sure he did. Corban, though politically sharp, his obsessions made him weak."

Pyrites watched the back and forth with a relieved smile, that was until Voldemort sharply turned his gaze at him.

Forcefully entering his follower's mind, the Dark Lord relayed a simple message that brokered no refusal.

Take Bellatrix and go. You will wait for my summons later.

Pyrites bowed again and with growing dread, he scampered off to his madam and without a moment sooner, apparated away.

Silence followed his departure as Voldemort stared down Harry's injured form whilst the teen prepared himself for the death he knew was coming.

It seemed there was no way out this time around.

I wonder what happened to my Patronus… Harry thought fleetingly before flinching when Voldemort raised his wand.

He felt a spell hit him where he had been pierced and instantly, the painful wound had healed, though not well. Where there was once a constant, excruciating pain, it was reduced to a dull, pulsing throb.

With widened eyes, Harry was rendered speechless as he tried wrapping his head around the fact that his sworn enemy had healed him. The teen watched unblinkingly as Voldemort swished his wand negligently and an ornate throne was conjured just before him.

Sitting down into it with a cruel, relaxed grace, the Dark Lord interlocked his fingers and gazed down at the wary looking boy.

"Since our little escapade at the Ministry, you have given me naught but problems, Harry." Voldemort began silkily. "It seems your death is imminent and yet… I am not pleased. Do you know why that is?"

Harry remained quiet, glaring defiantly at the man.


With a guttural scream, the teen thrashed about on the floor; the Unforgivable lighting up every nerve in his body.

"Albus continues to slip on your manners," Voldemort sighed mockingly, enjoying the boy's tremors after releasing the curse, "Your Lord asked you a question, boy."

Harry grit his teeth hard, his face unable to mask his pain. He raised his wand to attack with what little vestiges of magic he had. That was until he quickly found himself without the stick as it was deftly flicked into Voldemort's outstretched hand.

"Not only have you gotten stronger but it seems your insolence has increased also-"

"-Just kill me already. That's why you're here isn't it?" Harry interrupted hatefully whilst the man scowled, physically stopping himself from cursing the boy into oblivion.

"And that is the underlying issue… the child, lying before me, who I've failed to kill time and time again and here you are, defeated, but not at my hand. The concept frustrates me to no end." Voldemort drawled, spinning Harry's wand in his hand before he hummed. "Well… now seems like the perfect opportunity…"

Harry cried out when he felt Voldemort's mind tear through his like wet parchment. Try as he might, the teen couldn't stop the Dark Lord from perusing his memories.

It wasn't a moment later when Voldemort snarled, harshly pulling himself out of Harry's mind. "Dumbledore's meddling knows no bounds. Intelligent of him to show you false prophecies leaving me to speculate on which is the truth."

"You're one piece of fucking shit, Tom." The teen hissed on the floor, holding his head gingerly. It felt as if someone had jackhammered his brain.

Voldemort's eyes flashed in anger.

A whip made of fire, extended from his wand, striking Harry on the back.


His flesh was torn harshly, the scent of blood and burnt flesh permeated the air as Harry cried out in agony. The pain was so intense that it felt as if it was burning straight into his very bones.

"Men have been butchered for lessssss, Harry," Voldemort said softly, his crimson eyes smouldering with malice, "You would do well to heed my words."

Despite the pain, Harry managed to smirk, pushing himself onto his elbows.

"Death comes for us all in the end, Tom."

Voldemort ignored the surprisingly eery words of the stupid boy and instead raised his and Harry's wands, touching the tips of the sticks to one another.

Harry's heart momentarily lifted when a familiar phoenix's cry was heard, a flash of a reminiscent golden dome appearing over their heads until it faded away as quickly as it came.

"Brother wands are ever so curious and yet, so unbelievably pathetic. " He muttered, throwing Harry's wand just a few feet in front of him before rising to his feet.

Harry, his heart pounding, tried straining his arm to feel again the familiar warmth of the stick but his body protested the very movement abhorrently, sending sharp spasms of pain through his very nerves.

Voldemort chuckled darkly at the teen's plight before smiling widely when he heard the sounds of apparation in the background. "Do not be benumbed, Harry. No matter how I long for your death here, it would, regrettably, leave a bad taste in my mouth. No. The time for your death will come when I see that defiance leave your eyes, when you are completely and helplessly broken, only then will Lord Voldemort give you your reward."

The Dark Lord then turned around and faced the members of the Order, basking in their fear as they held their wands shakily at him. His crimson eyes begun to glow eerily when he turned to the wizard who stood at the helm of the group.

"Good evening, Tom." Dumbledore said quietly, though there was a grim edge to his voice that betrayed the worry that swirled in him. His ocean blue eyes couldn't hold off the grimace when he saw the state of his protégé; battered and torn apart but alive. Thankfully alive.

"You must forgive me, Albus… I will have to cut off our banter short."

"And Harry?" The old man questioned, tightening his hand on his wand whilst his eyes began glistening with restrained magical power.

Voldemort ignored him, choosing to smile evilly whilst lazily spinning his pale wand in his hand.

The tension was palpable as titans of magic stared down one another. The air became heavy and violent, strengthening with charged energy as the overwhelming magic of the two wizards infused their surroundings.

The Order was too visibly stunned to move, frightened even, to breathe too loudly in case the Dark Lord's ire turned to them. Death Eaters they could handle to a certain degree, but the Dark Lord himself? It was beyond anything they had ever encountered. His mere presence was suffocating.

"You are too generous, Albus," Voldemort began, his voice carry a mocking lilt. "Not only have you come to die, you have brought your foolish wands of justice to theirs also. Pity…" He drawled, his smirk deepening when the Order members looked uneasy.

A ripple of discontent shot through the group. Whispers of fear hummed under their breaths as the members shifted uneasily.

"No innocent will die tonight, Tom." Dumbledore retorted firmly. "Not while I still breathe."

"Spoken like a true hero." Voldemort sneered mockingly, settling into a comfortable duelling stance while Dumbledore mirrored him. "For many years now, you have continued being a thorn at my side, Dumbledore. I believe… it is finally time to remedy that."

In an instant, Voldemort spun his wand, firing a torrent of spells, a cascade of curses that lit up the night sky in a kaleidoscope of colours. Magic built around him, brutal and unrelenting, each curse darker and more horrific that the last.

But Dumbledore was ready. With a sweep of his hand, he pushed the Order members back behind him and twirled his wand with his other hand, easily countering the onslaught with effortless precision before sending his own with equal measure.

The ground beneath them trembled immensely, the stronger members of the Order moving to stand protectively in front of the less but even they were struggling to block Voldemort's aberrant spells due to their power and lethality.

Harry watched from the ground, spellbound. The battle unfolding was nothing short of legendary as neither wizard gave an inch, Dumbledore especially.

The old man had to not only protect the Order behind him but to protect himself and to also ensure none of his errant spells hit Harry.

Their earlier battle in the Ministry was nothing short of amazing but this… this was truly a battle of the ages as Dumbledore effortlessly fought against a slowly angering Voldemort who began increasing the brutality of his spells, realising that another one of his duels with his oldest nemesis was beginning to venture in to the territory of a stalemate.

A lull in the battle occurred when in a fit of rage, Voldemort screamed, sending a devastating spell chain that twisted and spiralled toward Dumbledore with the full might of his esoteric magic. Unforgivables danced in the air, blending with spells so dark they were almost incomprehensible, nearly invisible, hoping one of them would slip by the old man's almost impregnable defence.

Countering the final Cruciatus by intercepting it with a fallen street lamp, Dumbledore strained his dying magic, pushing out a silver barrier that encompassed the entire vicinity of him and the people behind him and watched with laboured breath as the last spell splashed harmlessly against the shield with a high pitch hiss, but it held.

The old man grimaced, every muscle ached. For the first time in his life, Dumbledore felt as if he was on the very edge of defeat. Any longer and he was sure he would've survived.

The silence was deafening.

The entire landscape of the once easily recognisable neighbourhood was completely destroyed, levelled, as if a natural disaster had swept through. The sky above them was layered with smoke, the aftermath of their battle hung like a smothering blanket.

Dumbledore's garish robes were stained with dirt, blood and dust. His chest was rising up and down in excess as he struggled to gain his breath but his eyes never wavered from its foe who like him, was also in a similar condition.

Voldemort's anger was at an all-time high as he roughly pulled out a wooden fence that had been transfigured into a pike, out of his arm with a snarl. His crimson eyes burned with abject loathing as the small cuts and welts that had appeared on his body began to heal.

"Stalemate…" The Dark Lord asked gleefully, looking around their makeshift arena. "Or perhaps not."

Dumbledore took a deep breath before his eyes grew sorrowful. Many of the Order was injured, a few even dead not to mention the muggle neighbourhood which no longer harboured life, all perished due to their duel.

He felt his anguish building up as he turned to see a severed head of a little girl, many paces away from her tiny frame. She was underneath what remained of what could only be her house. Cold, lifeless, blue eyes looked out aimlessly but it felt as though the gaze was locked on to him.

Condemning him.

Judging him.

Forgive me… forgive me…

The guilt was almost too much to bear and that was when Fawkes appeared in a flash of brilliant fire. The phoenix played a sorrowful but hopeful melody, raising the group's morale and most importantly, Dumbledore's, as the old man let out a raspy breath, before turning his tired eyes to a distasteful looking Voldemort.

"No more, Tom. No more innocent blood needs to be spilt."

Voldemort's face remained in a scowl until he enforced his Occlumency.

Suddenly, the sounds of multiple pops were heard, the sounds echoing all around them. A large contingency of men and woman arrived. With them was Amelia Bones herself, standing at the front of the group and alongside her was Rufus Scrimgeour and Kingsley Shacklebolt who brought up her rear.

"Voldemort…" Amelia whispered, the Aurors behind her all flinching at the cursed name.

"Madame Bones," Voldemort began with a mocking bow, "How good of you to join us."

Amelia's eyes turned to steel as she took a step forward, raising her wand at the snake-like-man.

"Lay down your wand and surrender." She commanded, her voice firm. Others around her, raised theirs too though shakily.

Before Voldemort could retort however, the clouds above him parted and the familiar image of his Mark, a skull with a snake protruding from its mouth, lit up the sky. From it, black smoke in the shape of a person descended from its jaws, flying through the air until it landed just in front of him.

A Death Eater, a man it looked like from Harry's perspective, kneeled at Voldemort's feet before rising. Black beady eyes, behind the silver, intricate mask widened once it travelled over Harry's form before he walked up to the Dark Lord and whispered something to him.

"I am afraid, I am little, short on time," The Dark Lord said reluctantly after a moment, his red eyes burning with hatred at the people in front of him. "But do remember this… this is only the beginning. Soon you will all have a choice to make. Assent or die."

Voldemort spared Harry with one last look before both master and servant vanished into the night.

The silence since their departure felt oppressive and cruel. Broken only by the crackling flames and the cries of the wounded. If the people didn't feel it before, they definitely felt it now.

They were against a monster. An unhinged, unrepentant animal that wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted.

"Status?" Amelia asked quietly.

Shacklebolt spoke just after a junior auror updated him. His deep voice was steady despite the situation. "Multiple casualties, even more wounded, some even critical. Those who knows basic healing charms are administering them now but they need immediate medical attention."

"Begin evac to St Mungos. Proudfoot, assign an Auror to each of those… civilians and double the Auror duty at the hospital. We can't afford any more surprises tonight." Amelia said, her tone clipped. She watched Dumbledore stride away, McGonagall and Moody right behind him, "It's time I have a word with Dumbledore about this secret little club of his."


Harry grunted at his name, pushing himself on his elbows. He felt his eyes slowly growing heavy again. It seemed the adrenaline was finally wearing off.

"What took you?" The teen mumbled.

McGonagall knelt beside him, reaching out to offer comfort to her lion but the instant her hand touched his, Harry recoiled violently, flinching away causing the older woman to hastily pull her arm back.

For a split second, he was trapped in Bellatrix's grasp again.



"-Harry?" Dumbledore questioned worriedly. His usual calm face was wrought with concern as he watched the boy tremble.

"I'm fine… just… never mind." Harry sighed, pushing away the nauseating thoughts of Bellatrix from his mind, "Where the bloody hell were you?"

"Sounds fine to me." Moody muttered causing McGonagall to scowl at him.

Dumbledore exhaled wearily.

"Werewolves were spotted in Luton. Their entire pack had gathered and so we were a little preoccupied but thankfully, managed to drive them back though not without difficulty." His eyes lightened. "It was only when Dobby informed me you were in danger, did we come."

Harry blinked, confused. His green eyes turned to Moody. "I-I don't understand. I sent my Patronus to you earlier, wanting you to check on Andi and Nym…"

Moody's brow furrowed, his prosthetic eye whirling wildly before it focused on Harry. "Didn't get nuffin', kid. Certainly, no Patronus. Think I'd have seen that."

How's that possible? Harry thought, I saw it receive my message and fly off towards Moody.

"Where's Andromeda, Harry?"

Dumbledore's voice cut through, causing Harry's eyes to widen and his heart to race.

"Shit! I need to go Hogwarts." He tried to move but clenched his jaw when strong tremors wracked his body.

"Merlin, Albus! He's been exposed to the Cruciatus Curse." McGonagall gasped with horror whilst Dumbledore's frown deepened considerably.

"I cannot on good conscience let you go, Harry. You need urgent medical care-"

The teen gritted his teeth. "I'll be alright."

"Travel will be painful." The headmaster cautioned.

"I said I'm fine." Harry reiterated angrily, forcefully pushing himself up with sheer determination.

"Dumbledore!" Amelia shouted. Her lips were set in a very straight line as she marched towards the group.

Dumbledore sighed, already dreading the impeding conversation.

A flash of fire appeared on the old man's shoulder and Fawkes materialised without a sound. The Phoenix's curious eyes stared deeply into Harry's before it flapped its wings gently.

"Take Harry to Poppy, Fawkes, and ensure he stays there until I return." Dumbledore said the last bit at Harry fimly causing the teen to scowl.

Chirping happily, the bird flew over to the teen's shoulder and before he could retort, flashed him away.

"I know you saw that black, lookin' ink on the boy's neck, Albus." Moody said quietly whilst Dumbledore hummed in acknowledgement. "It was magical; unlike any marking I've ever seen before."

"Indeed Alastor… though if my working theory on it proves to be true, then it makes sense why young Harry would keep it hidden. I have only seen one other with something similar."

"And who's tha'?" Moody asked with a frown.

"My late friend of old… William Potter." Dumbledore said with a gleam in his eye. "Amelia! A pleasant surprise!"

"Cut the crap, Albus. People are dead, the Muggle neighbourhood is annihilated and the PR is going to be a nightmare. Not mention the fact that there are bloody civilians who shouldn't even be here, some dead and many injured. What the bloody hell is going on here and who was it that just left?!"

"Amelia…" He tried.

"No, enough! No. More. Secrets. Otherwise, I'll throw the book at all of you." The red-haired woman growled.

Dumbledore sighed. "It was Harry."

"Harry? Harry Potter? What on earth was he doing here?!" Amelia exclaimed incredulously.

The old man winced when the group behind her began to whisper.

"Harry's presence here is irrelevant." He finally said, his voice tired. "There are far more urgent concerns to worry about."

Amelia's eyes narrowed. "Another neighbourhood was decimated, Dumbledore. The muggle Prime Minister will need to be read in and as such, this is now an active investigation especially due to Voldemort and now, Lord Potter's direct involvement. Was the boy injured?"

Dumbledore pursed his lips but the look on McGonagall's face spoke volumes.

Amelia's jaw clenched. "Very well. Proudfoot, send an additional unit to St Mungo's. I want you to send for me when Lord Potter is fit to answer a few questions…"

"-My dear Amelia, you will not find him there." Dumbledore spoke up causing the woman to scowl in annoyance.

"You are toeing the line very finely, Albus," She growled warningly, "Now, unless you have something pertinent to say, I suggest you not impede me any further."

"Albus!" McGonagall hissed warningly causing Dumbledore to let out a weary sigh as he raised his hands in surrender.

"Very well. Very well… Perhaps it will be better if you join me at Hogwarts, Amelia. I do believe a long-anticipated conversation is in order."

"And Lord Potter?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"In, I am sure now, Poppy's capable hands though I do not know if he will be quite willing to answer any questions at the moment. He is not too fond of the Ministry as you may know." He said drily whilst the redhead pursed her lips, unable to refute.

"I'll take my chances."

"After you."

With one more stern look at McGonagall and Moody who smirked in response, Amelia turned to the Auros behind her. "Proudfoot. You and Dawlish clean up this mess. I want a rudimentary report on my desk by the time I return. Shacklebolt, if you would please inform the Prime Minister on tonight's development. I fear it'll be a long couple of days. Scrimgeour, with me."

As she marched away, Dumbledore turned to Moody.

"Alastor, check up on our friends at Luton. Ensure they are cared for. I will schedule a meeting tomorrow to discuss today's events."

"Aye. Try not to hide anything from the lass. She was trained by me after all 'nd she's got quite the temper." Moody grinned before he hobbled away.

"Will You-Know-Who proceed with any additional attacks tonight, Albus?" McGonagall asked worriedly as she moved to stand next to him.

Dumbledore repaired the rips and burns on his robes with a wave of his wand as he eyed the battle worn surroundings sorrowfully. "No, my dear. It seemed Tom had more pressing concerns judging by his face at the end. Small mercies. We can only wait on Severus for more."

"A-And Potter?" McGonagall asked, her voice quieter this time, her hands trembling slightly. "The way he flinched when I got close…"

"-I do not believe it was due to you, Minerva," Dumbledore interrupted gently whilst McGonagall's shoulders sagged, "I can only imagine what took place before we arrived."

"I'll stay." McGonagall said after a pause. "Round up the rest of the Order and ensure they're safe and cared for."

Dumbledore nodded gratefully.

Casting his tired eyes once more around the levelled grounds, he softly called for Fawkes and within a flash of fire, the wizened wizard flashed away.


"How is she?"

His voice was hollow, his face set in a complete, expressionless mask as he stared at the unmoving form of Andromeda.

Madam Pomfrey sighed, wiping the sweat of her brow with the cuff of her sleeve.

"I thought I told you not to get up, Mr Potter. Your exhausted as it is and your wounds will reopen. You need to rest so that the potion for the tremors can take effect."

Harry ignored the matron, opposing to stare at the woman until she huffed with annoyance before her eyes softened.

"Stable, for now. I had to put her in a magically induced coma due to the severity of her injuries. Andromeda had lost a lot of blood and because of that, her body had gone into shock. If she had been left untreated any longer…"

The answer was left unsaid. The silence was deafening.


Andi would've died.

Harry's eyes flashed as a torrent of emotions went through him like an abundant wave.

Rage, fear, shame.

He'd broken his promise to them.

The promise to keep them safe.

To keep them out of harm's way.

Why? After everything I've gone through… why am I not strong enough to protect my family?

Harry flinched when he felt someone gently clasp his shoulder. The urge to summon his wand was almost palpable until he forcefully pushed the feeling down.

"I know what you're thinking…" Tonks began gently, her voice quiet, tentative. She waited, but when he didn't respond, she pressed on. "Stop. Don't do this… you know it wasn't your fault."

Clenching his jaw tightly, the teen gave no reply before he brushed his shoulder away from her and began walking off towards the doors of the Hospital Wing whilst Tonks' face fell.

"Harry! You did everything you could! She… B-Bellatrix was-" She stopped herself when she saw him turn around to face her over his shoulder. His handsome face was hidden by the shadows, but the fury in his glowing green eyes was unmistakable. It burned with a hatred so deep that for a brief moment, Tonks didn't recognise him.

Swallowing thickly, Tonks looked away from his intense gaze and spoke her next words carefully. "We're in a war. Mum and I knew the risks, the dangers. You can't carry tonight's burden on yourself, Harry. You… You did all you could."

Harry bawled his fists up so tightly that his knuckles turned white. Shame reared its ugly head as he spoke quietly; the anguish in his voice discernible to the two women in the room.

"I didn't do enough."

His words cut through the solemn room like a knife and with that, Harry ignored Tonks' further pleas as he walked out of the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomprey watched him go, her aged face was lined with sympathy as she guided a distraught Tonks to the bed beside her mother, whispering words of comfort.

Meanwhile, Harry stalked aimlessly through the halls of Hogwarts, ignoring the numerous paintings and ghosts who vied for his attention which he couldn't hear over the roar of his thoughts.

His body was healed, Madam Pomfrey as always, doing a fantastic job of that and yet his mind felt as if it was a war-torn battlefield.

Eventually, he reached a small, dim alcove off to the side. Pressing his back against the wall, he sunk down into the darkness and threaded his fingers through his hair, gripping at the roots tightly as though the physical pain could distract him from the helplessness he felt inside.

What do I do, Sirius? Mum… Dad…?

A silence descended, only broken by the flickering candles and the deep breaths he was utilising to avoid completely breaking down. He was done crying at the unfairness of the world and had accepted the cards he had been dealt with a long time ago but there were moments in his life that sometimes, things felt too much to bear.

This was one of those times.

Maybe dying would be easier…

A shiver ran down his spine as a cold draft flew through the space he occupied causing his hackles to rise in alarm and suddenly, Harry wasn't alone.

"Peverell… the cavorter of death…" A raspy, disembodied voice spoke.

The teen turned sharply at the voice, his breath hitching when he looked into the wide staring, black eyes of the Bloody Baron.

"What…?" Harry asked warily.

The Baron was an oddity. He rarely spoke, choosing to instead, wander around the halls indirectly frightening the younger years and unnerving the rest with his bloodied robes and the blackened chains that bound him. Harry wasn't like most though.

He'd never tell anyone but there was always an odd sense of familiarity he felt with all the ghosts for some reason.

"You bathe in death, Peverell. Spilling blood… a terrible act… I would know… Allow me to give you some advice."

"Potter." Harry corrected but blinked owlishly when it looked as if a smirk appeared on the usual stoic face of the Baron.

"Contrition is a spectre that clings to the living like a shroud. War is all the same; Blood is spilled… lives are torn asunder… pain is inevitable. The blood of your loved ones have stained your soul and will never wash away not even after death. Guilt is eternal… take heed to make it your own, after all… the Reaper takes all in the end and not even its chosen is safe…"

With that, the Bloody Baron drifted away through the wall leaving a pensive Harry behind.

"I didn't ask for your advice…" He muttered to no one but nevertheless, allowed the cryptic words to echo in his mind.

Harry sighed, leaning his head back against the wall. "Winky."

"Master Harry?" The small elf questioned with worry in her voice when she appeared.

The young Lord swallowed, struggling to get the words out of his mouth. His mind refusing to stray away from the image of Andromeda stationary on the bed, bruised and bandaged.

"A-Andi… she and Nym have been injured. Stay with them, ensure Madam Pomfrey has everything she needs to care for them. And when Andi wakes… Call for me. Will you do that for me, Winky?"

Harry felt a small fist grasp the side of trousers tightly. He turned to look at the understanding eyes of his elf.

"Winky will, Master Harry. Winky won't let you down." With a determined look, she popped away, leaving the teen to stew in his thoughts.

Let you down… The teen chuckled humourlessly.

Perhaps that was what all of this was.

His lack of preparedness is what caused such a situation to take place. Andi and Nym's home destroyed, their belongings gone and both sustaining injuries, severe in the former's case… all of it could've been prevented if he was better.

In the end, that's all it came down to.

He needed to be better.

Better than Bellatrix.

Better than Voldemort.

Stronger, quicker. More ruthless, more ferocious… unrepenting.

Harry rose, using the wall to get his feet under him. His body ached, but the pain felt distant.

What he was doing right now wasn't enough. He needed to ramp up his training, his knowledge and skill, otherwise another situation like what had happened this evening may end less favourably and he couldn't let that happen.

He couldn't lose his family again.

"Never again."


August 7th, 1996


By Rita Skeeter

In what has sent the wizarding world into a frenzy, Madam Andromeda Black, former Andromeda Tonks, has not only taken charge of the infamous Black family, but has blood adopted, yes my dear readers, BLOOD ADOPTED, the Chosen One, Lord Harry Potter!

This shocking development is certainly not done there! In a move that left today's Wizengamot in an uproar, the legislative body received official documents by the Goblin Liaison office detailing that one, Lord Harry Potter, has given full proxy and autonomy to Madam Black to helm the Black family seats effectively placing the once disowned Heiress, in a position of immense power and status amongst the Wizengamot.

Could this be a sign of a shift in power? With Harry Potter mysteriously absent and no public statement made regarding his current whereabouts, many are speculating whether this is a move which is part of a larger strategy orchestrated by Madam Black.

Has she been planning this for years, waiting for the right moment to reclaim her place in the Black family, the family who had disowned her for marrying her late muggleborn husband, Edward Tonks? What does this new development mean for the future of the wizarding world?

It is not exactly clear on where the new Lord Black's political views lie but rest assured, dear readers, that I, Rita Skeeter, will be deeply immersing myself in this story…


August 12th, 1996


By Michael Loften

In a dramatic turn of events, today afternoon, Cornelius Fudge was voted out as Minister of Magic following a vote of no-confidence by the legislative body of Magical Britain. In his place, the previous Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Madam Amelia Bones of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Bones, has been appointed as the new interim Minister and is said to be voted into power in the following weeks with Rufus Scrimgeour taking her place as the new Director of the DMLE.

Fudge, who's leadership has spanned six years, has faced immense scrutiny of his handling of recent events especially with rumours of the re-emergence of the Dark Lord Voldemort. (See p.g. 3)

"This is barbarity I tell you! Barbarity! I have strived to ensure the safety of this country throughout my tenure and this is the thanks I get?! This is a grave mistake! A mistake that will haunt this country for many years to come, you mark my words!" A few of the late Minister's departing words.

While Albus Dumbledore, legendary Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Defeater of the Dark Lord Grindelwald, has yet to comment publicly on the change of leadership, there was no doubt that his influence looms large over the current incident as multiple sources…


August 20th, 1996


By ICW Special Correspondent.

In a stunning development that has reverberated throughout the entire Magical World, Albus Dumbledore, Premier Mage of Britain and defeater of the Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald has named Lord Harry Potter as his direct apprentice to take the mantle of Premier Mage when he retires.

Lord Harry Potter, who in recent times, has had his fame and renown skyrocket due to attaining the infamous Lordship of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, will now be the youngest apprentice to a Premier Mage since the position's inception. The announcement has not only captivated global public attention, but also provoked the intense backlash from the International Confederation of Wizards (ICW), particularly over Potter's new status.

Like other apprentices and Mages before him, Potter's new position provides a certain level of immunity from ICW legislation. This in turn, has now raised alarms amongst the Confederation and one such vocalist was none other than the current, youngest Premier Mage in history, Heir Lucas White of the Noble and Most Ancient House of White.

"Absurdity… for lack of a better word! He's merely a boy! Sixteen years old and to think he would be given a position of such power is ridiculous! I had once held respect and admiration for Mage Dumbledore but it is clear his indecisiveness and delay in choosing a more experienced apprentice, only demonstrates his mental decline that the British media have been sprouting for the past year!" Mage Lucas White (21), Premier Mage of France.

Lord Harry Potter did not linger to comment on his new found position at the Induction Ceremony here in Switzerland and so we were unable to get his thoughts on the matter nevertheless, Potter's notoriety cannot be denied. Only recently has Potter taken on the Lordships of…


September 1st, 1996

A delicate breeze stirred the leaves of the ancient oak trees that littered the grand expanse of Potter Manor. The dew-laden grass shimmered in the soft, golden light of the sun as a few birds chirped lazily in the treetops. Though the stormy weather of the past week had finally relented, the land still bore the marks of the heavy rain with the scent of petrichor filling the air.

Inside the magnificent manor, a young woman rolled her eyes, adjusting the lapel of her red, auror robes with keen precision whilst speaking absentmindedly to a green eyed teen who stood opposite her.

"-It'll be packed to the teeth in Aurors. If Voldemort and his cronies come, they'll have no chance. Moody and Shack will be there to escort us as well so we'll be covered. For the last time, Harry, stop worrying."

"Voldemort won't come." Harry Potter said knowingly with a sigh as Hedwig hooted angrily, demanding his attention whilst flapping her wings mercilessly on top of his head.

Tonks crossed her arms with a frown. "Then what are you worried about?".

"The people. The crowd."

She let out a frustrated huff. "That's your fault and you know it. We specifically told you beforehand, if you wanted to avoid the crowd, you should've got there earlier."

Harry scowled and glared at the woman who glared right back.

Who, in their right mind wakes up at seven in the morning just to reach the train station for ten?

Not Harry Potter, thank you very much, though now he was beginning to regret that.

He knew his absence in the public eye had only grown in traction and had finally reached its boiling point.

Curse that spindly old man!

If Harry knew accepting Dumbledore's apprenticeship would project his name even further in to the wider magical community, he would never have signed that bloody contract and now the only things planted on the newspapers nowadays was either about some fake sighting of him or how he liked his bloody tea!

Witch Weekly had to be the most abhorrent piece of journalism ever created and that was saying something when you have contenders like the Daily Prophet vying for their position.

Vultures! The lot of them!

The teen walked towards an open window, squinting as the morning sun shone brightly; a few clouds chasing after it. The past couple of days of relentless rain had finally given way to a clear and bright sky.

Averting his eyes to shield them from the powerful rays, he gently picked Hedwig off his head and sat her on the window sill, rubbing her head affectionately.

"It'll be more hectic than usual, Hed, so I can't take you with me this time. Find me on the train or I'll see you when I get to Hogwarts, okay?"

Hedwig gently nipped Harry's fingers as they traversed over her beautiful feathers. She fixed him sternly with her amber eyes before she flew away into the blue sky with a powerful flap of her wings.

Looks like she'll be seeing me.

Sighing again, which felt like he'd done at least a hundred times today, Harry shut the window and glanced at the watch on his wrist.


Today marked the day he'd return back to Hogwarts for his Sixth Year and yet the burst of excitement he usually felt during this time of the year was absent. Perhaps it was due to the fact he had a home now and a loving family.

Though they were part of the reason, Harry knew deep inside that wasn't it.

Here he was heading off for school whilst a war that he was in the midst of raged on outside.

It frustrated him to no end.

He should be here, focusing solely on the war front, not off to school to learn about useless things or listen to Snape's wilful bemoaning.

It was with that mindset that Harry unintelligently broached the idea to Andromeda and as he should've predicted, the two ended up in quite a shouting match which he lost rather quickly when she blabbed to his grandparents.

Safe to say his grandfather was furious, claiming he'd become obsessed with the war and that he had responsibilities and so forth. Though he was sceptical at first, he quickly conceded when his grandmother Dorea stepped in.

He found that he didn't want to upset his grandmother.

Harry dragged his fingers across the window sill. Even now he could feel the comforting magic of Potter Manor seeping through the wood and he was sad to say that he would miss this place dearly. The home he should've grown up in, had grew on him considerably even though he'd only lived here for a couple of months.


Harry turned at the voice.

Andromeda looked picture perfect. Her careful, cool mask was ever present but her eyes spoke of her sadness.

She walked up to him and smoothed out the imaginary wrinkles from his shirt before brushing her hand through his unruly hair.

"Your hair is too long." The older woman muttered causing Harry to crack a small smile.

"You always say that."

Andromeda huffed before presenting him a sad smile. "It's time. Packed everything?"

"Mmhmm." He nodded, offering the woman his arm. "Shall we? Nym?"

Tonks who had been silently watching, nodded, sending off a Patronus with a muttered incantation. An ethereal wolf shot off from her wand before she trained the stick at Harry's trunk, all the time ignoring Andromeda's disapproving gaze and pursed lips. Shrinking it, she moved over to the fireplace where she joined her mother and brother.

Harry looked up at the portrait of his great-uncle, smiling when he saw his grandparents standing behind him. The three older Potters had proud expressions on their faces as they regarded their blood.

"Got our painting?" Dorea asked, dabbing at a few tears from the corner of her eye.

Since that fateful night, Dorea had been inconsolable, burdened with guilt over her perceived role in what had happened. No matter how many times Harry had told her it wasn't her fault, the regret still lingered in her eyes.

Grandmother and grandson spoke extensively to one another afterwards and if anything, their relationship grew stronger than it did ever before. Underneath all the pride and stoicism that was Dorea Potter, Harry could tell she was very fragile and cared immensely for her family.

He couldn't imagine hating his sweet, sweet grandma because of that night and neither could Andromeda and Tonks.

Harry patted his pocket whilst giving the emotional woman a fond smile. "I'm not off to war Grandma, just school you know."

"Leave her be, son. The day we understand a woman's emotions is the day the world stops spinning." Charlus said with a roll of his eyes. The two Potter men shared a small grin whilst Dorea huffed in annoyance before she matched their expressions.

Waving goodbye to his Uncle Fleamont, trio stepped into the large fireplace and muttered their destination - one platform nine and three quarters and with a swoosh, they disappeared and reappeared off to the side where a contingency of Aurors garbed in red robes met them. Standing at the front of the group were the familiar faces of Moody and Shacklebolt.

"Cuttin' it bit close eh, Potter?" Moody smirked whilst Harry shrugged carelessly.

"Lord Potter, good to see you are well." Kingsley greeted with his baritone voice.

"And you, Mr Shacklebolt." Harry eyed the group of Aurors behind him, all straining theirs heads and bodies to look at him. "They can't all be here for me can they?"

"Aye lad." Mad-Eye grunted. "Quite a crowd waitin' for you on the platform."

"Lovely." Harry began sarcastically, "So… what's the plan?"

"Tonks holds the rear; Moody and I will escort you and Madam Black towards the last carriage. The others behind me will provide a small perimeter around us to hold back the reporters and other… overly curious individuals." Shacklebolt said whilst the teen reluctantly nodded.

He could see the Aurors behind the massive form of Shacklebolt, straightening up, their eyes on high alert as they scanned the area around them.

"I can take care of myself y'know…"

"-An' let you maim some unfortunate fucker who looks at Madam Pretty funny? Come off it, lad!" Moody retorted, his prosthetic eye spinning back and forth between Harry and Andromeda.

The young Lord's cheeks reddened as Andromeda preened. Her eyes sparkled with amusement, though her lips barely curved, leaving her expression composed.

Tonks stifled a grin whilst the group chuckled at Harry's discomfort. A few female aurors even cooed teasingly at the teen, their grins widening when he shot them a sheepish glare.

"'Nough chitchat. Positions!" Moody barked.

Dissolving any sort of emotion from his face that caused a few peeking Aurors to shiver at the coldness he was emitting, the teen gripped Andromeda's hand strongly as they turned the corner and suddenly, it felt like he was back at the Quidditch World Cup.

The platform was packed.

The sound of voices suddenly grew considerably when the people realised who was being escorted by the large group of Aurors and like smelling blood in the ocean, reporters and onlookers surged forward, pushing against the escort hard.

"Lord Potter-"

"Witch Weekly here my Lord-

"A few words for the Eastern Enchanter-"

"Madam Black, a few minutes of your time-"

"Move back! BACK!"


After pushing through the numerous reporters and gawkers alike, they eventually got to the last carriage. Harry, ignoring the gaping students, some of whom had been sticking their heads out the windows to watch the situation on the platform unfold, turned to Andromeda and Tonks with a roll of his eyes.

Taking out his wand, he gave it a wave and a privacy charm was erected, giving respite to his ears.

Harry threaded a hand through his hair as he turned to the two women, offering them a cheerless smile.

Tonks' bottom lip wobbled before she woodenly walked into him, enclosing her smaller arms around his bigger frame and burying her head into his chest. "I'm going to miss you, Harry." She said thickly.

The normal urge to tease the woman never came as Harry hugged her back tightly, resting his forehead on her shoulder. "Me too."

With a final squeeze of her arms, Tonks pulled back. Her eyes were misty as she gave him a watery smile. "O-On duty so I can't be any longer. Don't forget to write to me, 'kay? About anything."

Harry nodded and watched her go once she gave him a lingering kiss on his cheek.

Within a moment later, Andromeda filled the position Tonks vacated and instantly Harry felt himself melt into the arms of the woman he was beginning to see as someone who he had desperately craved when he was younger.

"Oh, Hadrian." Andomeda's emotions betrayed her as tears left her eyes. "You be good a-and make sure you are eating well. Not too much of that grease, and don't forget your vegetables. Fruit! Don't forget your fruit-"

"-Andi." Harry gently interrupted with an amused but fond voice. She was always a cool and measured individual and yet, seeing her like this, though refreshing in a sort of way, did make him realise how much she was struggling to control her emotions which only made his affection for the woman grow. "I'll be fine, you know me."

Andromeda sniffed as she pulled back. Wiping away at the small tears that escaped their confinement, she placed her hand on his cheek.

"You need to let that night go, Hadrian." She whispered knowingly, rubbing her thumb over and over his cheekbone until his face lost the tenseness that had come at her words. "Your friends, they're good people, people who care about you deeply. Confide in them, spend time with them. Do not shut them out like you have done in this past month, baby."

A small smile appeared on Andromeda's face after he nodded hesitantly. "It will be so quiet without you."

Harry's heart ached. "I'll write, every week."

"Two more minutes, mum." Tonks reminded them gently.

Andromeda bobbed her head, unable to speak as her emotions built up again. Encircling him in his arms, she pulled him in for one last hug, holding him as if she could protect him from all the dangers that awaited him.

She layered kisses on his cheeks as she had done when he were a babe and like in the past, he began to squirm in her arms, an adorable blush on his cheeks. With a watery giggle, she pulled back and locked her grey eyes with his emerald green.

"I love you sweetie, more than you know."

Harry swallowed thickly. The emotions that welled up in him felt ever so foreign and yet felt completely right. His throat tightened, his voice coming out in a small, whisper.

"I love you too."

Andromeda's heart swelled at his words and she could hardly contain the smile that spread across her face. She'd never seen him look so vulnerable, so bare. With a wide smile full of love, she cupped his cheek, her eyes flowing with tears.

"Off you go then."

Unable to look at the wounds on her hands, Harry forced out one last, genuine smile before walking away towards the carriage door. As he moved, the privacy charm around them flickered before dispelling, and that's when he caught sight of a pair of light green eyes fleetingly.

Tonks, during that time, filled the empty space with a comforting arm around Andromeda, and it wasn't a moment later, before the two women popped away to the sounds of shouts and commotion filling the station behind them.

Entering the carriage, Harry slipped past a group of tiny, wide-eyed students who stared at him with a mixture of awe and fear, with an internal sigh. He could already feel a headache forming as sharp whispers darted between the boys, and giggles- far too coquettish for his liking, escaped from the girls who looked him up and down as if he was a piece of meat.

The school year hadn't even started and he was already over the whole ordeal.

He moved through the narrow corridor, making his way to the last compartment. As he pulled open the sliding door, a small girl who was struggling to lift her trunk up on the rails, took one look at him and squealed out an "Eeeep!", before abandoning her trunk altogether and what seemed to be her pet Kneazle, next to it. The animal looked rather miffed; its ears twitching with irritation as it looked forlornly at the door where its owner had scurried away.

With a roll of his eyes, Harry stored the trunk with a swish of his wand and took the now empty compartment, sitting down next to the window. He was about to close his eyes when he felt something soft and poofy land on his lap.

The teen blinked owlishly, momentarily stunned by the creature's boldness. The Kneazle yawned lazily, then proceeded to curl up comfortably, as if Harry's lap was its rightful place.

"Alright then…" He muttered, scratching it under its chin whilst it purred loudly, clearly appreciating Harry's ministrations.

Leaning back against the seat, Harry closed his eyes for a brief moment, savouring the quiet. His peace didn't last long, though. His instincts flared and with a snap of his wand, he waved it around the compartment. The windows blackened and the common clink of the door locking was heard when suddenly, he felt magic building up near the door and a person, a woman, materialised out of thin air.

She had dulled red hair which framed sharp features, her eyes was hooded with pale green irises. The woman stood tensely whilst Harry looked at her apathetically.

"Well?" She asked bitingly.

Harry shrugged carelessly, "If you weren't good at what you do, I'd never let you near her."

"I shouldn't have to prove myself." The woman muttered darkly under her breath whilst glaring at the teen. "There's a reason why I'm renowned in the underworld. My skills are unmatched."

"You should've been quicker."

"I beg your pardon?" The woman said incredulously.

Harry turned to regard her coldly. "Moody saw the man behind the wall before you."

"-A split second earlier doesn't change anything!"

Harry's eyes darkened considerably.

"So, I didn't see that man half a second quicker than the Alastor Moody, big deal! He was dealt with in the end." She shook her head with irritation. "Every corner, every shady man, woman, even child was covered. Everything was covered!"

"-Half a second is the difference between life and death. As a mercenary, shouldn't you know that? Perhaps I should gouge out one of your eyes and replace it with a magical one. Would you like that, White?"

White's eyes flashed in rage as she took a threatening step towards him, her hand twitching, itching to draw her wand.

"Don't you dare call me that!"

Harry sat calmly, a cold smile playing on his lips as he stroked the fur of the purring Kneazle.

In a sudden jerk of his body, he had his hand wrapped around White's thin throat, pinning her against the door whilst looming above her. Harry's magic exploded, bathing the room in oppressive energy.

Her eyes widened in panic as she struggled against his grip, her hands clawing at his in vain.

"Do not forget that you came to me, Sierra."

The teen's hand tightened around her throat, and her struggles grew weaker. He pushed back her red hair so he could stare directly into her wide eyes. "You are dispensable, replaceable. I could've hired a hundred people like you but I didn't. You need this, not me."

"Please…" Sierra's gaunt face reddened as tears fell down her bloodshot eyes. She gripped the hand around her neck tightly, looking pleadingly at him.

Harry leaned into her ear, "You vowed to protect them and I decided not to enforce that vow with magic because our backgrounds are so, very similar but don't mistake that for kindness. I'm not a kind man and I'm not one who offers second chances. If you jeopardise their safety in any way or worse, betray me, I will kill you and ensure nothing remains. I have a particular issue with betrayal, you see… I'm sure you of all people understand my feelings on the matter."

Sierra nodded as best as she could, gasping and heaving when Harry slackened his grip. Falling roughly on to the floor, she held her throat gingerly as she looked into his frosty, green eyes.

Harry held her gaze until his eyes flickered to the door.

"Get out and do what I hired you to do and do it well. You still want my help to get revenge on your family, don't you?"

The older woman wiped the tears from her face with trembling hands, glaring at him with a mixture of hatred and humiliation. She said nothing before her body slowly turned into smoke, the gas mixing with the air until she was gone without a sound.

As soon as she disappeared, Harry exhaled deeply. With a tired groan he fell back onto the seat by the window and rubbed his eyes.

He felt a weight on the seat next to him and saw the Kneazle, its eyes staring accusingly at him.

"Sorry mate." He said, scratching its chin until it began to purr in contentment, its earlier annoyance disappearing. "Easy aren't you…"

Whipping out his wand, he waved it around him, dispelling his earlier charms before swishing it at the door which opened with a squeak.

Harry watched amusingly as a hand halfway raised as if it was to knock slowly dropped, his green eyes locking onto the blue of a ginger and the hazel of a familiar bushy haired woman behind him.

"Hey guys, good summer?"


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