Claimed by the Cursed werewolf

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3

As the maids prepared me for the wedding, I began to think about my future. How would my life change after today? What role did Rollo have for me? Was I to rule at his side as an equal or merely his wife?

I couldn't imagine what our wedding night would be like. Perhaps I would find out tonight. The thought of his hands on me made my stomach turn.

After they finished braiding my hair, one of the maids stood in front of me with kohl to line my eyes. First, they dressed me in the underdress, a long wool tunic. After that, they helped me into the overdress—a long, sleeveless garment fastened at the shoulders. A large oval brooch held up the overdress, connected by a string of metal beads.

The door slowly opened, and through the mirror, I saw my mother approach. Unlike Ingrid and me, she had light brown hair and green eyes. Her skin was pale and free of blemishes.

Her expression was cold as she stood a few inches from my chair. "Today, you will set our people free from this war."

I slowly nodded.

"You look beautiful," she added, though I knew the words did not come from her heart. She was only saying this because I would soon be married off to the Chief of Vigrid.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I saw sadness written all over my face. The maid placed the veil over my head, keeping my face opened.

"All right. It's time to leave," my mother announced.

I wished I could have a moment alone—to rethink everything, to ask the gods what I had done to deserve this fate. To ask why they had given me powers only to let everyone scorn me. But the Priestess had always claimed I was not from the gods. She fed my parents falsehoods, convincing them that I was an abomination to the tribe.

As I approached my mother, she studied me with her cold eyes.

"You will not disappoint us," she said. "You will not disappoint Kattegat."

"No." I held the hem of my dress, trying to stay calm beneath the veil.

She flashed me a smile that did not reach her eyes. "You are ready to meet your husband."

"I... I am."

A moment of silence hung between us before the door opened. Ingrid walked in with a sly smile on her face.

"Sister," she said. "Why do you stand so still, like the gods' statue at the temple?"

Sister? My lip curled in disdain. I did not see Ingrid as my sister. Soon, she would be the Chief after my father, and I was certain the tribe would face countless crises under her rule.

"You look nervous," she continued. "Is it because you are marrying into that tribe? Or because you are leaving our village?"

"Rollo may appear kind, but we cannot fully trust him," my mother spoke up.

"That is why we are sending Freydis with him as his bride," Ingrid said.

My skin crawled with anger, but I remained still.

She reached a hand toward me, and my nose flared.

"I dare you to touch me, and I will break every bone in your body," I warned.

Ingrid chuckled. "You have no idea how lucky you are."

"It is you who is lucky."

A knock on the door interrupted whatever she was about to say. Slowly, the door opened, revealing Siggy. She bowed her head.

"The Priestess expects her arrival at the hall now," she said.

Ingrid flashed me a mocking smile as she walked past. "Time to make yourself useful, little sister."

She opened the door slowly, making her exit. My mother left after her, and a sigh escaped my lips. I wanted to break down and cry. I wanted to run far away from this place. But should I have done that long ago?

It was not that I hadn't considered it, but the only way out of this village, apart from the sea, was through the evil forest—an unforgiving land filled with creatures that had plagued my people for years. They were massive beasts with shaggy fur, their red eyes glowing. Their fangs were longer and sharper than anything I had ever seen.

"Come." Siggy opened the door for me. "Do you feel comfortable in that clothing?"

"A little," I replied.

She reached for me, wrapping her arms around me. My body warmed, and I felt at ease in her embrace.

"I'm going to miss you," she said, her voice laced with pain.

I slowly pulled back. "You will miss me only for a while. Once I arrive in Vigrid and become familiar with the place, I will send for you."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up like a child's.

"Yes," I assured her with a smile.

Siggy led me through the narrow corridor. We walked past endless blazing candles. Stepping out of the house, we headed toward the hall, which was somewhere within the compound. As we approached, I noticed some of Vigrid's warriors stationed outside. They opened the door for us.

Siggy continued leading me toward the altar, where my soon-to-be husband stood beside the Priestess.

Rollo was a tall man with large muscles. His eyes were dark, his long black hair falling over his shoulders. His skin had the deep golden hue of aged bronze. I felt his gaze roam over my body, and I shuddered with disgust. I could not believe I would spend the rest of my life with this man—that is, if I lived long enough to grow old.

A heavy silence filled the air. I recognized most of the people in the hall as Vigrid's. I had yet to see my father. He should have been the one escorting me, not my mother's maid. I glanced around, searching for him, but when I found no sign of the old man, I kept walking.

I released Siggy's arm and faced Rollo.

"Absolutely delicious," he purred, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

My stomach twisted. There was not a single ounce of shame in him.

"I want to know more about you, but I am in no hurry because I will have all night with you."

Rollo smiled, flashing his teeth. "There might not even be time for talking."

The Priestess cleared her throat. I felt disrespected, humiliated that this man was my husband. My skin crawled at the thought.

"My Lady," the Priestess held out her hands for each of us. I hesitated before reaching to hold her. There were no formal vows, no welcoming words. Why had I even expected them? Vigrid and Kattegat had been at war for years. Did I truly believe this marriage would change everything?

Even though this union was meant to bring peace, hatred between our tribes would not vanish overnight.

"This symbolizes your pledge to one another..." The Priestess's voice faded from my mind. I did not want any part of this ceremony.

Then, suddenly, something cold and wet landed on my nose.

I flinched, glancing at the altar, thinking it was a raindrop. But another drop landed on my forehead, sliding down my face.

Frowning, I lifted a hand to brush the dampness away.

I saw red.

Thick and warm, it stained my fingertips. It was blood.

My breath caught in my throat. Rollo was still grinning, and no one else seemed to have noticed my expression. Slowly, slowly, I followed the trail upward.

Rope stretched taut. Arms dangled outward, skin smeared in crimson. My heart pounded as realization struck.

It was my father.

He hung from the rafters like a slaughtered animal, his throat cut so deeply it was nearly severed.

Blood dripped in a steady.

A scream rang through the hall, and I snapped my head toward the sound. People were rising from their seats in panic. The warriors of Vigrid had killed our Chief—my father.

Armed warriors stormed into the hall, pulling out swords and arrows.

I turned to Rollo.

He was still grinning. But something was changing.

He peeled his mouth open.

I gasped as two long, sharp fangs emerged.

His eyes turned blood-red.

And then, he began to stalk toward me.

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