Chapter 6: Chapter 6
Chapter 6
I continued falling asleep during the journey, waking up now and then. We traveled across the sea for a very long time, surviving only on bread and water. The place where we were kept had a strong stench that refused to fade, and our nostrils had no choice but to grow accustomed to it.
At some point after waking up from a nap, one of the men came to us and told us we had arrived in the North. We were forced out of the boat, and only then did I realize that the strong odor came from a young man who had taken his own life with chains.
A shiver ran down my spine as the image of his face filled my mind. I was unable to walk fast, and before I knew it, I received a hard slap across my cheek, making me stumble. Painful tears stung my eyes, and as I tried to get back on my feet, I saw the man's hand coming toward my cheek again.
I felt a hand quickly pull me up, and I began to walk again. I rubbed my eyes with the edge of my palm, trying too hard to fight the tears.
"Where are we going?" I asked in a low voice, noticing that it was the young girl I had met on my first day who had helped me.
"To be sold off like cattle," she whispered.
Silence stretched between us, and as we continued walking, I looked around, seeing different people on the shore. They were dressed in various types of clothing.
"Everyone! Keep walking!" the slaver yelled, hitting some who refused to move.
He was a tall, large man with a bald head and dark brown eyes. His long beard was braided into two pieces.
We were led somewhere far, a place crowded with many people. The cold wind blew past us, sending goosebumps down my spine. I heard a sound, and when I twisted my neck, I saw one of the women on her knees, vomiting.
The slaver walked toward her, kicking her from behind and causing her to fall on her face. The impact was so hard that her head collided with a small rock.
The girl didn't move, and when I looked closely, I saw that she wasn't breathing. She was dead!
"Kill more, and we'll have nothing left to trade," another broad man spoke up.
"That little bitch!" the bald man cursed.
"Hold yourself," the other broad man said. "How many of them are left?"
"About twenty or so," he replied. "Fifteen young women and five men."
People started approaching us, their eyes staring deep into us.
One of the women dressed in thick black fur walked closer to the girl who was standing close tome—the girl who helped me earlier.
"How much is this pig worth?" the woman asked.
"Twenty gold coins," the broad man replied.
"Ten," the woman bargained.
"Fifteen," the broad man clenched his jaw.
"I will buy this pig no more than ten gold coins," she said and began to walk away when the man called.
My heart sank as I stared at the woman. She had called her a pig just because she was now a slave who was worth nothing.
The girl was released from her chain and handed to her new Mistress.
Just then, a tall man approached us. He was slim, with sharp, striking features. His golden blonde hair was long, reaching his shoulders.
Unlike the others, who were dressed in simple furs and rough tunics, this man wore fine dark blue robes, with a thick cloak of black bear fur draped over his shoulders.
His boots were made of the finest leather and shone under the dim light. He was adorned with small metal studs, a sign that he was no common man.
"Sire Erik," the slaver bowed.
The man—Erik—stepped forward, scanning the captives. His gaze drifted past many as if they were nothing more than livestock until it landed on me. Something flickered in his eyes, and then he approached me.
"These are the finest slaves," the broad man grinned, flashing his teeth. "They're good for work or other purposes."
Erik ignored his words and continued staring at me as he approached. Slowly, he moved forward, closing the distance between us, and raised his hand to brush my chin. I swore I saw something red flash in his eyes, but it vanished quickly when he blinked.
Still holding my chin, he turned to the broad man. "This one," he murmured. "I want this one. She is mine."
I couldn't believe a day like this had come. A day when I would be taken from my tribe and sold somewhere far away. I couldn't believe this was the end of my people. We were all going to be sold. I could do nothing. I couldn't even feel my powers anymore.
"This one is thirty gold coins."
"Deal then," Erik smiled. "It was good doing business with you."
"Likewise," the broad man said, turning to the bald one. "Take off her chains."
As the bald man began removing my chains, one of the captives suddenly fell to her knees.
"Please, Sire, help us! Send us back to our land. These men captured us by force and brought us here!" one of the women cried out.
Tears blurred my vision.
The broad man pulled the woman from the ground. "You should be thinking about attracting a rich master or mistress like this man instead of crying about the past."
"We are not slaves!"
The bald man finished removing my chains, and I rubbed my wrists. Slowly taking a step forward, Erik grabbed my hand and started pulling me away.
"One word from you, and I will strangle you and drown you in this sea!" I heard the bald man's deep voice as he threatened the woman.
Their voices slowly faded as Erik led me away, toward a carriage on the other side of the shore.
I stepped inside the carriage, and he followed, sitting close to me before pulling out a fur.
"Take this," he said. "You'll need it."
I didn't want anything from him. I just wanted to find a way out of here and start my life over. I had dreamed of leaving my tribe, but not to end up as a slave.
The carriage rode at high speed, and I didn't know when I found myself taking the fur from him and wrapping it around myself. Soon enough, I fell asleep and only woke up to the sound of gates opening.