Chapter 1: Coffee and Show
In the last few months, Stelle had seen two of her friends in provocative positions. One by accident, the other an instigator. She was grateful experiences, because she would never have otherwise known about this hidden world of debauchery or decadence. Now, she was freely exploring her own desires, privately watching Guinaifen pleasure herself every other week as per their agreement.
It wasn't an addiction, far from it, but rather a respite to her day to day ongoing adventures, fighting and relic farming.
Which was why, on a day she wasn't thinking about her sexual needs, she was rather blindsided with an invitation from the Astral Express' navigator.
Under the guise for some coffee, Stelle would find herself stripped off her clothes, sitting on the edge of Himeko's bed, eyes forward. In front, hips swaying with the seduction of a succubus, body exposed covered in just her lacy black underwear, was the navigator herself.
She was turned around, her plump rear invitingly bouncing as she gazed over her shoulder at Stelle.
"Do you like this young lady?" she asked in a provocative tone. "Do you like my ass swinging like this?"
Speechless, Stelle could only must a gulp followed by a nod, which only made the lady with crimson hair giggle in delight.
"Good, because you're be going to be with me all night," she said in a soft, drawn out voice. "I won't let you go until you make me cum."
This was a familiar encounter for Stelle, yet it was still as riveting and confusing as before. In front of her, the every elegant navigator of her home, the Astral Express, was currently dancing in a manner befitting a courtesan trying to earn favour.
Her body was alluring, her lips inviting, her gaze lustful.
She wasn't the Himeko Stelle knew.
No, this Himeko, much like Robin and Guinaifen, was drowning in the abyss of desire.
Before she found herself gazing at the body of her companion, Stelle began her morning early as per usual. Trailblazers had training first in the morning, and with her record of oversleeping, Stelle needed to play catch up, which involved her being ganged up on by her friends March and Dan Heng.
Afterwards, breakfast followed, served by their conductor, while they shared their plans for the day.
Having currently made a temporary stop at Herta Space Station, there wasn't much to do apart from stock up supplies and wait. With dwindling time, the group was now merely in a state of serenity before their next big adventure.
As such, each one had their own ways of relaxing.
For March, she was going to go and get a few snapshots of some cake cats that Stelle told her about. There was in Stelle's room, but that one reminded her too much of her trash digging companion, so she wished to venture forth into the seclusion zone to get her fill of adorableness.
Meanwhile, for the stoic guard, Dan Heng, he wished to peruse the station's archives. Having assigned himself the duty of taking care of the Express' database, he wanted to ensure accuracy on each report and no better to do it than in Genius Society turf.
Next was the senior of the trailblazers, Welt Yang, who wanted to bring along their new passenger for a walk around the station to get him acquainted with the Express' day to day activities. Although he is a mere passenger, with no destination in mind, Welt wished to make him see that the way of the trailblaze was more than just idly sitting by and because the elder man knew their new companion wished to do more than just linger on losses, he thought some fresh faces and environments would help.
Finally, there was Himeko, the navigator, who was in charge of practically everything in the Express, being its current owner. While most of the items needed has been accounted for, Himeko still wished to grab some things for herself as well as finish up the smallest errands. This meant she wanted some star charts for navigation, scraps for her own engineering projects and maybe some books to pass the time in between.
Nevertheless, everyone had something to do that morning, except Stelle.
Normally the busiest of them all, the young trailblazer found herself being free for once, only needing to her daily tasks of farming relics for 10 or so minutes before returning to her room or bother someone else, usually March. She would go rummaging through trash, but having explored every bin in the station, there really was nothing more to do.
"Wow, you really got nothing to do?" March asked in disbelief.
"That's rare," Dan Heng chimed in. "You're usually booked for all sorts of tasks."
"I know, but there's nothing left," Stelle replied, deflated. "I'd even go trash picking at this point."
"You do that already anyways," March teased.
"No, I mean, cleaning up trash."
She truly was bored, for her to resort to such mundane tasks that was backwards to her usual activity earned the girl a gasp, from March, while the others just looked on with slight shock.
Slumping on her chair and resting her forehead on the table, Stelle voiced her thoughts as she tried to come up with a plan for the day.
An amused giggle then chimed in their air, capturing the young trailblazer's attention. Looking up from the table she saw their navigator stifling her enjoyment.
"Well Stelle, you have nothing better to do, why not come with me for the day?" Himeko proposed.
Shooting up straight, Stelle looked at Himeko and immediately answered, "I'm in."
Taken aback from her recovery, March couldn't help but comment, "That was quick."
"What?" Stelle asked while turning to her companion. "I got nothing else better to do."
Everyone laughed at their newest member's reaction, though unsurprising, something about her straightforwardness always brought a warmth with it they couldn't help but react to.
Soon breakfast ended and everyone went their separate ways, with Stelle following Himeko closely behind as they departed from the Express.
Stelle was used to following people around, in fact most of her adventures tended to be like that. So accompanying Himeko would've felt normal, but considering that this was the first time she ever went with the navigator alone, Stelle took this as an opportunity to see her senior at work.
Silently tailing behind her, Stelle watched as Himeko spoke to several scientist, mostly on matters regarding interstellar travel. Most were indiscernible topics to the trash loving trailblazer, but she could see that it brought great joy to Himeko. Taking in her smile that gave off the warmth of the sun.
To many the navigator of the Express always brought a sense of regality with her. Sharp, yet gentle in the way she handled business. She knew what many people wanted without even delving ever so deep in details, preferring to keep things strictly professional and not personal. Yet her boundaries were plain as day, never crossing lines of immorality or borderline unethical, which some of the scientists aboard the space station sometimes towed.
For Stelle, Himeko was an ideal trailblazer, someone to truly look up to in her own journey. If not for the fact this woman couldn't cook for the life of her, Stelle would've been quite smitten with Himeko. But one taste of her coffee and that very image shattered into sand.
Nevertheless, the young trailblazer joyfully followed along with the crimson haired lady, all the way to the master control zone where she soon found herself listening to a conversation between like-minded individuals.
Miss Asta of the space station, was the one who was in charge of the entire establishment on account that the actual owner was too busy with her own desired research.
Being an astronomer Asta had similar interests and knowledge as Himeko, who, on top of being an interstellar traveller, was also a scientist in her own right. Because of this, the two often conversed about the stars over a cup of coffee or tea. For this trip though, this wasn't the case.
"A noise in the lower decks?" Himeko asked, resting her chin on the back of her hand. "Could it just be a wubbaboo?"
"We thought so too," Asta replied. "But upon further investigation, the audio was definitely human."
Stelle chimed in with her own deduction, attributing the noise to a heliobus. But this was shot down by Asta as the only heliobus aboard the station was taken by Dr. Ratio.
"So is it right to assume that you believe it could be a stowaway, miss Asta?" Himeko questioned.
"As much as I would find it difficult for anyone to infiltrate the space station undetected, there are ways for it to happen," Asta said. "I just wish to know if that noise is safe or not, if not, can I ask you two take care of it?"
"Of course."
Stelle was definitely not opposed for a good fight. Things have been a bit too peaceful as of late and her bat was itching to smack something that's not a box.
"Thank you both so much," Asta beamed, relieved. "I promise to pay you both handsomely, anything you want."
Stelle then had the grand idea of jesting with the astronomer, jokingly asking for a starnought fleet as her prize. Of course, the lady of the station blushed at having been reminded of her impulsive decision and ultimately refused to provide such a prize. But she did promise she would give Stelle some jades, the trailblazer's favourite prize.
Accepting the request, the two then ventured to a part of the space station yet to be reopened after the attack of the antimatter legion.
Through the silent halls, the trailblazers steps were all they could hear. The silence between them was comfortable and Stelle herself was enjoying this difference in atmosphere. Her usual ones used to be ever so loud with March, or awkward with Dan Heng. Therefore, being in a serene environment, accompanied by a beauty was ethereal to the young woman.
Speaking of beauty, it was no secret many looked up to Himeko for her splendour and mind. Stelle, herself was no exception, she couldn't stop her eyes from tracing the contours of Himeko's figure, mesmerised by the swaying of her hips. When compared to the other women she has seen in the nude, Himeko need not to be bear to make the designated galactic baseballer blush.
Shaking her head, the girl tried to not let herself get distracted, focusing solely on her task.
She kept her eyes peeled, looking around every corner, every room, for something unusual—only to find the creepiest thing to be the flickering lights.
The space has many creepy areas, most likely due to Herta wanting room to do her experiments and then forgetting about it later on. But there was also the fact that the station was still partially unavailable on account of the antimatter legion attack, causing devastating damage to several areas.
"I've never been down here before," Stelle said.
"I believe this was department handled geological studies, not many were here so many of these rooms were turned into recreational facilities," Himeko explained.
"Why wasn't it opened back up?" Stelle asked.
"Probably thought it wasn't worth opening yet, considering most of the scientists here preferred to work than rest."
That was honestly sad, but also not the first time she's heard of it. Scientists under the genius society members were truly workaholics in every sense of the word. Each and every one of them which to have an audience with Nous their aeon, and in order to do that they have to hit breakthroughs in their research and hope to get into the genius society. Then maybe one day, once they've done enough within the society, get an audience with the Droidhead.
While the young girl had her mind on something else, Himeko was more focused on finding the source of the noise. She hadn't heard anything since they arrived and despite the time that had passed moving through several halls, nothing came up.
"Could miss Asta have just been mistaken?" she wondered. "Maybe I should contact her."
Before Himeko could begin typing on her phone however, a moan echoed through the halls, rattling the two women and directing their attention down a long hall to their left.
"Wh-what was that?" Stelle asked, finally returned to reality.
"I guess that was the noise we're meant to investigate," Himeko answered. "Come on then."
Running towards the noise, the two starfarers wondered what sort of person they were dealing with. The noise they heard didn't indicate hostility, rather the opposite, both caught the sense of vulnerability behind the echo. It wasn't loud either, just a low elongated moan. Could they have been injured? Was that why they didn't leave the lower floors? None of the two could say, but they definitely knew whatever it could be, it sounded like they needed help.
Tracing the noise back to its origin, the two found themselves inside a storage room full of random parts they could only assume once served a purpose to the station, but now left to gather dust.
Looking around, the two tried to find where the echoing groan came from. At first everything seemed to be in order, so Himeko quickly moved on, but as she was leaving, Stelle caught the glimpse of a small line of light peeking through a corner at the other end of the room.
Then, out of nowhere the same sound from before rang out. And, it came from the room.
Stelle turned to call Himeko back but realised she was already long gone, leaving her to make her way to the back corner of the room and investigate. With slow, careful steps the girl got closer to the small beam of light, readying herself to fight if need be.
But then the noise once again rang out.
It was definitely the same noise which echoed through the halls. But unlike that ghost-like sound which sent chills down her spine, this one brought a different tingle. One she had become quite acquainted with lately.
Reaching the corner, Stelle eyed the opened door. It was only a small crack, but big enough for one to peer through and witness what was happening inside.
With careful movements, the young trailblazer crouched down and leaned forward, placing her eye between the crack.
Inside, legs apart, breasts exposed and a video playing on her phone, was a scientist. Her face flushed, a hand kneading a breast while the other between her legs, fingers furiously rubbing at her entrance.
A part of Stelle was almost disappointed it wasn't a ghost, she really was itching for a fight. However, this wasn't bad of a discovery either.
For the young trailblazer, the idea of a scientist from the Herta Space Station having any form of sexual relationship was unfathomable. After all, this is a group dedicated to their studies, something like sex was probably nothing more than just pre-school biology to them. So seeing one losing herself in a wave of perversion proved to Stelle that for their decorum, they were still humans with needs.
While she continued to watch the scientist relieve herself, Stelle found herself being heavily absorbed by the atmosphere flowing out of the room. The sensuality she felt, normally kept well within the comfort of her own room with someone she trusted, was now being felt in a random storage area and with someone she didn't even know. There was something... interesting about it. A taste of a new world, a sensual feeling not so present with Guinaifen and it made her wish to join the woman in her actions.
Stelle's breath became ragged, a heat inside of her, climbing from her head down to her belly, then to between her legs. Her body trembled, like an awaiting volcano, yearning for some release.
Thinking she was safe, the girl's hand began to move towards the hem of her skirt, ready to slither beneath and touch her wetting panties.
Only for a soft whisper to then interrupt her and tear her away from her reverie.
"What are you doing?"
Stelle jumped up straight and immediately turned around, her face dusted red and eyes wide open in shock mixed with fear.
In front of her, confused, was Himeko, who returned after not finding anything out of the ordinary in her search.
"Hi-Himeko, I didn't know you came back," Stelle stuttered in a whisper.
"There was nothing else in the other rooms, so I thought of coming back when I noticed you weren't with me," the navigator answered. She then turned towards the door. "What's in there?"
"Uhhh." Stelle turned towards the door, unsure of how to properly explain the event happening on the other side. "Just a...ghost?"
Unsurprisingly, Himeko raised a brow, not believing Stelle's words at all. Then again, neither did Stelle believe herself.
Another moan then soon erupted from the other side of the door and Himeko quickly reacted, peering behind the taller girl by tilting her head to the side.
Stelle quickly tried to cover the navigator's line of sight, but it was a bit too late as Himeko managed to catch a glimpse of the scientist's uniform.
"There's someone in there," Himeko said, taking a step forward.
"Uh well, they're just... taking a break," Stelle lied, trying desperately to sway Himeko from looking further in. "Anywho, it was probably just them watching something and not realising how loud they were because of the earphones in their ears."
While this wasn't a bad fabrication, the only flaw in Stelle's explanation was her actual expression. From a forced smile, to how much she was trying to prevent Himeko from seeing more, there was no doubt in the navigator's mind that this girl was hiding something.
So without addressing her further, Himeko peered into the crack, much to Stelle's despair, and saw what was happening behind the scenes.
"O-oh, I see... well that solves that I suppose," Himeko said with a blush on her face. "Let's go back and tell Asta this, we don't need to disturb her or anything."
Himeko began to walk away from the door but when she turned her head back, she spotted Stelle peering into the room again!
All sorts of thoughts began to ring in Himeko's head at this point, mainly whether or not Stelle was a pervert. In the navigator's eyes, the young trailblazer was as innocent as a babe when it came to sexual knowledge, in fact maybe March knew more. Stelle was the type to happily cling onto people, foregoing any sort of shame, even with the males of their family. So seeing her watching another woman masturbate was a whiplash.
"S-S-Stelle?" she blurted out once her mind began to clear. "What are you doing?"
Stelle looked back, her eyes showing nothing but pure interest. "She's really going at it, aren't you curious Himeko?"
Once again the older girl found herself speechless. She tried to make sense as to what came over the trash lover to make her gain such a decadent interest.
"Young lady, you shouldn't watch other people while they do... that," she scolded.
Unfortunately for Himeko, Stelle's perception of sexual acts at this point had been eradicated by two people. She now gets off at watching others, and not just sexually, but also pure interest. She wanted to know more about how best to pleasure others as well as herself and relying on pornography as well as Guinaifen just wasn't cutting it anymore. So this was like discovering something quite new in the field of masturbation.
So with her head tilted to the side, Stelle asked, "Why not? I mean I'm just studying her, isn't this also trailblazing?"
How was Himeko meant to answer that? While trailblazing meant venturing into new frontiers, whether physically or not, was this really something she could consider a part of trailblazing?!
"E-even if it is, it's not right to peek at someone. There are other ways to learn these things."
"Like what? Ask her to do it with me?"
Himeko heard Stelle had some extreme ideas, but she never experienced it herself until then.
"No, just... just ask someone you trust."
Stelle then thought for a few moments before dropping a question rather bluntly. "Then, will you do it with me Himeko?"
Himeko felt like her heart was about to stop and a headache creeped up on her. This girl was too much, or maybe Himeko wasn't just ready to handle her yet.
Still, she managed to respond to her in a weak voice, "No, not you can't."
After some convincing, Himeko managed to pry Stelle off the door by threatening to leave her alone. The young girl followed her since she could see that Himeko was becoming exasperated and didn't want to cause any more stress for the navigator.
Though she was disappointed that she couldn't see the entire thing through, that woman was really drilling herself with her fingers and Stelle had hoped to apply that during her next one-to-one with Guinaifen.
"Guess it'll have to be porn again," Stelle thought disappointedly.
Meanwhile, Himeko walked ahead silently, face still having a ghost of a blush. While she would never admit it in front of anyone, seeing that scene before her made a small flicker of heat rise.
"Ah, I need to get back to the Express and think about something else. Otherwise... I might lose control."
Little did she know, the Express wouldn't help at all.
After returning to Asta once they solved the problem, the two were given their generous payment before they then headed back to the Express. There they broke off, Stelle heading to her bedroom for some momentary rest while Himeko decided to lounge around in the quiet parlor car while reviewing her spoils.
While on her own the woman's mind kept flashing back to the scene she witnessed, the view of that scientist's enamoured expression as her body trembled from her own touch sent waves of heat throughout Himeko's body that she desperately held back since their trip back. She could only imagine the torrential pleasure that the woman felt.
However, with her mind clouded with such thoughts, her body began to move instinctively, a hand worming between her legs like a serpent. With a slight touch of two fingers she gasped, feeling a tingle sprint from her groin to her heaving chest.
Unfortunately, she had to quickly retract her hand when one of the train doors slid open, ripping her away from the beginning of sensual release.
Waddling into the parlor car, a small rabbit like creature donning a red uniform eyed Himeko with a smile on their face.
"There you are passenger Himeko!" they exclaimed joyfully, "Pom-pom has been looking for you."
"Conductor, how can I help?" Himeko asked, while quickly straightening herself.
"I was hoping to discuss the flight path we'll be taking so" —Pom-pom then tilted his head—"are you ok"?
Confused Himeko, mirrored the conductor's expression. "Of course, what do you mean?"
"Your face is a bit red."
A hand then quickly went onto Himeko's face, resting against her burning cheek, making her realise that she was still blushing from her earlier act. She thought it was bit preposterous though considering that she barely did a thing, so she deduced it may have come from her just thinking about the scientist.
"Are you sick? Do I need to get a doctor?" Pom-pom fired, his expression and voice full of concern.
Giggling nervously, Himeko waved her hand and assured the little guy that she was ok and that she was probably just tired from doing some work for Asta. So, she excused herself, telling Pom-pom she'll grab some rest and they could discuss the flight path later. Pom-pom, none the wiser, allowed it and even giving Himeko some heartfelt words to encourage her to not get sick.
Slipping into her room, Himeko leaned against the door with her face flushed, chest heaving and mind clouding with thoughts of pleasurable acts.
It was an odd sensation, something she didn't realise was present within her. But after seeing just that one act of sexual release, she suddenly felt compelled to touch herself.
Lifting her gaze from the floor to her bed, Himeko wondered when was the last time she every got some relief, was it before she ventured into the stars? Or was it when she travelled alone? Either way, those were long ago and now her body was craving some much needed attention.
"Just once," she told herself. "I just need to reach orgasm once."
Tossing her coat to the side, the woman then began to slip off her dress, pulling the fabric of her straps down her now sensitive skin.
Once loose she let her breast bounce out of the dress, revealing her lacy undergarment that matched the shade of her own hair.
She then let the dress drop to the floor, and stepped over it before sitting on the rim of her bed. The woman then spread her legs wide and began to lightly rub her entrance through the fabric, feeling the radiating heat tickle her fingers.
With gentle movements, the navigator felt the rising flame of her body's desire engulf her slowly. It had truly been too long and even as refined as Himeko herself, she was still only a human with needs. As such, indulging in such pleasures every now and again was something to be accounted for.
Soon her sex began to release its fluids, staining the fabric and making her folds squelch upon being massaged. Yet, the feeling of arousal only grew, with Himeko now cupping a breast, giving it a light a squeeze as her body shifted itself, making her lean back to push her hips forward, giving more access to her fingers. Her legs rose from the floor, now resting on the rim of the bed while her legs opened even more.
With her form now much more erotic, she continued to pleasure herself, picking up pace as her panties became fully soaked and the sounds of her perverted sex bounced around the room.
She wondered, with her misting mind, what would happen if someone were to walk in on her? It was unlikely on account that she locked the door, but just the thought someone could be peeking between the cracks much like she did earlier brought an even larger wave of arousal to crash onto her.
Riding this new thought along with the previous one, Himeko doubled her efforts, rubbing against her covered pussy relentlessly.
Sharp gasps escaped her lips as she felt her final release begin to build within. Her head reeled back naturally, while her body tensed.
Louder the noise of her erratic moaning mixed with the noises of her dripping sex roared in the room. Then, when her orgasm had fully reached its peak, Himeko threw her body back as her pussy clenched and sputtered through the fabric.
"Oh fuck!" Himeko yelped with a droned out moan.
Her legs shook and extended outwards as her climax came crashing down on her like a tidal wave.
Himeko rode her release through, eventually letting her legs collapse back down and hang off the edge of her mattress.
"Goodness... it really has been long," she said breathily. "I better... get some rest."
Following her quick masturbation session, Himeko returned to her usual duties as normal, completing them with a new sense of vigour. This change wasn't missed by the crew who all watched as Himeko spoke and discussed with a radiant aura around herself, almost as if she had lifted a considerable weight off her shoulders.
Himeko herself felt rather energetic, unaware of how much relief something like masturbating could bring to her.
After dinner, the crew all went to their rooms to unwind for the day and for Himeko this meant having a nice cup of coffee while indulging in a good book.
Sat on her desk with the lamp on, the woman was enjoying scrolling through a page of a researcher's studies on interstellar travel, a must have for the navigator of the Astral Express.
Pushing against the page with a finger, the woman gracefully turned the page over and read the words with a faint starry glimmer in her eyes.
She was at peace. Her earlier rush of arousal seemingly squashed beneath the serenity she felt with the book in her hands.
As the clock ticked by she then realised she had forgotten something quite crucial, that tore her attention away, paying Stelle her dues.
Considering the state she was in when she had returned to the Express, Himeko's mind glossed over the fact that her younger companion had yet to be given something for joining her in her errands.
She didn't wish to seem ungrateful and while she thought of paying her in the morning when she glanced at the clock, she noticed it wasn't too late and that there was a chance Stelle was still up playing games. Resolving to not stretch the matter further, Himeko slipped a bookmark between the pages of her book before closing and placing it down on her desk, ready to be picked up again when she returned.
Next, she searched her room for something to reward Stelle with, normally the obvious choice would be credits or stellar jades, but that felt little on its own. So, she also grabbed some other spare parts she had that Stelle could use to synthesise something, or use in her trash sculptures.
Once she had collected her rewards, she hastily made her way to the Party Car and went up the staircase towards Stelle's room.
She knocked on the door a few times before patiently waiting for someone to answer. A short time later, none came. So she tried again, and again, no one answered.
Thinking she was probably in the bath or now asleep, Himeko debated whether she should wait in the morning, or just slip the rewards inside.
After a few minutes, she got her answer.
"I'll just leave it in there," she concluded.
Opening the door, the woman then stepped into the room and began to look around for Stelle, only to notice that she wasn't inside, which explained the lack of answer.
"She must've stepped out," Himeko vocalised as she made her way to the desk besides Stelle's bed.
There, she left her rewards along with a note explaining what they were. But while she was tidying up the items to make it look presentable, a flash caught the corner of the navigator's eye.
Not too far from her, with the screen showing several messages, was Stelle's phone.
Now Himeko wasn't someone who read other people's texts, but in this instance she ended up getting a peek when she wondered what just flashed. And that single glance had already given her a lot of information.
On the screen, were messages from Guinaifen, and while Himeko was aware that the two knew each other from having visited the Xianzhou Luofu, what she wasn't aware of was what their relationship had evolved to.
The first text bubble alone was already telling.
"Hey Stelle, I was hoping we could do some blindfold play this week, I heard it makes you cum like a lot."
Himeko would've never pegged Stelle to be the type to engage in such activities, she seemed very innocent after all. But, after recalling what had happened in the morning, the navigator quickly corrected her initial thought.
Shaking her head, the woman tried to tear her eyes away from the phone. She was successful for about a second before she looked back at the screen and read more incoming messages.
"Ooh I'm getting wet just thinking about what you'll make me do baby."
"My pussy is ready for you to ruin through the screen."
"I'm rubbing my pussy tonight thinking of what you'll order me to do mistress."
The navigator was left speechless upon reading the texts. Her mouth was wide open, covered by her gloved hand while her heart began to increasingly pick up speed as she continued to stare at the screen.
"Is this really how friends talk to each other?" she questioned, trying to make sense of the situation. "Or have they just been... no wait, she says 'through the screen', are they having phone sex?"
Finally managing to calm her racing heart after a few deep breaths, the woman took a step back before bursting into a brisk walk out of the room and back to hers.
In the privacy of her aromatic bedroom, Himeko leaned against her desk, hand on head as she tried to shake off the thoughts of Stelle and Guinaifen pleasuring each other through a call.
"It's not my place to wonder, she's a grown woman and it's with a friend, nothing wrong here," thought the navigator, attempting to throw away the revelation with logic.
But try as she might, her mind kept throwing questions at her, mainly: when did they start doing this? Does Stelle really participate in such activities? And, what are they doing for Guinaifen to seem so excited?
That last one particularly stood out. Judging from the messages she read, Stelle and Guinaifen seemed to have a relationship where the trailblazer would order the streamer to perform acts for her and from Guinaifen's reaction, Stelle was a great partner.
Recalling her own pleasure from earlier, Himeko began to wonder what sort of play those two were up to.
Closing her eyes, Himeko's mind began to create images based off what she read. The first thing to pop into her mind was the blindfolded sex Guinaifen asked Stelle to try out. As such, the navigator's imagination slowly began to render the scene: Stelle and Guinaifen in bed, bodies bare, nipples perked up and juices dripping between their legs. She imagine how their bodies would entangle while the Xianzhou streamer moaned beneath Stelle's touch or vice versa, their senses heightened by the blindfold as rendered one useless.
Who knew mental images and sounds could be so powerful, making even Himeko herself heat up. She instinctively reached between her legs, lightly pushing and rubbing her entrance while her other hand grasped her breast. The act itself felt wrong, imagining her own companion locked in a sweaty, obscene activity as she pleasures herself. Yet, the navigator could not just deny the growing arousal, only pushing her to further indulge in pleasure.
One scene was not enough, sure the idea of their blindfolded play was arousing, but it was missing something, something... primal.
More and more, her mind conjured different scenes, from hidden public meetings, to rough private ones in Guinaifen's home. The portraits of Stelle and Guinaifen etched themselves into Himeko's very being, making her wetter and wetter, eventually making her insides convulse and tremble as an oncoming orgasm neared its peak.
Leaning against her desk, the girl rubbed herself through the fabric of her dress while covering her mouth, tears welled up on the corner of her eyes before bursting wide open as her pussy pushed out a stream of urine upon reaching climax.
With a suppressed moan and shaking legs, Himeko rode her release to its decline, bending her body forward to shift her weight in order to prevent herself from falling to her knees.
Eventually, it had faded away leaving the crimson-haired woman gasping for air.
Minutes went by and Himeko's mind slowly cleared, allowing for a wave of disgust to wash over her. She could not believe she had just cum to her own companion, whom she viewed as a daughter or younger sister of sort—but at the same time, the euphoria she was overwhelmed by, it was addictive.
When Stelle returned to her room, after March 7th dragged her for a pillow fight, she noticed the rewards that were left on her desk and was ecstatic to get more jades, she was starting to run out.
"Right, I'll use this to get myself a new character," she confidently stated to no one but herself. "Surely I can't lose 3 50/50s in a row."
But the time to do that had to be pushed another day because it was now quite late in the night and she just wanted to take a nice bath before heading to bed.
Snatching her phone from her desk and giving it a glance while walking to the bathroom, Stelle replied to Guinaifen's text with some emojis, expressing her consent to try out the blindfolding act. As for the rest of the flirtatious messages, she merely skimmed past those knowing it was just her friend's way of riling her up, in a good way.
When she was just about to place the phone down to prepare the bath however, another text popped into her screen, now from Himeko.
"Himeko? Wonder what she wants?" Bringing the phone up to her face, Stelle read out the message. "'Come over for some coffee young lady.'"
Stelle went blue at the mention of coffee, but more importantly she wondered who in the world has coffee so late at night? Only to realise she had met scientists in Herta Space Station who did so.
Initially she wanted to refuse Himeko's invitation, primarily to avoid a stomach ache, but when an accompanying message then followed, the trailblazer raised a brow.
"Come to my room, I have a surprise too."
Now surprises, that was something that definitely got Stelle's interest. But again, it was late, she just got back from a pillow fight and her bed was just there, couldn't this wait?
Departing from her room once more, the girl made her way across the Express and into the Passenger cabin where Himeko's room, as well as the others', were found.
She walked up to the third door where the constant strong scent of coffee emanated from the cracks.
Giving it a light knock, Stelle waited for a response on the inside. Few seconds later, the melodious voice of the navigator rang from the inside.
"Come in," she said and Stelle followed.
But as soon as she stepped in and her eyes locked onto the figure in front of her, Stelle froze like a deer in headlights. Her golden orbs, contracting in shock at what it was registering.
Preparing two cups of coffee, with her red wavy hair cascading off her back and her pearly white skin glistening beneath lights, Himeko stood wearing a see-through black negligee which accented her beauty perfectly.
Looking up from what she was doing, Himeko gave a Stelle a radiating smile.
"You're here, perfect. Come, take one," she urged, directing to the cup with an open palm.
Though speechless and a bit confused, the girl still moved across the room and took a cup for herself. Now normally she would inspect the coffee to see if it was safe to drink, but this time she found herself gazing at Himeko's figure instead.
She'd barely seen Himeko in her nightwear, and if this was it? Then she was eating it up visually.
Himeko didn't miss those glances though, her lips curving up at the sight of having been stared at by Stelle. But she didn't wish to rush, a light conversation was important too to set the mood.
After taking her cup of coffee, Stelle sat on the bed while Himeko sat by her desk, legs crossed over.
The two then proceeded to chat about their day with Himeko sharing some plans for their next destination while Stelle joyfully relayed all the treasures she found in trash cans, while subsequently glossing over her relic farming. It was a lighthearted atmosphere, nothing like what the grey-haired trailblazer thought when she entered the room. Himeko's clothing, despite leaving little room for imagination, felt inconsequential to the relaxed vibe between the two.
Stelle had wondered if her sudden discoveries of Robin and Guinaifen's dirtier sides had marred her view of others. Recalling how she shamelessly offered to help Himeko relieve herself when faced with a sexual act.
"Ah, maybe I need a break from Guinaifen," she thought.
Innocent and rowdy as she was, Stelle wasn't the type to not reflect upon her actions. As such she silently vowed to have more tact moving forward.
Moving to the hour, the hand of Himeko's clock struck 1 am and the girls thought it would be best to head to bed.
"Thanks for the coffee Himeko," said Stelle, a rare statement when it came to the navigator's blends.
"No problem," Himeko replied.
Stelle then stood up and placed the cup on the table before walking over to the door, but before she could touch and turn the knob, Himeko spoke up once more.
"You know you can just stay here tonight."
The younger girl paused, her hand lightly gripping the lock. She turned her head to face Himeko, her face painted with appreciation mixed with embarrassment. "It's ok Himeko, my room isn't that far."
No it wasn't, but Himeko wasn't exactly about to let her go so easily. So with her smile radiating mischief, she stood up from her seat and walked towards Stelle with a slight sway of her hips.
"Why's that? Didn't you sleep in March's room several times?" Himeko questioned.
Still unaware of the shifting atmosphere, Stelle just gave a comedic answer. "Yeah but that's March, bugging her won't make me feel bad."
For a brief moment, Himeko dropped her playful aura to feel bad for their resident archer. It's a good thing however, Stelle and March's relationship was akin to a comedy act with one serving as the fool and the other the straight man respectively, though they do swap often too. As such Himeko's pity only lasted for about 3 seconds before she returned to objective.
Reaching Stelle, Himeko then slammed her hand against the door, making Stelle let go of the lock completely and turn only to see Himeko stare at her from mere inches away.
"Hi-Hi-Himeko?" Stelle stuttered. "Wh-what's up?"
Himeko didn't respond, but her grin grew wider and by staring into Stelle's eyes she allowed the younger girl to see her intentions.
For Stelle, the gleam washed over Himeko's golden orbs was something she had become quite familiar with. It was this primal hunger, a surge of fire brought upon by a singular emotion... desire.
Over the time she had spent with Guinaifen, such a light was now easy to spot for the trailblazer and she quickly understood what it was that Himeko was yearning for.
But, as she recalled Himeko had already warned her about interpreting things wrongly, this could very well be that case too. Only problem was, that intense gaze seemed to suggest that yes, Stelle's initial assumption was spot on.
"You seem speechless," Himeko stated, finally breaking the silence that had fallen on them. "Something the matter young lady?"
Flustered, Stelle's eyes darted from side to side before returning to Himeko. "We-well, you know... you're a bit... a bit close."
Amused by her reactions, Himeko couldn't help but giggle as she inched even closer to Stelle, having to slightly raise her heels to reach the taller girl. "Is that so? I hadn't noticed."
Now even closer, Stelle could feel Himeko's hot breath against her skin, a tantalising feeling that she only felt with Robin. Stelle could feel her very mind slowly be clouded by desire, but she fought it back, curling her hands and folding her lips back in on themselves.
Unfortunately that spurred Himeko on, making the alluring woman go close, reaching up to her ears where in a low, seductive voice she whispered, "Come, let us enjoy the night together."
Her words were like a spell, a spell which fully captivated Stelle, weakening her will and body to Himeko's bidding.
Before she knew it, she didn't resist Himeko's touch, letting her grab her hand and lead her away from the door. She was then placed back on the bed, while Himeko climbed onto her lap, looking down at her with those glistening eyes full of lust.
"You know earlier, when I visited your room to give you your rewards, I happened to peek at your phone," she confessed without guilt. "And Guinaifen texted you. So tell me, young lady, was she the one who taught you to be so crude?"
Stelle gulped, was she in trouble? It didn't look like it, but maybe that was just a front. If so, this was quite the setup for a scolding, she was already beginning to get hotter.
"I have to say, you two seem to be enjoying some private nights together correct?" Himeko prodded.
Stelle nodded in response, still not finding her voice due to being wrapped around Himeko's allure.
"And have you two... done it in real life?"
Stelle shook her head, never have they thought of doing it beyond their screens, it was just meant to be for relief after all and it would be difficult to do it when they were parked in the space station.
Nevertheless, this came as a pleasant surprise to Himeko, who's smile widened. "So you've never done it in real life?"
The sitting trailblazer then glanced away, an indication that she had, so naturally Himeko questioned this.
"It was... Miss Robin," Stelle answered in a small voice.
"Miss Robin huh? My I never thought you'd end up dirtying a celebrity," Himeko slyly retorted.
"N-no, I didn't do much. Just watched."
This was no lie and Himeko could tell as much.
Gliding her finger on Stelle's chin, Himeko slowly cupped the girl's cheek while humming in glee. "So it means, you're experience doing it in real life is still zero, correct?"
With the navigator's searing touch, Stelle felt weak, losing her voice once more and only answering with a nod.
Leaning forward, Himeko hovered her lips over Stelle's, both her hands gently resting at either side of the younger girl's face while lightly dragging her fingers down to her chin. "Well, let me teach you how to pleasure a woman in real life then."
The first touch was slow, sensual and brief. A mere peck, a slight taste as one might say. Yet, filled such desire and fire that it immediately lit something within Stelle. The second was yearnful, still shallow but lasted more, it made wish to move, to wrap her arms around the woman's waste as she leaned her head back to give Himeko more access to her lips.
When they broke on their second kiss, Himeko glanced at Stelle, taking in her heated expression with a predatory gaze. Her tongue darted out of her mouth, licking her lips, making them glisten with her saliva.
Again she took Stelle's head, leaning it back as she brought her own closer till their lips locked once more. It was in this third one, that their instincts began to take over, deepening the kiss and letting their tongues roam out in search of the other. Their bodies grew hotter, their minds became cloudier and their voices became louder, gasping and moaning as their tongues finally found each other and had started to joust.
The taste of coffee was still present in their shared spittle, its bitterness mixing with sweet sensation that made their kiss all the more addictive.
However, they soon stopped once their breath had been completely spent, breaking off from each other with a trail of saliva connecting off their tongues.
Briefly, the two caught their breaths, just staring at each other's flushed faces.
Himeko was first to speak up, managing to push out words in between breaths.
"How was it darling?" she cooed.
Pushing her own words through her breaths, Stelle replied, "It was... good."
A giggle then escaped Himeko's lips before her hands traced the contours of Stelle's neck before going to her shoulders to push the jacket off of the young girl.
"Let's take this off."
Stelle complied, slipping her arms through the sleeves and letting the crimson-haired woman toss her jacket to the floor.
Next were her gloves, which Himeko easily slipped out by gripping the tips of the fingers. With those out of the way, Stelle's dainty hands were exposed and Himeko wasted little time bringing them up to her face and giving each a drawn out kiss, making Stelle's heart flutter at the romantic gesture.
Himeko then brought Stelle arms up over head, telling her to keep them up as she gripped the hem of Stelle's blouse before pulling it over her head.
Now left with just her sports bra on, Stelle felt quite embarrassed, instinctively bringing an arm over to cover herself.
Meanwhile Himeko gave a low moan as her eyes landed on the bare, toned abs of the young trailblazer.
"Your daily grind shows young lady," she complimented. "Impressive."
Himeko ran her hands on Stelle's belly, relishing the feeling of her chiselled muscles before cupping her breasts and lowering herself to lick Stelle's hardened nipples through the fabric.
"Hi-Himeko!" Stelle gasped, not expecting the rapid escalation.
Glancing at her companion's flushed face, Himeko grinned as she continued her ministrations, alternating between the two mounds. Seconds later, Himeko stopped, leaving Stelle heaving from the touch of her lips.
"Now for the main event," Himeko cooed stepping away from Stelle. "I saw how you and her interact. So you like to watch huh young lady?"
Stelle's face flushed red before she reluctantly nodded, embarrassed at being called out.
"Well..." Himeko then lowered herself into a crouch before spreading her legs to let Stelle see the wetting patch between her thighs. "Watch me then."
It started off slow, much like they were doing this entire time, with Himeko giving gentle rubs on her wetting entrance with her middle finger before giving it a seductive lick. She kept on doing this for some time, barely picking any pace and only increasing the amount of fingers that were circling her folds and cupping her breasts.
Soft moans escaped Himeko's lips and her cheeks dusted with red. The sensation of touching herself felt different when eyes were on her, there was an extra sense of naughtiness to it that wasn't present before and she was loving it.
Her fingers soon picked up pace, bringing her into an orgasm that made her entire legs tremble from the pleasure.
Through will alone, she rose back up to her feet and hooked the straps of her negligee, pulling them down to let the dress fall on her feet. Beneath the dark fabric was her black lace undergarments accented with red. She kicked her negligee away and approached Stelle once again, hips swaying seductively to keep the grey-haired girl's eyes on her.
"Like what you see?" Himeko asked once she was mere inches away from the other trailblazer. "Mmm, of course you do. This is what you like after all, right?"
Stelle couldn't even counter such a point, her eyes only stayed glued to Himeko's breasts.
Seeing her entranced state, Himeko smiled amusedly before she began to dance, swaying her hips from side to side and rolling her body down to give Stelle a glimpse of her cleavage from above.
"You like this Stelle?" She asked while dropping and rising in succession. "You like watching me dance for you?"
Stelle couldn't truly answer, her mind too engulfed at the performance to allow any words to exit her lips, only allowing a nod in response.
This was a familiar sight to the young trailblazer. Watching a friend dance sensually for you in person. After Robin, Stelle didn't think she would encounter another lap dance so soon. There was Guinaifen, but she couldn't easily do it on account she streamed on the bed and that just watching through the screen wouldn't feel authentic for Stelle. She figured this was the case after watching lapdances online and couldn't get herself off from those.
So as she suspected, what she needed was a real lapdance, where she could gaze at every contour and bead of sweat, where she could listen to their voices speak directly to her and where she could savour the heat that was being emitted by the dancer. All of that was what she realised she yearned for the most.
Seeing her eyes glaze with entrancement, Himeko realised the effect she had on the young trailblazer and straddled her while rolling her hips. She pressed her face close, only mere inches away from Stelle, rubbing her lips with heated breaths.
"Go on, take me," Himeko urged, voice laced with desire.
Stelle crashed her lips on Himeko and her hands quickly grabbed the navigator's ass, earning the young girl a squeal from her older companion.
With her switch flipped the way it was, Stelle couldn't control herself for long, dragging her lips and tongue across HImeko's body while her hands deftly tugged and pulled on the older woman's undergarments.
Himeko, more than happy to comply with Stelle's burst of control, let her slip the remaining pieces of cover she had and pushed herself closer to let Stelle have better access to her breasts.
Having such heaving mounds be so close to her, the young trailblazer's hunger was spurred further as she quickly took a nipple in her mouth and grinded the hardened bud between her teeth while also tracing it in circles with her tongue. All the while Himeko threw her head back at the buzz of pleasure rushing through body.
"Oh god," she gasped. "Keep going."
At such a plea, Stelle continued her ministrations with ferocity, alternating between Himeko's nipples and sending shockwaves through her.
Himeko's gasps soon turned into moans, her body arched forward and arms wrapped around Stelle's head out of sheer need of release. With the growing patch of wetness dribbling onto Stelle's thigh, Himeko knew her climax was rising fast. But she didn't want it to end with such a simple act, so with between ragged breaths Himeko asked for Stelle to also lick her pussy.
Stelle, more than happy to comply, stopped her current act and allowed Himeko to lie back on the bed while she stripped off her remaining undergarments before positioning herself between the navigator's legs.
Once her golden orbs lay eyes on Himeko's shimmering folds, a line of drool escaped from the corner of her lips. Stelle had never done what she was about to do before, at best she only saw it in adult videos, but she couldn't deny the enchanting way it pulsated, drawing her in until her nose eventually poked at the flesh.
Noticing how slow Stelle was being, Himeko began to rolls her hips in amusement, welcoming the girl to have a taste.
Not thinking for another second, a warm hungry tongue soon licked the folds of Himeko's glistening pussy, taking in the taste of her arousal while covering it in a coating of saliva. The movement was slow and sensual, allowing for the taste of the navigator to truly settle on Stelle's taste buds while also letting Himeko savour the surge of electric immoderation that coursed through her being.
"Oh that's it Stelle," she moaned while digging her nail on a pillow. "Lick my pussy clean."
Minutes pass by, several different patterns and movements were done to increase Himeko's coming climax. From licking her clit rapidly to slow penetration of her inner cavern, Stelle made sure to use what she picked up from her time researching to good use all in hopes it would bring great pleasure to Himeko.
And great pleasure it was, because throughout the time she was being eaten by the younger girl, Himeko found herself playing with her breasts to heighten the sensation. Her fingers pinched and pulled her nipples, occasionally caressing them to balance the sting.
So was this it? Was Himeko soon going to reach climax?
Well no.
While her orgasm was definitely coming, Himeko felt it stagnate on account that Stelle had yet to increase her pace or power. So once her breath steadied from having lost the initial rush, she looked down at Stelle and admiring the sight of having another girl go down at her momentarily before addressing her.
"Stelle," Himeko called, out earning a glance from the girl. "Could you do it stronger?"
Stelle didn't verbalise her answer on account she was too busy running her tongue up and down Himeko's entrance, but she took on the request, sticking her tongue inside the navigator and curling her tongue to rub the inner walls.
Very quickly, Himeko felt the initial surge of pleasure return, making her throw her head back instinctively.
"Oh yes! That's it!" she growled. "Oh eat my pussy
Such a slight change was made yet the impact it had was substantial and the young trailblazer wasn't about to lose it.
Placing both hands on Himeko's thighs, Stelle pulled the woman down, letting the younger girl to reach even deeper down her companion's hole and explore her depths, clawing at every corner of Himeko's dripping inner walls.
Stelle was truly drowning between those legs, the salty taste of cum mixing with her saliva left little room for the girl to think about breathing. She only wanted to drown further down the hole of depravity, taking Himeko into its very depths of pleasure itself.
Himeko would then place her hands on Stelle's head, pushing the girl deeper on her folds, which Stelle took as an ok to stick her tongue inside Himeko. It wasn't, but it was the right move nonetheless. With a tongue worming its way down her flesh cavern, the navigator threw her head back further while her body arched upwards. Though Stelle was new this play, Himeko couldn't care less because her animalistic licking balanced the lack of technique. The genuine lust the young trailblazer had, was more than enough to make Himeko's body shake and convulse at the coming orgasm.
Much like a dam slowly cracking from the force of water pushing against it, Himeko couldn't stop herself from feeling the rising tide build within. Writhing, she clenched her muscles tightly in hopes it would delay the climax, but with how much her insides were pumping and body aching for release, she knew there was no way to hold on for long.
Any second that dam would break and a gush of water would surge out of her, spraying onto her sheets and Stelle's face. A sight she wished to see.
"Go faster Stelle," demanded the navigator in a breath. "Go faster!"
Stelle, compliant for that night, doubled her efforts, opening her mouth widely to take Himeko's entire entrance and began to suck her like a vacuum.
"Oh fuck!" Himeko screamed, a rare instance for the otherwise composed and elegant woman. "Fuck I'm cumming!"
With her shame now crumbled into dust, Himeko squirted like a volcanic eruption, dampening her sheets with her liquid as well as Stelle's face. Her face contorted in an expression of utter euphoria, accompanied by her eyes rolling back. Her body bent over backwards, muscles tensed and her fingers dug into Stelle's skull as she firmly pressed the younger girl against her pouring pussy.
Meanwhile, the young trailblazer could only continue her ministrations as Himeko's orgasm continued to flow out of her. Luckily upon the initial burst, she managed to pull herself out because Himeko's strength waned, only returning to taste the delectable woman's juices shortly after.
For Stelle, this was an entirely new experience that only served to make her more hungry for the taste.
Hence why when she saw the chance, dove straight in once again and began to drink Himeko's flavour, lapping her tongue like a dog between her legs.
Once the showers ended, Stelle and Himeko laid on the bed wrapped in each other's arms, lips massaging one another in a heated kiss.
Their moans, adoring and sensual, yearning for each other as their lust subsided and their minds cleared from the haze of a climax.
Breaking the kiss with a satisfied moan, Himeko stared at Stelle's eyes full of adoration. "Mmm, you did really well young lady."
"Did I?" Stelle asked breathily.
"Of course, you saw how I came," she cooed. "No one's made me squirt like that before. You did so well."
Stelle sighed in relief. "That's good, I wasn't so sure I was doing it right."
"Trust me dear." Himeko leaned forward and planted another kiss on Stelle's lips. "You did phenomenal."
Finishing the night, the ladies snuggled into each other's embraced, slowly drifting to sleep, their bodies satisfied and hearts beating to the same beat.