Cote: Elite in Action

Chapter 11: Proximities and Confrontations: A Day on the Island

—Wow, I thought it would be more uncomfortable sleeping in a tent without a mattress —said Shibata, stretching with relief.

Kanzaki nodded, looking at me gratefully.

—It would have been, if it weren't for Osawa —she commented, casting me a knowing glance.

Shibata laughed, recalling the situation.

—Yeah, who would have thought of using sanitary pads as mattresses? Thanks to that, I didn't get too cold last night.

That had been my idea when they mentioned that feminine hygiene products were unlimited. When I returned from my expedition, I shared the plan with everyone. The girls went to request boxes of sanitary pads, and we used them as mattresses and pillows. Due to their absorbent properties, they retained body heat, helping to reduce the cold of the night and preventing us from getting sick.

I checked my watch, which read 7 a.m. It wasn't my pocket watch, but the digital one that had been given to each student. I forgot to mention earlier, but this watch had multiple functions: body temperature and pulse measurement, GPS for teachers to monitor our location on the island, an emergency button for dangerous situations, and, of course, the time. I really didn't need the pocket watch, but since it only cost one point, I decided to get it anyway.

—Good morning, everyone. How did you sleep last night? —asked Honami, who seemed to have woken up a little earlier than us.

—Pretty well —answered Shibata with a smile.

—Better than I expected —added Kanzaki.

—Not bad, and you, Honami? —I asked, using her first name.

Kanzaki and Shibata exchanged looks, surprising me.

—What's up? —I asked, raising an eyebrow.

—Nothing, just that it seems you've become closer —Kanzaki said with a playful tone.

—If you're saying that because we call each other by our names, I think it was inevitable —I shrugged—. After all, Honami and I have spent quite a bit of time together.

—I guess you're right —murmured Kanzaki, smiling slightly.

—True —interjected Honami—. And to answer your question, I slept quite well, thanks to you.

—You're welcome —I said with a smile—. By the way, I think we should wake everyone up. We need to form some groups to gather food. According to the manual, this island has many edible fruits.

—Good idea —replied Honami—. I'll wake up the girls. You wake up the guys.

I nodded as Honami walked away.

—Shibata, wake up the others —I requested.

—Sure —he replied, heading towards the tents while I began mentally organizing the groups for food gathering.

An hour had passed, and we had already formed the food gathering groups. Those who had gone out on the first round to look for food returned with a good amount of fruit but mentioned that there was much more they couldn't bring in one trip. This made me think that we probably wouldn't need to buy food during this week, thanks to the abundance of wild fruits.

—Hello, everyone! I hope everyone is here and no one is missing, because I'm going to take attendance again —said Hoshinomiya-sensei with her usual casual tone.

The teachers had to take attendance twice a day, at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. If someone was missing at either of these times, 5 points were deducted from the class. I glanced at my pocket watch and noted that time was pressing, so I hoped Hoshinomiya-sensei would hurry. Fortunately, she didn't take long to mark me present, allowing me to leave the camp quickly.

—Where's Osawa-kun going in such a hurry? Do you know, Honami-chan? —asked Amikura, intrigued.

—I don't know either —Honami replied, watching as my figure disappeared into the nature—. I'll ask when he returns.


After returning to the camp, I watched my classmates working on their assigned tasks. I felt quite satisfied with the sight: everyone was engaged, and honestly, I was glad to be in this class. It was easy to get along with them, as they were all very kind.

—Kayden, where have you been? You left without saying anything earlier —Honami asked, approaching with curiosity.

—I was just completing a task I had pending —I replied calmly.

—And what task was that? —she pressed, evidently not going to let me off the hook easily.

—I don't mind telling you, but before that, I have an idea. How about we visit Class C to see what they're doing? —I suggested, changing the subject.

—Visit Class C? —she repeated, somewhat surprised.

—Yes, remember that none of them have left the beach since the test started. I'm curious to see what they've been up to.

—Now that you mention it, you're right. Alright, let's go —she agreed.

I persuaded Honami to accompany me, and while we walked towards Class C's camp, we chatted about various things to make the trip more pleasant.

When we arrived, both of us were surprised by what we saw. Class C seemed to be enjoying a vacation: the girls were swimming in the sea, some guys were playing volleyball, and others were simply relaxing under the sun. They were having quite a good time, to be honest.

—I can't believe it, it seems that Class C doesn't care about this competition at all —Honami said, her eyes wide with surprise.

—It seems they prefer to enjoy a vacation. After all, even if they spend their 300 points on these kinds of activities, they can't have negative points for that —I commented, watching from a distance as they relaxed.

Suddenly, a burly guy approached us.

—Ryuuen-san wants to see you —he said, as if he were talking about a king summoning his subjects.

Ryuuen, the leader of Class C, seemed to treat the beach as his own palace, and we were mere guests. Curiosity got the better of me, so we approached where he was.

Ryuuen was lounging on a beach chair, completely relaxed, sipping something cold. Upon seeing us arrive, he smiled.

—Just as I thought, Class A are my first guests —he said with a mischievous grin. He had long magenta hair and a robust appearance that clearly indicated he worked out regularly.

—It seems you're taking this special exam quite relaxed, aren't you, Ryuuen-kun —commented Honami, trying to maintain her composure.

—You're right. While I enjoy my vacation, you all survive eating fruits like animals —he replied, mocking us.

—Well, other classes want to earn points, something that doesn't seem to matter to you —said Honami, keeping her calm.

—As you said, I don't care. In fact, I've spent all my points —he added with an even wider smile.

—All of them? —Honami asked, somewhat incredulous.

—Yes, all of them. I had no reason to keep any —he replied as he settled back in his chair, which allowed me to notice something interesting: next to him were three walkie-talkies. It didn't make sense to spend points on something like that if he wasn't interested in the test unless...

—And you're pretty quiet, aren't you, Kayden Osawa —he said, turning his gaze towards me. It seemed he knew me.

—Wow, I didn't expect you to know my name. You don't seem like the type to bother learning others' names.

—I usually don't. But you and Ichinose are considered the leaders of your class. Plus, it seems you've completely avoided my little pranks —he said, clearly referring to the harassment he had directed at my classmates.

—Your "pranks" aren't funny enough to make me laugh —I said, provoking him a bit.

Ryuuen let out a dark chuckle.

—Kukuku... Don't worry about that, Osawa. I'll take care of your class soon enough. Just be patient —he said, throwing what was clearly a threat.

—I look forward to it —I replied, smiling as I looked him straight in the eye. We remained silent for a few seconds until he decided to break it.

—Kukuku... I'm starting to like you, Osawa. Take this, consider it a gift for the visit —he said, tossing me a cold drink.

—Oh, thanks. Although I'm sorry to have to leave, not all of us are as free as you —I said, opening the drink to take a sip before saying goodbye.

Honami and I returned to our camp, but we noticed that some of our classmates were gathered around someone. We exchanged glances before approaching to see what was happening.

—Kanzaki, what's going on? —I asked as I arrived next to him, who was in the group.

—Well, it seems this Class C guy was kicked out of their camp —he replied, pointing to a young man leaning against a tree with a visibly bruised face.

—Kaneda-kun, is it true that you were expelled from the Class C camp? —Ichinose asked, with evident concern in her voice.

—Yes... I had a disagreement with Ryuuen-kun, and you know how he is. His orders are absolute, so he expelled me... and beat me up —Kaneda replied, touching the inflamed area of his face.

—Why don't you just withdraw from the exam? After all, Ryuuen doesn't seem to care about the competition —I said, recalling how he had spent all his points.

—It's true that I could withdraw… but I don't want to run into them again. Besides, many are already leaving the island. I'd rather not cross paths with them —Kaneda commented, with a hint of unease.

—I see. In that case, how about you stay with us? —Ichinose suggested, always concerned about others.

—But aren't I from a different class? —Kaneda asked, somewhat uncertain.

—Yes, but Ryuuen-kun isn't taking this exam seriously, so I don't think it'll be a problem —Ichinose said with a smile. The others around us also nodded, showing their agreement.

I had always thought that this class was incredibly kind, maybe even to the point of naivety. However, Kaneda's stay here could be useful in some way.

Once Kaneda agreed to stay, most of us returned to our usual tasks. After several hours of work, the clock struck two in the afternoon, and with nothing else to do, I decided to relax in the hammock. There were only two hours left before I had to leave again.


As I was resting in the hammock, feeling the wind gently move the fabric, I heard a sound behind me. I turned my head and saw Himeno approaching.

—You seem pretty relaxed —she commented, observing me with a mix of curiosity and interest.

—I am. I've finished what I needed to do, so I'm taking the opportunity to rest. And you, Himeno? —I replied, noticing the fatigue in her face.

—I just finished bringing firewood, and I'm a bit tired —she said, looking between the hammock and me.

—Well, do you want to join me in the hammock? —I asked, raising an eyebrow in an inviting gesture.

Himeno looked at me with a thoughtful expression and then glanced at the hammock. After a moment of hesitation, she approached and, to my surprise, began to settle down next to me. I didn't say anything; I just reclined and let her get comfortable at her own pace.

Soon enough, Himeno was fully settled, her face resting on my chest. I was surprised by her boldness, but it also made me smile. Although it had been a joke to offer her the hammock, I couldn't deny that I enjoyed her company. I accepted the situation with a mix of surprise and pleasure.

—Are you comfortable now? —I asked with a smile, feeling her warmth close to me.

—Yes, now be quiet, I want to sleep —she replied, closing her eyes and relaxing against me.

—As you wish, princess —I said in a playful tone. Looking at her more closely, I noticed her long lashes and serene face, and I realized how beautiful she was. Her direct personality had always seemed interesting to me, and at that moment, I couldn't help but admire her even more.

Minutes later, Himeno was completely asleep, breathing peacefully and regularly. I glanced at my watch and, seeing that I still had time, decided to follow her example. I settled into the hammock, allowing sleep to envelop me. I hadn't expected this closeness with Himeno, but I couldn't complain.

The day had been long and full of surprises, and as I drifted into rest, I realized how much I valued these moments of calm and connection.

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