Cote: Elite in Action

Chapter 34: The Silence that Speaks

The morning for the first-year students began with a different, almost frantic energy. The letters, scattered in the mailboxes of all the students, brought with them rumors that shook the school like a social earthquake. Of the five most shocking rumors, four pointed directly at Class D, transforming the atmosphere into something tense, almost suffocating.

Yamauchi, always the bold one, was the first to break the uncomfortable silence.

Yamauchi: —Hey, Shinohara! Is it true that you worked as a prostitute? —he asked without the slightest hint of shame, letting his words hang in the air, laden with malice.

Shinohara, with her face flushed with fury, immediately replied: —What kind of idiot do you think I am?! Of course not! —Her shout resonated in the room, but it couldn't erase the shadow of doubt that the letter had planted.

Without missing a beat, Yamauchi turned his attention to his next target: Hondou.

Yamauchi: —And you, Hondou? Is it true that you only like fat girls? Gross! —The mockery in his voice made several in the class giggle nervously.

A couple of seats away, Hondou, still embarrassed by Yamauchi's taunt, clutched his desk tightly, looking around for a way out of his public humiliation. Finally, he raised his voice to defend himself.

Hondou: —I... I have no problem with that! I like normal girls! —His voice sounded broken, insecure, and far from calming the situation, it only added fuel to the fire.

Yamauchi, not losing momentum, threw another disdainful comment: —Sure, sure, whatever you say. You'll probably meet one on your next trip to the buffet.

Laughter erupted in the class, though it was nervous, almost forced. No one wanted to be the next one pointed at, but the tension was so palpable that anything could spark a fight at any moment.

The class watched in complete silence, though some stifled awkward laughs, fearful of being next in the firing line.

Across the room, Onodera couldn't contain herself any longer and, with a look of confusion and some anger, turned to Satou.

Onodera: —Is it true that you hate me, Satou? —she asked, straightforwardly, searching for some truth in the other girl's eyes.

Satou, crossing her arms, replied with calculated indifference: —Well, no... —she said, but her body language told another story; her rigid arms and evasive gaze spoke louder than her words.

Onodera stared at her, not allowing herself to be deceived: —It's obvious that you're lying. If you don't hate me, why do you ignore me all the time? —Onodera's words were like daggers, and the class, in complete silence, awaited a response.

Satou, with a grimace of annoyance, shrugged: —I just want to hang out with other people, that's all.

The gazes crossed the classroom, some filled with doubt, others loaded with anger or even fear. The atmosphere was so thick it could almost be cut with a knife. Yamauchi, always with his insolent attitude, seemed to enjoy the spectacle.

Yamauchi: —Come on, Shinohara! No one would make something like that up if it weren't true, right? —he insisted, a sly smile stretching across his face as his classmates murmured among themselves.

Shinohara: —Shut up already, idiot! —Her face was red with rage, but also with the pain of feeling exposed in such a cruel way. Her eyes moistened, but she wasn't going to let Yamauchi see any tears. Her clenched fists trembled on her desk while some classmates looked awkwardly elsewhere.

Yamauchi only laughed, reveling in his role as the provocateur.

Yamauchi: —Oh, does the truth bother you, Shinohara? If it weren't true, you wouldn't be so nervous.

The class watched in complete silence, though some held back awkward laughs, fearful of being next in the firing line.

Onodera, normally calm and centered, couldn't stay silent any longer. She turned in her seat towards Satou, her eyes shining with a mix of disappointment and rage.

Onodera: —Enough already, Satou! If you don't hate me, why do you act like I don't exist? You always ignore me, like I'm a stranger. —Her words were direct, and the veins in her neck tensed as she restrained the urge to scream.

Satou, uncomfortable with the confrontation, raised her hands in a sign of surrender, but her tone was cold, almost icy: —It's nothing personal, Onodera. I just don't feel like we have much in common. I don't understand why you're so upset.

Onodera: —You don't understand? —she asked, incredulous—. We've been in the same study group for weeks and you barely talk to me!

Satou, still not yielding: —That doesn't mean I hate you. There are people I prefer to spend time with, that's all.

The exchange between the two girls made the atmosphere even tenser. The class was now divided between those watching with critical eyes and those trying to stay out of the conflict.

In the midst of all this, Ike, looking to make the most of the chaos, decided to throw himself into the hottest rumor of all.

Ike: —Hey, Ayanokouji, seriously, tell us, what's going on between you and Karuizawa? —he asked with a mischievous grin, trying to ignite the spark everyone was waiting for.

Ayanokouji, as always, remained calm, his face impassive. It was almost irritating for others how unflappable he seemed, as if the rumors didn't touch him in the slightest.

Ayanokouji: —I already told you. There's nothing going on. They're just rumors —he replied with a serenity that almost infuriated Ike.

Ike, still persistent: —Come on, man. We all know something's going on. You don't have to lie to us, we're just your friends.

Ayanokouji, unfazed, looked directly into his eyes: —There's no reason to lie, Ike. —His tone, devoid of emotion, was more effective than any shout or argument.

Silence returned to the classroom. Everyone's eyes moved back and forth, as if waiting for someone to lose their cool at any moment. The rumors had done their job, and Class D was on the brink of collapse. No one trusted anyone, and any misplaced word could spark a fight or a new chain of misunderstandings.

Sakura, always shy, shrank even further into her seat, praying not to be dragged into the scandal. Meanwhile, Karuizawa, from the back of the class, watched everything with her arms crossed and an inscrutable expression. She hadn't said a word, but her eyes scanned each of those involved with disinterest.

The rumors and accusations floated in the air, but Karuizawa knew that, like so many other times, all of this would soon be forgotten. It was not the beginning of anything big, just a passing distraction in the daily life of Class D.


Class A, as always, maintained its characteristic air of control and discipline. Unlike the chaos that reigned in Class D, the atmosphere here was much calmer, though not free of tension. Despite the outward serenity, rumors had reached even the most distinguished students. The most devastating of all revolved around Ichinose Honami, one of the most beloved and respected figures in the course, who now faced an accusation so serious that it echoed in every corner of the school: she was being accused of being a criminal.

Since the rumor had started circulating, everyone's eyes followed her relentlessly. Although Ichinose tried to maintain her usual smile and relaxed posture, her body betrayed her. Her body language had become more restrained; her once open and warm gestures were now much more subdued. She laughed less than she used to, and her famous smile, the one that encouraged everyone around her, seemed dimmed, a reflection of what she had been.

Even her way of interacting with her classmates had changed. She carefully avoided any conversation that might touch on the topic of the rumor, as if the mere mention of it could make it gain more strength. Those who used to approach her with confidence and joy now did so with caution, unsure of how to act or what to say.

But not everyone was swayed by the current of whispers and furtive glances. Kayden, from his seat, watched Ichinose attentively. He was one of the few who noticed the small changes in her behavior, those details that would go unnoticed by most. Her usual contagious energy seemed to have faded, and although she still tried to fulfill her responsibilities as a leader, something inside her had changed. Kayden knew that the rumor was affecting her much more than she let on.

As he watched her, Kayden couldn't help but wonder if this would affect her performance in the exams. Today was a crucial day, the first of two exam days where Class A would face Class B. They had chosen Class B as their rival, confident in their ability to surpass them. Meanwhile, Class C and Class D would also face each other in a battle that could have consequences for each class's ranking.

Kayden frowned, reflecting on the coincidence. The rumors had appeared just before the exams. Could this be part of a broader strategy? Had someone planned to spread those rumors in order to destabilize the students and increase their chances of winning? For Kayden, there was no doubt that this was a calculated move, a maneuver aimed at sowing chaos at the most opportune moment. Someone, somewhere, was pulling the strings, and the goal seemed clear: to break Honami's spirit.

Kayden leaned back in his chair, his mind working at full speed. If his suspicions were correct, today's exam would not only be an academic or physical test but also a psychological one. More than intellectual skills were needed to win this game; mental strength was required, something that Honami had always demonstrated having in abundance. However, she was now more vulnerable than ever, and Kayden couldn't predict how that would affect her performance.

Ichinose, for her part, continued walking toward her seat, head held high but eyes avoiding eye contact. Despite everything, she still tried to be an example for her classmates, or at least she attempted to be. No one could say for sure how much longer she could endure before breaking under the pressure.

Kayden knew that the exams would be tough, but what truly worried him was not the content of the tests but the strategy behind the rumors. He knew that someone was playing a dangerous game, and the next few days would reveal whether their bet to destabilize Class A had worked.

Without taking his eyes off Honami, Kayden murmured to himself, "I hope you can withstand this pressure, Honami. Whoever started these rumors didn't do it by chance. They have you in their sights for a reason, and they won't stop until they achieve their goal."

The clock continued to tick, and with each passing minute, the tension in the room increased. The exams were about to begin, but for some, the real test had started much earlier.


Time moved on without stopping, and the two days of exams finally came to an end. Many students breathed a sigh of relief, finally able to relax after the accumulated tension. Now, all that was left was to wait for the results. Most felt satisfied with their performance, and in Class A, it was no different; everyone was confident they had done well. However, not everything was positive, as a lingering problem persisted: the rumor weighing down Ichinose Honami.

As time went by, the pressure on Ichinose became increasingly unbearable. The glances that had once been merely curious had turned intense, almost accusatory. And it wasn't just the first-year students who were watching her; upperclassmen had also started to whisper behind her back. The weight of it all was becoming harder to bear, as if each rumor were another stone added to her load. Despite everything, she had managed to get through the exams without major issues, but the emotional pressure was close to its limit.

Honami knew how she felt about Kayden, but she wasn't sure how to handle it or what would happen between them if she revealed it. Talking to him was her only option, even though she feared the consequences. Kayden was the last person she wanted to turn to, not out of distrust but because the mix of admiration and affection she felt for him left her confused. However, she knew that only he could help her deal with the rumors that were affecting her.

At the end of classes, Honami gathered her courage to seek him out, determined to confront the situation. However, when she went to talk to him, Kayden had already left the classroom. Impatient and somewhat nervous, she began searching for him in the hallways. It took her some time to find him, but when she finally did, she did not expect to see him in the situation he was in.

What Honami witnessed left her shocked and speechless. Kayden was close to someone else, and the closeness between them unsettled her. Upon seeing them, emotions she had never experienced before surged within her, and she didn't know how to identify them. Unsure of what to do, Honami turned and walked away, feeling that she needed a moment to process what she had just seen.


As I walked along the clear paths of the school, enjoying a chocolate milkshake, I felt more relaxed, especially now that the special exam was over. However, something was bothering me: the issue with Honami. Her behavior had changed drastically in the past few days, and I could see that the situation was affecting her. I wondered if she would come to seek my help; I didn't want her to sink further under that pressure.

In the midst of my thoughts, I spotted a girl sitting alone on a bench: it was Kikyou. I decided to approach her since I hadn't had much time to talk with her lately. Maybe by sharing a moment, I could relieve some of the tension I felt in the air. I walked towards her, hoping that at least I could bring out some of her usual spirit.

When I stood in front of her, she noticed my presence and lifted her gaze.

"Hi, Kikyou," I greeted her, trying to convey some positive energy.

"You..." she responded, her voice barely a whisper, as if the weight of her thoughts was suffocating her.

"Didn't you notice me?" I asked, watching how her gaze drifted to the ground, avoiding eye contact.


I sat down beside her, feeling the silence between us becoming somewhat uncomfortable, as if the words were refusing to flow. It was evident that something was bothering her, but I didn't know if she was ready to share it.

"Did something happen, Kikyou?" I asked, trying to break through the barrier of communication.

She looked at me before responding, as if weighing the risk of opening up.

"What hasn't happened to me?" she said with a slight sigh, frustration palpable in her tone.

"I can see today wasn't a good day. Did you do poorly on the exams?" I inquired, feeling my concern grow inside.

"No, but it wasn't enough..." she murmured, snatching the chocolate milkshake from my hand and taking a sip. Her gesture was so automatic that it made me wonder how far removed she was from herself.

"Enough for what?" I wanted to know, eager to understand what was tormenting her.

"To live better," her voice was almost a whisper, and the sadness in her gaze sent a pang through my chest. It was as if deep insecurities were hiding behind her comment.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, genuinely interested in her well-being, wishing I could help her in some way.

"Why should I tell you about it?" she replied, though her tone wasn't defensive but rather inquisitive, as if questioning why I would care.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," I responded, trying to convey that I was there to listen, not to pressure her.

"Kayden, I wish I had been born with your intelligence," her statement surprised me. The sincerity of her words caught me off guard.

"Wow, you finally said my name," I joked, trying to lighten the mood. I ran my hand through her hair in a gesture I had picked up from Yuki, aiming to offer her a bit of comfort.

To my astonishment, Kikyou didn't bother to push my hand away. Instead, she leaned onto my lap, which completely took me by surprise. It was a position that could be misinterpreted, but at least there was no one around, so I assumed it was fine.

As I stared at her tired expression, a mix of curiosity and amazement filled me. I didn't know how to interpret her closeness; perhaps she was seeking support, or maybe it was a sign that she needed company in a moment of vulnerability. I decided to remain silent and let the moment unfold. After all, sometimes words weren't necessary.

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