Chapter 4: The History of AC - Word Count!!!
The story of "AC" starts millennia ago, around 75,000 BC, during the Isu era. The Isu were a vast, advanced society – dubbed the "First Civilization" – notable for creating advanced weapons and gadgets called "Pieces of Eden". The most well-known Piece of Eden was the Apple of Eden, a device used by the Isu to mind control human beings. The Isu created humans to be their slaves and then continued to manipulate them until, eventually, war broke out between both species. This was led by Adam and Eve, who stole the Apple from the Garden of Eden – which was, in fact, a vast, Isu city. Atlantis and Asgard would eventually be revealed as Isu cities, too. Adam and Eve were able to break the Apple of Eden's mind control because they were both human-Isu hybrids, the result of inter-species procreation.
The Isu had many different branches, not all friendly with each other, that would eventually go on to form the basis of Earth religions and mythologies, as humanity only dimly remembered these powerful gods. Adam and Eve and the Apple of Eden are, of course, a major part of the Abrahamic religions, while different groups of Isu eventually became the Roman, Greek, and Norse deities. Of the Greek Isu, their experiments eventually became the famous monsters roaming Ancient Greece, like the Minotaur hidden in an Isu labyrinth, or even Medusa herself. The Norse Isu, on the other hand, known as the Æsir, battled many famous monsters as well, but also built Yggdrasil. In myth, Yggdrasil is the all-important world tree, crucial to the Norse pantheon. In "Assassin's Creed", it's a complex supercomputer, capable of accurately predicting the future and containing deep simulations.
The Human-Isu War continued to rage, though not all Isu were directly involved. They learned that a cataclysm was on the way, an enormous solar flare, and a group of three – known as the "Capitoline Triad" – began to work to save both species from extinction. This triad was made up of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. Juno despised humans, viewing them as inferior. She was horrified when her father, Saturn, was murdered by a human in front of her. Minerva, meanwhile, was more sympathetic to the humans, but preoccupied with the disaster. The Isu built enormous Vaults to use as bunkers and hide their technology, with Minerva desperate to keep the Pieces of Eden out of human control. But the Isu ultimately failed and the disaster, which would come to be known as the "Great Catastrophe", wiped out large numbers of humans and Isu. All their solutions to the disaster failed, though some showed promise. Among them was Juno's attempt to make the Isu immortal, for which her husband Aita volunteered himself as a test subject. Aita died in the process but would be repeatedly reincarnated. There was also Yggdrasil, which managed to rescue the consciousnesses of the Æsir, allowing them, too, to be reincarnated.
Ultimately, though, humans were more numerous and more adaptable, allowing them to survive the Catastrophe and rebuild civilization on Earth. Outside of their reincarnation efforts and the holograms remaining in the Vaults, the Isu themselves were completely gone.
We didn't catch up with humanity for tens of thousands more years, until we met Leonidas I of Sparta at the Battle of Thermopylae in the year 480 BC. Leonidas was descended from human-Isu hybrids like Adam and Eve, and his spear was actually a Spear of Eden. Though he and his army of Spartans were defeated at Thermopylae by the Persians, led by Xerxes, he went down in history as a legendary military leader. His granddaughter Kassandra went on to wield his broken spear and unravel some of the lost mysteries of the Isu, including visiting a simulation of Atlantis and defeating their rogue experiments. Kassandra was instrumental in the Peloponnesian War, but also aimed to eradicate the "Cult of Kosmos" responsible for tearing her family apart and manipulating her half-brother Alexios. She eliminated the Cult from the Greek world. Finally, Kassandra met Darius, who invented the Hidden Blade and assassinated Xerxes with it. Eventually, Kassandra more or less retired, taking the Staff of Hermes from her father, the mathematician Pythagoras; it was a powerful Piece of Eden that granted the wielder immortality.
Darius was one of a handful of legendary assassins to operate during ancient times, with others including Iltani and Wei Yu. Iltani was responsible for assassinating Alexander the Great in the year 323 BC, while in 210 BC Wei Yu would dispatch the First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang.
But the Cult of Kosmos eventually returned in another form, the Order of Ancients, in the first century BC. Like the Cult, the Order was now controlling Ancient Rome and Egypt from the shadows. While aiming to get into an Isu Vault in Siwa, Egypt, the Medjay of Siwa, Bayek, and his son Khemu, were brought to them. In the ensuing chaos, Bayek mistakenly took his own son's life. Bayek and his wife Aya would decide to hunt down the Order much like Kassandra did, wanting vengeance for their son so that he could find peace in the afterlife. Throughout this, they eventually allied against the Pharoah Ptolemy XIII with Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. Bayek and Aya led Caesar and Cleopatra into the Tomb of Alexander the Great, which enabled Cesar to get Alexander's staff, a Piece of Eden, and betray them. It was Aya who presented Cleopatra with the venomous snake that would eventually kill her, AND Aya who stabbed Caesar first during the Aides of March. Aya was then metaphorically reborn as the Assassin "Amunet", and she and Bayek created the Hidden Ones, a Brotherhood that would continue to fight the Order of Ancients whenever it reared its head.
A few decades later, in 41 AD, and another legendary assassin, Leonius, took down the notorious Roman Emperor Caligula with a dagger. It was also during the first century AD that the Abrahamic religions began to form, with many key religious figures – including Jesus and Moses – thought to have wielded Pieces of Eden, including a Shroud of Eden and another Staff of Eden.
By the ninth century AD, the Hidden Ones were operating in Baghdad, at the height of the Islamic Golden Age. We don't know much about this yet, as it's going to be covered in "Assassin's Creed Mirage", but it will cover the youth of Basim Ibn Ishaq. During his time in Baghdad, Basim became a Master Assassin, but also learned that he was one of the reincarnated Æsir, whose consciousness was preserved by Yggdrasil. Specifically, he was Loki.
Basim eventually met the Viking Sigurd Styrbjornsson, whom he recognized as another Æsir, the god Tyr, whose hand was bitten off by Loki's child Fenrir. He traveled with Sigurd back to Norway and met Eivor Varinsdottir, Sigurd's adoptive sibling. Sigurd took Eivor, Basim, and his Raven Clan away from Norway, sailing across the North Sea to settle in England in the year 873, where they built Ravensthrope. Sigurd continually disappeared with Basim, leaving Eivor in charge. As well as building the town, Eivor helped Basim's apprentice Hytham as he tracked down the Order of Ancients. The Order was back and now controlling England, and Eivor unmasked the leader as King Alfred the Great. After forming alliances with all of England, Eivor eventually reconciled with Sigurd and the two went back to Norway, where they found what remained of Yggdrasil. Eivor discovered they were the reincarnation of Odin and fought Basim, who tried to trap them in the computer. But Eivor was victorious and it was Basim who was trapped instead. Eivor also crucially traveled to Vinland, North America, for a while, hunting down their rival and Order member Kjotve the Cruel. Kjotve had found an Apple of Eden, and Eivor recovered it, but sensing it wasn't meant for them, and they entrusted it to the Native American tribe in the area, who lived above the Grand Temple of the Isu, the same central temple where Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva once worked. Eivor also crossed paths with Kassandra briefly, who was still operating in the world over 1000 years after we last saw her.
Two hundred years later, and the Hidden Ones and Order of Ancients were operating again, this time in the Middle East. But they weren't called the "Hidden Ones" and the "Order of Ancients" anymore, and much knowledge about the Isu appeared to have been lost. The Hidden Ones had become the Assassin Brotherhood, led by Al Mualim, the Old Man of the Mountain, while the Order of Ancients was the Templar Order. Both factions operated in the Holy Land during the Crusades. The Assassin Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was sent to kill 9 key figures by Al Mualim after he was demoted for failing to recover the Ark of the Covenant from the Templars, which contained an Apple of Eden. Altaïr took out his targets, but questioned the true motivations of Al Mualim. He found Al Mualim had been corrupted by the power of the Apple and fought him, taking the Apple – which revealed the locations of many more Isu Vaults – and becoming the new Mentor of the Assassins. Altaïr also married a former Templar, Maria Thrope. Altaïr and Maria were instrumental in ending Genghis Khan's war, with the assassin Qulan Gal getting involved in Khan's death in 1227 BC. Altaïr eventually returned to Syria and found the Assassins had been taken over by Abbas, Altaïr's long-time rival, in a coup, and Altaïr had to defeat him to get the Brotherhood back on track – though Maria died in the process. Altaïr eventually built a library in Masyaf Castle, sealing himself in the library to pass away.
Onto the fifteenth century and another human-Isu hybrid made waves – Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc was a major military leader during the Hundred Years' War, though she was eventually put on trial for having demonic visions and burned at the stake in 1431. But the secret to Joan of Arc's strength wasn't just her Isu DNA, but that she wielded a Sword of Eden.
In 1459 Ezio Auditore da Firenze was born. Unbeknownst to him, he came from a long line of Assassins, but his noble family was targeted by the Pazzi Conspirators during his youth. His father Giovanni and his two brothers Federico and Petruccio were hanged as part of the conspiracy, which ultimately aimed to depose the Medici family from controlling Renaissance Florence. Ezio donned his father's Assassin robes and got his mother Maria and sister Claudia to safety in the Auditore Villa in Monteriggioni, Tuscany. Ezio was trained for years here by his Uncle Mario, and was introduced to the Sanctuary underneath the villa, a chamber containing statues of the seven legendary assassins we've already mentioned; Darius, Iltani, Wei Yu, Amunet, Leonius, Qulan Gal, and Altaïr, allowing Ezio to learn about them. Ezio traveled across Italy, hunting down the Pazzi Conspirators and making key alliances with figures like Caterina Sforza. Eventually, he ended up tracking Rodrigo Borgia in Venice, a Templar Grand Master who had gained possession of an Apple of Eden.
At roughly the same time, in 1492, over in Spain, the Spanish Assassin Aguilar de Nerha was at work in Granada protecting Prince Ahmed de Granada from the Templars. Ezio briefly visited Spain at this time and was involved with Aguilar's successful attempt to steal an Apple of Eden from Sultan Muhammad XII. Aguilar entrusted this particular Apple to Christopher Columbus for him to hide.
Back in Italy, in 1499 Rodrigo Borgia had become Pope Alexander VI. He had the Apple of Eden and the Papal Staff, needing both to access an Isu vault underneath the Sistine Chapel. Ezio infiltrated St Peter's Basilica to reckon with him, defeating Rodrigo but letting him live. Ezio then explored the Vault himself, finding and communing with a hologram of Minerva. Minerva, however, wasn't talking to Ezio, but providing a message to someone named Desmond 500 years in the future.
Ezio fled St Peter's with the Apple and his Uncle Mario back to Monteriggioni, only to be pursued by Rodrigo's son Cesare, who attacked the Villa and killed Mario, taking the Apple back. Ezio then journeyed to Rome where he met with Niccolò Machiavelli, who helped him put a plan into place to liberate Rome from the Borgias and Templars. Ezio assassinated many key figures and succeeded, eventually chasing Cesare to Navarre and killing him.
In Ezio's later years, in 1511, he traveled to Masyaf Castle wanting to open Altaïr's library but realized he needed a set of Masyaf keys that contained Altaïr's memories. He went to Constantinople to find them, aligning himself with the Ottoman Assassins and meeting Sofia Sartor. He also met famed cartographer Piri Reis and future sultan Suleiman the Magnificent when he was still a prince. Ultimately, Ezio retrieved all the keys, entered the library, and determined that there were things in the world he wasn't meant to know. He returned to Sofia and finally settled down with her, becoming one of the most influential Master Assassins in the history of the Brotherhood.
Throughout the sixteenth century, the famed Assassin Shao Jun was also operating in China. A former concubine of the Emperor, she was rescued and dedicated her life to the Assassin Brotherhood, even traveling to Italy so that she could train under Ezio. Upon returning to China, she took down huge networks of Templars, including the Eight Tigers, to avenge the Chinese Assassins after they were purged in large numbers.
We're now in the eighteenth century, the busiest century by far for the Assassins, with Edward Kenway. Edward was born in Wales in the 1690s, and by the early 1700s, had tired of his life there and left his wife behind to become a privateer in the Caribbean. He then betrayed the Royal Navy to become a pirate. He got involved with the Assassins after getting shipwrecked with turncoat Duncan Walpole, who was about to sell out the Brotherhood to the Templars, who were in the West Indies looking for the Observatory. Edward briefly posed as Walpole before getting found out, finding himself captured and aboard the 1715 Treasure Fleet. The Fleet was lost in a hurricane, but Edward stole his ship, the Jackdaw, and met Adéwalé, who'd be his quartermaster. By happenstance, while trying to protect the pirate haven of Nassau, Edward ended up working alongside the Assassins. Witnessing his pirate friends die one by one, though, he saw the error of his ways and decided to join the Brotherhood properly himself. He also met Bartholomew Roberts, known today as Black Bart, who turned out to be a Sage. The Sages are those reincarnations of Juno's husband Aita, recognizable by their different-colored eyes. Roberts wanted to get into the Observatory himself, which was in northern Jamaica and contained a Crystal Skull that could be used to locate anybody in the world with a sample of their blood. Edward killed Roberts, took the skull, and finished his years-long Templar hunt. Eventually, he returned to England with his daughter, Jennifer, where he became a Master Assassin and fathered another child, Haytham.
Years after Edward left the Caribbean, however, and his old quartermaster Adéwalé, now a skilled Assassin himself, was still there. Adéwalé shipwrecked on Haiti in 1735 and spent the next two years working around Port-au-Prince to help liberate slaves and bring about the Haitian Revolution.
Back in England, Edward was raising Haytham to be an Assassin, only for Haytham to eventually grow disillusioned with the Assassin cause and defect to the Templars. In 1754, he was sent to the American Colonies by the Templars, establishing the Colonial Rite of the Templar Order and leading the Templars in their search for the Grand Temple. He brought Charles Lee into the Order and met a Native American woman named Ziio. After freeing her tribespeople from British forces, Haytham and Ziio slept together, conceiving a child, who would eventually be known as Connor.
Haytham continued to lead the Templars, eventually taking a new recruit under his wing, Shay Cormac. Shay was an Irish-American from New York who, along with his childhood friend Liam O'Brian, joined the Assassin Brotherhood. But while trying to recover a Piece of Eden, Shay inadvertently caused the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake. He defected to the Templars, siding with the British during the Seven Years' War and hunting down the Colonial Brotherhood's leaders. These included Mentor Achilles Davenport. Haytham and Shay tracked Achilles and Liam into the Arctic and another Isu Vault, assassinating Liam. Rather than kill Achilles, Haytham shot him in the leg and permanently injured him, so that he might warn the Brotherhood not to chase the precursor artifacts.
Connor, meanwhile, grew up in the tribe knowing little of his father, but after his village was burned down by colonists including Charles Lee, he was shown the Apple of Eden by the clan leader. She explained that the land the tribe was on was sacred and that it was their duty to keep the Apple safe – the very same Apple that, roughly 900 years previously, had been recovered from Kjotve by Eivor. Juno spoke to Connor through the Apple and showed him the Assassin symbol. Connor left his village in 1769 and journeyed through the Frontier to arrive at the Davenport Homestead, where he met Achilles. Achilles trained Connor for years to become the Assassin who could free America from the Templars. Connor ingratiated himself with various key figures during the American Revolution, like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Samuel Adams, helping the Patriots to fight against the British – still largely controlled by Templars. He eventually traveled to New York and met his father, where they worked together for a while until Connor eventually had to fight and assassinate him. He also recovered an Apple of Eden from George Washington after Washington saw a vision of himself using it to become a tyrannical king.
Much further south and the Assassin Aveline de Grandpré was working in New Orleans at the same time Connor was working in the north – with the two actually teaming up to take down a target at one point. Aveline moonlit as an Assassin, trained by Agaté in the bayou, and eventually traveled to Mexico where she put a stop to a Templar plot to bring slaves there to find an Isu artifact in Chichen Itza. She finally discovered that the Templar she was hunting was her own stepmother, Madeleine, and assassinated her.
Shay Cormac was still operating all this time and, in 1776, went to Paris, where he killed the Assassin Charles Dorian in Versailles. Charles' son Arno was there at the time with his childhood friend Élise de la Serre, and her father François de la Serre took Arno in. But it turned out that the de la Serres were Templars. Arno and Élise fell in love but then her father was killed during a Templar coup. Arno was sent to the Bastille for the crime where he met Assassin Pierre Bellec. They escaped during the Storming of the Bastille in 1789 and Bellec trained Arno to be an Assassin. The French Assassins and Templars had a truce at the time, though Bellec tried to destroy it by murdering the Assassin leader Mirabeau. Arno reunited with Élise, now a Templar, to investigate. Eventually, the two uncovered a conspiracy led by François Thomas-Germain, another Sage of Aita who was trying to take control of the Templars. He found a Sword of Eden but was assassinated by Arno, though Élise died in the battle. Arno then exiled himself to Françiade where he went up against Napoleon, who was trying to find another Apple of Eden . Arno recovered it instead and sent it to Egypt, but Napoleon got his hands on it anyway and used it in his military campaigns.
Decades later, in 1839, and the Assassin Arbaaz Mir was active in Amritsar in India. Britain was STILL being controlled by Templars by this point, and they came to India in search of the Koh-i-Noor, which was another extremely powerful Piece of Eden once wielded by Juno personally. Though the Templars succeeded in assassinating the Maharaja, Arbaaz switches the Koh-i-Noor for a convincing replica and gives the Koh-i-Noor to Ethan Frye, a British Assassin.
Other Assassins were also at work in Britain in the mid-1800s, as in the 1850s, a young acrobat named Pierrette got involved in their ongoing conflict after the mathematician Ada Lovelace confided in her. Lovelace had been forced into making a world-ending weapon called the "Engine of History" for the Templars, and Pierrette and the Assassin Simeon Price spent two decades trying to stop the Templars from building it.
Out in Crawley, Ethan Frye was the father of twins, Evie and Jacob Frye, raising them into the Brotherhood. The Fryes grew up to be capable, if reckless, Assassins, who decided to liberate London from the control of Templar Grand Master Crawford Starrick. They met Indian Assassin Henry Green and made their hideout on a stolen train. Evie went to work tracking down a Shroud of Eden, while Jacob began assassinating all of Starrick's Templar lieutenants. Though they clashed repeatedly, the Frye twins did eventually defeat Starrick, earning the support of Queen Victoria. Evie went with Henry to live in India, where they got married, though decades later, in 1888, she was called back to Britain urgently. Jacob was suspected to be Jack the Ripper, who'd murdered five women in Whitechapel. Evie cleared his name and took down the Ripper, who was actually a rogue Assassin betraying the Brotherhood, covering up the truth.
At the turn of the twentieth century, another famous face got involved with the Assassins: Nikola Tesla, who helped the Assassins to destroy a Templar laboratory in Tunguska, Siberia, causing the 1908 Tunguska Event because the lab contained the volatile Russian Imperial Staff – yet another Staff of Eden. He used an energy weapon to do this.
In 1916, Jacob Frye's granddaughter Lydia Frye was operating as an Assassin in London. She made an alliance with Winston Churchill during the First World War, with London subject to a Zeppelin bombing campaign. The German spies were also working for the Templar Order, so Lydia and Churchill's goals aligned, and she assassinated many high-ranking Templars in war-torn London.
The following year and the Russian Revolution broke out, leaving it up to Assassin Nikolai Orolev to protect Anastasia Romanov. Orolev had previously worked with Tesla on the disastrous attempt to retrieve the Piece of Eden from Tunguska. The Romanovs were not, in fact, executed by the Bolsheviks, but actually by Templars who wanted a Precursor box the family had. Orolev got Anastasia out of Russia where she took on the identity of Anna Anderson.
Ireland was also in turmoil at this time, with the Irish War of Independence breaking out in 1919. We don't know much about how the Assassins were involved, but a teaser for an Abstergo Entertainment game had the title "Hell in Hibernia", implying that the Assassins were involved in the conflict. Similarly, Abstergo also made a game called "Jazz Age Junkies" at one point, seemingly showing that Templars and Assassins were influential during Prohibition in the United States and the rise of organized crime. The enigmatic Templar operative known as the Black Cross, real name Albert Bolden, was also active in the 1920s in Shanghai.
By the late 1930s, the Assassins and Templars were engaged in the Spanish Civil War, with Albert Bolden arriving in Spain and siding with an Assassin cell that had been infiltrated by a member of the Instruments of the First Will. Bolden was going after the real Koh-i-Noor, which had fallen into his possession but then been stolen. The Koh-i-Noor ended up buried in rural Spain where they hoped nobody else would find it. At the same time, in 1937, Abstergo Industries was founded, and the Templars had a new public face.
In 1939, war broke out in Europe when Germany invaded Poland, a war that wouldn't have happened without the Templars manipulating things. All the world leaders across Allied and Axis powers were, in fact, being controlled by Templars, including Hitler who, along with FDR, had his own Apple of Eden. Nazi Germany eventually lost the conflict and surrendered in 1945. Assassins and Templars were even involved in the Vietnam War years later and continued operating throughout the Cold War. A descendant of the Templar Black Cross Albert Bolden, André, actually fought in Vietnam. And the Templars were also involved with the assassination of JFK, not to mention engineering the entire Space Race and Moon Landing so that they could retrieve another Apple of Eden from the lunar surface.
Things started to pick up again with the Assassins and Templars in 2012, when the son of Assassin Mentor William Miles, Desmond, was kidnapped by Abstergo. Desmond had already fled the Assassins, but found himself forced to use a new piece of technology Abstergo had developed: the Animus, enabling him to relive his ancestors' memories, starting with Altaïr in 1191. Eventually, though, Desmond found out that the Abstergo employee who ran the Animus, Lucy Stillman, was actually an Assassin. She broke him out of Abstergo's Rome headquarters where they met up with her Assassin cell, Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane. It was through the Animus that Desmond finally received Minerva's message to him, given to Ezio 500 years previously. By following Ezio's memories, they were able to find in the present day the Isu Vault underneath the Roman Colosseum where an Apple of Eden was contained. But Desmond was controlled by Juno via the Apple and he assassinated Lucy, who was actually a Templar triple-agent all along. He fell into a coma where he met the shattered consciousness of another Animus user captured by Abstergo, Clay Kaczmarek, though he was eventually freed. Desmond then relived Connor's memories, and finally, they were able to access the Grand Temple of the Isu in New York, where Desmond averted a second Great Catastrophe – though he died in the process and freed Juno.
Abstergo managed to get Desmond's body and use his DNA to continue accessing the memories of his ancestors, hiring people to use the Animus to build their in-world video games. With Juno released, however, Aita was back in play by the 2010s, with a new Sage arriving at Abstergo, John Standish. Standish manipulated a new Abstergo employee, aiming to use their body as a host for Juno who existed as a digital consciousness, but his plan failed and he was killed. Following this, another researcher, nicknamed the "Numbskull", helped the Templars restore their computer system by reliving Shay's memories. The Numbskull was later brought into the Order fully, joining Melanie Lemay, Otso Berg, and Violet da Costa in the modern Order. Another Assassin Initiate also infiltrated Abstergo at this time, reliving the memories of Arno Dorian and the Fryes, while Shaun and Rebecca – now without Desmond and Lucy – continued to operate after going undercover in Abstergo themselves.
The modern-day Assassins and Templars continued working and developing their own Animus technology, but there was a major incident at Abstergo's Madrid headquarters that decade. Callum Lynch, whose parents were Assassins, was captured by Abstergo just like Desmond, and forced to relive the memories of Aguilar de Nerha. Eventually, Callum broke out, killed the leader Alan Rikkin, and retrieved the Apple of Eden from where Columbus had hidden it.
A while later, the Assassins and Templars had to put their differences aside once again, because Juno's plans – in place for over 70,000 years – were finally coming to fruition. She had her Instruments of the First Will, a cult dedicated to her, take over a Templar operation, Project Phoenix, to grow her a new body using a recovered Shroud of Eden. Violet da Costa was one of the key double agents also working for the Instruments. By this point, brutal Templar Otso Berg was the next Templar Black Cross, just like Albert Bolden, and he had to team up with the Assassins to stop Juno from getting the Koh-i-Noor. They'd finally tracked it to Spain, but the Instruments got hold of it, taking it to a secret lab in Australia. Juno succeeded in growing herself a new body, but at the last second was assassinated by Charlotte de la Cruz, who had enough Isu DNA to use the Koh-i-Noor to distract her, putting an end to "Assassin's Creed's" main antagonist.
In 2017, Abstergo agent Layla Hassan was going against the company to live the memories of Bayek and Aya, only for Abstergo to turn on her and cause her to defect to the Assassins. Working with them, Layla eventually ventured to Atlantis in Greece, where she met Kassandra, 2500 years later, and Kassandra gave up the Staff of Hermes after all that time. The Staff began to affect Layla, however, causing her to murder one of her closest friends, Victoria Bibeau. With a different Assassin cell, this one including Shaun and Rebecca, Layla found Eivor's grave in Vinland and was able to use her memories to locate the Isu supercomputer Yggdrasil. But this was all part of Basim's plan, as he'd been using the computer to lure Layla in so that he could use the Staff to bring himself back to life – the Staff which also contained the consciousness of Loki's Isu lover, Aletheia. Layla was doomed to an eternity inside the computer, known as "the Gray". It turned out that following his death in 2012, Desmond Miles suffered the same fate, becoming "the Reader". He warned Layla that another disaster was incoming, and the two settled down to work out a solution, while Basim demanded to meet William Miles in person.
It's believed that Basim is planning to resurrect Aletheia and find what remains of his lost children, but you'll have to keep playing to find out what might happen next…
From here on I'm just repeating the same shit.
¦âtxen neppah thgim tahw tuo dnif ot gniyalp peek ot evah llâuoy tub ,nerdlihc tsol sih fo sniamer tahw dnif dna aiehtelA tcerruser ot gninnalp si misaB taht deveileb sâtI
.nosrep ni seliM mailliW teem ot dednamed misaB elihw ,noitulos a tuo krow ot nwod delttes owt eht dna ,gnimocni saw retsasid rehtona taht alyaL denraw eH .âredaeR ehtâ gnimoceb ,etaf emas eht dereffus seliM dnomseD ,2102 ni htaed sih gniwollof taht tuo denrut tI .âyarG ehtâ sa nwonk ,retupmoc eht edisni ytinrete na ot demood saw alyaL .aiehtelA ,revol usI sâikoL fo ssensuoicsnoc eht deniatnoc osla hcihw ffatS eht â efil ot kcab flesmih gnirb ot ffatS eht esu dluoc eh taht os ni alyaL erul ot retupmoc eht gnisu neeb dâeh sa ,nalp sâmisaB fo trap lla saw siht tuB .lisardggY retupmocrepus usI eht etacol ot seiromem reh esu ot elba saw dna dnalniV ni evarg sâroviE dnuof alyaL ,accebeR dna nuahS gnidulcni eno siht ,llec nissassA tnereffid a htiW .uaebiB airotciV ,sdneirf tsesolc reh fo eno redrum ot reh gnisuac ,revewoh ,alyaL tceffa ot nageb ffatS ehT .emit taht lla retfa semreH fo ffatS eht pu evag ardnassaK dna ,retal sraey 0052 ,ardnassaK tem ehs erehw ,eceerG ni sitnaltA ot derutnev yllautneve alyaL ,meht htiw gnikroW .snissassA eht ot tcefed ot reh esuac dna reh no nrut ot ogretsbA rof ylno ,ayA dna keyaB fo seiromem eht evil ot ynapmoc eht tsniaga gniog saw nassaH alyaL tnega ogretsbA ,7102 nI
.tsinogatna niam âsâdeerC sânissassAâ ot dne na gnittup ,reh tcartsid ot rooN-i-hoK eht esu ot AND usI hguone dah ohw ,zurC al ed ettolrahC yb detanissassa saw dnoces tsal eht ta tub ,ydob wen a flesreh gniworg ni dedeeccus onuJ .ailartsuA ni bal terces a ot ti gnikat ,ti fo dloh tog stnemurtsnI eht tub ,niapS ot ti dekcart yllanif dâyehT .rooN-i-hoK eht gnitteg morf onuJ pots ot snissassA eht htiw pu maet ot dah eh dna ,nedloB treblA ekil tsuj ,ssorC kcalB ralpmeT txen eht saw greB ostO ralpmeT laturb ,tniop siht yB .stnemurtsnI eht rof gnikrow osla stnega elbuod yek eht fo eno saw atsoC ad teloiV .nedE fo duorhS derevocer a gnisu ydob wen a reh worg ot ,xineohP tcejorP ,noitarepo ralpmeT a revo ekat ,reh ot detacided tluc a ,lliW tsriF eht fo stnemurtsnI reh dah ehS .noitiurf ot gnimoc yllanif erew â sraey 000,07 revo rof ecalp ni â snalp sâonuJ esuaceb ,niaga ecno edisa secnereffid rieht tup ot dah sralpmeT dna snissassA eht ,retal elihw A
.ti neddih dah submuloC erehw morf nedE fo elppA eht deveirter dna ,nikkiR nalA redael eht dellik ,tuo ekorb mullaC ,yllautnevE .ahreN ed raliugA fo seiromem eht eviler ot decrof dna ,dnomseD ekil tsuj ogretsbA yb derutpac saw ,snissassA erew stnerap esohw ,hcnyL mullaC .edaced taht sretrauqdaeh dirdaM sâogretsbA ta tnedicni rojam a saw ereht tub ,ygolonhcet suminA nwo rieht gnipoleved dna gnikrow deunitnoc sralpmeT dna snissassA yad-nredom ehT
.sevlesmeht ogretsbA ni revocrednu gniog retfa etarepo ot deunitnoc â ycuL dna dnomseD tuohtiw won â accebeR dna nuahS elihw ,seyrF eht dna nairoD onrA fo seiromem eht gniviler ,emit siht ta ogretsbA detartlifni osla etaitinI nissassA rehtonA .redrO nredom eht ni atsoC ad teloiV dna ,greB ostO ,yameL einaleM gninioj ,ylluf redrO eht otni thguorb retal saw lluksbmuN ehT .seiromem sâyahS gniviler yb metsys retupmoc rieht erotser sralpmeT eht depleh ,âlluksbmuNâ eht demankcin ,rehcraeser rehtona ,siht gniwolloF .dellik saw eh dna deliaf nalp sih tub ,ssensuoicsnoc latigid a sa detsixe ohw onuJ rof tsoh a sa ydob rieht esu ot gnimia ,eeyolpme ogretsbA wen a detalupinam hsidnatS .hsidnatS nhoJ ,ogretsbA ta gnivirra egaS wen a htiw ,s0102 eht yb yalp ni kcab saw atiA ,revewoh ,desaeler onuJ htiW .semag oediv dlrow-ni rieht dliub ot suminA eht esu ot elpoep gnirih ,srotsecna sih fo seiromem eht gnissecca eunitnoc ot AND sih esu dna ydob sâdnomseD teg ot deganam ogretsbA
.onuJ deerf dna ssecorp eht ni deid eh hguoht â ehportsataC taerG dnoces a detreva dnomseD erehw ,kroY weN ni usI eht fo elpmeT dnarG eht ssecca ot elba erew yeht ,yllanif dna ,seiromem sâronnoC deviler neht dnomseD .deerf yllautneve saw eh hguoht ,keramzcaK yalC ,ogretsbA yb derutpac resu suminA rehtona fo ssensuoicsnoc derettahs eht tem eh erehw amoc a otni llef eH .gnola lla tnega-elpirt ralpmeT a yllautca saw ohw ,ycuL detanissassa eh dna elppA eht aiv onuJ yb dellortnoc saw dnomseD tuB .deniatnoc saw nedE fo elppA na erehw muessoloC namoR eht htaenrednu tluaV usI eht yad tneserp eht ni dnif ot elba erew yeht ,seiromem sâoizE gniwollof yB .ylsuoiverp sraey 005 oizE ot nevig ,mih ot egassem sâavreniM deviecer yllanif dnomseD taht suminA eht hguorht saw tI .enarC accebeR dna sgnitsaH nuahS ,llec nissassA reh htiw pu tem yeht erehw sretrauqdaeh emoR sâogretsbA fo tuo mih ekorb ehS .nissassA na yllautca saw ,namllitS ycuL ,suminA eht nar ohw eeyolpme ogretsbA eht taht tuo dnuof dnomseD ,hguoht ,yllautnevE .1911 ni r¯ÃatlA htiw gnitrats ,seiromem âsrotsecna sih eviler ot mih gnilbane ,suminA eht :depoleved dah ogretsbA ygolonhcet fo eceip wen a esu ot decrof flesmih dnuof tub ,snissassA eht delf ydaerla dah dnomseD .ogretsbA yb deppandik saw ,dnomseD ,seliM mailliW rotneM nissassA fo nos eht nehw ,2102 ni sralpmeT dna snissassA eht htiw niaga pu kcip ot detrats sgnihT
.ecafrus ranul eht morf nedE fo elppA rehtona eveirter dluoc yeht taht os gnidnaL nooM dna ecaR ecapS eritne eht gnireenigne noitnem ot ton ,KFJ fo noitanissassa eht htiw devlovni osla erew sralpmeT eht dnA .manteiV ni thguof yllautca ,©ÃrdnA ,nedloB treblA ssorC kcalB ralpmeT eht fo tnadnecsed A .raW dloC eht tuohguorht gnitarepo deunitnoc dna retal sraey raW manteiV eht ni devlovni neve erew sralpmeT dna snissassA .5491 ni derednerrus dna tcilfnoc eht tsol yllautneve ynamreG izaN .nedE fo elppA nwo sih dah ,RDF htiw gnola ,ohw reltiH gnidulcni ,sralpmeT yb dellortnoc gnieb ,tcaf ni ,erew srewop sixA dna deillA ssorca sredael dlrow eht llA .sgniht gnitalupinam sralpmeT eht tuohtiw deneppah evah tândluow taht raw a ,dnaloP dedavni ynamreG nehw eporuE ni tuo ekorb raw ,9391 nI
.ecaf cilbup wen a dah sralpmeT eht dna ,dednuof saw seirtsudnI ogretsbA ,7391 ni ,emit emas eht tA .ti dnif dluow esle ydobon depoh yeht erehw niapS larur ni deirub pu dedne rooN-i-hoK ehT .nelots neeb neht tub noissessop sih otni nellaf dah hcihw ,rooN-i-hoK laer eht retfa gniog saw nedloB .lliW tsriF eht fo stnemurtsnI eht fo rebmem a yb detartlifni neeb dah taht llec nissassA na htiw gnidis dna niapS ni gnivirra nedloB treblA htiw ,raW liviC hsinapS eht ni degagne erew sralpmeT dna snissassA eht ,s0391 etal eht yB
.iahgnahS ni s0291 eht ni evitca osla saw ,nedloB treblA eman laer ,ssorC kcalB eht sa nwonk evitarepo ralpmeT citamgine ehT .emirc dezinagro fo esir eht dna setatS detinU eht ni noitibihorP gnirud laitneulfni erew snissassA dna sralpmeT taht gniwohs ylgnimees ,tniop eno ta âseiknuJ egA zzaJâ dellac emag a edam osla ogretsbA ,ylralimiS .tcilfnoc eht ni devlovni erew snissassA eht taht gniylpmi ,âainrebiH ni lleHâ eltit eht dah emag tnemniatretnE ogretsbA na rof resaet a tub ,devlovni erew snissassA eht woh tuoba hcum wonk tânod eW .9191 ni tuo gnikaerb ecnednepednI fo raW hsirI eht htiw ,emit siht ta liomrut ni osla saw dnalerI
.nosrednA annA fo ytitnedi eht no koot ehs erehw aissuR fo tuo aisatsanA tog velorO .dah ylimaf eht xob rosrucerP a detnaw ohw sralpmeT yb yllautca tub ,skivehsloB eht yb detucexe ,tcaf ni ,ton erew svonamoR ehT .aksugnuT morf nedE fo eceiP eht eveirter ot tpmetta suortsasid eht no alseT htiw dekrow ylsuoiverp dah velorO .vonamoR aisatsanA tcetorp ot velorO ialokiN nissassA ot pu ti gnivael ,tuo ekorb noituloveR naissuR eht dna raey gniwollof ehT
.nodnoL nrot-raw ni sralpmeT gniknar-hgih ynam detanissassa ehs dna ,dengila slaog sâllihcruhC dna aidyL os ,redrO ralpmeT eht rof gnikrow osla erew seips namreG ehT .ngiapmac gnibmob nileppeZ a ot tcejbus nodnoL htiw ,raW dlroW tsriF eht gnirud llihcruhC notsniW htiw ecnailla na edam ehS .nodnoL ni nissassA na sa gnitarepo saw eyrF aidyL rethguaddnarg sâeyrF bocaJ ,6191 nI
.siht od ot nopaew ygrene na desu eH .nedE fo ffatS rehtona tey â ffatS lairepmI naissuR elitalov eht deniatnoc bal eht esuaceb tnevE aksugnuT 8091 eht gnisuac ,airebiS ,aksugnuT ni yrotarobal ralpmeT a yortsed ot snissassA eht depleh ohw ,alseT alokiN :snissassA eht htiw devlovni tog ecaf suomaf rehtona ,yrutnec hteitnewt eht fo nrut eht tA
.hturt eht pu gnirevoc ,doohrehtorB eht gniyarteb nissassA eugor a yllautca saw ohw ,reppiR eht nwod koot dna eman sih deraelc eivE .lepahcetihW ni nemow evif deredrum dâohw ,reppiR eht kcaJ eb ot detcepsus saw bocaJ .yltnegru niatirB ot kcab dellac saw ehs ,8881 ni ,retal sedaced hguoht ,deirram tog yeht erehw ,aidnI ni evil ot yrneH htiw tnew eivE .airotciV neeuQ fo troppus eht gninrae ,kcirratS taefed yllautneve did sniwt eyrF eht ,yldetaeper dehsalc yeht hguohT .stnanetueil ralpmeT sâkcirratS fo lla gnitanissassa nageb bocaJ elihw ,nedE fo duorhS a nwod gnikcart krow ot tnew eivE .niart nelots a no tuoedih rieht edam dna neerG yrneH nissassA naidnI tem yehT .kcirratS drofwarC retsaM dnarG ralpmeT fo lortnoc eht morf nodnoL etarebil ot dediced ohw ,snissassA ,sselkcer fi ,elbapac eb ot pu werg seyrF ehT .doohrehtorB eht otni meht gnisiar ,eyrF bocaJ dna eivE ,sniwt fo rehtaf eht saw eyrF nahtE ,yelwarC ni tuO
.ti gnidliub morf sralpmeT eht pots ot gniyrt sedaced owt tneps ecirP noemiS nissassA eht dna etterreiP dna ,sralpmeT eht rof âyrotsiH fo enignEâ eht dellac nopaew gnidne-dlrow a gnikam otni decrof neeb dah ecalevoL .reh ni dedifnoc ecalevoL adA naicitamehtam eht retfa tcilfnoc gniogno rieht ni devlovni tog etterreiP deman taborca gnuoy a ,s0581 eht ni sa ,s0081-dim eht ni niatirB ni krow ta osla erew snissassA rehtO
.nissassA hsitirB a ,eyrF nahtE ot rooN-i-hoK eht sevig dna acilper gnicnivnoc a rof rooN-i-hoK eht sehctiws zaabrA ,ajarahaM eht gnitanissassa ni dedeeccus sralpmeT eht hguohT .yllanosrep onuJ yb dedleiw ecno nedE fo eceiP lufrewop ylemertxe rehtona saw hcihw ,rooN-i-hoK eht fo hcraes ni aidnI ot emac yeht dna ,tniop siht yb sralpmeT yb dellortnoc gnieb LLITS saw niatirB .aidnI ni rastirmA ni evitca saw riM zaabrA nissassA eht dna ,9381 ni ,retal sedaceD
.sngiapmac yratilim sih ni ti desu dna yawyna ti no sdnah sih tog noelopaN tub ,tpygE ot ti tnes dna daetsni ti derevocer onrA . nedE fo elppA rehtona dnif ot gniyrt saw ohw ,noelopaN tsniaga pu tnew eh erehw edai§ÃnarF ot flesmih delixe neht onrA .elttab eht ni deid esilà hguoht ,onrA yb detanissassa saw tub nedE fo drowS a dnuof eH .sralpmeT eht fo lortnoc ekat ot gniyrt saw ohw atiA fo egaS rehtona ,niamreG-samohT sio§ÃnarF yb del ycaripsnoc a derevocnu owt eht ,yllautnevE .etagitsevni ot ,ralpmeT a won ,esilà htiw detinuer onrA .uaebariM redael nissassA eht gniredrum yb ti yortsed ot deirt celleB hguoht ,emit eht ta ecurt a dah sralpmeT dna snissassA hcnerF ehT .nissassA na eb ot onrA deniart celleB dna 9871 ni ellitsaB eht fo gnimrotS eht gnirud depacse yehT .celleB erreiP nissassA tem eh erehw emirc eht rof ellitsaB eht ot tnes saw onrA .puoc ralpmeT a gnirud dellik saw rehtaf reh neht tub evol ni llef esilà dna onrA .sralpmeT erew serreS al ed eht taht tuo denrut ti tuB .ni onrA koot erreS al ed sio§ÃnarF rehtaf reh dna ,erreS al ed esilà dneirf doohdlihc sih htiw emit eht ta ereht saw onrA nos âselrahC .selliasreV ni nairoD selrahC nissassA eht dellik eh erehw ,siraP ot tnew ,6771 ni ,dna emit siht lla gnitarepo llits saw camroC yahS
.reh detanissassa dna ,enieledaM ,rehtompets nwo reh saw gnitnuh saw ehs ralpmeT eht taht derevocsid yllanif ehS .aztI nehcihC ni tcafitra usI na dnif ot ereht sevals gnirb ot tolp ralpmeT a ot pots a tup ehs erehw ocixeM ot delevart yllautneve dna ,uoyab eht ni ©ÃtagA yb deniart ,nissassA na sa tilnoom enilevA .tniop eno ta tegrat a nwod ekat ot pu gnimaet yllautca owt eht htiw â htron eht ni gnikrow saw ronnoC emit emas eht ta snaelrO weN ni gnikrow saw ©ÃrpdnarG ed enilevA nissassA eht dna htuos rehtruf hcuM
.gnik lacinnaryt a emoceb ot ti gnisu flesmih fo noisiv a was notgnihsaW retfa notgnihsaW egroeG morf nedE fo elppA na derevocer osla eH .mih etanissassa dna thgif ot dah yllautneve ronnoC litnu elihw a rof rehtegot dekrow yeht erehw ,rehtaf sih tem dna kroY weN ot delevart yllautneve eH .sralpmeT yb dellortnoc ylegral llits â hsitirB eht tsniaga thgif ot stoirtaP eht gnipleh ,smadA leumaS dna ,nilknarF nimajneB ,notgnihsaW egroeG ekil ,noituloveR naciremA eht gnirud serugif yek suoirav htiw flesmih detaitargni ronnoC .sralpmeT eht morf aciremA eerf dluoc ohw nissassA eht emoceb ot sraey rof ronnoC deniart sellihcA .sellihcA tem eh erehw ,daetsemoH tropnevaD eht ta evirra ot reitnorF eht hguorht deyenruoj dna 9671 ni egalliv sih tfel ronnoC .lobmys nissassA eht mih dewohs dna elppA eht hguorht ronnoC ot ekops onuJ .roviE yb evtojK morf derevocer neeb dah ,ylsuoiverp sraey 009 ylhguor ,taht elppA emas yrev eht â efas elppA eht peek ot ytud rieht saw ti taht dna dercas saw no saw ebirt eht dnal eht taht denialpxe ehS .redael nalc eht yb nedE fo elppA eht nwohs saw eh ,eeL selrahC gnidulcni stsinoloc yb nwod denrub saw egalliv sih retfa tub ,rehtaf sih fo elttil gniwonk ebirt eht ni pu werg ,elihwnaem ,ronnoC
.stcafitra rosrucerp eht esahc ot ton doohrehtorB eht nraw thgim eh taht os ,mih derujni yltnenamrep dna gel eht ni mih tohs mahtyaH ,sellihcA llik naht rehtaR .maiL gnitanissassa ,tluaV usI rehtona dna citcrA eht otni maiL dna sellihcA dekcart yahS dna mahtyaH .tropnevaD sellihcA rotneM dedulcni esehT .sredael sâdoohrehtorB lainoloC eht nwod gnitnuh dna raW âsraeY neveS eht gnirud hsitirB eht htiw gnidis ,sralpmeT eht ot detcefed eH .ekauqhtraE nobsiL 5571 eht desuac yltnetrevdani yahS ,nedE fo eceiP a revocer ot gniyrt elihw tuB .doohrehtorB nissassA eht denioj ,nairBâO maiL dneirf doohdlihc sih htiw gnola ,ohw kroY weN morf naciremA-hsirI na saw yahS .camroC yahS ,gniw sih rednu tiurcer wen a gnikat yllautneve ,sralpmeT eht dael ot deunitnoc mahtyaH
.ronnoC sa nwonk eb yllautneve dluow ohw ,dlihc a gniviecnoc ,rehtegot tpels oiiZ dna mahtyaH ,secrof hsitirB morf elpoepsebirt reh gnieerf retfA .oiiZ deman namow naciremA evitaN a tem dna redrO eht otni eeL selrahC thguorb eH .elpmeT dnarG eht rof hcraes rieht ni sralpmeT eht gnidael dna redrO ralpmeT eht fo etiR lainoloC eht gnihsilbatse ,sralpmeT eht yb seinoloC naciremA eht ot tnes saw eh ,4571 nI .sralpmeT eht ot tcefed dna esuac nissassA eht htiw denoisullisid worg yllautneve ot mahtyaH rof ylno ,nissassA na eb ot mahtyaH gnisiar saw drawdE ,dnalgnE ni kcaB
.noituloveR naitiaH eht tuoba gnirb dna sevals etarebil pleh ot ecnirP-ua-troP dnuora gnikrow sraey owt txen eht tneps dna 5371 ni itiaH no dekcerwpihs ©Ãlaw©ÃdA .ereht llits saw ,flesmih nissassA delliks a won ,©Ãlaw©ÃdA retsamretrauq dlo sih dna ,revewoh ,naebbiraC eht tfel drawdE retfa sraeY
.mahtyaH ,dlihc rehtona derehtaf dna nissassA retsaM a emaceb eh erehw ,refinneJ ,rethguad sih htiw dnalgnE ot denruter eh ,yllautnevE .tnuh ralpmeT gnol-sraey sih dehsinif dna ,lluks eht koot ,streboR dellik drawdE .doolb rieht fo elpmas a htiw dlrow eht ni ydobyna etacol ot desu eb dluoc taht llukS latsyrC a deniatnoc dna aciamaJ nrehtron ni saw hcihw ,flesmih yrotavresbO eht otni teg ot detnaw streboR .seye deroloc-tnereffid rieht yb elbazingocer ,atiA dnabsuh sâonuJ fo snoitanracnier esoht era segaS ehT .egaS a eb ot tuo denrut ohw ,traB kcalB sa yadot nwonk ,streboR wemolohtraB tem osla eH .flesmih ylreporp doohrehtorB eht nioj ot dediced dna syaw sih fo rorre eht was eh ,hguoht ,eno yb eno eid sdneirf etarip sih gnissentiW .snissassA eht edisgnola gnikrow pu dedne drawdE ,uassaN fo nevah etarip eht tcetorp ot gniyrt elihw ,ecnatsneppah yB .retsamretrauq sih eb dâohw ,©Ãlaw©ÃdA tem dna ,wadkcaJ eht ,pihs sih elots drawdE tub ,enacirruh a ni tsol saw teelF ehT .teelF erusaerT 5171 eht draoba dna derutpac flesmih gnidnif ,tuo dnuof gnitteg erofeb eloplaW sa desop ylfeirb drawdE .yrotavresbO eht rof gnikool seidnI tseW eht ni erew ohw ,sralpmeT eht ot doohrehtorB eht tuo lles ot tuoba saw ohw ,eloplaW nacnuD taocnrut htiw dekcerwpihs gnitteg retfa snissassA eht htiw devlovni tog eH .etarip a emoceb ot yvaN layoR eht deyarteb neht eH .naebbiraC eht ni reetavirp a emoceb ot dniheb efiw sih tfel dna ereht efil sih fo derit dah ,s0071 ylrae eht yb dna ,s0961 eht ni selaW ni nrob saw drawdE .yawneK drawdE htiw ,snissassA eht rof raf yb yrutnec tseisub eht ,yrutnec htneethgie eht ni won erâeW
.srebmun egral ni degrup erew yeht retfa snissassA esenihC eht egneva ot ,sregiT thgiE eht gnidulcni ,sralpmeT fo skrowten eguh nwod koot ehs ,anihC ot gninruter nopU .oizE rednu niart dluoc ehs taht os ylatI ot gnilevart neve ,doohrehtorB nissassA eht ot efil reh detacided dna deucser saw ehs ,rorepmE eht fo enibucnoc remrof A .anihC ni gnitarepo osla saw nuJ oahS nissassA demaf eht ,yrutnec htneetxis eht tuohguorhT
.doohrehtorB eht fo yrotsih eht ni snissassA retsaM laitneulfni tsom eht fo eno gnimoceb ,reh htiw nwod delttes yllanif dna aifoS ot denruter eH .wonk ot tnaem tânsaw eh dlrow eht ni sgniht erew ereht taht denimreted dna ,yrarbil eht deretne ,syek eht lla deveirter oizE ,yletamitlU .ecnirp a llits saw eh nehw tnecifingaM eht namieluS natlus erutuf dna sieR iriP rehpargotrac demaf tem osla eH .rotraS aifoS gniteem dna snissassA namottO eht htiw flesmih gningila ,meht dnif ot elponitnatsnoC ot tnew eH .seiromem sâr¯ÃatlA deniatnoc taht syek faysaM fo tes a dedeen eh dezilaer tub yrarbil sâr¯ÃatlA nepo ot gnitnaw eltsaC faysaM ot delevart eh ,1151 ni ,sraey retal sâoizE nI
.mih gnillik dna erravaN ot eraseC gnisahc yllautneve ,dedeeccus dna serugif yek ynam detanissassa oizE .sralpmeT dna saigroB eht morf emoR etarebil ot ecalp otni nalp a tup mih depleh ohw ,illevaihcaM ²ÃlocciN htiw tem eh erehw emoR ot deyenruoj neht oizE .kcab elppA eht gnikat ,oiraM dellik dna alliV eht dekcatta ohw ,eraseC nos sâogirdoR yb deusrup eb ot ylno ,inoiggiretnoM ot kcab oiraM elcnU sih dna elppA eht htiw sâreteP tS delf oizE
.erutuf eht ni sraey 005 dnomseD deman enoemos ot egassem a gnidivorp tub ,oizE ot gniklat tânsaw ,revewoh ,avreniM .avreniM fo margoloh a htiw gninummoc dna gnidnif ,flesmih tluaV eht derolpxe neht oizE .evil mih gnittel tub ogirdoR gnitaefed ,mih htiw nokcer ot acilisaB sâreteP tS detartlifni oizE .lepahC enitsiS eht htaenrednu tluav usI na ssecca ot htob gnideen ,ffatS lapaP eht dna nedE fo elppA eht dah eH .IV rednaxelA epoP emoceb dah aigroB ogirdoR 9941 ni ,ylatI ni kcaB
.edih ot mih rof submuloC rehpotsirhC ot elppA ralucitrap siht detsurtne raliugA .IIX dammahuM natluS morf nedE fo elppA na laets ot tpmetta lufsseccus sâraliugA htiw devlovni saw dna emit siht ta niapS detisiv ylfeirb oizE .sralpmeT eht morf adanarG ed demhA ecnirP gnitcetorp adanarG ni krow ta saw ahreN ed raliugA nissassA hsinapS eht ,niapS ni revo ,2941 ni ,emit emas eht ylhguor tA
.nedE fo elppA na fo noissessop deniag dah ohw retsaM dnarG ralpmeT a ,ecineV ni aigroB ogirdoR gnikcart pu dedne eh ,yllautnevE .azrofS aniretaC ekil serugif htiw secnailla yek gnikam dna srotaripsnoC izzaP eht nwod gnitnuh ,ylatI ssorca delevart oizE .meht tuoba nrael ot oizE gniwolla ,r¯ÃatlA dna ,laG naluQ ,suinoeL ,tenumA ,uY ieW ,inatlI ,suiraD ;denoitnem ydaerla evâew snissassa yradnegel neves eht fo seutats gniniatnoc rebmahc a ,alliv eht htaenrednu yrautcnaS eht ot decudortni saw dna ,oiraM elcnU sih yb ereh sraey rof deniart saw oizE .ynacsuT ,inoiggiretnoM ni alliV erotiduA eht ni ytefas ot aidualC retsis dna airaM rehtom sih tog dna sebor nissassA sârehtaf sih dennod oizE .ecnerolF ecnassianeR gnillortnoc morf ylimaf icideM eht esoped ot demia yletamitlu hcihw ,ycaripsnoc eht fo trap sa degnah erew oiccurteP dna ociredeF srehtorb owt sih dna innavoiG rehtaf siH .htuoy sih gnirud srotaripsnoC izzaP eht yb detegrat saw ylimaf elbon sih tub ,snissassA fo enil gnol a morf emac eh ,mih ot tsnwonkebnU .nrob saw ezneriF ad erotiduA oizE 9541 nI
.nedE fo drowS a dedleiw ehs taht tub ,AND usI reh tsuj tânsaw htgnerts sâcrA fo naoJ ot terces eht tuB .1341 ni ekats eht ta denrub dna snoisiv cinomed gnivah rof lairt no tup yllautneve saw ehs hguoht ,raW âsraeY derdnuH eht gnirud redael yratilim rojam a saw crA fo naoJ .crA fo naoJ â sevaw edam dirbyh usI-namuh rehtona dna yrutnec htneetfif eht otnO
.yawa ssap ot yrarbil eht ni flesmih gnilaes ,eltsaC faysaM ni yrarbil a tliub yllautneve r¯ÃatlA .ssecorp eht ni deid airaM hguoht â kcart no kcab doohrehtorB eht teg ot mih taefed ot dah r¯ÃatlA dna ,puoc a ni ,lavir emit-gnol sâr¯ÃatlA ,sabbA yb revo nekat neeb dah snissassA eht dnuof dna airyS ot denruter yllautneve r¯ÃatlA .CB 7221 ni htaed sânahK ni devlovni gnitteg laG naluQ nissassa eht htiw ,raw sânahK sihgneG gnidne ni latnemurtsni erew airaM dna r¯ÃatlA .eporhT airaM ,ralpmeT remrof a deirram osla r¯ÃatlA .snissassA eht fo rotneM wen eht gnimoceb dna â stluaV usI erom ynam fo snoitacol eht delaever hcihw â elppA eht gnikat ,mih thguof dna elppA eht fo rewop eht yb detpurroc neeb dah milauM lA dnuof eH .milauM lA fo snoitavitom eurt eht denoitseuq tub ,stegrat sih tuo koot r¯ÃatlA .nedE fo elppA na deniatnoc hcihw ,sralpmeT eht morf tnanevoC eht fo krA eht revocer ot gniliaf rof detomed saw eh retfa milauM lA yb serugif yek 9 llik ot tnes saw dahAâaL-nbI r¯ÃatlA nissassA ehT .sedasurC eht gnirud dnaL yloH eht ni detarepo snoitcaf htoB .redrO ralpmeT eht saw stneicnA fo redrO eht elihw ,niatnuoM eht fo naM dlO eht ,milauM lA yb del ,doohrehtorB nissassA eht emoceb dah senO neddiH ehT .tsol neeb evah ot deraeppa usI eht tuoba egdelwonk hcum dna ,eromyna âstneicnA fo redrOâ eht dna âsenO neddiHâ eht dellac tânerew yeht tuB .tsaE elddiM eht ni emit siht ,niaga gnitarepo erew stneicnA fo redrO dna senO neddiH eht dna ,retal sraey derdnuh owT
.reh was tsal ew retfa sraey 0001 revo dlrow eht ni gnitarepo llits saw ohw ,ylfeirb ardnassaK htiw shtap dessorc osla roviE .dekrow ecno avreniM dna ,onuJ ,retipuJ erehw elpmet lartnec emas eht ,usI eht fo elpmeT dnarG eht evoba devil ohw ,aera eht ni ebirt naciremA evitaN eht ot ti detsurtne yeht dna ,meht rof tnaem tânsaw ti gnisnes tub ,ti derevocer roviE dna ,nedE fo elppA na dnuof dah evtojK .leurC eht evtojK rebmem redrO dna lavir rieht nwod gnitnuh ,elihw a rof ,aciremA htroN ,dnalniV ot delevart yllaicurc osla roviE .daetsni deppart saw ohw misaB saw ti dna suoirotciv saw roviE tuB .retupmoc eht ni meht part ot deirt ohw ,misaB thguof dna nidO fo noitanracnier eht erew yeht derevocsid roviE .lisardggY fo deniamer tahw dnuof yeht erehw ,yawroN ot kcab tnew owt eht dna drugiS htiw delicnocer yllautneve roviE ,dnalgnE fo lla htiw secnailla gnimrof retfA .taerG eht derflA gniK sa redael eht deksamnu roviE dna ,dnalgnE gnillortnoc won dna kcab saw redrO ehT .stneicnA fo redrO eht nwod dekcart eh sa mahtyH ecitnerppa sâmisaB depleh roviE ,nwot eht gnidliub sa llew sA .egrahc ni roviE gnivael ,misaB htiw deraeppasid yllaunitnoc drugiS .eporhtsnevaR tliub yeht erehw ,378 raey eht ni dnalgnE ni elttes ot aeS htroN eht ssorca gnilias ,yawroN morf yawa nalC nevaR sih dna ,misaB ,roviE koot drugiS .gnilbis evitpoda sâdrugiS ,rittodsniraV roviE tem dna yawroN ot kcab drugiS htiw delevart eH .rirneF dlihc sâikoL yb ffo nettib saw dnah esohw ,ryT dog eht ,risà rehtona sa dezingocer eh mohw ,nossnrojbrytS drugiS gnikiV eht tem yllautneve misaB
.ikoL saw eh ,yllacificepS .lisardggY yb devreserp saw ssensuoicsnoc esohw ,risà detanracnier eht fo eno saw eh taht denrael osla tub ,nissassA retsaM a emaceb misaB ,dadhgaB ni emit sih gniruD .qahsI nbI misaB fo htuoy eht revoc lliw ti tub ,âegariM deerC sânissassAâ ni derevoc eb ot gniog sâti sa ,tey siht tuoba hcum wonk tânod eW .egA nedloG cimalsI eht fo thgieh eht ta ,dadhgaB ni gnitarepo erew senO neddiH eht ,DA yrutnec htnin eht yB
.nedE fo ffatS rehtona dna nedE fo duorhS a gnidulcni ,nedE fo seceiP dedleiw evah ot thguoht â sesoM dna suseJ gnidulcni â serugif suoigiler yek ynam htiw ,mrof ot nageb snoigiler cimaharbA eht taht DA yrutnec tsrif eht gnirud osla saw tI .reggad a htiw alugilaC rorepmE namoR suoiroton eht nwod koot ,suinoeL ,nissassa yradnegel rehtona dna ,DA 14 ni ,retal sedaced wef A
.daeh sti deraer ti revenehw stneicnA fo redrO eht thgif ot eunitnoc dluow taht doohrehtorB a ,senO neddiH eht detaerc keyaB dna ehs dna ,âtenumAâ nissassA eht sa nrober yllacirohpatem neht saw ayA .hcraM fo sediA eht gnirud tsrif raseaC debbats ohw ayA DNA ,reh llik yllautneve dluow taht ekans suomonev eht htiw artapoelC detneserp ohw ayA saw tI .meht yarteb dna ,nedE fo eceiP a ,ffats sârednaxelA teg ot raseC delbane hcihw ,taerG eht rednaxelA fo bmoT eht otni artapoelC dna raseaC del ayA dna keyaB .raseaC suiluJ dna artapoelC htiw IIIX ymelotP haorahP eht tsniaga deilla yllautneve yeht ,siht tuohguorhT .efilretfa eht ni ecaep dnif dluoc eh taht os nos rieht rof ecnaegnev gnitnaw ,did ardnassaK ekil hcum redrO eht nwod tnuh ot ediced dluow ayA efiw sih dna keyaB .efil sânos nwo sih koot ylnekatsim keyaB ,soahc gniusne eht nI .meht ot thguorb erew ,umehK nos sih dna ,keyaB ,awiS fo yajdeM eht ,tpygE ,awiS ni tluaV usI na otni teg ot gnimia elihW .swodahs eht morf tpygE dna emoR tneicnA gnillortnoc won saw redrO eht ,tluC eht ekiL .CB yrutnec tsrif eht ni ,stneicnA fo redrO eht ,mrof rehtona ni denruter yllautneve somsoK fo tluC eht tuB
.gnauH ihS niQ ,anihC fo rorepmE tsriF eht hctapsid dluow uY ieW CB 012 ni elihw ,CB 323 raey eht ni taerG eht rednaxelA gnitanissassa rof elbisnopser saw inatlI .uY ieW dna inatlI gnidulcni srehto htiw ,semit tneicna gnirud etarepo ot snissassa yradnegel fo lufdnah a fo eno saw suiraD
.ytilatrommi redleiw eht detnarg taht nedE fo eceiP lufrewop a saw ti ;sarogahtyP naicitamehtam eht ,rehtaf reh morf semreH fo ffatS eht gnikat ,deriter ssel ro erom ardnassaK ,yllautnevE .ti htiw sexreX detanissassa dna edalB neddiH eht detnevni ohw ,suiraD tem ardnassaK ,yllaniF .dlrow keerG eht morf tluC eht detanimile ehS .soixelA rehtorb-flah reh gnitalupinam dna trapa ylimaf reh gniraet rof elbisnopser âsomsoK fo tluCâ eht etacidare ot demia osla tub ,raW naisennopoleP eht ni latnemurtsni saw ardnassaK .stnemirepxe eugor rieht gnitaefed dna sitnaltA fo noitalumis a gnitisiv gnidulcni ,usI eht fo seiretsym tsol eht fo emos levarnu dna raeps nekorb sih dleiw ot no tnew ardnassaK rethguaddnarg siH .redael yratilim yradnegel a sa yrotsih ni nwod tnew eh ,sexreX yb del ,snaisreP eht yb ealypomrehT ta detaefed erew snatrapS fo ymra sih dna eh hguohT .nedE fo raepS a yllautca saw raeps sih dna ,evE dna madA ekil sdirbyh usI-namuh morf dednecsed saw sadinoeL .CB 084 raey eht ni ealypomrehT fo elttaB eht ta atrapS fo I sadinoeL tem ew litnu ,sraey erom sdnasuoht fo snet rof ytinamuh htiw pu hctac tândid eW
.enog yletelpmoc erew sevlesmeht usI eht ,stluaV eht ni gniniamer smargoloh eht dna stroffe noitanracnier rieht fo edistuO .htraE no noitazilivic dliuber dna ehportsataC eht evivrus ot meht gniwolla ,elbatpada erom dna suoremun erom erew snamuh ,hguoht ,yletamitlU
.detanracnier eb ot ,oot ,meht gniwolla ,risà eht fo sessensuoicsnoc eht eucser ot deganam hcihw ,lisardggY osla saw erehT .detanracnier yldetaeper eb dluow tub ssecorp eht ni deid atiA .tcejbus tset a sa flesmih dereetnulov atiA dnabsuh reh hcihw rof ,latrommi usI eht ekam ot tpmetta sâonuJ saw meht gnomA .esimorp dewohs emos hguoht ,deliaf retsasid eht ot snoitulos rieht llA .usI dna snamuh fo srebmun egral tuo depiw ,âehportsataC taerGâ eht sa nwonk eb ot emoc dluow hcihw ,retsasid eht dna deliaf yletamitlu usI eht tuB .lortnoc namuh fo tuo nedE fo seceiP eht peek ot etarepsed avreniM htiw ,ygolonhcet rieht edih dna sreknub sa esu ot stluaV suomrone tliub usI ehT .retsasid eht htiw deipuccoerp tub ,snamuh eht ot citehtapmys erom saw ,elihwnaem ,avreniM .reh fo tnorf ni namuh a yb deredrum saw ,nrutaS ,rehtaf reh nehw deifirroh saw ehS .roirefni sa meht gniweiv ,snamuh desipsed onuJ .avreniM dna ,onuJ ,retipuJ fo pu edam saw dairt sihT .noitcnitxe morf seiceps htob evas ot krow ot nageb â âdairT enilotipaCâ eht sa nwonk â eerht fo puorg a dna ,eralf ralos suomrone na ,yaw eht no saw msylcatac a taht denrael yehT .devlovni yltcerid erew usI lla ton hguoht ,egar ot deunitnoc raW usI-namuH ehT
.snoitalumis peed gniniatnoc dna erutuf eht gnitciderp yletarucca fo elbapac ,retupmocrepus xelpmoc a sâti ,âdeerC sânissassAâ nI .noehtnap esroN eht ot laicurc ,eert dlrow tnatropmi-lla eht si lisardggY ,htym nI .lisardggY tliub osla tub ,llew sa sretsnom suomaf ynam delttab ,risà eht sa nwonk ,dnah rehto eht no ,usI esroN ehT .flesreh asudeM neve ro ,htnirybal usI na ni neddih ruatoniM eht ekil ,eceerG tneicnA gnimaor sretsnom suomaf eht emaceb yllautneve stnemirepxe rieht ,usI keerG eht fO .seitied esroN dna ,keerG ,namoR eht emaceb yllautneve usI fo spuorg tnereffid elihw ,snoigiler cimaharbA eht fo trap rojam a ,esruoc fo ,era nedE fo elppA eht dna evE dna madA .sdog lufrewop eseht derebmemer ylmid ylno ytinamuh sa ,seigolohtym dna snoigiler htraE fo sisab eht mrof ot no og yllautneve dluow taht ,rehto hcae htiw yldneirf lla ton ,sehcnarb tnereffid ynam dah usI ehT
.noitaercorp seiceps-retni fo tluser eht ,sdirbyh usI-namuh htob erew yeht esuaceb lortnoc dnim sânedE fo elppA eht kaerb ot elba erew evE dna madA .oot ,seitic usI sa delaever eb yllautneve dluow dragsA dna sitnaltA .ytic usI ,tsav a ,tcaf ni ,saw hcihw â nedE fo nedraG eht morf elppA eht elots ohw ,evE dna madA yb del saw sihT .seiceps htob neewteb tuo ekorb raw ,yllautneve ,litnu meht etalupinam ot deunitnoc neht dna sevals rieht eb ot snamuh detaerc usI ehT .sgnieb namuh lortnoc dnim ot usI eht yb desu ecived a ,nedE fo elppA eht saw nedE fo eceiP nwonk-llew tsom ehT .ânedE fo seceiPâ dellac stegdag dna snopaew decnavda gnitaerc rof elbaton â ânoitaziliviC tsriFâ eht debbud â yteicos decnavda ,tsav a erew usI ehT .are usI eht gnirud ,CB 000,57 dnuora ,oga ainnellim strats âCAâ fo yrots ehT