Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Movements within the shadows
Damien, with his characteristic swagger, strode into the room, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Palmer," he announced, "we're going on a little trip."
Sarah's head snapped up, alarm bells ringing in her ears. "A trip? Where?"
Damien smirked, enjoying her apprehension. " Relax darling. Don't worry, just going to have some fun."
"Fun?" Sarah scoffed. "The last time you had 'fun', the yard was bathed in the blood of people you had pissed off."
Damien rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, Sarah, don't be such a stick in the mud. A little adventure never hurts anyone."
"Adventure?" Sarah's voice rose. "Damien, your idea of adventure usually involves illegal auctions, shady deals, and life-threatening situations!"
"I'll go with him, Sarah."
Sarah's gaze snapped towards him, her eyes wide with concern. "Palmer, no. You don't have to put up with—"
"I'm worried for his safety," Palmer insisted, his voice gentle but firm. "And perhaps," he added, a subtle glint in his scarlet eyes, "it's an opportunity."
Sarah frowned, not understanding.
Palmer continued, "Master Damien has been keeping his plans close to his chest. If I accompany him, I might be able to glean more information about his true intentions."
Sarah considered this. She knew Palmer was right. Damien was like a shadow, always lurking, always scheming. Having Palmer by his side might be the only way to keep him in check and maybe uncover his true motives.
"Fine," she conceded, though her voice was laced with worry. "But be careful, Palmer. And Damien," she added, her gaze hardening, "don't you dare do anything stupid while having 'fun'."
Damien, already halfway out the door, merely waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry, sis. We'll be fine."
Sarah stood at the window, watching as Palmer and Damien disappeared down the driveway in a sleek black car. She sighed heavily. It's like she knew this "trip" was likely to be anything but ordinary. But she also trusted Palmer to protect Damien, and perhaps, to uncover the truth behind her brother's reckless actions."Please, come back safe," she whispered.
" Off they go." a young tall slim guy, dark silky hair and slender eyes stood beside her as she watched the car disappear into the distance. His name is Valen and he's the second in command to Palmer. "Shall I put the estate on lockdown in case something like last night happens?" He asked as he looked at Sarah intently into her eyes.
Completely forgetting about what was in her mind as she was completely mesmerized by his beautiful iris. "He's charming," she thought. "No one spoke much about him, so I don't know much about him. I wonder if he's just like Palmer."
"Lady Sarah, are you listening?" He snapped her out of her dreamland.
"Ah, I'm sorry... Eh, yes yes, you can," not even knowing what she was saying yes to.
"If you're worried about Young Master, it'd just be pointless. Palmer, despite his innocent look, is a creature to be reckoned with, so rest easy." He said with all certainty and a light smile.
"Well, that's quite reassuring," she chuckled as they both left the window. Unbeknownst to them, shadows were already moving around the estate. Figures slipped through the forest surrounding the property, movements so swift for the eyes to catch.
On the road...
Palmer drove in silence, his eyes occasionally flicking to Damien, who was staring out the window with a thoughtful expression. "You're awfully quiet," Palmer said, breaking the silence.
Damien shrugged. "Just thinking."
"About what?"
"About power. About how to make sure people know that there's more to our family that meets the eye."
Palmer sighed. "Are you still on to what happened to your parents that night?"
Damien's gaze hardened. "It's got nothing to do with them, don't bring them up. Don't you see it? People would think we're weak now that they're gone, someone's gotta stand in their place. Someone strong. If no one is ready to become the monster, then I'd take up the role and become the monster."
Palmer glanced at him, a flicker of sadness in his eyes. "Let's hope you don't lose yourself in the process."
Suddenly, the car screeched to a halt. Palmer's eyes narrowed as he spotted figures emerging from the trees, blocking the road.
They were tall, muscular, and… inhuman. Their eyes glowed with a feral light. Palmer's senses heightened. He could hear the soft padding of paws on concrete, the low growls and multiple heartbeats.