Crown Of Carnage

Chapter 8: Meeting Him For The First Time


In the chilly city of Winnipeg, frigid winds whipped through the streets, making it particularly challenging for the young boy to catch his breath.

His cellphone displayed the early hour of 5:21 a.m., indicating that his first day at the University wasn't scheduled until eight in the morning. Elliot was well aware that the unease, the painful sensations, and the constriction in his stomach were to be expected. His friend, Park Sam, had paid a visit the previous evening, both of them brimming with anticipation for their impending student life at their favored 'University of Timberlake.'

They had a delightful conversation, and when dinnertime rolled in, they decided to indulge themselves in a hearty dinner for their over-excitement. Unbeknownst to Sam, Elliot hadn't disclosed the worsening condition of his stomach cancer. He deliberately consumed more than he should, all to ensure that their little gathering was filled with joy rather than endless concerns about his health.

Elliot's selflessness went above and beyond, which was a testament to his inherently sweet and caring nature.

Elliot found himself perched on his bed, bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight filtering through his window. The room was small and shrouded in darkness, and it was where he resided alone. His parents had passed away shortly after his eighth birthday, leaving him as an orphan at a very tender age.

To sustain himself, Elliot toiled diligently at his friend's café. His friend's parents compensated him generously as they ensured that he could maintain a semblance of a normal life.

While Elliot might have never accepted such assistance, Sam discovered the truth about Elliot's stomach cancer a little later on. Learning of his childhood friend's plight, Sam was determined to extend any possible help to the boy he considered no less than a brother. Sam's parents shared this resolve, as they, too, were eager to assist the fractured young boy in any possible way they could.

The doctors had laid out a regimen of tests and medications that Elliot had to adhere to if he wished to keep the embers of life burning within him. They even implored Sam to ensure that Elliot didn't encounter undue stress, as it could potentially exacerbate the pain in his stomach or worsen his cancer than it already was.

Contrary to this advice, Elliot chose to immerse himself in hard work, striving to prove that he wasn't merely taking advantage of the generosity of Sam's parents. He pushed himself to the limits both at work and in his studies, as the latter aimed at securing scholarships to cover his education expenses independently.

Even though Sam's parents regarded him as their own, Elliot couldn't shake the persistent sense of being a weight on someone else's shoulders.

Elliot had been managing well until one unfortunate day when he unexpectedly began coughing up blood.

The uncontrollable bleeding sent him into a panic, causing him to lose consciousness in his living room. If it weren't for Sam, who had a spare key and happened to be visiting at that very moment, Elliot's life could have hung in the balance. This incident left the doctors deeply concerned for the young man's well-being, revealing that Elliot had developed a panic disorder. This diagnosis meant that panic attacks, which could further harm his delicate stomach, might become a recurring issue.

Fearing for his fragile friend's life, Sam became increasingly protective of Elliot.

This was because of one misstep, and Elliot could crumble like a little fragile glass he was.

After sitting for an extended period while remembering the past events of his life, Elliot soon realized that his pain wasn't subsiding; in fact, it was intensifying.

Hastily, he made his way to the bathroom, where he coughed and spat blood into the sink. After several minutes of this distressing ordeal, he cleaned himself up and the blood, feeling drained, and left the bedroom to descend the stairs to enter the kitchen.

Elliot filled a glass with water from the dispenser and retrieved his medication from the cabinet above the shelves. He downed the pills with a sip of water, though his breathing was heavy. Afterward, he returned to his room, where he clutched his mobile in his clammy hand. His bed was slightly disheveled. Switching on the phone, he checked the time.

With just seventeen minutes remaining until the clock struck six in the morning, he released a sigh. He decided to refresh himself for the new day at the university by taking a warm shower, and so he made his way to the bathroom to get ready.




Once he was ready, Elliot checked the time, finding it to be only 6:30 in the morning. He realized he had a considerable amount of time before his classes at the university began. Gazing at his reflection in the mirror, he let out a sigh. His pale and slender form didn't look too bad in his white hoodie and light blue jeans paired with white sneakers.

A faint smile touched his lips at his reflection as he mustered the courage to keep himself upright, even though he was painfully aware of how frail he appeared and barely holding himself together on unsteady legs.

Elliot slung his black bag over his right shoulder, left his small house, and locked the door behind him. He made his way to the bus stop, knowing the path to the 'University of Timberlake' would take approximately thirty minutes. He didn't have to worry, though; he'd have ample time to explore and find his classes before the university day started.

As the bus pulled up, Elliot donned his headphones and began listening to melancholic music as he boarded, moving toward the rear of the bus. He chose a window seat and stared blankly out at the passing scenery.

In the solitude of his thoughts, he pondered, 'What did I ever do to deserve this? This cancer, the absence of family, and the persistent embarrassment I feel whenever Sam and his parents extend their helping hands. I sometimes wish I could just end it all, escaping this pain and humiliation. But then, I can't bring myself to do it because my mother wouldn't be proud of her son. What am I supposed to do?' As the music softly played in the background, only his internal reflections resonated aloud in his mind.

Before Elliot could dwell further on the faded canvas of his life, the bus came to a halt by the designated stop, signaling that he would have to continue on foot to reach his university. Stepping out of the bus, he embarked on the six-minute walk to the 'University of Timberlake,' his destination from the bus stop.

The brief stroll passed in the blink of an eye. Upon entering the university gates, every gaze seemed to converge on Elliot, fixing on him as though he were a rare sight.

A nervous lump formed in Elliot's throat as he swallowed hard, the weight of those collective stares pressing down on him.

He treaded through a gauntlet of lingering eyes, each glance dissecting him in ways he couldn't fathom, accompanied by hushed murmurs that swirled around like leaves in the wind.

'Is there something peculiar about me? Maybe it's because I'm new here... perhaps,' Elliot pondered to himself, though his response did little to quell the unease that clung to him like an unwanted companion.

Nevertheless, he persevered, the weight of anxious anticipation pooling in his chest.

Too self-conscious to meet the gazes of his fellow students, Elliot kept his eyes firmly trained on the ground, his shyness an insurmountable wall between him and the inquisitive stares that seemed to follow his every step.

With determination in his stride, Elliot pressed on into the building, steadfastly ignoring the impolite behavior and stares of the people around him. Upon reaching the office of the principal, he politely rapped on the door and was met with a gentle "come in." As he entered, his presence immediately drew the principal's focus.

The principal's gaze lingered on him, bearing an air of uncertainty as if questioning his presence. Nonetheless, Elliot brushed off any discomfort and proceeded to introduce himself formally with a warm, respectful smile, considering her elderly appearance.

A gentle smile graced Elliot's lips as he approached the principal. "Good day, Mrs. Walker," he said cordially. "I've come to retrieve my student identification and the keys to my locker if you wouldn't mind."

"Ah, Elliot Amell! Please, have a seat," the principal cordially invited, her tone masking a hint of unease. Elliot settled into the chair and shook her hand in return, a gesture of appreciation. As he sat there, the principal retrieved his schedule and his student ID from a desk drawer and handed it to him, along with his locker number and keys.

Elliot accepted the items, rising from his seat to express his gratitude and prepare to leave. However, he paused when the principal offered some soft words of advice.

"Listen, son, should you ever encounter any difficulties or feel troubled by anyone or anything, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm here to help, all right?"

Elliot's smile held a sincerity that reflected in his eyes as he nodded in response. "Yes, Mrs. Walker. I understand," he replied with a reassuring tone.

With an endearing and innocent smile, Elliot nodded in acknowledgment as he then left the grand, expansive room.

As Elliot strolled toward his locker, he deftly inserted the key and stowed away his various textbooks, selecting only his essential business books for the upcoming classes. After securely closing his locker, he turned around and found himself ensnared by a pair of fiery, ominous eyes fixed upon him.

An involuntary shiver coursed through Elliot, and a nervous gulp betrayed his unease, for he found himself deeply uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gaze of the numerous onlookers. A panoramic survey of the hall revealed a sea of eyes, some glaring at him with disdain, others filled with anticipation, and some bearing a sinister gleam.

Elliot found himself at a loss, pondering the reasons behind this sudden focus on him, which had transformed him into the unwitting centerpiece of their attention. It struck him as rather odd that they chose to engage in this peculiar and unsettling spectacle of unabashed staring and open murmuring instead of partaking in more enjoyable activities.

The mounting intensity of their collective gaze began to unsettle him, and he couldn't shake the growing apprehension that unless they relented, it might trigger an anxiety attack.

What heightened Elliot's distress the most was when the surrounding students wouldn't come to stop their predatory gaze, leaving him feeling hemmed in between the lockers and a wall of peers since the tension was thick in the air; it almost made Elliot think as if they were closing onto him even when they stayed glued in their spots a little further away from where he stood.

The atmosphere was akin to a group of predators who had stumbled upon their most cherished prey after a prolonged absence.

'What's going on? Why won't they stop staring at me? They're like as if something… misfit just walked in'. It was a thought that crossed Elliot's mind at that moment.

As if that 'something misfit'… was him.

It sent a chilling shiver down Elliot's spine, and the young man found himself at a complete loss, so he decided to just leave.

He had never encountered such a bewildering and intimidating situation before, and it left him utterly perplexed. Overwhelmed with trepidation and confusion, he was rendered speechless, his body trembling uncontrollably. The looming threat of a panic attack hovered dangerously close as it threatened to engulf him.

Was it always like this? Or is it this bad because Sam wasn't with him? Elliot couldn't help but ponder aimlessly because he wasn't even sure if he had missed something within the details or not.

But just when it seemed as though he was about to succumb to the mounting fear, the inexplicable phenomenon came to an abrupt halt. The crowd of onlookers ceased their stares at him, their collective gaze shifting to the far end of the hallway while a few of them even started to evacuate the hall in a hurry.

Before him stood a young woman, her attire exuding a casual yet fashionable vibe, with her long, wavy hair cascading down her back. Her choice of a grey sweatshirt, black ripped jeans, and grey sneakers was stylishly effortless, but an air of authority and power surrounded her.

As Elliot grappled with the bewildering turn of events, the girl advanced with a stern countenance, prompting a collective bow from the few surrounding and remaining students as if she were... royalty. This left Elliot utterly perplexed, struggling to comprehend the dominance exuded by the brunette girl, though he didn't dwell on it for long as he thought of his tired mind playing tricks on him- which wasn't a rare case in his tired life.

Approaching with an air of confidence, the brunette girl halted in front of Elliot, maintaining a comfortable distance. She graced him with a small, friendly smile. "Greetings," she began, "I'm Luna Silverton. And I'll be your guide for today." Elliot looked at the girl before him with a questioning gaze as he blinked in indecision.

Luna. It sounded so obscure and beautiful yet... secretively destructive.

The recent unsettling experience had already put him on edge.

Following her introduction, the entire hallway dispersed, engaged in hushed conversations about him and the enigmatic girl.

Nevertheless, Elliot remained oblivious to his surroundings as he was entranced by the mesmerizing silver eyes of Luna, who had unexpectedly grounded him in his place and who even had made Elliot's heartbeat a tad bit louder even when it was their first encounter, rendering Elliot as innocent as ever for not noticing the reason behind his escalating heartbeat.

Perhaps subtle details and nuances were eluding the notice of someone as naive and innocent as him, much like a spider's web that remains invisible until you inadvertently stumble into it.

However, all Luna could dwell on was the singular realization that meeting with him for the first time hadn't been as unpleasant as she had initially believed.




Elliot remained fixated on the gleaming white floor beneath his shoes, as if it held the secrets of the universe as he moved forward in silence, so quiet that it felt almost rude to him. He was well aware that his behavior might come across as impolite, especially after the brunette girl, Luna, had kindly offered to give him a tour of the place. He had merely nodded in response, his voice seemingly lost somewhere in his throat, all thanks to the enchanting gaze he had gotten lost in when looking into Luna's spellbinding eyes.

The culprit was the soft shade of rosy pink.

It posed quite a dilemma for him.

To his dismay, his cheeks had a natural hint of rosy pink to them.

Consequently, he was reluctant to engage in conversation, fully aware that doing so would inevitably involve locking gazes with her. Such an exchange would, without a doubt, transform his complexion into that of a gigantic tomato. So, he chose to err on the side of caution and feigned indifference, sparing himself the potential humiliation of blushing in the presence of someone of such breathtaking and glamorous.

Even then, he consistently wondered, what on earth was wrong with him?! Why was he acting like some loser?- Though he more or less believed with a poker face that he was one.

And besides… he doesn't like admitting it, but he sucked at talking to girls because of his absolutely bashful nature and zero experience.

"Welcome to your first class. Surprisingly, we have some shared classes, though you'll be diving into Business Statistics while I'll be taking English instead," Luna revealed to the anxious Elliot, who nodded in return. He stole a glance into the classroom and then back at her, his cheeks tinged with a rosy hue as if he were sporting a touch of rosette blush.

And Luna's nose twitched with a frown.

For some inexplicable reason, the scent of Elliot's blood carried an unnerving sweetness that unsettled her. Now, she understood why the entire university seemed to be fixated on him; their gazes akin to hungry predators eyeing human prey. It presented a dilemma for her and a troublesome burden she couldn't ignore.

Despite herself, she found her gaze drawn to him, and she was unable to shake the realization that protecting someone who appeared so innocent would be a daunting task.

Already, she gleaned from a glimpse into his thoughts the depth of his naivety, and Luna pondered whether she should consider enrolling herself in this very university to keep him in her line of sight.

Indeed, her swift arrival today had been prompted by the frantic rhythm of his heart, which echoed earlier in her mind like a distress signal she couldn't ignore.

Luna found herself entranced by the boy's charming visage, akin to that of a lovable fluffy bunny. His wide, doe-like eyes met hers with gratitude as he stuttered out his appreciation, "Um, thank you for showing me around." Elliot responded with a gentle smile, his gaze momentarily dropping to the flawless expanse of white marble beneath their feet.

"Hmm, there's no need for such formality with me," Luna commented, her once-dead heart stirring at the boy's irresistible charm. Elliot's cheeks flushed an even deeper, and he simply nodded in response.

Luna watched him closely, narrowing her gaze to his fidgety body.

Suddenly, it dawned on her that there was an unsettling discrepancy about him.

As Elliot prepared to leave for his class, she gently grasped his wrist, bringing him to a halt. The instant her fingers made contact with his wrist, a revelation dawned upon her, but she decided to set it aside for the moment.

Luna released his slender wrist and cleared her throat before addressing him, "Sorry, I forgot to mention something. You see, I'm the President of the Student Council, so I'd appreciate it if you'd come to me for guidance or any assistance you may need. The students in this University aren't particularly kind or caring, so what I mean is, if you face any bullying or encounter any disturbances, whether it's due to your new status or any other reason, it's your responsibility to report such individuals to me. You can also approach other council members if you happen to get to know them by the end of the day. Do you understand?"

Originally, Luna hadn't entertained the idea of enrolling or assuming the role of student council president. However, circumstances had swiftly changed her plans. Upon learning of Elliot's severe illness, she felt compelled to take action.

Leaving him in such a state was simply out of the question now.

Luna's words held an air of authority, and her final question resonated like a command, leaving no space for the fragile boy to offer any resistance. In response, Elliot vigorously nodded his head in agreement as if his very existence hinged on his consent.

Luna regarded the boy with a firm demeanor, and although they were of similar height, she might have held a slight advantage in height from an inch. She responded, "Good. Now, head to your class. It'll start in twenty minutes, and I wish you a pleasant day." With that, the brunette girl departed, leaving Elliot to exhale a breath he hadn't even realized he'd been holding.

Elliot swallowed hard as the memory of those commanding, dark silver eyes crossed his mind once more, causing his knees to momentarily weaken.

Elliot let out a sigh as he entered the classroom and chose a seat at the back, right by the window. With his bag resting beside him, he extracted his textbooks and class notes, preparing for the upcoming lecture.

As he completed his preparations, Elliot gazed out the window and allowed his mind to wander, pondering, 'Luna didn't show up in class, even though just twenty minutes were remaining before it began, but then again, not everyone is a nerd like me.' Elliot pursed his lips in a slight pout at the thought, his gaze drifting toward the distance, where elms tumbled gracefully from the trees, carried by the whispering wind.

As Elliot gazed out his window, his thoughts wandered, tangled in the vibrant tapestry of greenery stretching before him. 'She never even asked for my name, yet it felt like she already knew. Could the principal have told her about me?' The idea settled in his mind with a quiet certainty, 'it would make sense—she is the student council president, after all. That's right. That must be it.'

Elliot released a sigh while his thoughts meandered, and he realized he had forgotten to inquire about the peculiar incident in the hallway before Luna's arrival. He dismissed it, thinking that perhaps the University was teeming with eccentric individuals, but certainly not her.

Yet, something still troubled him: why the need to bow to her instead of a normal or slightly formal greeting? Bowing seemed excessive. If he had an ounce of courage, he might have asked her, but his timid soul seemed to cower in the face of everything despite its inner beauty and charm.

His contemplations ceased abruptly when the classroom door swung open, revealing Miss Coraline Moore, accompanied by the same girl whose captivating yet formidable presence had made his knees tremble—Luna Silverton.

The brunette girl engaged in a conversation with their homeroom teacher, but then she pivoted, her gaze unerringly homing in on Elliot as though she possessed a preternatural awareness of his chosen seat. Her intense and penetrating eyes locked onto his, their sharpness contrasting with his own soft, honey-brown doe eyes and leaving Elliot with a nervous gulp caught in his throat.

Indeed, it was going to be a long day for Elliot.

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