Chapter 3: Readying for Knight Exam
The knight trials for entrance are monthly, but most show every four months: June, October, and February. Which means on the third will be a big turn out for the summer training session.
Everyone spends a minimum of four months in the capital training. Then it'll depend on specifics what happens. I've watch them enough to know most spend a full year training. It is only a rare few who gain distance from the capital after the minimum. I could be part of the unlucky group that needs more than twelve months. The trainees are given upwards of three years to prove themselves.
I shiver over the possible situation that would be. "Although I'd be an adult then." Adult enough. Most wouldn't look upon an eighteen year old as an adult. The blessings given at birth should mostly be gone on my eighteenth birthday. Will my magic stabilize then? I could just switch tactics.
For now, I need to enter the knights. I'll be safe enough there. Maybe in four months my father will accept me again as his son. Most still treat me as the crown prince. The entire situation is a tarnish on the royal family tree. Why is my father digging the ditch deeper instead of glossing it over?
Am I not good enough in his eyes?
I lack real control of my magic. I look weak. The pictures sent around of my face... Aren't really me. It's an artist rendition not the real truth. It should give me a better chance of hiding at least. Unless they met me personally, they'd never know I was the king's first son.
Gaining knowledge from a few of the servants who work close to or within the knights' zones has me aware of the expectations. Mucking out horse stalls, fixing a horse to ride, and cleaning blood stains from linen are guaranteed issues. I'm glad I have some knowledge in each field. Plus I know how to improve those skills. I'm allowed to care for my horses and if I get blood on my items, I am allowed to clean them. I could sneak into the laundry to practice blood stains anyway. No one should notice me.
Then the other options for chores could be as varied as the teachers who give the exam. Sweeping and mopping are normal options. Clearing a field filled with stones and wood is another. Collecting an item from a specific vendor is another. All stuff that could be expected of an upcoming adult. As I listen intently, I find myself realizing these are just normal every day tasks for most. The only reason I may struggle is because I was mostly denied access to any of the above tasks. I'll need to just act the casual person. See if any servants would like to bring me around. Shouldn't be hard.
Based on the new knowledge, I'd say it should be hard to enter. And if all else fails... Can't I use my magic? If I focus solely on it, I should manage anything. It may get me noticed as crown prince though. If my magic runs a certain way, it's guaranteed for me to be noticed. There are only so many people who can use my magic.
I even carry the royal only magics. The only sign my father should need to prove I am crown prince material. But... I never had control of them when casting before my father. Like everything else, he deemed it a corrupted magic by 'that mage'.
Practicing the various tasks expected from the training has me focused. My father seems to prefer the space I offer him. Taking my food elsewhere. Not joining in on any meetings. I'm not acting as crown prince even if eight months ago, I was. All my responsibilities to the crown are gone.
Can't say I hate it. I can finally wander the floating market or really check the nearby woods. I still get the flashing red if I travel too far. Half the time I get teleported back to my rooms. The other half I end up being caught by the guards. Depends on circumstances.
This mark... Won't it create trouble for me if I gain entrance? I'll need it removed. Another question. But first I need entrance. I have nothing to concern myself over until at least the four months are over.
The third comes quickly. All the time I spent learning makes me confident walking among the various people. No one is limited as long as they pass the entrance.
"Name, age, and connection." The entrance to the exam stops each of us.
"May I write it myself?"
They offer paper and pen to me. "Fill in as best you can."
It's a full form. Random details that the person before we should fill in. Will there be a magical signature? I don't see the space for one. That calms me. Although I should manage the test before anyone noticed my signature anywhere. I fill in acting as if I'm not connected to anyone. Given my writing, they'll know it's a lie. Will I need to create a backstory?
"Thank you..." The worker looks at my form then at me. "Thomas."
"Please take this number and proceed inside." They hand me a slip of wood with the number three on it.
I scan those before me and those after. Why did I get such a small number? I turn the wooden piece over, but it's just a piece of wood with a three on it.
"Please enter the door where your number fits." Someone calls out.
The courtyard has several doors. Above each door is a range of numbers. The first twenty are set to one. I glance to the various others before heading for my door. Was the numbers randomized?
There's only one person in the room when I step inside. "Welcome." The voice is high... "I'm Jessica Warton."
"A lady?"
Jessica huffs. "When they suggested my options were knights or marriage, I picked the former." She turns her nose up at the idea. I may agree with her. "Who are you?"
She stares at me. "Just Thomas?"
I scratch the back of my neck and look to the side.
"Okay, just Thomas."
I exhale sitting down. "Do you think they'll be twenty students in our test?"
"The rooms are marked because of who should show." She scans me. "You look noble. Weren't given allowance to join?"
I shift. "How do you know this?"
Jessica straightens her back looking more impressive now. "My father was a knight. It's tradition in my family to join the knights. I was given the allowance to pick marriage." She eyes me. "Who'd pick marriage?" She scoffs at the idea. Someone else walks in. They stop to review each of us. Jessica has no problem introducing us. "I'm Jessica Warton and this is just Thomas."
The possible trainee looks to me then at Jessica while fidgeting. "I'm Ryan."
"Just Ryan?" Jessica eyes him.
Ryan jumps a little. "Ryan Tellience." He shivers. "I... I half regret agreeing to join."
Ryan moves to a window showing off the courtyard to us. I watch as a wild beast of some kind is dragged into a far gate. It's padlocked. "I wanted to study monsters not truly defeat them." Ryan shivers.
"A Swornyx?" Jessica grins at the gate. "I hope that's our test."
"Normally the tests are mundane compared to that." I settle in a chair waiting. "Rare to have that be on test day. Might be readying for those who succeed at entrance."
"Can't wait." Jessica seems confidence. If she was raised by knights, she should everything needed to pass. That doesn't mean she'll handle things well.
After a while, one of the knights steps in from the far door. She removes her helmet and I stiffen. I've met Lady Hydrangea. Does she recall me? "I'm Knight Hydrangea. Your group is of nobility. We do aim to make sure your tests suit exactly where your weaknesses would be."
"Will there be others?" Jessica asks stepping up to the task. Doubtful she'll struggle.
"No. The three of you will be allowed to work together. Consider that also a test."
Jessica eyes the two of us. "Nobles were trained to be leaders, and we need to accept we aren't always the best leader."
Hydrangea focuses on me. "It's complicated as to why. Please realize it is truly a pass or fail situation. It is not group work even if you can make it group work." She motions us to follow her. "Each of you can ride."
We must've checked off that box on the form. Although, it's likely she'd already know about that. Nobles are known.
"Of course." Jessica answers.
"Then we start there. Clean and clear the stalls. Ready your horses. And meet me in the yard within the hour." Hydrangea stops me as the other two step forward. "Do not for any reason use magic."
I gulp staring at her. "Do... Do you know who I am?"
Hydrangea smirks releasing me. "Best you do well or word will get around." She moves to the yard. She'll judge our work once we claim done.