Chapter 6: Linen Cleaning
Late to the next assignment looks right. We aren't the only taking the trial here. But the goal is to take up one of the blood stained clothing pieces from the pile to fix up. We grab as requested and sit down to the side. The monthly trial is normally big. These students are aiming to join the summer session.
"Knighthood is one of the ways a random no body can gain a real name." Jessica focuses on the group as a whole. "It's not easy for most to enter. The test is harder if you aren't used to horses or cannot read."
"If the trainer wanted someone to fail, that's also easy to do." Ryan says while focusing on his cloth.
Linen with blood. It's not the hardest to handle. Blood on some fabrics are difficult on the best days. But linen? There's a reason knights and women use linen material more than any other. I dunk my linen piece into the water. Ice cold is preference, but this is cold enough. A little scrubbing has most of it out.
"I think I need the chemicals." Ryan looks at his piece.
"It looks white already." Jessica stares at the piece. I'm half in a mind to agree with Jessica. No one would say it's not white.
"It can go whiter." Ryan stands up.
"Look at this weakling." Someone calls out. They move to stand before Ryan. "What are you doing here? This is for real knights."
I stand up.
Ryan doesn't shrink over it. "Then why are you here?" He just bypasses the trouble for the ones running things. "Can I get-" Trouble pulls at Ryan's arm, but a knight steps between them.
The knight grips the troublesome person's shoulder. "Be wary of who you aim for. You never know who else is in the trial here."
"That group is just a bunch of scrawny weaklings. You're giving them the easy tests. I call it like I see it."
Hydrangea walks over to the knight. "Take him out. I'll watch the rest for you." Once the troublemaker is out of the hall, Hydrangea gives everyone a good once over. "The easy test, yes. Like facing down the Sworenyx and living." She waits for the knight to return. "Thank you. Not everyone is strong enough."
"If only strength was everything." The knight laughs. "Better off with finesse."
Hydrangea gives the room a scan before sitting back in her original position.
Ryan comes over showing off his extremely white fabric. Linen is easy to handle when we're talking blood. "It's weird if someone can't handle linen."
"Right? Who doesn't use linen?" Jessica chuckles. "Minus maybe the royals themselves. Could you imagine the crown prince touching linen?"
"He'd get a bypass, though. If the king approved." Ryan leans closer whispering, "The king denied him entrance. I heard from my parents. I was worried he'd be in class with me. Can't compare to what he is."
"A mage?" Jessica leans back. "Glad he isn't here though. My parents would be poking me to get close to him." She sticks her tongue out. "Ick. I don't care for nobility. I just want to be a knight." Ryan chuckles. He already mentioned he's looking for research. Neither would really be interested in the noble ring.
Would they think I'm trying to use the knights as a way out as well? I didn't even put down my last name. Everyone knows it, so it was important I denied the knowledge. Only to have our trainer know me personally. It could've been random. It only makes sense to have a noble connected knight handling the incoming nobles.
"Anyway. We're done with this." Jessica stands up. We have pulled off white linens. "What do you think they'll have us manage next?"
We turn in our assignment easily enough. Hydrangea is chatting with someone, so isn't right at our side.
"I hope it's flight." Ryan says. "You asked before if I'm used to squires. Really the answer is I haven't dealt with a horse in three years."
Jessica stares at him shocked. "You fly?"
"Yeah. Solo flight even."
"Let's go." Hydrangea denies us further chatter. "Impressive skills for typical nobles."
"If you haven't realized we're not typical, I don't think you've been watching." Jessica straightens herself as we step from the place.
Hydrangea chuckles. "I do believe there's be nothing we can have you face off with that surpasses facing down the Sworenyx. But rules are rules." We end up at the entrance to the knights. "You'll be expected to gain a list of items. Perhaps I can suggest this is more difficult than facing a Sworenyx, but there is no way I would consider it truly required for most noble missions."
"The real goal is to make it back." Jessica suggests.
"Yes. Technically. An attempt is required. Success is had in small douses at times. We're giving a list that may be near impossible to complete." She hands over a bag to each of us. Then the same exact list. "None of you have wandered the markets well enough to leave me confident. You have a time limit, but I won't explain further."
"A time limit without an explanation?" Jessica eyes her. "By dusk then?" Hydrangea looks away. "So before dusk... By some amount."
"I want to be back for their dinner cycles. Dusk would be too late." Ryan waves it off. He looks at Hydrangea a moment. "We can use any means we have access of, right?"
"Yes. Including if you have guards who'll agree to support you."
Jessica scoffs. "Only a royal would get such an allowance."
Hydrangea eyes me. That was for me then. I can get someone to fill my list. "Work together or apart. I'll wait here until the time limit is up."
"And then?"
Hydrangea only smiles. "That is for then to realize."
"Automatic failure." Jessica scrunches up her nose. "Will it fail us for knighthood?" Hydrangea doesn't answer. But the words before suggest we'll be knight just for handling the short time before the Sworenyx. Not to mention... Nobles should have an easier time getting in. We already have horses and writing down. That's a big part of being a knight. Ordering others around would be another expectation of knights. Although we shouldn't be ordering other knights around without classification as their leader. "I have questions, but it seems we're not getting answers."
Ryan looks at his list. "My flyer can only take one other."
I nod forward. "There's a information booth up ahead. There is a magical board that can be used by any mage."
"Just need to know how to flow magic." Jessica nods. "You know where it is?"
"Yeah. Hydrangea may not know this, but I've traveled into the market a few times now."
"Without allowance of your noble family." Jessica chuckles nudging me. I shrug. That's how it works. We weren't allowed to visit the markets without a team. I've lived in the castle my entire life. But I was never allowed to visit among the population as a normal person would. "I can do magic flow. I'm not a real mage, but I can touch it."
Ryan huffs. "I can't touch it. Or none of the training ever amounted to anything. My big sister could do everything it felt like."
"We all feel that way at times." Jessica follows my path to the information booth.