Cyberknight: One Path (original novel)

Chapter 77: ⁕ Cogito, Ergo Sum

I think, therefore I am. It is a statement about one's defiance against fate's condemnation. Even those born in a body design to be a weapon can seek to break free of their nature. The phrase is irrefutable evidence of one's ability to think and affirm the duality of body and mind. Your conscious actions are the sum of your true nature, however well it might be clouded. One can choose to embrace nature or reject it. That is the law of free will. 

KD-554 sat alone, watching as the bunkbeds inside the barrack turned empty. This time, however, they were cleared out not because their occupants perished, but because their occupants left willingly. KD-552 left to pursue a life of indulgence while KD-553 prepared to leave for a life of luxury. All that was left was just Kadyn and the five other new generation KD-series assassins. 

[Kadyn] - "Hey, I just want to know if you're alright. You have been sitting here idly for so many hours. "

Said Kadyn as she stood before KD-554.

[KD-554] - "Get out of my sight! "

Said KD-554 without paying Kadyn any attention.

As Kadyn reluctantly left, KD-554 turned her gaze toward her with spite and hatred burning inside her eyes. Kadyn was the one most undeserving of her fortune. To KD-554, Kadyn was nothing but a savage just like her that somehow landed in the arms of a loving man by accident. Flesh was everything that differed her from Kadyn. Now, this spoiled woman used every opportunity to extend her pity toward her like how a rich man would throw some change to a homeless person. 

[KD-554] - "You can smile and act cute all you want but I know someday you'll die the most ugly death among us all. If your fate can't promise it, I will. You betrayed me and showed how fate's cruelty knows no bounds. I curse you, KD-555. "

Whispered KD-554 under her breath. 

As KD-554 moved her eyes toward KD-552 who was joyfully chatting with Kadyn, KD-554 squinted her eyes in resentment. KD-552 was the sister who held them together like glue for most of their lives, yet she was one of the first to betray them at the first opportunity. Though KD-554 acknowledged KD-552's contribution to her and their sisterhood, she still reserved a massive amount of hatred against her sister for her betrayal. 

[KD-554] - "Traitors will never get a happy ending. Someday, I'll enjoy seeing your rotten corpse beside that of that treachrous KD-555. Rot in hell, you bitch! "

Whispered KD-554 between her teeth. 

[KD-553] - "Hey, I think it's time to go. "

Said KD-553 as she extended a hand toward KD-554. 

However, as KD-554 looked at her sister, she didn't see the same person as she used to be. Though KD-554 was more accepting of KD-553's decision to leave her assassin life due to their shared past, her decision put a massive dent in their friendship. 

[KD-554] - "I can stand up myself, thank you. "

Said KD-554 as she ignored KD-553's gesture. 

As the two sisters walked toward the hangar for their ship, KD-553 started some small talks. 

[KD-553] - "It's my last mission. After this, I could finally enjoy a life away from this shitty place. "

Said KD-553 while stretching. 

[KD-554] - "The same place all of us grew up and I had to still stay in. "

[KD-553] - "Kadyn did offer you the choice to leave too. I mean, you are the one who refused it when she proposed it. "

[KD-554] - "I don't need no pity from some fake traitorous bitch. She never saw us as sisters before and now, she's acting like a Saint because she thinks she's better than us. "

Said KD-554 with spite in her voice. 

[KD-553] - "Sigh... Still hating her over all this, huh? Your current new body is a courtesy of her, in case you forgot. And me, without her, how the fuck could've someone like me found a partner who's a cyberknight. As much as you hate her, you gotta say she has a good heart. "

[KD-554] - "Don't be fooled by this shit she's throwing at us! If she was truly kind, she would've suffered alongside us! The way she smiles, the way she acts, I fucking hate it! It's fake, it's all just fucking facade! "

Said KD-554 with a look of madness in her eyes as she stared at KD-553. 

Upon witnessing KD-554's psychotic outburst, KD-553 decided to keep her mouth shut for the rest of their walk. Later, as the two sisters flew across the sky in their craft, KD-554 held the pad displaying KD-551's information with contempt on her face. For so long, she thought her sister perished in a mission, but now, every single dead person seemingly came back from the dead to haunt her. 

Suddenly, KD-554 was alerted by the voice of KD-553 as she spoke with Jerry over a screen. The two, though still unfamiliar with the other, had developed a close bond as they were both cold tacticians on the battlefield. KD-554 flinched with irritation and jealousy as she saw KD-553 laugh with Jerry as they spoke. At that moment, KD-553 was no longer the cold, efficient sister she knew. Instead, KD-553 was turning into a fake woman who turned her back on her past to appear more human.

As the call between the two new lovers ended, KD-554 immediately snuck back to her seat as if nothing had happened. 

[KD-553] - "I had to deal with some personal business. "

Said KD-553 as she sat across from KD-554.

With a swift tab, KD-553 activated the holographic chess match on the table. 

[KD-553] - "Let's play a match to pass the time. It's going to take a while before we get to Spain. "

Said KD-553 as she moved her pawn forward.

[KD-554] - "KD-553, you said this will be your last mission, right? "

Said KD-554 as she moved her pawn as well. 

There was a somber look on KD-554 as she refused to meet her sister's gaze. 

[KD-553] - "Oh! Right, yeah, how silly of me. I suppose I should've gone with the other pawn. And to answer you, yeah. "

Said KD-553 with an embarrassed smirk. 

[KD-554] - "You seem different. You never used this type of expression or even used the word "silly" to describe yourself before. "

[KD-553] - "Maybe... On my date with Jerry last time, he told me to relax my serious attitude a little. And ever since I did, it felt as if a huge boulder was lifted off my shoulders. Also, I think keeping a more relaxed attitude will help me integrate into human society easier. "

Said KD-553 as she moved her pieces on the board. 

KD-554 blinked rapidly before taking a breath to cover her unease. 

[KD-554] - "Human society... Then what about me? Are you going to leave me like the others because you will be too good to deal with the trash? "

Said KD-554 without taking her eyes off the chessboard. 

[KD-553] - "I'll never leave you behind. You have been a huge part of my life and my flesh and blood sister. I won't do what the others did to you. "

Inspired by these words, KD-554 raised her gaze toward her sister but noticed how it was KD-553 who was trying to avoid looking at her now, pretending to be focused on the chess game. 

[KD-554] - "Heh... I never was compatible with a normal human life and their morals. I am what my creator intended me to be; A machine who kills without asking questions. Even if I wanted to be something else, I'm incompatible with any possible options. My mind and hands are prisoners of my nature, unlike you. "

Just as KD-554 finished her sentence, KD-553 moved her bishop forward and killed her queen. KD-554 stared at the board silently as she knew it was game over for her. 

[KD-554] - "I wish I was made of flesh. Then, I would've understood what it's like to have a choice. I was born handicapped, always a single step behind you or the others. Just like at chess, I never once managed to beat you all the way until the end. "

Said KD-554 with a tone of sadness in her voice.

KD-553 looked at KD-554 with compassion as she realized that it might be the last chess match she would ever play with her sister. Discreetly, KD-553 began to play in a way which would ensure her own loss.

[KD-554] - "Check... "

[KD-553] - "Checkmate, dear sister. I've lost. "

KD-554 paused for a second as she realized how uncharacteristically bad KD-553 played.

[KD-554] - "Even you, huh? Why would you intentionally lose to me? "

Said KD-554 as her hand was holding her rook. 

[KD-553] - "You won fair and square. I made a few mistakes because I was distracted with some other thoughts. "

[KD-554] - "Liar! You would never make such stupid mistakes. You are just like the rest of them in the end. I don't need your pity! I can take care of myself just fine! "

Yelled KD-554 as she stood up in a fit of rage. 

[KD-553] - "That was my conscious choice, KD-554. I made that choice to let you win because this is who I am. I want to see you happy and not be constantly stuck losing to me. I want you to understand that you can change too. You can also leave this life behind and break free of these shackles! You deserve better than this! "

Said KD-553 with a concerned look in her eyes.

[KD-554] - "Put on your human mask and get away from me! I thought you were the only one who understood me, but you are no different from the rest of them. "

Said KD-554 with sorrow in her voice before storming away. 

Later on, as the sisters finally arrived at a small vacation home, KD-554 hesitated before KD-553 took the initiative to knock on the door. Without delay, the door snapped open as a child peeked through the gap. 

[Karl-Emil] - "Mom! There are two women at the door. "

With hurried steps, Emilia positioned herself protectively in front of her son as she opened the door. The moment froze in time as the sisters exchanged shocked glances at each other. 

[Emilia] - "KD-553? KD-554? What are you two doing here? "

Without hesitation, KD-553 approached Emilia and tearfully embraced her in her arms. 

[KD-553] - "Big sis! I thought you were dead! "

[Emilia] - "Oh, god... How I missed you, dear little sis! "

However, this emotional reunion was not a shared experience to KD-554. As the two sisters hugged and cried, KD-554 instead peeked into the home where she spotted an ordinary man cradling a baby and the little boy hiding behind Emilia. 

[KD-554] - "Who are those people, KD-551? "

Before KD-554 could react, KD-551 leaned in and unexpectedly hugged her. 

[KD-554] - "Ok, ok, enough! You owe us some serious explanation, KD-551! "

Yelled KD-554 as she coldly pushed her sister away. 

Soon, both sisters were seated at the dinner table where Emilia served tea to both of them. 

[KD-554] - "Enough with the formality, KD-551! We are not here on a visit! "

Said KD-554 impatiently while Emilia calmly poured her some tea. 

[Emilia] - "Sigh... But you two are still my guest. To start, I apologize for faking my death and making you all worried. It was a necessary step to ensure the Empire didn't know my whereabouts. "

Said Emilia as she sat across her sisters. 

[KD-553] - "Wait, so you ran away? Why? "

[Emilia] - "Well, for this. A loving family of mine. At first, I met a young rich student from Finland in Germany named Gustav on one of my missions. Then, through a bit of teenage nativity, I got myself accidentally pregnant. Since I didn't want to abort, I decided to flee the Empire instead. "

[KD-554] - "And to leave all of us behind? You left all four of us over some clumps of cells in your fucking abdomen which hasn't even formed into a being? "

Yelled KD-554 in a fit of rage. 

Emilia blinked in fear before retreating her hands toward her chest in shame. 

[Emilia] - "I had no choice. Every single day in the Empire, it's murder this, destroy that. The amount of death and violence I saw broke me. One day, I saw little KD-555 come back covered in blood and she didn't even flinch despite her situation. I knew from that day, that's the kind of future I was destined to meet if I didn't take my destiny into my own hands. "

Emilia turned her gaze toward KD-553 in search of understanding. 

[Emilia] - "I'm not a robot! I can think for myself just like the rest of you or a regular human. You might not mind the bloodshed but I had enough of it. If you two are here to kill me today, then please, considering our past together, spare my family. "

Pleaded Emilia with sadness and guilt in her eyes.

While KD-553 showed a sign of compassion toward Emilia, KD-554 was shaking her head in disbelief. As KD-554 glanced back and noticed Gustav and the kids, she felt a type of disgust she couldn't describe. 

[KD-554] - "You married "that"? An everyday human? And let that son of a bitch pump two children into your womb? "

Said KD-554 as she eyed Emilia with contempt. 

[Emilia] - "He might be an average man but he loves me with all his heart. He gave as much of himself to this family as I did. Please, KD-554, mind your language in front of my family! "

Said Emilia as she stood up to KD-554's attitude. 

At that moment, KD-554 didn't feel jealousy or hatred but instead felt intense disgust and disdain. Unlike Kadyn or KD-552, who KD-554 viewed as snob princesses, Emilia was in her eyes, a low-life who had abandoned her sisters for far less while lowering herself to fester in low human society. 

[Emilia] - "Hey, whatever your mission is here, how about you two dine with us? We were about to have dinner anyway. "

Said Emilia with a warm smile before leaving the table.

[KD-553] - "Mmmh... Smells good. I think we can spare some time for a meal. "

Said KD-553 before stepping in to help her sister prepare dinner.

[KD-554] - "I'm surrounded by the daughters of Judas! I'm fucking surrounded by a cult of Judas worshipers! "

Whispered KD-554 as she breathed heavily. 

Later, KD-553 enjoyed a lavish meal with Emilia and her family while KD-554 simply sat quietly at the table, not being able to consume anything. As the people surrounding her ate with big smiles on their faces, KD-554 observed the people around the table. 

"That baby and boy look fucking hideous! KD-551, you had such good genes but you decided to bash it down with that ugly mother fucker you chose over us. "

Thought KD-554 as she eyed the two kids with disgust. 

"And that Gustav guy... What an ordinary mother fucker! This son of a bitch has nothing special, yet you abandoned me to be with him. Am I really worth less than this trash of a human in your eyes, sister? "

Thought KD-554 as her eyes threw daggers at Gustav's direction.

As the meal concluded, Emilia noticed the unsettling gaze coming from KD-554. However, instead of being afraid, she decided to help her instead. 

[Emilia] - "Gustav, honey, would you mind giving the baby a bath? And Karl-Emil, would you mind showing your Lego collection to big sis KD-553 upstairs? "

[Gustav] - "Got it, honey. "

[KD-553] - "Oooh! You've got a collection? "

Said KD-553 as she winked at Emilia. 

[Karl-Emil] - "Yeah, Mom bought it for me! I can show you my new starfighter. "

As everyone left the dining room, Emilia finally approached KD-554 with a warm smile. 

[Emilia] - "Hey, sis, would you mind helping me with the dishes? I want to speak to you. "

Said Emilia as she grabbed a sponge. 

[KD-554] - "Do it yourself. I can talk just fine. "

Unphased by KD-554's attitude, Emilia carried the plates to the sink where she began to clean each one with grace. 

[Emilia] - "KD-553 told me about you and our other sisters while we were cooking together. I'm glad all of you are still alive and doing well. "

[KD-554] - "We've been better if we didn't have so many traitors. "

Said KD-554 bitterly. 

[Emilia] - "Again, I apologize for my actions. I go to sleep every night thinking about you and the rest of our sisters. To think all of them are now safe and on a better path finally gave me some peace of mind. However, I'm worried about you. It seemed you refused any help and are actively hostile toward anyone who tried to help you. "

[KD-554] - "Oh! So KD-553 called me a spineless trash who can't figure her shit out by her own behind my back, huh? "

Yelled KD-554 as she stormed up from her seat.

[Emilia] - "No, she didn't say any of that. What makes you think she called you such words? "

[KD-554] - "No! That's enough! You people are nothing but a bunch of selfish bastards who only care about your own interest. I thought you were the only good one but here you are, worse than any of the other Judas in my life! You have no right to lecture me when this is the shit you subjected yourself to! At least the others stepped up instead of going down. "

Yelled KD-554 with her finger raised at Emilia. 

Instead of giving in anger, Emilia remained calm and used a motherly tone to speak. 

[Emilia] - "I will not tell you what you are or what we are. I just want you to understand you have a choice in life. Because we are your sisters, we want to help you despite us making our own choices. Our actions are not betrayal. Wanting others to suffer with you is not the right mindset. "

KD-554 approached Emilia with a somber look on her face. 

[KD-554] - "And I did make a choice. I can think and know who I am. However, I never pretend to be someone who I am not, unlike you four. "

Said KD-554 as she leaned toward Emilia. 

Despite KD-554's attempt to threaten Emilia, she remained calm as she delicately scrubbed every plate clean. 

[Emilia] - "Have I ever pretended? This is who I am; A wife, a mother, and a woman. My name is not KD-551 but Emilia. I want to help you because you are my sister. If you need to escape the Empire, I can help you leave that life behind. "

KD-554 positioned herself behind Emilia and closed her green eyes calmly before letting out a huge breath of air.

[KD-554] - "Let's stop pretending then. The Empire is not for me; I want to leave behind that place because I want to be myself. I've lied to myself all this time, thinking maybe tomorrow is going to be different. Yet, I never woke up loved or with a new body. One shouldn't be dishonest with one's self because facades don't hold forever. "

Said KD-554 as she opened her now crimson eyes.

[Emilia] - "I'm glad you saw through it. I'm happy. "

[KD-554] - "Welcome home, sister! "

Said KD-554 in a cold voice.

Emilia's delicate hands suddenly came to a halt as a splash of red coated her pearly white plates. Without mercy, KD-554 stabbed Emilia repetitively in the back until the counter, her dress and her body were covered in red. 

[KD-554] - "Look at you, covered in red just like our good little KD-555. Maybe she's a pretentious bitch but at least she was once honest with her nature unlike you. "

Said KD-554 in a mocking tone. 

Though severely injured, Emilia still attempted to fight back by extending her wrist blades. However, before she could do anything, KD-554 plunged her blades into her sister's neck. 

[KD-554] - "That's it! Your nature! A normal human doesn't have blades in their arms or will attempt to fight back when faced with the likes of me! Peel away the facade and you'll be just like me! No fake smiles, no pretentious morals and no fictional emotions! "

Yelled KD-554 with a psychotic smile. 

With tears in her eyes, Emilia reached her bloodied hand toward her sisters before leaving a bloody mark on her cheek. It was Emilia's last attempt to hopefully reach some kind of humanity in her sister. With this last act, Emilia passed away as her blood pooled beneath her brutalized neck.

[KD-554] - Look at you, trying to stab my cheek even as you died. Truly an animal like me. I have nothing left with you traitors. People want to pretend so badly to be what they are not. For what? That facade will break just like mine did. I shall embrace myself unlike you. "

Yelled KD-554 with unhinged abandon at Emilia's corpse. 

As KD-554 got up, she extended her arms like wings as she enjoyed a freedom-like feeling which had for so long been repressed in her psyche. 

[KD-554] - "I think, therefore I am. This is the true me! "

Said KD-554 as she finally showed a genuine smile of joy. 

To be continued...

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