Chapter 6: A New Dawn
The bright full moon has slipped behind a layer of drifting clouds,casting a dark shadow in the landfill area.
Only bright lights from Night city can be seen from faraway.
Observing from above the trash heap, Jason looked at the scav camp below.
A large furnace has lit up the surroundings. Four scavs were hauling , what looked like body bags, into the furnace.
Three others were standing surrounding them, acting as lookouts.
Suddenly,one of the lookout guards shouted at the body haulers, "Hey what the hell are you guys doing, you're supposed to take out the bodies out of the bag then throw it in the furnace.Do know how much those bags cost ? I am taking it out of your paycheck, and no more crystals for you,until you have paid me with interest, understand. "
One of the haulers hearing what he said shouted, "You can't do that boss, please,you never told us any of this?"
The guard suddenly takes out his gun and points it at the hauler, "That last bitch blew my ears away with her screams,can you repeat what you just said,punk?"
The hauler now fell to the ground, " Please boss at least give us some crystals."
Looking at the groveling haulers the man laughed out and said, "Okay…Okay but your this month's eddies will be mine,okay?"
The haulers let out a sign and said meekly, "Okaayy"
"What's with the sad faces huh, I am doing you a favour, you would have been killed for your mistakes if it was someone else incharge,now get back to work,you lazy bums,we have to complete today's quota before dawn or I will throw you all into the furnace."
The haulers got back to their work while the other two guards snickered.This was just a newbie bullying ritual all of them have been through.
Jason observed all this from above,the guard who was pointing the gun at haulers is probably the leader of this camp.He had some eye implants, reinforced fists,a pistol and a shotgun.
There are four newbie scavs in this group, so he has to take care of the three, rest will be easier to deal with.
He can of course take them out easily with his cybernetics and cheats but if wants to improve as a hunter and prepare for the enemies,he will face in the future.
He has to learn to fight without them, his enemies will outnumber him,will probably have better weapons and gear than him.Some people have sacrificed much more than him, like adam smasher, who is made of metal head to toe with best gear in market, and also has been in this business longer than him.He does not believe all other corporations don't have something similar to that.
So,Jason waited for a perfect moment when he could strike. He was only going to use his hands and gun skills to take them out.
Luckily he didn't have to wait long,one of the scavs guards started walking towards a dark corner of the camp, " Hey I'm gonna take a leak, keep an eye out on my side."
The guard walked below the trash heap Jason was observing from.
'The perfect moment has come.' Jason thought.
Just as the scav let his guard down,Jason jumped on top of him,the scav caught off guard and fell forward in his own piss.
Before he could make a sound , a knife plunged in the back of his head.
At the backdrop of the loud furnace , no noise was heard by the rest of the camp.
Jason kept to the shadows around the camp.
He was moving towards the leader of the camp.
When he was in position, he waited for an opportunity, the goal was to distract the leader enough that he couldn't point his gun at him before he was close by.
Few minutes later when the scav didn't return,the leader turned around in that direction and called out, "Hey, Thomas are you Ok,Hey?"
But Thomas did not answer the call.All other thugs were now staring at the direction Thomas went in.
The leader has turned his back to Jason, taking this opportunity , he rushed towards the leader.
Hearing the sound of steps in his back the leader turned around , just in time to use his hand to block the knife. The knife plunged into the motor muscles of this left hand,making it go limp.
He reached for his gun with his right hand but Jason had already pointed his gun at his head.
Realising the futility of struggle the leader shouted , "WAIT!!"
But Jason didn't give him a chance and pulled the trigger with his dying light pistol.
The bullet penetrated his skull, his body went limp.
The confrontation was completed in a few seconds before the rest of the camp could react.
When they did, they all pointed their guns at him and started shooting.
Jason used the dead body of the bulky leader for cover and shot towards the other guard scav.
He missed the first shot but the second shot was a hit , the guard fell down , he was hit in the shoulder and lost his grip on the gun.He scrambled towards it.
But Jason didn't give him the chance, a bullet tore through his skull.
The one of the newbie immediately threw their guns away and fell to the ground and shouted, "Please , don't kill me, please"
The other two seeing him gashed there teeth, "what the fuck are you doing?", one of them shouted.
Jason shot two bullets that hit them on the head.
Their bodies fell to the ground , their gray matter and blood spilling on the ground.
The boy who surrendered still kept his face planted to the ground and begged, "Please spare me, I know of their secret stash and also can give you their ride.Just let me go, I can't die.Not yet please."
Jason watching this got closer to him still using the body as a cover.
When he was close enough he pointed the shotgun he took from the leader at him, "Don't move, keep your hands above your head ,where I see them, and sit up. any sudden moves and I will blow your head off."
The scav complied, "Yes…yes…Don't shoot,please"
Slowly he sat up following his orders. Looking at him closely the boy is a teenager just like him. He looked nervous and would almost cry if he pushed a little.
"You don't look like a scav, what's your name ?"
"It's…Maggie Carlson",still nervous and shaking, she answered.
"Wait, you're a girl?"Jason was clearly surprised , she had bald head,a flat chest and somewhat of a rough high pitched voice,in his first impression he thought this was a teenager boy in puberty.
Realizing Jason was probably here for scavs and not some killer psycho, she gathered her courage and said,"Yes…and I am not a scav, my sister was taken by them.I don't have enough strength to fight them head on so I joined them."
She looked at Jason , seeing he was still listening she continued, "But…I have been stuck in this landfill burning bodies.Its been two days since she got kidnapped."
"Please can you help me, I can give you everything,I have, just save my sister please",tears fell out of her eyes as she begged jason.
Jason's frowned, this reminds him of some bad memories but this is the cyberpunk world, kindness is not rewarded here,tragedies like this are a common occurrence.
So he ordered his digital self,"Cyberself check her memories."
His eyes glowed purple.
Maggie afraid of dying begged, "Wait,please"
Suddenly her body went limp and passed out on the ground.
{It will take some time to check all her memories}
"Ok" , saying this,he moved to collect his loot.
He also threw the bodies of the six scavs in the burning furnace.
Then he picked up the girl and moved to a vantage point nearby and waited for the scan to be complete.
The night had passed , and the sky was getting bright.
The sun will be up in a few minutes.
"Status",he said as he wanted to check his skills after the two scav hunts he had.
A blue screen came in front of him.
[Player:Jason Ryder
Perks points:3
Perks: Adaptation ,Copy-Paste, Secure mind, Mind split, Data mind,Ghost, Ambidextrous,Nanite.
Abilities: Blade lvl 2, Athletic lvl 3, Poison lvl 3, Acrobatic lvl 4, Breaching lvl 5, Quick Hack lvl 5,Stealth lvl 2]
His cool has leveled up a lot, due to using stealth more, he also gained a new stealth skill , which helps in blending in darkness and reducing noticeability of observers when he wants to hide, as it levels up more he will get better in assassinations.
He now has three perk points and can get an intermediate perk,basic perks cost 1 perk point , intermediate cost 3 and advanced cost 5.Perks can be earned by leveling up stats like int or through level ups.Most of his perks came from his stats, as he can level them up without bloodshed.
The only Advance perk he has right now is Adaptation, which was also the reason he was targeted by night corp.
This is a passive perk which makes him adapt to anything, it's the reason he didn't die even when they experimented on him with so many drugs.
At the end his mind broke before his body.
For now he will save his pp(perk points) to get more advanced perks for his mind.
He is fighting against Ais he would need to beef up his cybersecurity.
Orange light has broken through the horizon .
A new dawn has come.
"pp"=perk points.
I am a new writer, please give me feedback and review.
I will say I don't have any romance planned but that will be a lie as I don't have any plans at all.I just write what comes to my mind,some might say I am raw dogging the story(nobody says that as I live alone and don't have friends interested in my web novel reading hobby).I sit to write and spent hours thinking about what to write, I always aim minimum of 900 words but somehow it gets to 1000+ most of the time.Also I have NOT planned the SYSTEM well so, just believe what you read. Anyways that all my thoughts for today. Leave you suggestions for story direction here or below.Thanks.
Comment below how did I do in this chapter and what could I have done better storywise?
My english is still not perfect so dont bash me too much on that.
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