Chapter 5: Uncovering
Exiting the dark, gloomy staircase, Siff noticed Ryn. She was sitting on the ground, observing the stars.
"Hey! Seems like you were faster than me!"
Ryn glanced at Siff. "Yeah, well, it was easy. I just had to beat up some scary monsters. Nothing I can't handle!" Ryn nodded at Siff proudly.
Siff noticed something on her back. It was a black lance with sharp red blades on both sides. The lance was long and pulsed with a strange but familiar surge of energy, almost like Siff's sword.
"Looks like you got a weapon as well," said Siff, pointing at her blade.
"Yeah. It's strange. It feels like the weapon has a consciousness. It moved on its own—and me with it!"
"Mine is the same. I think there's more to them than just metal... Let's return to the shed now. The night is too strong to do anything."
They packed up their things and returned to the old shed for the night. Although they didn't need to sleep and never felt tired, closing their eyes and pretending to do so brought them a sense of comfort and familiarity.
They talked through the night, about things they knew and things they didn't. Times as Hollows brought them both a sense of disturbance and dread. Ryn had been residing in this realm much longer than Siff and told him how, sometimes, souls quietly speak of their memories from past lives—longing for something but never being able to let go of it.
After what felt like a lifetime, dawn came. Faint sunrays peeked through the holes in the wooden walls, and the grass started gently waving under the wind.
They got ready and set off on the journey to the ominous, rocky mountain.
"Say, Ryn. What are we supposed to do when we find those creatures?"
Ryn took a good look at the sky while rubbing her chin. "Well, we defeat them with these weapons, I guess? I don't see any other way of ending this damn cycle, and they don't look like the kind that will just stop if we ask them nicely."
As they got closer, the mountain became bigger, and its peak kept rising to new heights. Upon arriving, they could see nothing else except dirt, rocks, and a small entrance tucked to the side.
"That's our entrance over there!" said Ryn, pointing at the small hole in the mountain.
Approaching the entrance, they could see light and smoke seeping out. They got close and peeked inside...
There was no one.
Entering the cave, they felt a rush of immense energy flowing outward and a faint sound of singing echoing along the walls. Heading deeper in, they found themselves in a massive open area with a staircase leading down to a small library.
Ryn trembled a little. "The memory of this place gives me a headache. I never opened any of these books previously, so I don't know what they might contain."
They started snooping around and going through the books, trying to salvage any useful information. During his search, Siff noticed a piece of paper sticking out from a thick, reddish book that was sitting on the edge of a shelf tucked far behind.
"The promised salvation... this doesn't make sense!? Are they doing some kind of ritual to save this world or what? Doesn't really look like it did them any good."
Ryn walked over to Siff, taking a look over his shoulder. "Maybe they think that by doing this, they'll be granted power in the afterlife by some god or something? Oh, and what is that paper sticking out on the side?"
Siff took out the paper and unfolded it. There were icons and drawings on it. It depicted a vast plain and the mountain. The next image was of a red circle in a dark cave with figures standing around it. It looked like they were offering their souls to the circle. The last image depicted a red sky and a yellow sea of light raining down from above, destroying the world and turning it into a lush and cloudy place full of souls and prosperity.
Right after putting down the paper, a sharp noise echoed from the dark corridor behind the hallway.
"What was that?" Siff whispered.
Ryn stood up and took out her weapon. "It's them. At the end of that corridor is a crack in the wall, and behind it is a room where they are performing the ritual."
Siff also drew his sword, and both walked slowly to the crack.
Peeking through, they saw three tall, red monsters. They wore dark blue robes and had claws sharp as razors. The room was small, containing only them and a bloody red circle inscribed with unrecognizable markings that hummed with a disturbing aura.
The monsters spoke strange words in unity, each of them creating a small blue mist that was being sucked into the ground.
"What do we do now?" Siff asked.
"The last time I tried this, they sliced my head clean off with those claws. So this time, we do something so that doesn't happen!"
Siff raised his eyebrows at Ryn, giving her a dismissive look. During their conversation, one of the monsters locked eyes with Siff, making him stumble back and fall to the ground, alerting the others.
"Shit! Get ready to fight!" said Siff, getting up and readying his sword.
The monsters hissed, making hideous faces and pointing their claws at both of them. One of the monsters rushed Ryn, but Siff managed to slash it across its back, making it fall to the ground. Another went for Siff. It avoided his blow and stabbed him in the left shoulder. He fell back, gasping in pain and left wide open. Ryn stepped in, pulled out her lance, and stabbed the monster through the heart, killing it instantly.
Enraged, the third monster raised its arm, releasing a powerful yellow wind that knocked Ryn off her feet and into the rocky wall. The slashed monster stood up and gave Siff a murderous stare. He swung his sword but was blocked and met with a slash to the stomach shortly after. Siff mustered his strength and, in a flash, slashed the monster's right arm off.
The screech of pain made his head spin. He dropped his sword and clutched his ears, trying to block out some of the terrifying sound. The monster went for Siff's head but was unexpectedly met with a powerful blow from Ryn, sending it flying into the wall. She picked up Siff's sword and helped him find his bearings.
Now, both of them stood face to face with the last monster. This one seemed different, stronger perhaps. Menacing black aura was oozing from it.
"Give up! You have no chance against us. Your men are down, and you'll be the next one!" Siff demanded while raising his sword at it.
The monster grinned. With malice in its eyes, it let out an ominous roar. It swung its hand, releasing a fast slash at Siff. He barely avoided it by throwing himself to the ground.
Ryn rushed the monster, spinning her lance and slashing the its right leg. Shortly after she was met with a blow to the head, sending her to the ground and knocking her weapon away. Siff followed by plunging his sword into monsters left eye and giving it a powerful kick to the abdomen.
The monster, now on its left knee, clenched its fists and made them glow. Unsure of what it was, Siff backed off and observed. The glowing fists released a powerful white beam that pierced Siff's chest.
Now on the ground and gasping for life, with Ryn laying unconscious, Siff needed a true miracle to reign victorious and stop the inevitable obliteration of this world...