Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 73 - The big fox and the little fox negotiate!

Came to Wang Guichuan’s office.

“Dad! Are you looking for me?”

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his father’s dark face, Wang Yanlong’s heart suddenly “cocked”.

I thought about it carefully, did I do something wrong recently?

But Ren Wang Yanlong wanted to break his head, and he didn’t expect what he did wrong.

Ever since I mixed up with Brother Yang.

I almost changed all the previous bad habits!

“Huh! I can’t find you if it’s okay?”

Wang Guichuan snorted coldly.

“Dad, look at what you said, I am a son, and you are a dad, you can find me if you have anything to do!”

Knowing that the old man was in a bad mood, Wang Yanlong quickly laughed with him.

Seeing Wang Yanlong’s attitude, Wang Guichuan’s expression eased a little.

Picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Said: “I said you kid, the wings are getting harder now? You dare to fight against your dad and me?”

“Dad! You have wronged me by what you said. How could I fight against you?”

Hearing this, Wang Yanlong felt so wronged.

“Huh! I wronged you? Ask you, what’s the matter with Chaoyang Real Estate?”

Wang Guichuan snorted again.

“Chaoyang Property?”

Wang Yanlong couldn’t help but stunned, then he reacted and said, “Dad! Are you talking about the three pieces of land in the northern suburbs?”

“if not?”

Wang Guichuan couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Dad! To be honest, I’m very excited about the price they give us now!”

Wang Yanlong chuckled.

“Since my heart is moving, why don’t you agree to sign the contract? Why do you want to nail it there? Do you know that for every day of delay for your three pieces of land, our new city in Tiancheng will be built one day late!?”

Wang Guichuan frowned and asked.

“Dad! This matter, it’s useless for my heart! I’m just a minority shareholder of Chaoyang Real Estate, and I have no decision-making power at all!”

Wang Yanlong smiled bitterly.

“Huh? You are only a minority shareholder and have no decision-making power? So, I have to talk to that little girl Lin Xuan?”

Wang Guichuan was a little surprised.

“Dad! Actually, it’s useless for you to find Sister Xuan!”

Wang Yanlong shrugged.


“Because Sister Xuan is just like me, just a small shareholder, she has no decision-making power at all!”

“What? Even Lin Xuan has no decision-making power, so who on earth has decision-making power?”

Wang Guichuan suddenly became a little curious.

Regardless of his son, according to my own understanding, Lin Xuan, a girl with arrogant temperament and strong ability, can not fight for decision-making power when he opens a company with others?

“Hey… Dad, you know this person too!”

Wang Yanlong laughed suddenly.

Brother Yang is really amazing!

Tell yourself a week ago that Dad will look for himself!

When I was nervous, I forgot about it!

“I know? The people I know are gone, how do I know who it is? Is your kid itchy again? You’re still betraying me!”

Wang Guichuan raised his right hand and wanted to fight.

“Hey! Don’t don’t… Dad! I did it, can’t I do it?”

Wang Yanlong quickly admitted.

“Then you don’t hurry up!”

Seeing this funny look of his son, Wang Guichuan couldn’t help but laugh.

“Our shareholder of Chaoyang Real Estate is Liu Zhengyang, my brother Yang!”

Wang Yanlong spoke honestly.

“It turned out to be this kid? I’ll just say, you and Xiaoxuan, how can you buy land so accurately? Without those three pieces of land, even if my new city is built, it will be useless!”

Wang Guichuan suddenly realized.

Then fell into contemplation.

Although there are not many contacts with Liu Zhengyang, Wang Guichuan knows the horror of this young man!

If you negotiate with Liu Zhengyang, then you have to be ready for the other lion’s big mouth!

However, the plan for the construction of this new city is just a shorthand.

As soon as these three pieces of land are settled, the bidding can be started immediately!

In any case, I must bring back these three pieces of land!

Thinking of this, Wang Guichuan raised his head and said to Wang Yanlong: “You kid, call Liu Zhengyang now and say I will invite him to have a meal today!”

“Okay, I get it! I’ll call Brother Yang now!”

Wang Yanlong immediately picked up the phone obediently and called Liu Zhengyang.

At this time, Liu Zhengyang, in order not to be arranged by Li Ruoxi to accompany Lin Xuan to play chess, did not stay in Li Ruoxi’s office, and hid directly in the driver’s class, making handmade toys for Xiaodomi.

In Liu Zhengyang’s eyes, making handmade toys for her baby girl is much more important than playing chess with Lin Xuan!

Just now.

Wang Yanlong called.

After a brief exchange.

Liu Zhengyang immediately understood Wang Guichuan’s intention to invite himself to dinner.

Liu Zhengyang smiled slightly and readily agreed.

After get off work.

Liu Zhengyang did not go to the appointment directly.

Instead, he first returned home, gave the handmade toys made by himself to Xiaodomi, and made a sumptuous dinner for the mother and daughter, and then set off leisurely and arrived at the agreed place.

Enter the box.

Liu Zhengyang discovered that Wang Guichuan and his son had arrived.

“Excuse me, I’ll go home and cook a meal for my wife and children, so I’m a bit late!”

Liu Zhengyang smiled apologetically.

“Haha… it’s okay! A man who takes care of the family is a good man! Actually, we have just been here for two minutes!”

Wang Guichuan waved his hand indifferently.

Wang Yanlong on the side admired Liu Zhengyang. This was the second time he had eaten, and his father was waiting for him!

And the father was not angry both times!

Do you really think my dad has no temper?

Last time I saw a deputy, because he was two minutes late and was scolded by my dad’s dog-blood sprayer!

Almost cried!

“Dad! Brother Yang! I’ll pour you wine!”

After a sigh in his heart, Wang Yanlong immediately got up and poured his wine.

Then he sat aside obediently, and quietly listened to the two people talking about each other.

After three rounds of wine.

Wang Guichuan finally spoke.

“Little Liu! I heard that you, Xiaolong, and the girl Lin Xuan, partnered with a real estate company?”

“Yes! Uncle Wang, we not only set up a real estate company, but also took three plots of land in the northern suburbs!”

Liu Zhengyang straightened out the words.

“Zhengyang! This idea of ​​building a new city was proposed by you! I believe that with your cleverness, you must know the importance of these three pieces of land to the new city!

You also know that if it is built in the new city, it will greatly promote the positive development of Tiancheng and at the same time create countless employment opportunities!

This is a great thing that benefits the country and the people!

Your uncle Wang also knows that you are a caring young man.

So today, your Uncle Wang not only represents yourself, but also represents all the people in Tiancheng. I hope you can sell these three pieces of land to us at a relatively cheaper price! “

What Wang Guichuan said was sincere and sincere.

Wang Yanlong, who was on the side, sounded slanderous!

My father is really an old fox!

As soon as he came up, he directly buttoned a big hat on Brother Yang.

He also pulled up all the people in the sky city to put pressure on Brother Yang.

Force Yang to cut prices!

This hand is really too slippery to play, don’t you know if Brother Yang can stand it?

However, what surprised Wang Guichuan and Wang Yanlong was.

After listening to Wang Guichuan’s words.

Liu Zhengyang immediately nodded with a smile: “Since Uncle Wang has spoken, then as a junior, I must support Uncle Wang’s work!

I can lower the psychological price of this demolition accordingly! “

“Hahaha… I said, Xiao Liu, you are a good young man who knows the truth and cares!”

Wang Guichuan immediately opened his eyes and smiled.

Then he asked eagerly: “I don’t know Xiao Liu, how much do you think we will pay and are you willing to demolish it?”

“This number!”

Liu Zhengyang sipped a sip of wine, and squinted with an index finger!

“One hundred million? No problem, I can sign a contract with you directly after I finish eating later!”

Wang Guichuan was extremely happy, but at the same time he was a little puzzled. Why did Liu Zhengyang suddenly become so talkative?

Is it really because of your own face?

However, this thought has not yet been transferred.

Liu Zhengyang spoke.

“Uncle Wang! Don’t be joking. How can I sell the land to you for a hundred million?”

“Not one hundred million? So what do you mean?”

Wang Guichuan couldn’t help being taken aback.

“Of course it is 1 billion!”

Liu Zhengyang took it for granted, and burst out a number that stunned the father and son!

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