DailyLife of the King: Campione

Chapter 5: Day of being student

After having fun with Amusement, Asahi and Kusanagi's family went to the mall to buy some groceries and went home early since tomorrow is going back to school.


In the morning Asahi finished his workout and ate breakfast after that he cleaned the dishes and went to the mirror to check if its something wrong with his uniform then Asahi Nodded that nothing is wrong.

He went out of the house and saw Ichirou, Asuka, Shizuka, and Gudou waiting on him in front of their house and bookstore business managed by Chiyo and Ichirou.

"Oh! Lad, you arrived just in time" Ichirou saw Asahi give him a greeting.

"Good morning Grandpa, Asuka, Shizuka, and Godou." Asahi replied as well while waving to them.

" Good morning too, Asahi. " Godou said while yawning and covering his mounth.

"Good morning too Asahi-nii," Shizuka said while happy to see him

"Morning" Asuka replied to him while waving at him.

"Let us go or we are gonna be late for school," Asahi said.

Everyone agreed and start walking with Ichirou since the school of theirs is near.

While walking the four kids talked about having fun yesterday on the rides in the amusement park and Asuka who didnt join in the amusement park with them since she and her family went on to trip and share her story about her trip with her family until they arrived at school.

When they arrived at the school, Shizuka was sad knowing she is the only one who will not be with them, They comforted her that They will be with her when going home.

Shizuka was cheered up again after comforting her and Ichirou called the four kids.

"Well, lads be sure to have fun in school. " Ichirou happily said to them.

"Yes, Grandpa" 4x

Ichirou nodded and looked to Asahi and said "Asahi take care of them, okay?" since he knows the most mature one of the four is him.

" Of course, You can count on me," Asahi said while doing might guys style.

Ichirou smile at him and nodded, replied "Okay, off you go."

The four went inside the school, and Shizuka went to separate ways since she is a different grade from them while the three are the same class.

Some of their classmates already come waiting for the teacher, the three go to the Perspective seat.

Gudou sat on the protagonist's seat on the middle side of the window and Asuka was in the front while Asahi the behind of Godou's seat on the side of the window too.

After seating on the perspective seat, the classmate was on the side them talked with them.

After talking on the side, Asahi looked at the front and nodded with satisfaction at the seat.

Gudou sat on the protagonist's seat on side of the window while Asahi on behind Godou on the side of the window too.

Gudou noticed Asahi smiling for no reason which made him confused so he asked him.

" Why are you smiling? " Gudou asked.

" Nothing. I'm really satisfied with my seat that you can cover me when I'm sleeping while in class " Asahi replied while showing a sarcastic smile.

" Hey don't sleep in class on our first class," Godou while complaining.

" Yeah, yeah, yeah, " Asahi said while ignoring of complained Godou "

Popping veins above the eye on the left appear and a sweat drop of Godou.

' This guy.... ' Gudou thought and sighed.

When he was going to reply the sliding door opened, and the teacher came, Godou looked to the front and focused on the teacher.

The teacher looked around the class and nodded seeing everybody was present, The teacher start calling names for attendance.

After everyone was finished calling the name of the student the teacher start the class while in the middle of teaching Asahi looked at Godou looked so focused on the class and he looked to the side of the window enjoying looking at the clear blue sky making satisfied to his life right now.

After a while, the bell rang as the sign of an afternoon break the teacher stopped teaching and go out for a while.

"Hey, Godou wanna lunch outside?" Asahi call godou and asked.

"Yeah, sure. I wanna about ask you too," Godou replied and stand up.

Asahi Invites Godou and the others buy with them to the cafeteria while Asuka is with other girls eating with them too but the girls who are with Asuka approach Asahi and talk to him instead of godou who was with Asuka.

The boys are getting jealous despite Asahi being friends with him they can't help getting hate him.

After the lunch break was over all of them went back to class, Asahi did the same thing earlier.

During their free time, they were asked to play dodgeball on the field most of them thought of time giving them the lesson because got popular quickly among the girls.

Asahi noticed the emotional intent of the boys and seem an interesting event he decide to ride what they planned.

When they arrived at the small field for the kids, Asahi warned godou what they planned and didnt believe at first but he looked at the boys looking at them with boys who can't wait to beat them up.

Godou realized what they doing and sweatdrop on his head thinking 'are they idiots?!' he eyes contact with Asahi and nodded each other that he believes in his warning.

"Good luck Asahi!"

"You can do it Godou!"

"Smash them up!"

When they start playing Asahi and godou was chilling at first while Asuka and the girls in their class cheer them up that giving more fuel to the fire the boys seeing this scene added more hate to them but at a later time in the field, the only thing that the game could be called was 'total massacred.'

Asahi dodges every ball that aims toward him while sometimes he closes his eyes and trained his Observation Haki while ruthlessly hitting them back, though he holds back to avoid getting serious injuries.

While Godou was trying hard to dodge them and complaining about why they aim at him too, he catches the ball and hits them back ruthlessly too.

After the game, they still enjoyed the game even though they massacred them. Asahi and Godou's popularity increased more among grade-schoolers and giving them fear and respect while the two of them enjoy the game, they don't care much about what happened but they are still friendly with them that cause heartfelt of the boys despite their doing something horrible to them(Initially they are the one who beat up on the game) still wanting to befriend of them.

Because of that the boys cry and say sorry to them and they call them aniki, while the girls looked at them showing weirdly, and thought 'what the hell are they doing.'

So they ask each other and when Asuka was going to ask she was silent but shocked expression show of what happened and thought 'Is this...what they called bromanship!' the reason she knows this word.

She saw the drama on television, but she never thought that bromanship was the real thing that's why she was shocked at the moment.

While the other girls didn't know what she thinking they ignored her moment and afterward the Ms. teacher in charge of the section heard the cry of the boys suddenly going outside and asked what is happening.

Asuka was a genius telling the teacher about Bro-manship between the boys with a spark her eyes at the teacher and the teacher looking the situation if Asuka saying it's true.

Then the teachers looked at Asuka thinking 'where did she learn that' but she just let it aside and she announced to go to the class since its the time for the next subject, everyone outside goest to inside and start another class.

After the class is over, It was 4 in the afternoon Asahi and the others left the class and wait for Shizuka at the gated school.

They waited a while after they spotted Shizuka who was talking about her friend and noticed Godou and Asahi also Asuka, then Shizuka said goodbye to each other and ran toward us.

Then the four of them went home and Asahi asked Shizuka.

" How was your school Shizuka-chan? " ( Asahi )

" It was fun " ( Shizuka )

" Well, that's good," Gudou said as his brother he was happy at Shizuka that make a lot of friends.

"Good for you Shizuka-chan," Asuka said while giving her thumbs up.

" Since all of you have a good time how about I will cook something for all of us. " ( Asahi )

The three heard what Asahi said and they happily agree since they tasted Asahi's delicious food before.

On the way home, they met along the way Grandpa Ichirou and Mr. Tokunaga, or Asuka's dad who was a policeman in the neighborhood talk each other, and Shizuka told them about Asahi inviting them to dinner.

Ichirou and Mr. Tokunaga accept right away since the one cooking is Asahi.

Who wouldn't refuse the food he make, even though he was just a kid he was a genius making food that was more delicious than their wifeys.

He even gave them advice, especially Asuka's mom who made sushi in the shop she asks some advice from Asahi about how to improve the sushi she made.

Of course, Asahi gave her advice to improve they feel thankful for that so their sushi shop has more famous, and more customers coming in due to that. Lastly, whenever they eat the food Asahii made they see the illusion of their younger days or the illusion of the food ingredient dancing around them like they are on drugs but be mesmerized and made moaning sounds of the food he made.

So the two-family went back and go to Asahi's house to eat there for dinner and have fun.


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