Chapter 5: New Life
It had been a week since HYDRA had abandoned you. Since you still would not say anything about literally anything, they had moved you from the chair to a cell.
You got food three times a day and every day one of the four would stop in. It was always really weird when Loki walked in. All he would do is sit there and watch you. Silent.
Today was no different. He had walked into your cell and sat down on a chair.
"Ok. Can you do something please?" You asked.
He glanced up. "Sure. You can tell me about yourself."
You go silent. Of course that was all these people wanted to know. They didn't care about you. They just wanted answers.
"Nice try but no."
"Fine. Then I'll remain silent." He replied coldly.
You lay in the bed, feeling his gaze on you. Feeling absolutely bored out of your mind, you start to softly sing the song that has been running through your mind.
Sippin' on straight chlorine, let the vibes slide over me
This beat is a chemical, beat is a chemical
When I leave don't save my seat, I'll be back when it's all complete
The moment is medical, moment is medical
Sippin' on straight chlorine
Loki shot up straight when he heard you singing.
"What? You got a problem?" You ask harshly.
"No sorry." He says with a shake of his head.
Back to silently laying on the bed.
About 10 minutes pass before Loki says something.
"You know, you have a good singing voice."
"Umm thanks I guess."
"Listen, I'm sorry if me and the other people seem a little rude. It's just that we need to figure out who took our friend. Plus you seem like you need help and we can help you I promise."
You stare at him, shocked. The people who wanted to keep you locked in a cell wanted to help you? Ha, no. That's like saying HYDRA was going to come save you.
"My name is (Y/N)." You mutter.
"(Y/N)." He repeats. "Nice name."
You smile. Maybe he was going to help you. But the others you were not sure about.
Pov switch: Loki
(Y/N). That was her name. The girl who had well, not really walked into his life. More like sat while he walked in.
The same girl that had sang his song. Something was definitely going on with her though. When he had first stayed afterwards with her, something had made her glow. It was soft, not seen by a Midgardian eye, but a Frost Giant? He could see it.
Nothing had ever felt like this. It was like there was a pull to her. All Loki wanted to do was run over to her and hold her forever.
But did she feels the same?
Not if she would just sit on her bed and stare at the ceiling.
Yet there was hope.
You had in fact told him your name. Plus it had only been a week. You would warm up eventually.
Pov switch: Bucky
Running, driving, walking, that was all he had been doing.
Something was compelling him to find this girl.
(Y/N). The girl in the pictures. All that The Winter Soldier had to do was get you back to HYDRA. Easy.
That is if he could find you. The last you had been seen was in the Avengers Tower but the security was tight now.
Tonight was going to be the best time to strike. Get in, find her, and get out.
Something inside of The Winter Soldier did not want to do this at all. That part of him just wanted to leave this girl, (Y/N), alone.
But he had to do his mission. And what of he didn't? Well let's hope he never finds out.
Now all The Winter Soldier could do was wait.
Pov switch: You
Still sitting on your bed.
Loki had left and the redhead had walked in. She had pretty much done the exact opposite of what Loki had done. Pacing the room, asking you questions, and not taking no for an answer.
"What's your name?" She would ask repeatedly. Every time you would just stare at her blankly.
She ended up sitting in the same seat that Loki had sat in.
"Fine. I guess we will just not talk to you for a while." She looked out the cell door and shook her head.
"Sooo what's your name?" You ask.
She smirked. "I'll tell you when you tell me."
You roll your eyes. Of course that's what this girl would say.
"(Y/M/N)." You say with a sigh.
"Hmm. Odd name but whatever. Natasha."
With that Natasha got up and walked out of the room.
Pov Switch: Natasha
This girl really thought that she could fool Natasha? Haha no. Just let her think that she had won something.
"Any luck with the girl?" Tony asked.
"Well I think she is warming up to us. At least a bit. She told me a false name but at least she is talking."
"Yeah, that's true." Tony said while glancing at Thor.
"Wait! Guys I have the most absolutely amazing idea in the history of Midgard!"
"Yes Thor?" Natasha asked, looking at her nails.
"Have her try and lift my hammer. If she fails we will continue on as normal. If she picks it up...." He trails off.
Tony smiles. "That just might work! Let's do it tomorrow, but don't make a big deal about it. We don't want to freak her out."
Natasha rolled her eyes. Maybe she wanted to freak her out.
"I guess I'll go tell Loki. You boys stay here and I will be right back."
She walked off into the halls that led to Loki's room. It was a far walk, way farther that Natasha had originally realized.
When she finally got there, she knocked on the door.
After about 10 seconds Loki cracked it open.
"I need to tell you something."
"Ok. Come in I guess."
Natasha walked in. This was the first time she had ever been in Loki's room. Everywhere there were shades of green, gold, and gray. Some odd decor lay around with matching odd furniture to go with it.
"Nice decorating." Natasha said with a tone of disapproval.
Loki just rolled his eyes and smirked.
Natasha continued to look around the room with disgust.
"It's okay if you judge but sit down." Loki said, still smirking.
She sat down in the sofa beside Loki.
"So what do you have to tell me?"
"Alright so Thor had an amazing idea. Get the girl"
"(Y/N)?" Loki interrupts.
"The girl in the cell?"
"Yeah why?"
"How did you get her to tell you her name?"
"I asked."
"Odd. Anyway, we get (Y/N) to lift Thor's hammer. See if she is worthy and go from there. I'm not saying that I think she will pick it up but still. It's worth a shot."
Loki nods.
"Let's do it."